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Tim Southerwood, ts@dionic.net
Ni Hao! Good day...

Speaking as an Englishman from London and in *my* own opinion:

1 - I don't believe it would be too much effort for President Bush to make a speculative apology even before it's clear *exactly* what happened. The US were, while apparantly over international waters, still snooping pretty much around China's backyard. If they hadn't been there, this would not have happened.

2 - None of us ordinary people know for sure exactly what happened. Better to regard it as an accident until the facts become clearer, in the interests of peace.

3 - The US has got a lot to learn about dealing with China. The Chinese don't like threats and "demands" - it is a pointless and arrogant display of strength. Besides, China is big enough to happily ignore US demands. To the US: be a bit more considered in your diplomacy guys - you will get more respect in the long term. And please stop assuming that "the American Way" is the only "true" philosophy - China has as much right to her system of government as the US does it hers. And the US, the UK and most other countries have done plenty of bad things before now - no-one is inherently better than anyone else.

4 - China has successfully displayed a show of strength to the US in response to the US show of strength. I hope everyone can start talking now and aim for a peaceful solution.

For myself, I've been to China and found the people wonderful and friendly and the officials helpful and courteous. I haven't been to the US - but I also know a few Americans who are themselves perfectly reasonable and fine people - not everyone follows the thinking of the Pentagon.

My sympathies to the family of Pilot Wang Wei. Whatever happened and why, a mother still lost her son.

Yours sincerely

Tim Southerwood

Xuli Ong, ong1@hongkong.com
There has been reports from Taiwan pilots who also had to track presumably "friendly" US EP-3 planes. According to him, the spy plane will fly as slowly as possible so that the normally faster fighters will have difficult times flying at the slower speed. Apparently the slower speed makes the fighters more difficult to control and maneuver. Also it was reported that the EP-3's very often make sudden turns to harass the fighters. If this account is reliable, then it is quite clear American pilots of EP-3's are in the habit of making dangerous turns. And it confirms the personal account of Mr. Zhao that the spy plane suddenly made a wide turn.

The Americans' protestations that EP-3s are fat pigs that can only fly slowly and only in a straight line are just a bunch of lies that can easily be disproved by experts. Also everybody knows the hotdogging propensities of the Americans. I think everybody still remembers how an American fighter cut the cable of a ski lift in Italy.

Furthermore, according to Mr. Zhao, the spy plane was on the far side of China. The fighters were on the China side to keep it from flying closer to China. There is no reason for the spy plane to turn left - toward China. As far as I am concerned, the evidence is solid, the American pilot should be charged with murder.

Like I said before, charge the spy crew with making illegal landing first. Then investigate thoroughly and then charge them for murder. America wants to try Milosevic in world court. China should try the spy crew in a Chinese court.

Tian Yu, tianyu@hotmail.com
A collection of American threats on this forum and why they are stupid

1. Nuke China, make China in melting glass - Stupid because after you have nuked China, the ensuing nuclear winter will kill everybody on this planet, including Americans ?C slowly. So Chinese die an instant death, Americans die a slow death. I will happily accept the former.

2. Bomb China, make China into another Iraq and Kosovo ?C Stupid because China is not Iraq nor Yugoslavia. We can fight you in Korea for a draw and help the Vietnamese people to defeat you there and then and we are certainly more prepared now. But you are welcome to try.

3. Blocking China into WTO ?C Stupid because WTO needs China more than China needs WTO. We did fine without WTO in the past and we will continue to do fine with or without WTO. Joining WTO means China opens its markets to the world including US. I will be very happy if that can be delayed a few more years.

4. Blocking Beijing??s Olympic bid ?C Stupid because US DOES not owns the IOC. But if you do, who cares? We certainly can use the money spared from staging the Olympics to improve our education and science and technology research, and in the long run it will be even better for our Country.

5. Boycott Chinese products ?C Stupid because it??s the Chinese products that help keeping the American inflation low. So go ahead, does it. Say goodbye to low inflation and low interest rate and welcome high prices and more mortgage payment. Not to mention many of the products are actually made by US companies in China.

6. Sell more hi-tech weapon to Taiwan province ?C Again you are welcome to do it. In the late 40s many of the US weapons given to the KMT ended up in the hands of the Communists. The PLA would love to have some of these hi-tech toys in their hands. After all, the people in Taiwan province is Chinese, especially the military is dominated by pro-unification Chinese who retreated to Taiwan after 1949.

