七、加強國際交流與合作 |
VII. Enhancing International Exchanges and Cooperation |
繼續本著“互利共贏、務實有效”的原則積極參加和推動與各國政府、國際組織、國際機構的務實合作,為促進全球合作應對氣候變化發揮著積極建設性作用。 |
Based on the principles of "mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, being practical and effective," China has continuously and proactively participated in and promoted practical cooperation with other governments, international organizations and institutions, and is playing a positive and constructive role in advancing global cooperation on climate change. |
(一)推動與國際組織合作 |
(I) Furthering Cooperation with International Organizations |
國家發展改革委與聯合國環境規劃署合作,共同開展GEF“增強對脆弱發展中國家氣候適應力的能力、知識和技術支持”項目。衛生部組織中國疾病預防控制中心等單位與世界衛生組織合作,實施GEF“適應氣候變化保護人類健康”項目,目前中國項目活動按計劃順利開展。科技部與國家發展改革委聯合舉辦了“碳收集領導人論壇(CSLF)第四屆部長級會議。國家林業局成功召開了首屆亞太經合組織林業部長級會議,舉辦了聯合國糧農組織第24次亞太林委會會議和第2屆亞太林業周活動、東北亞生態論壇。依托亞太森林恢復與可持續管理網絡中心,開展亞太地區林業應對氣候變化相關能力建設和國際合作項目。民政部積極推進上海合作組織、中日韓、中俄印和東盟地區論壇等框架下的對話與交流,進一步完善了上合、東盟、中日韓、中俄印等多邊減災救災合作機制。 |
China's National Development and Reform Commission has joined the United Nations Environment Programme in the Enhancing Capacity, Knowledge and Technology Support to Build Climate Resilience of Vulnerable Developing Countries, a project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). Under the guidance of the Ministry of Health, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention has collaborated with the World Health Organization on Piloting Climate Change Adaptation to Protect Human Health, another GEF-funded project that is being implemented smoothly in China. The Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission have jointly held the Fourth Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF) Ministerial Conference. The State Forestry Administration has hosted the First APEC Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry, the 24th Session of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission, the Second Asia Pacific Forestry Week, and the Forum on Ecology for Northeast Asia. Supported by the Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management (APFNet), China has begun research on improving the abilities of Asia-Pacific forestry departments to address climate change, and has launched international cooperation programs. China's Ministry of Civil Affairs has proactively boosted dialogues and exchanges within the frameworks of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), China-Japan-South Korea, China-Russia-India, and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), and promoted multilateral cooperation mechanisms for disaster mitigation and relief. |
(二)加強與發達國家合作 |
(II) Strengthening Cooperation with Developed Countries |
國家發展改革委組織召開了中歐、中德、中英、中丹氣候變化雙邊磋商會議,推動了有關框架協議簽署和合作項目開展。科技部在中美清潔能源聯合研究中心框架下,雙方在潔凈煤技術、建筑節能技術以及電動汽車等領域開展了富有成效的聯合研究。住房城鄉建設部與美國、德國、英國、加拿大、丹麥等國有關部門簽署了有關建筑節能合作備忘錄,促進建筑節能的合作。交通運輸部與德國交通建設和城市規劃部聯合舉辦了“中德綠色物流會議”,進一步加強了交通運輸低碳發展國際交流與合作。中國民航局與美國貿發署(TDA)和聯邦航空局(FAA)共同舉辦了“中美民航節能減排高層培訓”,學習了解美國民航業節能減排管理體制、運行機制、相關技術和研發項目進展,以及美國民航業應對氣候變化的做法和經驗。 |
China's National Development and Reform Commission has held bilateral consultations on climate change with the EU, Germany, Britain, and Denmark and pushed for the adoption of relevant framework agreements and the launch of cooperation projects. Within the framework of the China-US Clean Energy Research Center (CERC), China's Ministry of Science and Technology has conducted fruitful joint research with its US counterpart in the areas of clean coal technology, energy-efficient building technology, and electric automobiles. To enhance cooperation in energy-efficient building technology research, China's Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has signed cooperation memorandums with its counterparts in the United States, Germany, Britain, Canada, and Denmark. China's Ministry of Transport and the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development co-hosted the First China-German Conference on Green Logistics, which deepened international exchanges and cooperation on low-carbon transport. The Civil Aviation Administration of China, the US Trade and Development Agency, and the Federal Aviation Administration jointly organized the High Level Training on Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction in Aviation, which provided an opportunity for the Chinese delegates to learn about the US aviation industry's management systems, operating mechanisms, relevant technologies and research projects for energy conservation and emissions reduction. The training has also provided the Chinese delegates with practices and experience of the US civil aviation sector in addressing climate change. |
