三、開展低碳發展試驗試點 |
III. Promoting Low-carbon Pilot Projects |
繼續推進低碳省區和城市試點,啟動碳排放交易試點,開展低碳產品、低碳交通運輸體系、綠色重點小城鎮試點,探索不同地區、不同行業綠色低碳發展的經驗和模式。 |
The government continues to promote low-carbon pilot projects in selected provinces and cities, launch carbon emission trading pilot programs, and explore the experience of different regions and industries in implementing low-carbon development through projects that encourage low-carbon products, transport systems and towns. |
(一)繼續推進低碳省區和城市試點 |
(I) Continuing to Promote Low-carbon Pilot Projects in Provinces and Cities |
國家發展改革委批復了各試點省區和城市低碳發展規劃實施方案,加強對試點工作的指導,完善工作機制,推動構建以低碳排放為特征的產業體系,低碳試點各項工作穩步開展。各試點省區和城市成立了低碳試點工作領導小組,建立決策咨詢機制、基礎研究機制、試點示范機制、對外交流合作機制等,創新有利于低碳發展的體制機制。將二氧化碳排放強度下降指標完成情況納入各地區經濟社會發展綜合評價體系和干部政績考核體系。目前,各試點省市已完成啟動階段各項任務目標,正進入攻堅階段,全面開展各項試點工作。 |
The National Development and Reform Commission has approved low-carbon development plans for all provinces and cities that are designated as pilot areas. It has strengthened its guidance of pilot projects, improved its operational capabilities, and promoted the construction of a low carbon industrial system. Steady progress has been made in low-carbon pilot projects. All designated pilot provinces and cities have set up low-carbon leading groups and established mechanisms for decision-making consultation, basic research, pilot demonstration, and international exchange and cooperation. Every effort has been made to encourage innovative institutional mechanisms that are conducive to low-carbon development. A carbon intensity reduction index has been included in the comprehensive evaluation of regional economic and social development and the cadre performance appraisal system. Currently, the pilot provinces and cities have completed the objectives of the start-up phase, and have begun carrying out comprehensive pilot work. |
(二)啟動碳排放交易試點 |
(II) Initiating Pilot Programs for Carbon Emissions Trading |
建立自愿減排交易機制。2012年6月,國家發展改革委出臺《溫室氣體自愿減排交易管理暫行辦法》,確立自愿減排交易機制的基本管理框架、交易流程和監管辦法,建立交易登記注冊系統和信息發布制度,鼓勵基于項目的溫室氣體自愿減排交易,保障有關交易活動有序開展。 |
Establishing a voluntary emission trading system. In June, 2012, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Interim Regulation of Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading. The document sets out the basic management framework, trading procedures and supervisory measures of the voluntary trading, establishes a registration and recording system and an information disclosure system, and encourages project-based voluntary greenhouse gas emissions trading, so as to ensure trading takes place in an orderly fashion. |
開展碳排放權交易試點。2011年,國家發展改革委在北京市、天津市、上海市、重慶市、湖北省、廣東省及深圳市啟動碳排放權交易試點工作。各試點地區加強組織領導,建立專職隊伍,安排試點工作專項資金,抓緊組織編制碳排放權交易試點實施方案,明確總體思路、工作目標、主要任務、保障措施及進度安排。著手研究制定碳排放權交易試點管理辦法,明確試點的基本規則。測算并確定本地區溫室氣體排放總量控制目標,研究制定溫室氣體排放指標分配方案。建立本地區碳排放權交易監管體系和登記注冊系統,培育和建設交易平臺,做好碳排放權交易試點支撐體系建設。北京市、上海市、廣東省分別在2012年3月28日、8月16日和9月11日啟動碳排放權交易試點。 |
Conducting carbon emission trading pilot programs. In 2011, the National Development and Reform Commission initiated pilot programs for carbon emissions trading in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hubei, Guangdong and Shenzhen. The designated areas strengthened organization and leadership, established professional teams and earmarked funds for the pilot programs. They organized the compiling of an implementation plan for the carbon emission trading pilot program, defining the overall concept, objectives, key tasks, safeguards and project schedules. They studied and formulated regulations for the carbon emission trading pilot program and worked out the basic rules for the program. They have calculated and defined overall caps for greenhouse gas emissions in their regions, and formulated plans for distributing specific emissions targets. To develop a support system for the pilot programs, regulatory as well as registration and recording systems have been established and trading platforms have been developed in each pilot area. Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong launched their pilot programs on March 28, August 16, and September 11, 2012, respectively. |
