

Xi Jinping's statement at Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2014-03-25


Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the third Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in The Hague, the Netherlands, on Mar. 24, 2014.
2014年3月24日,國家主席習近平在荷蘭海牙舉行的第三屆核安全峰會上發表講話。講話全文如下: Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the third Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in The Hague, the Netherlands, on Mar. 24, 2014. Following?is the full text:?
Prime Minister Mark Rutte,
Dear Colleagues,


Today, we are meeting here at The Hague for an important discussion on the ways for enhancing nuclear security. First of all, I wish to express heartfelt thanks to Prime Minister Rutte and the Dutch government for the active efforts and thoughtful arrangements they have made for this summit.
上個世紀,原子的發現和核能的開發利用給人類發展帶來了新的動力,極大增強了我們認識世界和改造世界的能力。同時,核能發展也伴生著核安全風險和挑戰。人類要更好利用核能、實現更大發展,就必須應對好各種核安全挑戰,維護好核材料和核設施安全。 During the 20th century, the discovery of the atom and the subsequent development and utilization of nuclear energy gave new impetus to the progress of humanity and greatly enhanced our ability to understand and shape the world. Yet the development of nuclear energy has its associated risks and challenges. To make better use of nuclear energy and achieve greater progress, mankind must be able to respond to various nuclear security challenges and ensure the safety of nuclear materials and facilities.
各位同事! Dear Colleagues,
加強核安全是一個持續進程。核能事業發展不停步,加強核安全的努力就不能停止。從2010年的華盛頓,到2012年的首爾,再到今天的海牙,核安全峰會承載著凝聚各國共識、深化核安全努力的重要使命。我們要堅持理性、協調、并進的核安全觀,把核安全進程納入健康持續發展的軌道。 Enhancing nuclear security is a never-ending process. As long as we continue to tap nuclear energy, we shall not stop our efforts to enhance nuclear security. From Washington D.C. in 2010 to Seoul in 2012 and to The Hague today, the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) has the great responsibility of building international consensus and deepening nuclear security efforts. We must follow a sensible, coordinated and balanced approach to nuclear security and put it on the track of sound and sustainable development.
第一,發展和安全并重,以確保安全為前提發展核能事業。作為保障能源安全和應對氣候變化的重要途徑,和平利用核能事業,如同普羅米修斯帶到人間的火種,為人類發展點燃了希望之火,拓展了美好前景。同時,如果不能有效保障核能安全,不能妥善應對核材料和核設施的潛在安全風險,就會給這一美好前景蒙上陰影,甚至帶來災難。要使核能事業發展的希望之火永不熄滅,就必須牢牢堅持安全第一原則。 First, we should place equal emphasis on development and security, and develop nuclear energy on the premise of security. The peaceful use of nuclear energy is important to ensuring energy security and tackling climate change. Like Prometheus who gave fire to humanity, the peaceful use of nuclear energy has sparked a flame of hope and opened up a bright future for mankind. On the other hand, without effective safeguards for nuclear safety and without an adequate response to the potential security risks of nuclear materials and facilities, such a bright future will be overshadowed by dark clouds or even ruined by resulting disasters. Therefore, we must strictly abide by the principle of making safety the top priority if we are to keep the flame of hope for nuclear energy development burning forever.?
我們要秉持為發展求安全、以安全促發展的理念,讓發展和安全兩個目標有機融合,使各國政府和核能企業認識到,任何以犧牲安全為代價的核能發展都難以持續,都不是真正的發展。只有采取切實舉措,才能真正管控風險;只有實現安全保障,核能才能持續發展。 We must follow the approach of enhancing security for the sake of development and promoting development by upholding security, and bring the goals of development and security in alignment with each other. We must convince the national governments and nuclear power companies of all countries that developing nuclear energy at the expense of security can neither be sustainable nor bring real development. Only by adopting credible steps and safeguards, can we keep the risks under effective control and develop nuclear energy in a sustainable way.
第二,權利和義務并重,以尊重各國權益為基礎推進國際核安全進程。沒有規矩,不成方圓。各國要切實履行核安全國際法律文書規定的義務,全面執行聯合國安理會有關決議,鞏固和發展現有核安全法律框架,為國際核安全努力提供制度保障和普遍遵循的指導原則。中國呼吁更多國家積極考慮批準核材料實物保護公約及其修訂案、制止核恐怖主義行為國際公約。 Second, we should place equal emphasis on rights and obligations, and push forward the international nuclear security process on the basis of respecting the rights and interests of all countries. Nothing can be accomplished without following norms and standards. All countries should earnestly fulfill their obligations under international legal instruments relating to nuclear security, fully implement the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, consolidate and strengthen the existing legal framework governing nuclear security, and provide institutional support and universally accepted guidelines for international efforts to enhance nuclear security. China hopes that more countries will consider ratifying the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and its amendment and the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism.