(三)深化與發展中國家合作 |
(III) Deepening Cooperation with Developing Countries |
國家發展改革委積極推動應對氣候變化南南合作,已與埃塞俄比亞、格林納達、尼日利亞、馬達加斯加以及貝寧等國簽署《應對氣候變化物資贈送的諒解備忘錄》,向其贈送節能低碳產品;成功舉辦8期發展中國家應對氣候變化研修班,共培訓來自81個國家的300多名政府官員和技術人員。科技部支持了13個面向發展中國家的、與應對氣候變化直接相關的國際培訓班,涉及生物質、太陽能、沼氣、荒漠化防治、節水高效農業、草原生態建設、熱帶生物多樣性、燃煤電廠煙氣凈化、非木質林產品開發等領域;重點支持南太平洋島國可再生能源利用與海洋災害預警研究及能力建設、LED照明產品開發推廣應用、秸稈綜合利用技術示范、風光互補發電系統研究推廣利用、灌溉滴水肥高效利用技術試驗示范等一批援外項目,幫助發展中國家提高應對氣候變化的適應能力。水利部承辦了水資源和小水電部級培訓班,與發展中國家高級官員交流了氣候變化條件下加強水資源管理,開發、利用小水電等方面的經驗和實踐。國家海洋局設立了“南海及周邊海洋國際合作框架計劃(2011-2015)”,將“海洋與氣候變化”、“海洋防災減災”列為主要資助領域,聯合周邊國家開展了“中印尼熱帶東南印度洋海-氣相互作用與觀測”和“印度洋季風爆發觀測研究項目”。國家林業局成功舉辦了“氣候變化框架下毀林與土地退化監測和評估南南合作研討班”,共同探討中國與發展中國家開展林業應對氣候變化南南合作 |
China's National Development and Reform Commission has vigorously promoted South-South cooperation on climate change, and has signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Providing Foreign Aid to Address Climate Change with Ethiopia, Grenada, Nigeria, Madagascar, and Benin, promising to donate energy-saving and low-carbon products to these countries. It has also successfully arranged eight seminars on addressing climate change in developing countries, which offered training to more than 300 officials and professionals from 81 countries. China's Ministry of Science and Technology supported 13 international seminars focusing on developing countries' efforts to address climate change, covering the fields of biomass, solar energy, methane, desertification prevention and control, water-saving high-efficiency agriculture, grassland ecological construction, tropical biodiversity, treatment of flue gases from coal-fired power plants, and exploration of non-timber forest products. To help developing countries improve their climate change adaptation capabilities, the ministry supported a series of foreign aid programs in areas such as renewable energy, building marine disaster early warning capability in the South Pacific island countries, development and general application of LED products, comprehensive utilization of straw, hybrid solar-wind power generation systems, and fertilizer-drip irrigation technology. During a ministerial training course on water resources and small hydropower stations hosted by the Ministry of Water Resources, China shared its experience with senior officials from other developing countries on enhancing water resource management and the use of small hydropower stations in the context of climate change. China's State Oceanic Administration has issued an International Cooperation Framework Plan on the South China Sea and its Adjacent Oceans (2011-2015), giving funding priority to the ocean and climate change and marine disaster prevention and mitigation. Collaborating with neighboring countries, China initiated China-Indonesia Observation on the Air-sea Inter-action and Observation and Research Projects on Monsoon Jets in the Indian Ocean. China's State Forestry Administration has successfully held the "Seminar on Monitoring Deforestation and Land Degradation and Evaluating South-South Cooperation within the Climate Change Framework", to discuss forestry cooperation with other developing countries in addressing climate change. |
(四)開展清潔發展機制項目合作 |
(IV) Promoting Cooperation on Clean Development Mechanism Projects |
截至2012年8月底,中國共批準了4540個清潔發展機制項目,預計年減排量近7.3億噸二氧化碳當量,主要集中在新能源和可再生能源、節能和提高能效、甲烷回收利用等方面。其中,已有2364個項目在聯合國清潔發展機制執行理事會成功注冊,占全世界注冊項目總數的50.41%,已注冊項目預計年減排量(CER)約4.2億噸二氧化碳當量,占全球注冊項目年減排量的54.54%,項目數量和年減排量都居世界第一。注冊項目中已有880個項目獲得簽發,總簽發量累計5.9億噸二氧化碳當量,為《京都議定書》的實施提供了支持。 |
As of the end of August 2012, China had approved 4,540 clean development mechanism (CDM) projects, focusing on new energy and renewable energy, energy conservation and the enhancement of energy efficiency, methane recycling and relevant areas. Their estimated annual certified emissions reduction (CER) has reached 730 million tons of CO2 equivalent. A total of 2,364 of the projects have been registered with the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board, accounting for 50.41 percent of the world's total registered programs. Their estimated certified emission reduction (CER) has reached 420 million tons of CO2 equivalent annually, accounting for 54.54 percent of the global total. China tops the list in both numbers of registered projects and annual certified emissions reduction (CER). So far, 880 of the registered Chinese projects have been approved, and the total issuance volume has reached 590 million tons of CO2 equivalent, which is a major contribution to the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. |
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