Thomas Lim, Washington D.C.
America may be a perceived superpower, but it does not rule the world nor decide the fate of other nations. China is the only military power that can match the United States in case of a war in the Pacific. The Korean War and the Vietnam War have both exposed the weaknesses of the Americans. Can the American people tolerate seeing the return of their young soldiers in body bags as were illustrated, time and time again, during the Vietnam debacle? So don't boast, Okay? There is nothing to be gained by bragging. The test of time and action is in the field of battle and blood and guts! If the Chinese are forced to fight, they will be a force to reckon with because they on the right side. They are not warmongers but defenders of their homeland. Ask any barbaric Japanese militarist who had tasted the stink of battle in China! I hate war and violence but some Americans need to be told the truth not their imagination!

Li Decai, smallrobby@yahoo.com
To the US president:MR Gorege w. Bush

Being a chinese normal citizen, I am saying hello to you.I would not to say much flowering words to you not because I do not like you or do not respect you. The reason is I am not good at it.

You are the first American president in the new century. I understand it is very difficult to be a president and being a president.And you are chosen by the majority of your citizens, this means they thought you are much better than the previous Vice President Mr Al Gore (maybe wrong spelling)is. And they also thought you are able to bring them a peace,comfortable life and also to the world as a leader of the most developed country in the world.

In my opinion, unfortunetly, you made a mistake. As a chinese normal citizen, I have the right to know why you sent your spy plane to China which is very dangerous to the normal relationship between the People's Republic of China and the United States. Anyone knows keeping a good relation between the two countries will bring benefits to both countries.

It is April 7 today. It has been seven days since US spy plane bumped into Chinese Fighter. I have been waiting a whole week that you are saying 'I am very sorry' about this incident. I do not understand what make you so difficult to say this word.You hurt Chinese people.

Well, I do not want criticize what a bad your government's policy or political views to china, because I do not want to get involve in politics. I do not like politics. I am very sorry, but I have to tell you that you are not a good diplomat who do not even saying a word 'sorry'.

I hope you will give a good solution to anyone who loves peace. I am expecting it.

Thank you very much, Sir.

Best regards

A young Chinese man who loves peace Li Decai

PS:If I had your email address I would send my words to you secretly, but the problem is I do not have it. So everyone will see it. I am very sory.

Leong Wai, London, United Kingdom
Congratulations China and fellow Chinese.

Alas, you have the 24 spies and the super spy plane.

You now have the Ace card on your hand.

Don't be in a hurry to release the spies, take your time.

Time is on your side. Let George W. Bush shout and cry like a man gone insane. He knows that if he cannot get his buddies back and soon, he would be in hot water. His presidency is at stake and in danger of losing credibility. All those Americans that have written on this website are not only desperate but nearly gone suicidal because you have their buddies, and they cannot do anything about it. They are in a dilemma. It shows that most Americans dont have the patience and because of these personal trait, they have lost all the wars since World War II. They could only beat the brutal Japanese which are another mad race to watch. So my advice to you is to take your time over the spies and thoroughly examined the spy aircraft. Please show some pictures how the inside of this sensitive craft look like. Many the world over are dying to see such pictures. They are just curious. All the best to you, China and fellow Chinese. Sleep well and enjoy. You all are like on the top of Mount Everest because you have Uncle Sam's jackpot. I envy you all, hahaha!!!

lovechina, yiyis@excite.com
No more ignorant and arrogant with a numb head

To:Charles Mc Grath;

It's shameless to talk about Human right and democracy with you Americans.Show me where are the human rights of those children and women killed in Hiroshima(first nuke homocide in human beings history),Vietnam,north korea,lebanon,Cuba,Dominico,Combodia,Iran,

Libya,Grenade,Iraq and Yogoslavia.

How can you talk about democracy when you impose your values and even interpretation of things to other by war and economic sanctions.I am very sad for you people fooled by your governments composed of morons with magically glib mouth.

Why you Americans so narrow minded and obstinate as mule in defining things like human rights and democracy of which the connotation varies in different times and different place.Go to read your constitution and see how ambiguous the human right and democracy were defined and interpreted. Can other peoples varies from you?! Can they make their life better in their own ways in their own place. Talking about human right? Why preserve for the Indians who are the real master of the land and you even have the face to sing: "this is my land and this is your land, from California to the New York Island--" What a logics of robbers!

You invented the nuclear weapons, leading the world in quantity and execution before and now. In the mean time, you are the biggest weapon dealer and trouble maker instead of peace maker as you praise that you are. And now you are blaming China, Russia and North Korea, these poor countries for weapon proliferation at the right moment you are building your space army and impenetrable shield (TMD and NMD). You naive and square headed people, how can you believe everything your government told you without even thinking of it?

