

中國應對氣候變化的政策與行動 2012年度報告
China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change (2012)

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四、加強能力建設 IV. Strengthening Capacity Building
(一)加強低碳發展頂層設計 (I) Strengthening Top-level Planning of Low-carbon Development
制定并貫徹落實《“十二五”控制溫室氣體排放工作方案》。2011年,國務院印發了國家發展改革委牽頭編制的《“十二五”控制溫室氣體排放工作方案》,明確了到2015年中國控制溫室氣體排放的總體要求和主要目標,提出了推進低碳發展重點任務和政策措施。2012年,國務院辦公廳印發了《“十二五”控制溫室氣體排放工作方案重點工作部門分工》,對方案的貫徹落實工作進行全面部署。 Formulating and implementing the Work Plan for Greenhouse Gases Emission control During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period. In 2011, the State Council published the Work Plan for Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period, a document compiled under the direction of the National Development and Reform Commission. The plan sets out the overall requirements and main objectives for the control of greenhouse gas emissions to 2015 and defines key tasks and policy measures for promoting low-carbon development. In 2012, the General Office of the State Council published the Work Division Scheme for the Work Plan for Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period, which defines an overall framework for the implementation of the plan.
加強應對氣候變化法制建設。國家發展改革委會同有關部門研究起草應對氣候變化法律框架;通過開展“省級氣候變化立法研究——以江蘇省為例”項目推進中國省級應對氣候變化立法,為全國范圍開展立法工作積累經驗。 Improving the legal system for addressing climate change. The National Development and Reform Commission and relevant departments have drafted a legal framework for addressing climate change. A project entitled Studies into Provincial Legislation on Climate Change: a Case Study of Jiangsu Province was initiated to improve provincial legislation on addressing climate change and gain experience for accelerating the passing of national legislation.
開展重大戰略研究和規劃制定。國家發展改革委會同財政部等有關部門組織開展了中國低碳發展宏觀戰略研究項目,對我國到2020、2030和2050年低碳發展總體態勢進行分析判斷,研究提出我國低碳發展宏觀戰略的分階段目標任務、實現途徑、政策體系、保障措施等,為加快推進低碳發展奠定理論和政策基礎。組織開展了《國家應對氣候變化規劃(2011-2020年)》編制工作,印發《地方應對氣候變化規劃編制指導意見》,加強對地方應對氣候變化規劃編制工作的指導。組織制定《國家適應氣候變化總體戰略》。 Launching major strategic studies and formulating plans. The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and other relevant departments organized and launched a research project on China’s macro strategy for low-carbon development. The project analyzed and made judgments on the overall situation of China’s low-carbon development in 2020, 2030 and 2050, and proposed phased objectives and tasks, implementation approaches, policy systems and safeguard measures for the country’s low carbon macro-strategy, which lays a theoretical and policy foundation for accelerating low-carbon development. The National Development and Reform Commission has organized the compil of the National Plan for Addressing Climate Change (2011-2020), and published the Guidance on the Compiling of Local Plans for Addressing Climate Change to strengthen guidance available to local planners. It has also organized the compiling of the Overall National Strategy for Adapting to Climate Change.
(二)逐步建立溫室氣體統計核算體系 (II) Gradually Establishing Statistical and Accounting Systems for Greenhouse Gas Emissions
建立和健全溫室氣體排放基礎統計制度。國家發展和改革委會同有關部門組織編寫了《關于加強應對氣候變化和溫室氣體排放統計的意見》。云南省等一些地方統計部門已啟動溫室氣體排放基礎統計工作。國務院機關事務管理局制訂了《公共機構能源資源消耗統計制度》,組織完成了“十一五”期間和2011年全國公共機構能源資源消耗情況匯總分析和國家機關辦公建筑、大型公共建筑能耗統計。住房城鄉建設部修訂了《民用建筑能耗和節能信息統計報表制度》。國家林業局進一步加快推進全國林業碳匯計量與監測體系建設,試點已擴大到17個省市。國家統計局出臺了《關于加強和完善服務業統計工作的意見》,為建立健全服務業能源統計奠定堅實基礎。交通運輸部組織開展交通運輸行業碳排放統計監測研究。 Launching and improving a basic statistical system for measuring greenhouse gas emissions. The National Development and Reform Commission and other relevant departments organized the compiling of Opinions on Improving Response to Climate Change and Statistical Work for Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Statistical departments in Yunnan and other provinces have initiated basic statistical investigations of greenhouse gas emissions. The Government Offices Administration of the State Council has formulated the Statistical System of Energy and Resources Consumption in Public Institutions, gathered and analyzed statistics on energy and resource consumption by public institutions and worked out energy consumption statistics for state office buildings and other large public buildings for the year 2011 and the 11th Five-Year Plan period. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has revised the System of Statistical Report on Energy Consumption and Energy-Saving Information of Civil Buildings. The State Forestry Administration has further accelerated the development of the national forest carbon sink metering and monitoring system. Pilot projects have been extended to 17 provinces and cities. The National Bureau of Statistics released the Opinions on Strengthening and Improving the Statistical Work of Service Industry, which lays a solid foundation for establishing and improving energy statistics in the service sector. The Ministry of Transport has organized research on statistical work and monitoring of carbon emissions in the transport sector.
