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tian sulei tiansl@263.net
The US Government should show more gratitude, not a bully in order for the general US public to under this incident, let's put it this way:

The hostile US spy plane flew to near the Chinese waters to steal Chinese information, which is by no means a guest or any way welcome. It collided with the Chinese plane, and then made an emergency landing on Chinese land without prior notice, although it has enough time to do so.

The first reaction of the US government is to demand the quick return of the spy plane, as if the Chinese side take them unlawfully. It was not in fact.

Just for the intrusion, or the landing on Chinese land without notice, the Chinese military could have shot it down. It was a spy plane, after all, not a civilian aireplane.

The Chinese side did not shot it down, but rather treat all the crew memebers well. What they're doing right now is no more than an investigation of the causes of the incident, which has brought much damages to the Chinese side and triggered anger among the peace loving Chinese people.

Besides, while the US government cares much about the return of its crew members, it does not show much care about the missing Chinese pilot, the wracked Chinese plane and the humuliation inflicted on the Chinese people.

I used to have much admiration for the US as a nation, for its fight against the fasicists during the World War II. Please don't tarnish that image of yours among many Chinese people by irresponsibly acting like a bully, an unscrupulous scoundrel!

I love the US people and its culture! Please don't ruin them! And please don't ruin the friendship among the Chinese and the US citizens!

For world peace and for our own interests, act like a man!

Actually, China has been rather restrained in it's relations with the United States if one compares the Soviet Union or Iran. The only war between the two (Korea) was prompted by what the Chinese Government regarded as an intollerable threat. (What would the US have done if a million Soviet soldiers were in Baja California). Other then that the conflict was one of information/propaganda and modest foriegn assistance to nonalligned and developing nations. No Chinese soldiers occupy or have occupied foreign nations.

In my opinion, the best thing would have been for the Chinese gov't to translate Bush and Powell's regrets as apologies and let both countries move on to bigger and better things. Military officials are being foolish by holding out for an "official apology." I sincerely doubt one is forthcoming and I don't think they really want to provoke a military response...or do they? It's time for the gov't to rein in the generals.

spook foster spookfoster.gateway.net
Your questions are poorly worded. We must , on both sides of this affair, be very cautious of giving heartache to the other. I have been so lucky to have visited the beautiful country of China. I found the people to be wonderful, and the officials to be assholes, just like here in the USA. Knowing of the "one child" program, I can grieve even more for Wang Wei and Wang Zi. I cannot speak for anyone except me, and I say I am so sad for all the young men who die for the old bastards. Even though you may call me a "big nose foreign devil" I am not. Well , maybe big nose, but not a devil. Thank you for all courtesy shown to me when I was in your country. I can only hope that someday I will be allowed to return the kindness. Please believe that Americans do not want to kill or be killed in senseless conflict, but we, like you, will not have our noses rubbed in crap without resistance. With all good thoughts and wishes to you.

Malcolm Latendorf malcolate@hotmail.com
The US plane by by virtue of its performance capability could not have intentionally rammed the Chinese aircraft. I do not believe the Chinese aircraft intentionaly rammed the US aircraft. It was an unfortunate accident at best at worse it was negilgence on the part of the more manuverable Chinese aircraft. Further, the US aircraft was in international airspace and should not have been approached so closely that the collision could occur. The Chinese have a right to inspect the aircraft and question the crew for a reasonable amount of time (days not weeks)afterwhich, both should be returned. If they feel the need for compensation they should take their case to The Hague.