Do you we China mainland will attack Taiwan to the detriment of the both sides and just to the strategy interest of US government's military globalism. If our leader really make we Chinese kill each other, we might kill him first. It's your propaganda machines to inflict the angry fire between Taiwan and the China Mainland . You think you are protecting Japan, South Korea and Taiwan by TMD and NMD or whatever you call it. I laugh at you immature lovely people, These countries are made front battle field of US armies and the first layer of missile defense of US and drag them into war when US excise military operation against the third party. For Example; If US launch its missile attack from Okinawa, and they will have an answering missile from the third party and then the third party automatically violate the sovereignty of Japan,and Japan is dragged into war and now, US provide weapons(making bloody money)and Japan is made human shield. This is an old game US government has played with for too long. During the world war 2nd, at the beginning, US government sold weapons to both Japanese and German, and when the political situation was favorable to US and by the time the two giants were worn out, US government emerge from the weapon manufacturing plants and get involved in the war as Christ and Savior. And now, Both German and Japan has been magically lured into among your "allies".

You may say the above argument is irrelevant to the China's Embassy Bombing in Yogoslavia and the military plane collision recently. But when you think why US keep spying on others (not only China),and recall what US did over the past decades, you have to analyze US military behaviors from a multi-position or panoramic and historical position. Things and happenings in this world are inter-related. US government plays so well with logics and fool the world magically, but it cannot fool the God observing from above us all. So what if some day everyone in anywhere on this global village all speak nasal-sounding American English, eating Hamburg, chewing gum, and even making love like American, and US the only boss of the village, will you feel living better than now? I have a big doubt about it. Please let the world colorful or you like to see Tibetan monks chanting like Michael Jackson' singing or rap, Ha Ha Ha! And please let the world in peace and solve the disputes and problems by non-violence measures. There are so may ways we can use to narrow difference and disputes, why war and war.

We human beings are all immature; your president Bush is a good example and ours a good-for-nothing moron, too.

Lee Yew Kuan, Malaysia
Dear Chinese brothers and sisters and beloved China, my most revered ancestral homeland. Greetings.

Fellow Chinese, you don't stand alone in this hour of your needs, there are 30 millions of your compatriots overseas who wish to identity with you and send shoulder upon shoulder with you. This sense of complete and total solidarity with the Chinese from overseas Chinese everywhere is a sweet feeling of comfort. We stand by you, China, come what may. China, you have only to tell us and we, the overseas Chinese, will respond. America and the Americans, particularly the politicians and its tin-pot president and also its military puppets have deeply hurt the feelings of the Chinese people everywhere. We are angry and ready...THE RED SUN NEVER SETS ON THE CHINESE PEOPLE. I don't like to tell this to the offending Americans, but I feel outraged and offended by their strong arm tactics, cowboy style bullying and tough but empty words. When China, her leaders and people stand up to the Americans, George Bush back down with his mouth full of regrets... I hope he is for real and not fake. Thanks China and our fellow Chinese... All the very best. VICTORY * VICTORY * VICTORY

James Reiher, jamesxi@yahoo.com
If I left my wallet at my friend??s house I would expect them to give it back. On the other hand if I were spying on my friend and left my video camera at his house I would be dumb for thinking I was their friend.

Because the US-China relationship is so immature, the Chinese government is saying finders-keepers to the the US and the Americans are saying "Mine! Mine! Mine!". It??s really quite pathetic.

George Bush commented that the US plane was US territory. A piece of equipment clearly is not territory. The concept makes so little sense that this seems to be an arrogant comment.

The United States government should apologize for landing on the airfield without permission because their is no question that they made that mistake.

Though the US may be responsible, it is completely unjust to try to say the US is to blame when all the facts have not been gathered yet. Even if all the facts were gathered it should take at least a week to make a decision on who is responsible. Because all the facts aren't out the US crew should be detained because they have tried to bully the Chinese fighter jet which would be a crime.

China needs to be clear about where China airspace ends because normally this is 60 miles from coastlines. The spy plane was traveling 60 miles from the coastline.

One possible answer is that the US crew felt as if the Chinese jets were trapping them. According to the news they were closely hugging the US spy plane. The US spy plane then forced the Chinese pilot to either collide or get out of the way. The pilot refused to move believing that the plane would not dare run into him, and he was wrong.

If the US spy plane turned only to avoid Chinese airspace then it is the Chinese pilots fault. If it turned to force the fighter to keep a more comfortable distance it is the US crew's fault.

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