Urban residents unhappy |
大城市人并不快樂 |
A Fashion Health magazine survey found that more than 90% of the 69,000 people polled nationwide feel lonely living in big cities, China Daily reported. Most of the respondents live in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen. Nearly half of them said they were unhappy with their living conditions, while another 20% are "extremely discontent" with their living conditions. Nearly half said they are not satisfied with the money they make or save, while 20% said they were extremely unsatisfied with their incomes. More than 35% said the pressures of city life were keeping them from sleeping well at nights, while 75% claimed they don't know of a proper channel to vent their frustrations. |
據《中國日報》報道,《時尚健康》雜志對全國的6.9萬人進行問卷調查后,發現超九成人表示生活在大城市倍感孤獨。大多數接受調查者生活在上海、北京、深圳三地。他們中近半數表示對生活條件不滿意,還有兩成人對生活條件“極其不滿”。近五成人表示對賺到的或攢下的錢不滿意,兩成人對收入極其不滿意。逾35%的人表示城市生活的壓力使他們晚上睡不好,75%的人表示不知道如何正當地發泄不滿情緒。 |
WHO: H1N1 pandemic over |
世衛宣布甲流大流行結束 |
The World Health Organization declared the swine flu pandemic officially over Tuesday, Xinhua reported. WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said the world is no longer in phase six -- the highest influenza alert level -- and is now moving into the post-pandemic period. The immediate post-pandemic period is "unpredictable," she warned, and continued vigilance is extremely important. The H1N1 influenza was first identified in North America last April, and because of its fast spread, the WHO raised its alert level to the top phase of six, meaning a pandemic was under way, two months later. So far more than 214 countries and territories or communities have reported laboratory-confirmed cases of the pandemic influenza, including at least 18,449 deaths, according to WHO data. |
新華社報道,世界衛生組織周二宣布甲型H1N1流感大流行結束。世界衛生組織總干事陳馮富珍稱,世界目前已不再處于流感大流行6級,即警戒級別的最高級狀態,我們正在進入大流行后時期。她提出警告,后流感大流行階段仍具有不可預測性, 各國衛生當局仍需繼續保持警惕。甲型流感去年4月首先在北美暴發,隨后迅速蔓延。世衛組織去年6月把流感大流行警戒級別提升至最高級6級。據世衛組織最新數據,全球有214個國家和地區報告了甲型流感確診病例,出現至少18449起死亡病例。 |
Pregnant women exempted from working in heat |
山東:超33℃孕婦可不工作 |
Pregnant women in Shandong Province are exempted from outdoor work when temperatures exceed 35 degrees Celsius or indoors when inside temperatures are higher than 33 degrees, according to the provincial human resources and social security department. The authorities also strictly forbid working overtime, especially under extremely hot conditions and urge all employers in the province to issue heat compensation to workers on time. |
山東省人力資源保障部要求用人單位不得安排孕期女員工在35℃以上的高溫天氣露天作業及溫度在33℃以上的工作場所作業。各部門同時嚴厲禁止尤其是高溫條件下加班加點,并要求全省的用人單位準時發放高溫補貼。 |
Dalí's hometown to be recreated |
中國將復制達利的家鄉 |
China Merchants Zhangzhou will build a replica of the Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's hometown, Cadaqués, in Xiamen Bay, the Guardian reported. Sources at the company said they had found a spot that was geographically similar to Cadaqués. More than 100 acres of land will be used to build a near replica with a capacity to house some 15,000 Chinese holidaymakers. One Chinese architect told the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia that they would recreate the essence of the fishing town and will reproduce the most characteristic elements. The company also wanted to make art a central part of the new town, with space for galleries. A spokesman said that the construction will start in September or October. |
據英國《衛報》報道,中國招商局集團的漳州分公司決定在廈門灣復制西班牙畫家薩爾瓦多·達利的家鄉卡達克斯。此公司的知情人士表示他們找到了與卡達克斯地貌相似的地段。這座復制的小鎮占地100余英畝,可以容納約1.5萬人度假。一位中國建筑師向西班牙的《先鋒報》表示他們將重現這座漁業小鎮的精髓,復制小鎮最有特色的元素。此公司還打算在小鎮建設畫廊,讓小鎮充滿藝術氣息。一名發言人表示小鎮將于9月或10月份開始動工。 |
Buildings collapse after landslide |
河岸滑坡 7居民樓倒入江中 |
A landslide yesterday afternoon hit the riverbank along several residential buildings in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou Daily reported. Seven buildings collapsed into the Hejiang River. People discovered before the landslide around 9 a.m. cracks and tilting in the buildings and moved out. No one was injured or killed in the landslide. Investigators are looking for the cause for the buildings' collapse. |
《廣州日報》報道,昨日下午,位于廣東肇慶市職工宿舍樓河岸路段發生滑坡地質災害,導致該區7棟居民樓房倒塌落入賀江中。據悉,昨日上午9時左右,人們發現這7棟宿舍樓房就相繼出現了裂縫、傾斜等情況,隨后陸續搬離。所幸沒有造成人員傷亡。目前,塌樓原因仍在研究中。 |
LHC capable of time travel |
粒子對撞機讓時間旅行可行 |
Russian scientists said time travel is possible through the Large Hadron Collider but noted it will only happen when the collider is working at full capacity, according to the Macedonia International News Agency. The LHC is capable of distorting space and time in its 27-kilometer ring circuit, the largest in the world, and generate a wormhole, a space-time tunnel that leads to another time or space. If some of the collision energy in the collider disappears, then this can be explained by the creation of particles that pierce time through wormholes, scientists explain. |
根據外媒消息,俄羅斯科學家確信歐洲大型強子對撞機可以用來進行時間旅行,但需要對撞機滿負荷運行。該對撞機能夠憑借自身史上最長的27公里環形線圈,擾亂時空秩序,從而制造出人們常說的時空隧道“蟲洞”。科學家們解釋說,如果對撞機之內的能量在粒子對撞之后減少,就說明那部分粒子和能量已經穿越蟲洞,進入了另一個時空。 |