各國國情不同,核能事業處于不同發展階段,面臨的核安全挑戰也不盡相同。一把鑰匙開一把鎖。在強調各國履行有關國際義務的同時,也要尊重各國根據本國國情采取最適合自己的核安全政策和舉措的權利,尊重各國保護核安全敏感信息的權利,堅持公平原則,本著務實精神,積極穩妥推進國際核安全進程。 Countries differ in national condition and stage of nuclear power development, and the nuclear security challenges they face also vary from one to another. As the saying goes, you need different keys to open different locks. While stressing the importance of countries honoring their international obligations, we should respect their right to adopt nuclear security policies and measures best suited to their specific conditions as well as their right to protect sensitive nuclear security information. We should adopt a fair and pragmatic attitude and advance the international nuclear security process in an active yet prudent manner.
第三,自主和協作并重,以互利共贏為途徑尋求普遍核安全。核安全首先是國家課題,首要責任應該由各國政府承擔。各國政府要知責任、負責任,強化核安全意識,培育核安全文化,加強機制建設,提升技術水平。這既是對自己負責,也是對世界負責。 Third, we should place equal emphasis on independent and collaborative efforts, and seek universal nuclear security through win-win cooperation. Nuclear security is first and foremost a national goal, and the primary responsibility must be borne by national governments. They must understand and undertake their responsibilities, develop a stronger awareness of nuclear security, foster a nuclear security culture, strengthen institutions and enhance technological capacity. This is the responsible thing to do not only for their own sake but also for the good of the world.
核安全也是全球性課題。一個木桶的盛水量,是由最短的那塊板決定的。一國核材料丟失,全世界都將面臨威脅。實現普遍核安全,需要各國攜手努力。我們要吸引更多國家加入國際核安全進程,使各國既從中受益,也為之作出貢獻,爭取實現核安全進程全球化。我們要加強交流、互鑒共享,有關多邊機制和倡議要統籌協調、協同努力,爭取做到即使不在同一起跑線上起跑,也不讓一個伙伴掉隊。 Nuclear security is also a global endeavor. The amount of water a bucket can hold is determined by its shortest plank. The loss of nuclear material in one country can be a threat to the whole world. A concerted, global effort is therefore required to achieve universal nuclear security. We must bring more countries into the international nuclear security process and try to turn it into a global undertaking, so that all will contribute to and benefit from it. We should strengthen exchanges to learn from each other and share experience, and improve coordination between the relevant multilateral mechanisms and initiatives. Although the starting line may be different for different countries, we should make sure that no one falls behind in this common endeavor.
第四,治標和治本并重,以消除根源為目標全面推進核安全努力。核安全涉及不同層面,既包括實施科學有效管理,發展先進安全核能技術,也包括妥善應對核恐怖主義和核擴散。完善核安全政策舉措,發展現代化和低風險的核能技術,堅持核材料供需平衡,加強防擴散出口控制,深化打擊核恐怖主義的國際合作,是消除核安全隱患和核擴散風險的直接和有效途徑。 Fourth, we should place equal emphasis on treating symptoms and addressing causes, and advance the nuclear security endeavor in all respects with the goal of removing the associated risks at the root. The issue of nuclear security has many dimensions, from exercising sound and effective management to developing advanced and secure nuclear energy technologies and to dealing with nuclear terrorism and nuclear proliferation. To eliminate the potential risks of nuclear security and nuclear proliferation in a direct and effective way, we must improve relevant policies and measures, develop modern, low-risk nuclear energy technologies, maintain balanced supply and demand of nuclear materials, strengthen non-proliferation efforts and export control, and deepen international cooperation against nuclear terrorism.
治標還要治本。只有營造和平穩定的國際環境,發展和諧友善的國家關系,開展和睦開放的文明交流,才能從根源上解決核恐怖主義和核擴散問題,實現核能的持久安全和發展。 But more importantly, we must tackle the root causes. We need to foster a peaceful and stable international environment, encourage harmonious and friendly relations between countries, and conduct exchanges among different civilizations in an amicable and open-minded manner. This is the only way to tackle the root causes of nuclear terrorism and nuclear proliferation, and to achieve lasting security and development of nuclear power.
各位同事! Dear Colleagues,
中國一向把核安全工作放在和平利用核能事業的首要位置,按照最嚴格標準對核材料和核設施實施管理。發展核能事業50多年來,中國保持了良好的核安全記錄。 China gives top priority to nuclear security in the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and manages nuclear materials and facilities according to the highest standard. China has maintained a good record of nuclear security in the past fifty years and more.
荷蘭哲人伊拉斯謨說過,預防勝于治療。近幾年,國際上發生的重大核事故為各國敲響了警鐘,我們必須盡一切可能防止歷史悲劇重演。 According to Dutch philosopher Erasmus, prevention is better than cure. The horrific nuclear accidents of the past few years have rung the alarm bell for all of us, and we must do whatever we can to prevent a recurrence of past tragedies.
