第九部分 教育、文化、新聞出版、青年交流領域合作 | IX. Cooperation in the Fields of Education, Culture, Press, Publication and Youth Exchange |
充分發揮中歐高級別人文交流對話機制的統領作用,積極推動中國與歐盟及其成員國在教育、文化、新聞出版、青年交流等領域的合作。 |
Fully harness the leading role of the China-EU High-Level People-to-People Dialogue and actively promote cooperation in the fields of education, culture, press, publication and youth exchange between China and the EU as well as EU member states. |
擴大中歐學生學者交流規模,促進中歐青少年學生相互友好理解,爭取到2020年實現中歐學生年度雙向交流達到30萬人次;加強中歐語言教學和教師培訓方面的合作,繼續進行中歐教育政策對話;支持中歐高校建立歐洲區域與國別研究中心和中國研究中心,著力打造“中歐高等教育交流合作平臺”;鼓勵中歐高校開展高質量的合作辦學,聯合推進高水平的科研項目,共同培養高層次人才。 | Expand exchanges between students and scholars and promote friendship and mutual understanding between Chinese and European young students, and strive to expand the interflow of students between the two sides to 300,000 person times per year by 2020; enhance cooperation in the teaching of Chinese and European languages and training of teachers and continue the China-EU Dialogue on Education Policy; support the establishment of centers for Chinese studies and centers for European national and regional studies by European and Chinese higher learning institutions and make an effort to build the China-EU Platform for Higher Education Cooperation and Exchange; encourage European and Chinese universities to carry out high-quality cooperation in running schools, jointly advance high-level scientific research programs and help high-level talents to emerge. |
落實“中歐文化對話年”取得的成果,注重文化合作長效性與機制化。中方支持加強中歐文化政策對話,以及在文化產業、文化遺產和當代藝術方面的經驗交流。 | Follow through on the outcomes of China-EU Year of Intercultural Dialogue, and ensure the long-term effect of cultural cooperation supported by sound institutions. China supports the efforts to strengthen China-EU dialogue on cultural policies as well as experience sharing in cultural industries, heritage preservation and contemporary art. |
促進中歐新聞出版界交流與合作,鼓勵雙方媒體在加強相互了解基礎上,全面、客觀報道對方政治、經濟、文化等各領域情況,拍攝反映彼此經濟發展、歷史文化、風土人情的紀錄片,合作拍攝電影、電視節目及舉辦影視節展,出版反映彼此經濟發展、歷史文化、風土人情的圖書和報刊文章,舉辦圖書展會。繼續加強中歐政府有關部門的聯系和交流,積極支持建立并深化中歐媒體定期交流機制,開展多形式、多渠道的合作,為中歐關系健康、穩定發展營造良好輿論環境。 | Promote exchanges and cooperation in the field of press and publication, and encourage the media from both sides to enhance mutual understanding so that they can present a comprehensive and objective picture of each other's politics, economy and culture, produce documentaries and publish books and news articles that reflect each other's economic development, history, culture and customs, cooperate in making films and TV programs, and jointly hold film and TV exhibitions and festivals and book fairs. Continue to strengthen interactions and exchanges between government departments, support the institutional building and deepening of regular China-EU media exchanges, and carry out cooperation through various channels and in various forms, with a view to creating a favorable public opinion environment for the sound and stable growth of China-EU relations. |
利用新興媒體,拓展中歐信息交流平臺,增進雙方民眾對彼此政策理念、發展目標、戰略走向和文化精粹的了解。加強青年交往,鞏固“中歐青年交流年”及中歐高級別人文交流對話機制成果,完善中歐青年政策對話機制和中歐青年組織交流平臺,鼓勵中歐各級各地青年組織開展交流合作,構建廣覆蓋、多層次中歐青年交流格局。 | Make use of new media tools to expand the China-EU platform of information exchange and enable the public to better understand each other's policies, ideas, development goals, strategic orientation and cultural achievements. Strengthen youth exchange and consolidate the outcomes of China-EU Year of Youth and the China-EU High-Level People-to-People Dialogue, improve the China-EU Youth Policy Dialogue and the platform for exchanges between youth organizations, encourage youth organizations at all levels from different places of China and the EU to carry out exchange and cooperation, and build a wide-ranging, multi-tiered pattern for China-EU youth exchanges. |
加強和擴大中歐領事合作,便利雙邊人員往來。希歐方切實保護在歐中國公民的安全與合法權益,為中方人員赴歐提供包括簽證、入境和居留在內的更多便利。推動建立中歐旅游合作機制,進一步開發雙方旅游市場,就旅游政策和統計信息保持交流,盡早簽署《關于開展旅游雙邊合作的諒解備忘錄》。希望相關歐盟成員國加快批準中文成為世界旅游組織官方語言。加強中歐在出入境管理、直航口岸邊檢移民部門交流、聯合辦理案件和打擊非法移民活動等方面的合作。 | Strengthen and expand China-EU consular cooperation, and facilitate the personnel interflow between the two sides. China hopes that the EU could take credible steps to protect the safety and lawful rights and interests of Chinese citizens in Europe, and make it easier for Chinese nationals to travel to Europe by, among other things, streamlining visa, immigration and residence procedures. Push for the establishment of China-EU tourism cooperation mechanism, further explore each other's tourism market, maintain exchanges of tourism policies and statistics, and work for the early signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Bilateral Tourism Cooperation. The relevant EU member states are urged to speed up the adoption of the Chinese language as an official language of the World Tourism Organization. Strengthen cooperation on exit and entry administration, exchange between border inspection and immigration departments at airports with direct flight link, joint case investigation and fight against illegal immigration. |
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