Sai Yuen, sy@hotmail.org
It is quite obvious to me at a glance that an naive American has posted the entire news report of The Australian Newspaper, titled: China is endanger its intersts. I find this article to be not only totally biased but based on a series of half-truths, assumptions and melodramatic speculations. True, one wouldn't find a non-partisan Australian to stick to the facts of this incident and add flavour of salt and paper would make it more acceptable to the Americans. Don't forget dear readers, Australians and New Zealanders come under the nuclear umbrella of the self-inflated United States. As I would recall that Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia is quite critical of the Americans because they are intrusive, offensive and attempt to interfere in Malaysian politics and question its judicial system. This another example of black mark against the Americans for constantly interferring in Asia. No wonder they are neither welcomed nor accepted. China is only trying to mind its own business and is innocently thrusted into the eye of the American storm. China is not endangering its interest in this case nor attempting to endangering interest of other nations. China is acting normally in defense of its legitimate rights a free nation and uphold its dignity and honour amongs the family of nations. Is it wrong for China to question the hegemonic and expasionist policy of the United States when the latter is sending a full scale spy mission into the environs of China? In fact Australia and nations of the Pacific should be glad that China is standing up to challenge the neighbourhood bully in the form of United States.I say it once and say it for all times that China is only defending its own rights, nothing more or less. So there should be no confusion here who is right (China) and who is wrong (United States). If shove comes to push, China in upholding its national honour and dignity would not care what the future might bring. Persistent threats of military and economic sanctions against China wouldn't work because she is the innocent party. United States is welcome to do what it thinks is "right" to protect its interests and that goes for the same with China. Don't expect China to give in an inch in handling this U.S. spy venture. China has the inalienatable rights to detain and question the spy crew members, investigate the spy aircraft and demand an official apology from the George Bush government. It is up to Bush to respond because this football is in his court. China can take its time to settle the pressing issue to its satisfaction. China is in no hurry or ever will to please United States nor the biased media in Australia, and for that matter the whole Western press. China wouldn't work under pressure from any group or nation, no, not even the imperialistic United States. China knows it is right in this incident. No amount of media lies and fabrications would alter the crucial fact is that this American spy plane plus the spy crew is on a mission to illegal gather state secrets on China, and China and her people are angry and resentful of this diabolic and unfriendly actions. China is truly disappointed and disillusion that United States while holding an olive branch of peace is in real fact trying to undermine the national security of China. Will China and her people ever trust the crafty United States again after it has done such cowardly and dastardly acts of wholesale espionage on a friendly and peaceful nation? Give me a break, George Bush!!!

Kuan Kong, ong1@hongkong.com
>"America is made up of people from all over the world and that is our greatest asset."

That is true. But for the first couple of hundred years you first brought the blacks forcibly to America against their will, then you raped, murdered, and enslaved them for two hundred years. Even today the blacks are making substandard incomes and live below standard living conditions. The Native Americans are practically wiped out. And you talk as if though these people are enjoying everything equally with the domineering whites.

You keep telling lies about yourself, about human rights and freedom of speech, etc. So much so that you convinced the idealistic young Chinese people. But with the access to the Internet, the Chinese people are finally seeing and hearing the truth directly from the rabid racists that are the true Americans. They have revealed themselves to be arrogant, uncaring, and very ignorant. In fact, the Americans have revealed themselves to be despotic imperialists that wiser people in China have long warned.

>"We even have some of China's most brillent people in America. They have contributed greatly to where America is today and ..."

It is true that many very intelligent Chinese are working in the US. But they are not allowed to work in the US for their own benefits. They are enticed into US so they can work for the benefits of the US. The simple fact is that the American people have grown fat and lazy and do not have the mental stamina to get a college education. So there are not enough high tech people in the US and have to be enticed from other countries. You are not doing the Chinese a favor by allowing them to work in the US. You are just using them for your own benefits.

When the Chinese people first arrived in the US 150 years ago, they were treated no better than the blacks. They were systematically discriminated against. And "Chinaman's chance" means no chance at all. Stop lying about how well the Chinese were treated in the US. The truth is the Chinese were treated very shamefully. And if the Chinese are doing better today, it is despite the discriminations and dued entirely to their own efforts and for the benefits of the Americans.

>"...(the brilliant Chinese) could have done the same for China had your goverenment not restricted it's people from being all that they could be in China."

What do you they could have? They ARE doing the same for China and making themselves rich and China strong. The very fact you don't understand this shows you don't know the truth about China today and is just blowing prejudices.

>"Why do so many peoples of the world come to America. Is it because it is such a bad place to bring up a family?"