大力推進溫室氣體清單編制和排放核算。國家發展改革委發布《省級溫室氣體清單指南(試行)》,組織完成中國2005年溫室氣體清單和第二次國家信息通報編制工作。組織編寫了陜西、浙江、湖北、云南、遼寧、廣東和天津7個省(市)2005年溫室氣體排放清單總報告及能源、工業生產過程、農業、土地利用變化及林業、廢棄物五個領域的溫室氣體清單分報告。組織開展其他24省市溫室氣體清單編制工作。研究開展化工、建材、鋼鐵、有色、電力、航空等行業企業溫室氣體排放核算方法和報告規范。 Vigorously advancing greenhouse gas inventory compilation and emission accounting. The National Development and Reform Commission has issued the Guidance for Compiling Provincial Greenhouse Gas Emission Lists (Trial), and organized the compilation of the 2005 greenhouse gas emission inventory and the second national report. It created a general report on greenhouse gas emission inventory for Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Hubei, Yunnan, Liaoning, Guangdong and Tianjin and completed individual reports on five industries, namely, energy, industrial production processes, agriculture, changes in land use and forestry, and waste. It has also compiled greenhouse gas emission inventories for another 24 provinces and cities, and carried out research into carbon emission calculation methods and reporting specifications for enterprises in the chemicals, building materials, steel, non-ferrous metal, electricity and aviation sectors.
(三)增強科技支撐 (III) Fueling Support for Science and Technology
加強基礎科學研究。科技部、國家發展改革委等有關部門聯合印發了《“十二五”國家應對氣候變化科技發展專項規劃》。科技部通過973計劃支持“應對氣候變化科技專項”和全球變化研究國家重大科學研究計劃,支持氣候變化領域基礎研究工作。水利部組織開展氣候變化對水利影響方面的關鍵技術研究,開展水利應對氣候變化影響的適應性對策措施研究。衛生部啟動氣候變化對人類健康的影響與適應機制研究。國土資源部組織開展“應對全球氣候變化地質響應與對策”調查和研究工作。環境保護部組織開展鋼鐵、水泥、交通等重點行業大氣污染物與溫室氣體排放協同控制政策與示范研究。國家林業局初步完成中國森林對氣候變化響應與林業適應對策研究,進一步推進典型森林生態系統固碳和減排經營技術研究。交通運輸部組織開展“建設低碳交通運輸體系研究”。中國氣象局組織開展了多模式超級集合、動力與統計集成等客觀化氣候預測新技術的研發和應用,完成政府間氣候變化專門委員會(IPCC)的第五次國際耦合模式比較計劃,為IPCC第五次評估報告提供模式結果。 Strengthening basic scientific research. The Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission have jointly formulated the National Scientific and Technological Actions on Climate Change During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period. The Ministry of Science and Technology has passed the Development Plan for National Program on Key Basic Research Projects ( also known as the 973 Plan) to support the Climate Change Technology Special Project and also passed a Global Change and Major National Scientific Research Plan to improve the basic scientific research into climate change. The Ministry of Water Resources has undertaken research on key technologies related to the impact of climate change on water resources and begun a study of measures to support water conservancy adaptation as a response to climate change. The Ministry of Health has initiated research on adaptation mechanisms to address the impact of climate change on human health. The Ministry of Land and Resources has organized a research program entitled Addressing Global Climate Change and Geography Response Strategy. The Ministry of Environmental Protection has begun researching and developing policies to control air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in key industries such as steel, cement and transport. The State Forestry Administration has completed initial research into countermeasures of China’s forests to respond and adapt to climate change, and into the technology of carbon sequestration and emission reduction management for typical forest ecosystems. The Ministry of Transport has organized a study on the construction of low-carbon transport systems. The China Meteorological Administration has launched a R&D program and the application in new climatic prediction techniques such as multi-mode super collection and power and statistical integration. It has also completed the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and contributed data to the fifth IPCC assessment report.
