3月30日,國家主席習近平抵達布魯塞爾,開始對比利時進行國事訪問,并訪問歐盟總部。這是習近平和夫人彭麗媛步出機艙。[新華社 龐興雷 攝] Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) and his wife Peng Liyuan arrive in Brussels, Belgium, March 30, 2014. Xi is on a state visit to Belgium. [Xinhua/Pang Xinglei] |
3月29日,在對比利時進行國事訪問并訪問歐盟總部前夕,國家主席習近平在比利時《晚報》發表題為《中歐友誼和合作:讓生活越來越好》的署名文章。文章如下: | The Belgian paper Le Soir Saturday published an article by Chinese President Xi Jinping ahead of his visit to Belgium. The article, titled Friendship and Cooperation Bring Better Life to Both China and Europe, is translated as follows: |
中歐友誼和合作:讓生活越來越好 |
Friendship and Cooperation Bring Better Life To Both China and Europe |
我曾看到兩個故事:有位比利時人,從2004年起,一直在中國西南邊陲指導當地農民種植咖啡豆脫貧致富。有位中國人,1990年來到比利時,用高超的醫術,讓眾多患者擺脫疾病的困擾。 | I remember reading two stories. One is about a young Belgian who has since 2004 taught farmers in China's southwest interior region to grow high-quality coffee to increase their income. The other one is about a Chinese doctor who came to Belgium in 1990 and has cured many patients. |
這樣的故事還有很多很多,讓我感受到中歐友誼和合作的強大力量。這種力量從2000年前的古絲綢之路走來,讓亞歐大陸上不同膚色、不同語言、不同信仰的人們攜起手來,共同走向更加美好的生活,這是中國人民和歐洲各國人民的共同愿望。 | From these two and many other stories, I can feel the strength of China-Europe friendship and cooperation. Such strength was first created by the Silk Road 2,000 years ago, which has bound peoples of different colors, languages and beliefs on the Eurasian continent in a common pursuit of better life, which is a shared desire of both Chinese and Europeans. |
正是帶著這樣的愿望,我對比利時進行國事訪問,并訪問歐盟總部。 | It is with such a desire that I am paying a state visit to Belgium and a visit to the EU headquarters. |
中國同比利時建交43年來,兩國關系取得長足發展。雙邊貿易比建交之初增長了1000多倍,比利時已成為中國在歐盟的第六大貿易伙伴。近年來,兩國相互投資持續增長。在過去5年中,中國對比利時直接投資增長了近10倍,為當地創造了大量就業。雙方成功舉辦了“歐羅巴利亞-中國藝術節”、中比建交40周年等一系列文化交流活動,兩國人民友誼進一步加深。 | China-Belgium relations have come a long way in the past 43 years since the forging of diplomatic relations. Bilateral trade has grown by more than 1,000 times, making Belgium China's sixth largest trading partner in the EU. Mutual investment has grown in recent years. China's direct investment in Belgium has grown nearly 10 folds over the past five years, creating many jobs locally. The successful Europalia China Art Festival and cultural activities marking the 40th anniversary of China-Belgium diplomatic relations have brought our two peoples closer. |
中歐建立全面戰略伙伴關系以來,中歐雙方貿易額在10年間翻了兩番,2013年達到5591億美元?,F在,雙方每年人員往來達到550多萬人次,互派留學生27萬多人。這些數字的背后,是中歐友誼和合作給雙方人民帶來了更豐富的商品、更多的工作崗位、更好的學習機會。 | Since establishment of the China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, two-way trade has quadrupled, reaching US$559.1 billion in 2013. Every year, 5.5 million mutual visits are made by Chinese and Europeans. The number of Chinese students in the EU and students from EU countries in China has exceeded 270,000. These figures show that China-Europe friendship and cooperation have provided our peoples a greater variety of goods, more jobs and better educational opportunities. |
我期待著通過這次訪問,深化互利共贏的中歐關系,讓中歐友誼和合作給中歐各國人民帶來更多福祉。 | I hope that my visit will deepen the win-win relations between China and Europe so that our friendship and cooperation will deliver more benefits to the Chinese and European peoples. |
今天,中國和歐洲都處在各自發展的關鍵階段。中共十八屆三中全會作出了全面深化改革的戰略部署。15個領域、330多項改革舉措的具體落實辦法已經或正在出臺。13億中國人民正在全力以赴為實現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢而奮斗。歐洲也正在改革發展的道路上奮力前行。歐盟進行了大刀闊斧的結構性改革,歐洲各國人民付出了艱苦努力,復蘇的春意已經開始驅散歐洲經濟的寒冬。 | Today, both China and Europe are at an important stage of development. A strategic decision was made at the Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to comprehensively deepen China's reforms, and over 330 implementing steps covering 15 sectors have been introduced or are in the works. The 1.3 billion Chinese people are endeavoring to realize the Chinese Dream of great national renewal. Europe is also on a path of reform and development. With massive structural reform introduced by the EU and strenuous efforts made by the European people, the spring of recovery is dispersing the winter chill in the European economy. |
新形勢賦予中歐友誼和合作新的發展機遇。中歐是發展之路上的利益共同體,中國將繼續從戰略高度看待歐洲,支持歐洲一體化建設,相信歐洲各國人民也將同樣支持中國人民走好自己所選擇的適合中國國情的發展道路。 | The new era presents new opportunities for China and Europe to boost their friendship and cooperation. China and Europe share common interests in pursuing development, and China will continue to view Europe as a strategic partner and support European integration. We believe that the European people will also support the Chinese people in pursuing a development model suited to China's national conditions. |