Many immigrants came to the US with high hopes, only to end up being homeless and grubbing in the garbage cans for his meals. American political, social, and economic system are good. But it is not without serious faults such as electing a president with the minority of the votes. And its politics are influenced by interest groups and do not reflect the human rights of all Americans. The votes are effectively bought - the candidates with the biggest campaign funds win. Its racial policies are horrible. Its foreign policies are totally selfish and without any regards to the rights and welfares of other countries, and therefore immoral. The understanding of Americans about other countries are self-righteous and very ignorant. Its attitude about other peoples are arrogant and contemptuous and obnoxious.

>"I had planned to visit China this year to see "The Great Wall of China". But, My old distrust of your goverenment has risen it's ugly head again in a lot of Americans."

That is your problem. I don't see China spying around America. I don't see China proclaiming itself the world policeman. I don't see China putting anybody in jail gratuitously, like Wen Ho Lee. Your fears are just the very prejudices I talked about above.

China and the US are two greatest countries on Earth. It is my wish that the two work together for the common good of both and the world. There is just no way either can eliminate the other without cataclysmic harm to all the world. Logic would dictate that both co-operate. Everything tells me that Chinese would be happy to work with the US. It is the Americans that are full of hate and prejudice. And as much as the Chinese would like to work with the US, they can be insulted. Already much of the goodwill of twenty years ago have disappeared. And the mood of the Chinese are turning rapidly from receptive friendliness to grudging respect to hostility.

Da Di, fire&water@msn.com
Dave Dkeegan,

Read the following from another commentator:

"My observation of America is that it is all too true that here the educational system encourages critical thinking and all sorts of information is available at your fingertips---but information is not knowledge, and its availability does not guanrantee that the American people are well read and well-informed to engage critical thinking about matters intranationally or internationally. There is history to be learned, and there are different cultures coexisting. The US government behaves like a nouvel-riche lad. Wake up before you use up all the credit your forefathers have earned. China is not your enemy, USA --- your own ignorance and arrogance are."

I do believe that the American newspapers and media, controlled by interest groups and the multi-billionairs, are as ineffective as the Chinese state-controlled newspapers and media in informing people, but as effective in propagandizing.

Look at the Milky Way cargo ship searched by the US military ships. All American newspapers and media say that it contained chemicals for Iran to develop chemical weapons, but finally the careful American GI did not find a dint of thing after searching with advanced machines.

Look at the Cox report. All American newspapers and media echoed with Detective Cox that China has stolen secret US weapon development programs. Any truth in it?

Just because that the American feel that their systems are better and they have free access to information, they have given up their brain function of critical thinking. They are led by the nose by the newspapers and media. They hardly know where China is; they feel they don't have to know other geographies, other languages, other cultures and other civilisations. They have too strong a blief in thier superiority and military power, and ever-lasting prosperity.

Finally, when talking with people from other nations, they appera naive and childish. Look at Bush's face when he demanded return of his spies and the spy plane, you will feel a world war is imminent. Why cannot he use the hotline between Beijing and Washington to talk with Jiang in person? Why should he make such a fuss in his front garden when we Chinese trying not to make a fuss? It is childish and cowboyish, like the Canadian Prime Minister had said.

Bush's behaviour is not strange at all, for he has been brought up to believe the invincible USA.

Americans, if you continue to hold this naivete view of the world. Danger is imminent.

Son of Thunder, American Native Indian
I am a native people (Red Indian) living in America. I don't support the racially prejudical Americans. They took our land, killed our bisons and hunt down our people. They also brought diseases and infections to our original race which migrated across the Berring Straits to "North America".

My people support the Chinese people because we were once neighbours in Asia mainland. Yes, Americans think they are superior and don't let them walk all over you. Stand up to them and they will back off. Of course, they will try to threaten you with military and economic sanctions. This is their standard threats. They spite their own noses if they try to threaten China, a great and powerful nation. Don't release those intelligence operatives (CIA-Pentagon) until the lame duck president, George W. Bush says he is sorry for what his intelligence people have done to China in such a deplorable and condemnable manner. The whole world is laughing loudly at the flimsy excuse of the American attempts to intrude into China. They think they can get away with it but aren't they caught red-handed like a thief in the night? Our native people have a political axe to grind with the American settlers. They spoilt our land. We are the masters. So please, don't let those sons- and daughters of the bitches leave China without an official apology. Stay firm and these cowards will back off. Good luck China and the Chinese!!!

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