Daily News 2010-08-09
甘肅泥石流 1242人已獲救
Xinhua reported that at least 337 people have been confirmed dead in rain-triggered mudslides in Zhouqu County, Gansu Province. 1,148 people are estimated to be missing. Another 117 were injured, including 29 in serious condition. |
Mudslide rescue work underway |
甘肅泥石流 1242人已獲救 |
Xinhua reported that at least 337 people have been confirmed dead in rain-triggered mudslides in Zhouqu County, Gansu Province. 1,148 people are estimated to be missing. Another 117 were injured, including 29 in serious condition. In addition, 1,242 have been rescued from debris or brought to safety. People's Liberation Army soldiers used explosives to blast the blockage that created a barrier lake on the Bailong River. After two blasts, the level of the barrier lake decreased by a meter. The Gansu government has sent 3,900 tents, about 40,000 boxes of instant noodles and 31,300 boxes of bottled drinking water to the county. The Ministry of Finance has allocated 500 million yuan (US$73 million) in emergency aid. |
據新華社報道,在甘肅省舟曲縣由暴雨引發的泥石流災害中,337人經確認已死亡,約1148人失蹤。另117人受傷,其中29人傷勢嚴重。另外,1242人已被從廢墟中營救出來,或轉移到安全地帶。解放軍官兵對導致白龍江形成堰塞湖的阻塞物進行了爆破清除。經過兩次爆破,堰塞湖水位下降了一米。甘肅省政府已經向災區運送了3900頂帳篷、約4萬箱方便面、3.13萬箱瓶裝飲用水。財政部已向災區調撥了5億元,用于救災。 |
Outdated capacity to be eliminated |
工信部通牒淘汰落后產能 |
Outdated capacity will be eliminated, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) announced Sunday, Xinhua reported. The MIIT set the end of September as the deadline for these 2,087 factories from 18 industries, such as cement, papermaking, iron alloys, dye and steel production. Companies that fail to shut down obsolete capacity before the deadline would be deprived of pollutant discharging licenses, further bank loans, and new land and project approval, said Li Yizhong, head of the MIIT. |
據新華社報道,中國工業與信息化部周日宣布將在9月底之前淘汰的落后產能企業,共涉及18個行業的2087家企業,包括水泥、造紙、冶金、染色和鋼鐵。工信部部長李毅中表示,到期未按要求關閉的落后產能企業將被吊銷排污許可證,不得申請銀行貸款和新增用地。 |
Spell check, please |
請檢查拼寫 |
"Separate" is the most commonly misspelled word in the English language, according to a new study, the Telegraph reported. The word won due to the regular placing of an "E" where the first "A" sits. Second in the list was "definitely," which often falls victim to a string of mistakes, which include mixing up the second "I" with an "A." Another common error is dropping the final "E." "Manoeuvre," or "maneuver" in proper U.S. English, which finished third, is problematic due to the unusual combination of OE and U. The study shows that a common mistake is writing a word the way it sounds, which leaves confusion with one letter with another. Two out of three admitted using spell check on computers had made them lazy so they never learned the correct spelling. One in five blamed text messaging for their bad spelling. |
英國《每日電訊報》報道,一項最新研究顯示,“separate”是最常被拼錯的英文單詞,原因在于該詞中的第一個A經常被誤拼為E。“definitely”位居第二,拼錯處在于第二個I被拼成A,或是漏掉最后一個E。位列第三的是“manoeuvre”(美式拼法為maneuver),其容易拼錯的關鍵在于罕見的OE與U相連。研究發現,人們常犯的錯誤是根據發音來拼寫,以致把某些字母搞錯而拼錯字; 2/3的人坦承電腦的拼寫檢查功能讓他們變得越來越懶,不愿學習正確的拼法;另有1/5的人將拼寫能力的下降歸罪于手機的智能輸入法。 |
North Korea seizes South's fishing boat |
朝鮮扣留韓國漁船 |
North Korea has seized a South Korean fishing boat, Daeseung 55, off the peninsula's east coast, amid high tensions between the two sides over a major joint naval exercise by the South and the U.S., Seoul's coastguard said Sunday, AFP reported. The boat contained four South Korean and three Chinese crewmen and was detained while presumably operating near the North's exclusive economic zone, the coastguard said in a statement. It was being towed Sunday to the North's northeastern port of Songjin. The 41-ton vessel's home port is Pohang in the southeast of South Korea. It left port on August 1 and was scheduled to return on September 10. |
美韓聯合海上軍演令朝韓關系高度緊張。據法新社報道,韓國海洋警察廳周日發表聲明稱,韓國一艘名為“55大勝”號的漁船疑因在朝鮮專屬經濟區附近作業而在半島東部海域被朝鮮扣留,并被拉往朝鮮東北部的城津海港。船上共有4名韓國人,3名中國人。這艘41噸級的漁船8月1日離開韓國浦項港口,原計劃9月10日歸航。 |
Accuser regrets HP CEO's firing |
惠普CEO性丑聞女主角現身 |
The woman at the center of the ethics scandal that cost Mark Hurd the top job at Hewlett-Packard Co. identified herself Sunday as Jodie Fisher, a 50-year-old sometime actress whose film credits include "Intimate Obsession" and "Body of Influence 2." Ms. Fisher, whose June 29 letter accusing Mr. Hurd of sexual harassment triggered a board investigation, said through her lawyer that she was "surprised and saddened that Mark Hurd lost his job over this. That was never my intention," the Wall Street Journal reported. |
據《華爾街日報》報道,導致惠普CEO馬克·赫德下臺的性丑聞女主角朱迪·費舍爾周日現身。50歲的費舍爾曾是電影演員,出演過《親密誘惑》和《感化2》等影片。由于費舍爾在6月29日的一份信件中指控赫德對其性騷擾,惠普董事會對赫德進行了內部調查。她通過其律師聲明:“對于馬克因此事下臺表示驚訝和難過。這絕不是我的意圖。” |