5月21日,亞洲相互協作與信任措施會議第四次峰會在上海舉行。中國國家主席習近平主持會議并發表題為《積極樹立亞洲安全觀共創安全合作新局面》的主旨講話。[新華社 龐興雷 攝] Chinese President Xi Jinping (C) speaks during the fourth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), in Shanghai, east China, May 21, 2014. [Pang Xinglei/Xinhua] |
積極樹立亞洲安全觀 共創安全合作新局面 ——在亞洲相互協作與信任措施會議第四次峰會上的講話 (2014年5月21日,上海) 中華人民共和國主席 習近平 |
New Asian security concept for new progress in security cooperation Remarks at the Fourth Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia By H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China Shanghai Expo Center, 21 May 2014 |
各位來賓,各位同事,女士們,先生們,朋友們: | Distinguished Guests, Colleagues, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, |
感謝土耳其總統特別代表達烏特奧盧外長剛才的發言。值此中方擔任亞信主席國之際,我謹對各方特別是亞信倡議國哈薩克斯坦和前任主席國土耳其給予中方的信任和支持,表示衷心的感謝! | I would like to thank Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, the Special Representative of the Turkish President, for his remarks. China has assumed the chairmanship of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), so please allow me to take this opportunity to express heartfelt thanks to all sides, in particular Kazakhstan, the initiator of CICA, and Turkey, the previous chair of CICA, for your trust and support. |
現在,我代表中華人民共和國發言。 | Now, let me make some remarks on behalf of the People's Republic of China. |
今天,包括亞信成員國、觀察員、峰會客人在內的47個國家和國際組織的領導人及代表相聚上海,大家圍繞“加強對話、信任與協作,共建和平、穩定與合作的新亞洲”這一主題,共商安全合作大計,共謀長治久安良策,共襄發展繁榮盛舉,對亞洲和世界安全都意義重大、影響深遠。 | The summit today has brought together leaders and representatives from 47 countries and international organizations, including CICA member states, observers and invited guests of the Shanghai summit. Under the theme "Enhancing Dialogue, Trust and Coordination for a New Asia of Peace, Stability and Cooperation", we will discuss the important subject of security cooperation, explore policies for long-term peace and stability, and jointly promote development and prosperity. As such, this summit is of great importance to security in Asia and the world at large and will have far-reaching impacts. |
今天的亞洲,擁有全世界67%的人口和三分之一的經濟總量,是眾多文明、民族的匯聚交融之地。亞洲和平發展同人類前途命運息息相關,亞洲穩定是世界和平之幸,亞洲振興是世界發展之福。 | Asia today is home to 67% of the world's population and accounts for one third of the global economy. It is a place where diverse civilizations and nations meet and interact. Peace and development of Asia is closely connected with the future of mankind, and Asia's stability and revival is a blessing to peace and development of the world. |
今天的亞洲,雖然面臨的風險和挑戰增多,但依然是世界上最具發展活力和潛力的地區,和平、發展、合作、共贏始終是地區形勢主流,通過協商談判處理分歧爭端也是地區國家主要政策取向。亞洲在世界戰略全局中的地位不斷上升,在世界多極化、國際關系民主化進程中發揮著越來越重要的作用。亞洲良好局面來之不易,值得倍加珍惜。 | Asia today, though facing more risks and challenges, is still the most dynamic and promising region in the world. Peace, development and win-win cooperation are the main trend in the region, and countries in the region generally prefer policies that address differences and disputes through consultation and negotiation. Asia enjoys a rising status in the international strategic landscape and plays an increasingly important role in promoting a multi-polar world and democracy in international relations. Such a sound situation in the region has not come easily and ought to be doubly cherished. |
今天的亞洲,區域經濟合作方興未艾,安全合作正在迎難而上,各種合作機制更加活躍,地區安全合作進程正處在承前啟后的關鍵階段。 | Asia today is witnessing vibrant cooperation in the economic field. Cooperation in the security field is making progress despite difficulties, and various cooperation mechanisms are more dynamic. Asia has come to a crucial stage in security cooperation where we need to build on the past achievements and strive for new progress. |
“明者因時而變,知者隨事而制。”形勢在發展,時代在進步。要跟上時代前進步伐,就不能身體已進入21世紀,而腦袋還停留在冷戰思維、零和博弈的舊時代。我們認為,應該積極倡導共同、綜合、合作、可持續的亞洲安全觀,創新安全理念,搭建地區安全和合作新架構,努力走出一條共建、共享、共贏的亞洲安全之路。 | As a Chinese saying goes, "A wise man changes as time and circumstances change." We need to keep pace with the changing circumstances and evolving times. One cannot live in the 21st century with the outdated thinking from the age of Cold War and zero-sum game. We believe that it is necessary to advocate common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security in Asia. We need to innovate our security concept, establish a new regional security cooperation architecture, and jointly build a road for security of Asia that is shared by and win-win to all. |