去年11月,雙方發表了《中歐合作2020戰略規劃》。中國愿意同歐洲一道,一張藍圖干到底,以落實《規劃》為主線,全面加強貿易、投資、金融、高技術、新能源、新型城鎮化等領域交流合作,讓中歐友誼和合作為各自發展提供更強助力,也為雙方人民帶來更多實利。 | The Strategic Agenda 2020 for China-EU Cooperation was released last November. China will work with the EU to turn this blueprint into reality. In pursuing this strategic agenda, the two sides will step up cooperation and exchanges in trade, investment, finance, high technology, new energy and new type of urbanization. This endeavor will enable our friendship and cooperation to spur the development of both sides and bring more tangible benefits to the two peoples. |
新形勢賦予中歐友誼和合作新的戰略內涵。中歐人口和經濟總量分別占到世界四分之一和三分之一,在經濟全球化、世界多極化、社會信息化蓬勃發展的今天,中歐關系的影響已經超越雙邊,越來越具有全球性戰略意義。 | The new era adds new strategic dimensions to China-Europe friendship and cooperation. Together, China and the EU account for a quarter of the world's population and one third of the global economy. Amidst the deepening of economic globalization, the growing trend towards multi-polarity and extensive IT application, China-EU relations have gone beyond the bilateral context and acquired increasing global and strategic significance. |
——中國和歐洲是維護世界和平的兩大力量。中國是聯合國安理會五個常任理事國中派遣維和軍事人員最多的國家。歐盟是全球最大對外援助方。雙方在伊朗核、中東、反海盜等問題上進行了有效合作。我們要攜起手來,同全世界所有愛好和平的人們一起,建設地球和平家園。 | - China and Europe are two major forces for upholding world peace. China is the largest contributor of peacekeepers among the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, and the EU is the largest aid provider in the world. We have engaged in effective cooperation on the Iranian nuclear issue, the Middle East and anti-piracy. Let us join hands and work with all peace-loving people in the world to ensure peace on our planet. |
——中國和歐洲是促進共同發展的兩大市場。作為最大發展中國家,中國經濟增長對世界經濟增長的貢獻率接近30%。作為最大經濟體,歐盟國內生產總值達到16.7萬億美元。中歐要共同堅持互利共贏,堅持市場開放,致力于發展開放型世界經濟,為全球經濟強勁、可持續、平衡增長提供強大動力。 | - China and Europe are two markets that promote common development. As the largest developing country, China contributes close to 30% of world economic growth. As the largest economy, the EU's GDP has reached US$16.7 trillion. We should jointly pursue win-win cooperation, open markets and foster an open world economy so as to create good momentum and ensure strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the global economy. |
——中國和歐洲是推動人類進步的兩大文明。中國和歐洲都是東西方文化重要發祥地和杰出代表,幾千年來相互促進、相映生輝。我們要共同堅持文明多樣性,引領文明互容、文明互鑒、文明互通的世界潮流,為人類文明共同進步作出貢獻。 | - China and Europe are two civilizations that promote human progress. For several thousand years, China and Europe, the birthplaces of the Eastern and Western cultures shining with brilliance, have enriched each other through interactions. We should uphold the diversity of civilizations and advance global trend of inclusiveness, mutual learning and interaction between civilizations to promote progress of all civilizations. |
新形勢下,中歐友誼和合作更加需要平等對話和交流。中國和歐洲的國情和發展階段不同,中歐人民不可能在所有問題上都想法一致。我們所處的,既是同舟共濟的時代,也是個性彰顯的時代,既是機遇前所未有的時代,也是挑戰前所未有的時代。 | In the new era, more equal dialogue and exchanges are called for to boost China-Europe friendship and cooperation. Given their different national conditions and stages of development, we do not expect China and Europe to see eye to eye on all issues. The time we live in is both a time of cooperation and a time of distinctive dynamism. It is a time of both unprecedented opportunities and challenges unmet before. |
“智者求同,愚者求異。”中歐要本著相互尊重、平等相待、求同存異、合作共贏的態度去加強對話和溝通,尋求利益最大公約數,共享機遇,共迎挑戰。 | "The wise seeks common ground while the unwise clings to differences". China and Europe should respect each other, treat each other as equals, seek common ground while shelving differences, and pursue win-win cooperation. By doing so, we will enhance our dialogue and engagement, maximize common interests, share opportunities and jointly meet challenges. |
險灘和礁石阻擋不了奔騰入海的河流,我相信問題和分歧也阻擋不了中歐友誼和合作的前進之路。 | Rapids and rocks can never stop a river from flowing into the sea. Likewise, I believe that no issues or differences can stop our friendship and cooperation from growing. |
比利時是歐盟總部所在地,被稱為“歐洲心臟”?!靶呐K”脈動越有力,就越能為中歐合作輸入更多血液。 | Belgium, where the EU headquarters are located, is known as the "heart of Europe". The more strongly the heart beats, the more energy it will create for China-Europe cooperation. |
中歐友誼和合作是時代的選擇,是中歐18億人民的選擇?!靶腔铡焙汀昂煤谩保瑑芍缓B可掬的大熊貓能夠不遠萬里,從中國的“天府之國”落戶到比利時的“天堂公園”,就是這個選擇的明證。它們的名字,喻義光明和美好,傳遞了我們對于中歐友誼和合作的自信和祝愿。 | China-Europe friendship and cooperation is the choice made by the times and by the 1.8 billion Chinese and Europeans. This choice is illustrated by Xing Hui and Hao Hao, two cute pandas who have travelled half way across the world to Belgium from the "land of abundance" in China and settled down in the Pairi Daizi Zoo. Their names, meaning light and goodness, demonstrate our confidence in and best wishes for China-Europe friendship and cooperation. |
我相信,中歐關系的未來更加光明,也讓我們的生活更加美好。 | I am convinced that China-Europe relations will have an even brighter future and make life even better for all of us. |