為防患于未然,中國全面采取了核安全保障舉措。我們著力提高核安全技術水平,提高核安全應急能力,對全國核設施開展了全面安全檢查,確保所有核材料和核設施得到有效安全保障。我們制定和實施了核安全中長期規劃,完善國家核安全法規體系,正在制定國家核安全條例,扎實推進核安全工作機制化、法制化。 As a precautionary step, China has tightened nuclear security measures across the board. We have made great efforts to improve our technology and emergency response, and conducted comprehensive security checks on nuclear facilities across the country to make sure that all nuclear materials and facilities are placed under effective safeguards. We have adopted and implemented a medium- and long-term program on nuclear security and improved the legal framework, and we are in the process of drafting national regulations with a view to putting nuclear security endeavor on an institutional and legal footing.
中國積極推動核安全國際合作。中國同美國合建的核安全示范中心舉行了奠基儀式,工程建設進展順利。這個中心將為地區乃至國際核安全技術交流合作作出貢獻。中國在打擊核材料非法販運領域同俄羅斯和哈薩克斯坦等國開展一系列合作項目。中國支持在經濟和技術可行的情況下,盡可能減少高濃鈾使用,正在國際原子能機構框架內幫助加納把一個使用高濃鈾的研究堆改造為使用低濃鈾燃料。中國向國際原子能機構核安全基金捐款,通過舉辦培訓班等方式,提升亞太地區國家核安全能力。 China has made actively promoted international cooperation on nuclear security. Groundbreaking was held for the Center of Excellence on Nuclear Security, a joint project between China and the United States, and construction of the Center is well under way. It will contribute to technical exchanges and cooperation on nuclear security in the region and beyond. China has launched a number of cooperation projects with Russia and Kazakhstan to combat illicit trafficking of nuclear materials. China supports the efforts to reduce as much as possible the use of highly enriched uranium (HEU) when economically and technologically feasible, and is helping Ghana to convert an HEU-fueled research reactor to using low enriched uranium (LEU) within the IAEA framework. China has also made contributions to the IAEA Nuclear Security Fund, and helped enhance the nuclear security capability of Asia-Pacific countries through hosting training sessions and a variety of other ways.
各位同事! Dear Colleagues,
光明前進一分,黑暗便后退一分。我們在核安全領域多作一份努力,恐怖主義就少一次可乘之機。為實現持久核安全,中國愿意繼續作出自己的努力和貢獻。 Where light inches forward, darkness retreats. The more we do to enhance nuclear security, the less chance we will leave to terrorists. To achieve lasting nuclear security, China will continue its efforts in the following areas:
第一,中國將堅定不移增強自身核安全能力,繼續致力于加強核安全政府監管能力建設,加大核安全技術研發和人力資源投入力度,堅持培育和發展核安全文化。 First, China will stay firmly committed to strengthening its own nuclear security capability. We will continue to enhance the government's regulatory capacity, increase investments in relevant technological development and human resources, and foster and develop a nuclear security culture.
第二,中國將堅定不移參與構建國際核安全體系,同各國一道推動建立公平、合作、共贏的國際核安全體系,促進各國共享和平利用核能事業的成果。 Second, China will stay firmly committed to building the international nuclear security system. We will work with other countries to build an international nuclear security system featuring fairness and win-win cooperation, and encourage countries to share the fruits of peaceful use of nuclear energy.
第三,中國將堅定不移支持核安全國際合作,愿意為此分享技術和經驗,貢獻資源和平臺,促進地區和國際核安全合作。中國支持國際原子能機構發揮主導作用,鼓勵其幫助發展中國家提高核安全能力。中國將繼續積極參與核安全活動,邀請國際原子能機構開展實物保護咨詢服務。 Third, China will stay firmly committed to supporting international cooperation on nuclear security. We stand ready to share technology, experience, resources and platforms to promote regional and international nuclear security cooperation. China supports the IAEA's leading role and encourages it to help developing countries build up nuclear security capacity. China will continue to take an active part in nuclear security activities, and invite IAEA to conduct International Physical Protection Advisory Service.
第四,中國將堅定不移維護地區和世界和平穩定,堅持和平發展、合作共贏,通過平等對話和友好協商妥善處理矛盾和爭端,同各國一道致力于消除核恐怖主義和核擴散存在的根源。 Fourth, China will stay firmly committed to upholding regional and global peace and stability. We will continue to pursue peaceful development and win-win cooperation, handle differences and disputes through equal-footed dialogue and friendly consultations, and work with all other countries to remove the root causes of nuclear terrorism and nuclear proliferation.
各位同事! Dear Colleagues,
加強核安全,既是我們的共同承諾,也是我們的共同責任。讓我們攜手合作,使各國人民對實現持久核安全更有信心、對核能事業造福人類更有信心! To strengthen nuclear security is our shared commitment and common responsibility. Let us work together so that people in the world will have more confidence in lasting nuclear security and the benefits nuclear power brings them.
謝謝大家。 Thank you.


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