這是在國務院新聞辦公室舉辦的新聞發布會現場發放的《中國應對氣候變化的政策與行動2012年度報告》(11月21日攝)。[中國政府網] |
國家發展和改革委員會 |
The National Development and Reform Commission |
目 錄 (一)調整產業結構 (二)節能提高能效 (三)優化能源結構 (四)增加碳匯 (一)農業領域 (二)林業及生態系統 (三)水資源領域 (四)海洋領域 (五)衛生健康領域 (六)氣象領域 (七)防災減災體系建設 (一)繼續推進低碳省區和城市試點 (二)啟動碳排放交易試點 (三)開展相關領域低碳試點工作 (一)加強低碳發展頂層設計 (二)逐步建立溫室氣體統計核算體系 (三)增強科技支撐 (一)政府加強引導 (二)媒體廣泛宣傳 (三)非政府組織積極行動 (四)公眾踴躍參與
(二)廣泛參與相關國際對話與交流 (三)中國參加聯合國氣候變化多哈會議基本立場主張
(三)深化與發展中國家合作 (四)開展清潔發展機制項目合作 |
Contents (I) Adjusting Industrial Structure (II) Conserving Energy and Improving Energy Efficiency (III) Optimizing Energy Structure (IV) Increasing Carbon Sinks II. Adapting to Climate Change (I) Agriculture (II) Forestry and the Ecosystem (III) Water Resources (IV) Marine Resources (V) Public Health (VI) Meteorology (VII) Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Systems III. Promoting Low-carbon Pilot Projects (I)Continuing to Promote Low-carbon Pilot Projects in Provinces and Cities (II) Initiating Pilot Programs for Carbon Emissions Trading (III) Carrying out Low-carbon Pilot Programs in Relevant Areas IV. Strengthening Capacity Building (I) Strengthening Top-level Planning of Low-carbon Development (II)Gradaully Establishing Statistical and Accounting Systems for Greenhouse Gas Emissions (III) Fueling Support for Science and Technology V. Participation of the Whole Society (I) Enhancing Government Guidance (II) Extensive Media Publicity (III) NGO Initiatives (IV) Proactive Participation by the Public VI. Proactive Participation in International Negotiations (I) Proactive Participation in International Negotiations within the UN Framework (II)Extensive Participation in Relevant International Dialogues and Exchanges (III) China's Basic Positions and Stand on Participation in the Doha 2012 UN Climate Change Conference VII.Enhancing International Exchanges and Cooperation (I) Furthering Cooperation with International Organizations (II)Strengthening Cooperation with Developed Countries (III) Deepening Cooperation with Developing Countries