(三)開展相關領域低碳試點工作 |
(III). Carrying out Low-carbon Pilot Programs in Relevant Areas |
研究開展低碳產業試驗園區、低碳社區、低碳商業試點。國家發展改革委組織開展低碳產業試驗園區、低碳社區、低碳商業評價指標體系和配套政策研究,探索形成適合中國國情的低碳發展模式和政策機制。 |
Studying and starting trials of low-carbon industry park, communities and commerce. The National Development and Reform Commission organized studies to establish an evaluation index and support policies for low-carbon industrial experimental zones, communities and commerce, in order to define low-carbon development modes and policies suited to China's actual conditions. |
開展低碳產品試點。國家發展改革委組織研究產品碳排放計算方法,建立低碳產品標準、標識和認證制度,組織編制《低碳產品認證管理辦法(暫行)》,引導低碳消費。 |
Beginning trials of low-carbon products. The National Development and Reform Commission has organized research into methods of calculating product carbon emissions, established standards and identification and certification systems for low-carbon products. It has also published the Interim Procedures for the Low-carbon Product Certification Management as a guide to creating low-carbon consumption patterns. |
開展低碳交通運輸體系建設城市試點。2011年,交通運輸部啟動低碳交通運輸體系建設試點工作,以公路、水路交通運輸和城市客運為主,選定天津、重慶、深圳、廈門、杭州、南昌、貴陽、保定、無錫、武漢10個城市開展首批試點。2012年2月,選定北京、昆明、西安、寧波、廣州、沈陽、哈爾濱、淮安、煙臺、海口、成都、青島、株洲、蚌埠、十堰、濟源市16個城市開展低碳交通運輸體系建設第二批城市試點工作。目前,各試點城市通過建設低碳型交通基礎設施,推廣應用低碳型交通運輸裝備,優化交通運輸組織模式及操作方法,建設智能交通工程,完善交通公眾信息服務,建立健全交通運輸碳排放管理體系,加快建設以低碳排放為特征的交通運輸體系。 |
Selecting cities to pilot low-carbon transport systems. In 2011, the Ministry of Transport initiated pilot projects for the construction of low-carbon transport systems, with an emphasis on road and river transport and urban passenger transport. Ten cities - Tianjin, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Hangzhou, Nanchang, Guiyang, Baoding, Wuxi and Wuhan - were selected to carry out the initial trials. A further 16 cities - Beijing, Kunming, Xi'an, Ningbo, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Harbin, Huai’an, Yantai, Haikou, Chengdu, Qingdao, Zhuzhou, Bengbu, Shiyan and Jiyuan - were named the second batch of pilot cities in February, 2012. The trial cities have accelerated the construction of low-carbon transport systems by constructing low-carbon transport infrastructure, employing low-carbon vehicles, optimizing transport planning and operating methods, creating intelligent traffic projects, improving public transport information services, and establishing and improving carbon emissions management systems. |
開展綠色低碳重點小城鎮試點示范。2011年,財政部、住房城鄉建設部和國家發展改革委啟動綠色低碳重點小城鎮試點示范工作,選定北京市密云縣古北口鎮、天津市靜海縣大邱莊鎮、江蘇省蘇州市常熟市海虞鎮、安徽省合肥市肥西縣三河鎮、福建省廈門市集美區灌口鎮、廣東省佛山市南海區西樵鎮、重慶市巴南區木洞鎮7個鎮為第一批試點示范綠色低碳重點小城鎮。各試點示范鎮根據本地經濟社會發展水平、區位特點、資源和環境基礎,分類探索小城鎮建設發展模式。編制完善總體規劃和各專項規劃,有效利用土地和其他資源,合理布局建設用地,加強生態環境建設,改善居住環境,增強基礎設施和公共服務覆蓋能力,引導產業和人口有序集聚。 |
Carrying out green and low-carbon pilot and demonstration projects in key small towns. In 2011, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly launched the green and low-carbon pilot and demonstration project for key small towns. Seven small towns were selected to take part in the project - Gubeikou Town in Miyun County, Beijing; Daqiuzhuang Town in Jinghai County, Tianjin; Haiyu Town in Changshu, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province; Sanhe Town, in Feixi County, Hefei City, Anhui Province; Guankou Town in Jimei District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province; Xiqiao Town, in Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province; and Mudong Town in Banan District, Chongqing. Taking into account their level of social and economic development, geographical features, as well as resources and environment, the participating towns are systematically exploring suitable development models. General and specific plans have been formulated and improved to address issues such as effectively utilizing land and other resources, rationally allocating construction land, strengthening eco-environment development, improving the living environment, strengthening infrastructure, boosting public services, and guiding the orderly creation of population and industrial districts. |
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