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Patrick Petit, ppetit@ asia!.com
I have traveled to China many times and love the country.I am well aware of America's arrogance and double standards.

It is good that China does not let itself bullied by an ignorant government which thinks it can do what pleases

it. So I think the sending of Chinese fighter jets is justified!

Helen han, xiaomei1978@fm365.com
Hey, proud Americans, give us your views on your spy plane coming again?

Hey, arrogant Americans, how you justify your government's behavior this time?

It is true that every nation is conducting "intelligence gathering"---spying, but what if the spy is caught! Will the country being spied let it be, and let him go without any questioning? I doubt!!! Even those who is claiming loudly that US is the NO1 freeland in the world, can you tell me, is American government as generous and kind as to do so?

What's more, can you still claim that the American spy planes are carrying out another normal and routine duty?

I donot hate US people, and I have many friends coming from US, most of the ordinary people is friendly and kind. But I have to say that most of them are really ignorant, knowing nothing about the rest of the world, just living in a illusion that their country is the NO1 in the world, they are the people enjoy most human rights and freedom! I say, hey, come out and take a look at the world today!!! It is a beautiful world, not only in US, but also in the other part of the world, including China.We Chinese are reasonable, but we will not reason with hooligans! We Chinese are kind, but only to those friends.

To those who challenge us again and again, I want to tell you, we Chinese are strong and powerful, our sovereingty is inviolable, our people are undefeatable!!!

happytom, happytom16@china.com
The act of the USA is the one to despite China's right of air space. It is right for Chinese planes to warn American spy planes off when they fly into China's soveregnty. However,when the acident occured,instead of claiming the responsibility for this acident and appologize to Chinese people, the USA push all the responsibility into Chinese side . In a word, I think that the USA should take and admit all the responsibility for this issure and make a full and official appology, and China should deal this issure seriously and never make any compomise to the American side until the USA admit they are to blame.

Fowler, fowler98@yeah.net
I think, first, the unite states must apologize to us, and then, they must promise they will never aggress our airspace! Last, they must redress to China and the family of Wang Wei for the flipping action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chengjis Han, chosan.9@sina.com
The Chinese fighter Jets should shoot down the US spyplanes and let the foolish Bush government know that China is not Iraq or Yugslovia. We are Chinese ,the most civilized people in the world! We are surely to defeat all the enemies one day!!

anon, anon
If China were to execute the 24 americans, there would be war. Not a Cold War, a Real, Live, No Bullshit War. America would have no choice but to kill many Chinese. The Chinese would have no choice but to kill more Americans. Where would it end up? China would end up a puddle of radioactive waste. You want to reverse engineer American secrets? Fine. America will help you by giving you the remnants of many of our "first line" Nuclear weapons. Face it, China. In an all-out war with America, you would lose, and lose badly. More importantly, the ENTIRE PLANET would lose.

China must apologize for the homicidal (and suicidal) actions of it's fighter pilot, must return the American plane, and return the Hostages. Now.

Phil McDonald, phil@macdonald.com
The citizens of the US hold dear their people and their freedom. Emotions wax when her people are not allowed to return home. If China had chosen a different stand on the collision, it could have released the 24 crew members and kept the plane for it's investigation. Because of the speed with which the current position was taken, the situation became more difficult to resolve than was necessary. This will hinder or delay China's ability to attain its desires in other areas of the world stage.

Stone Guo, stonetonny2000@sina.com
If war comes,we must be faced with it.We must protect our motherland,our people from invasion.We have no choice but to defend our motherland,our territory.This is our duty.And this is our mission.

To Paul Anderson,

Your crew are held here only for further investigation and they will not be released before questioning. I believe same story in your country when you got a traffic accident and the police would take you to the station for questioning.

Of course, you have the right to cancel all the orders you placed. But pls understand somebody would place the same as you market need it. What I doubt is whether you would never come back as you are a businessman. Boycott would benefit none. If it happened, we would not worry about that.

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