加快低碳技術研發、應用及推廣。國家發展改革委組織啟動“國家低碳技術創新和產業化示范工程”首批項目,批復了鋼鐵、有色、石化3個行業共20個示范工程。2011-2012年度,能源領域安排科技計劃項目共計59項,國撥經費總計27.4億元。制定發布能源科技、潔凈煤高效轉化、風力發電等科技發展專項規劃,發布第四批《國家重點節能技術推廣目錄》。水泥行業內有950條生產線配套建成余熱發電站,年可節約1125萬噸標準煤。完成5批《節能與新能源汽車示范推廣應用工程推薦車型目錄》的審定工作。試點推進綠色汽車維修技術,開展高速公路運營節能技術應用與示范工程。“金太陽示范工程”項目已累計支持光伏發電項目343個,總裝機容量約1300MW。開展海洋波浪能、潮汐能等海洋能開發利用關鍵技術研究與產業化示范。開展海洋生物固碳監測試點和海底碳封存技術研究試驗。科技部啟動了30萬噸煤制油工程高濃度二氧化碳捕集與地質封存技術開發及示范、高爐煉鐵二氧化碳減排與利用技術關鍵技術開發和3.5萬千瓦富氧燃燒碳捕獲關鍵技術、裝備研發及工程示范等項目,并部署了大規模燃煤電廠煙氣二氧化碳捕集、驅油及封存技術開發及應用等示范項目。 Enhancing R&D, application and promotion of low--carbon technology. The National Development and Reform Commission has authorized 20 demonstration projects in the steel, non-ferrous metals and petrochemical industries in the first phase of the National Low-carbon Technology Innovation and Industrialization Demonstration Project. In 2011 and 2012, the government distributed 2.74 billion yuan to fund 59 science and technology planning projects in energy sector. It has drawn up specific plans for energy technology, efficient clean coal conversion, and wind power generation. It has also released the fourth edition of State Key Energy-Efficient Technology Promotion Catalogues. The cement industry has installed waste heat power stations in 950 production facilities nationwide, saving 11.25 million tons of standard coal annually. It has approved five groups of Promoted Vehicle Catalogues of Energy-saving and New-energy Vehicle Demonstration Project, and has piloted green auto repair techniques in selected areas and carried out utilization and demonstration projects on highway energy-saving operations. The Golden Sun Demonstration Project has supported the construction of 343 photovoltaic power projects with a total installed capacity of 1,300 MW. Researches have also been carried out into the industrialization of key technologies in the fields of wave and tidal energy. Pilot projects have been launched to monitor marine biological carbon capture and study ocean-floor carbon sequestration. The Ministry of Science and Technology has initiated the technology development and demonstration of high concentration CO2 capture and geological storage in a 300,000 ton coal-to-oil project, the development of key technologies of CO2 reduction and utilization in the blast furnace iron-making process, and the R&D and demonstration of key technologies and equipments for carbon capture in 35,000 KW oxygen-enriched blast furnace operations. It has also carried out demonstration projects in carbon capture, oil substitutes, and storage technologies for coal-fired power plant flue gases.
建立研究咨詢機構。2011年11月,國家發展改革委成立了國家應對氣候變化戰略研究和國際合作中心,主要為氣候變化工作提供政策研究支撐。環境保護部環境發展中心和南京環境科學研究所組建成立了環境與氣候變化中心和生態保護與氣候變化響應研究中心。國家林業局2011年成立了華東、中南、西北三個林業碳匯計量監測中心,2012年又成立了生態系統定位觀測網站中心,負責開展全國森林、濕地、荒漠生態定位觀測研究。2011年5月,中國民航總局成立了中國民航大學節能減排研究與推廣中心,作為行業節能減排專門研究機構,研究并推廣節能減排工作。 Establishing research and advisory institutions. In November 2011, the National Development and Reform Commission established the National Strategic Research and International Cooperation Center for Climate Change, which aims to promote policy research on climate change. The Environment Development Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences jointly founded the Environment and Climate Change Center and the Ecological Protection and Climate Change Response Research Center. The State Forestry Administration built three forest carbon sink metering and monitoring centers in east, central and northwest China in 2011, and established a website to record the locations of forest, wetland and desert ecosystems in 2012. In May 2011, The Civil Aviation Administration of China established the Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Research and Promotion Center in China's Civil Aviation University, as an industrial research institute specializing in energy conservation.
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