

White Paper: China's Space Activities in 2016

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2017-01-10

三、未來五年的主要任務III. Major Tasks for the Next Five Years
未來五年,中國將加快航天強國建設步伐,持續提升航天工業基礎能力,加強關鍵技術攻關和前沿技術研究,繼續實施載人航天、月球探測、北斗衛星導航系統、高分辨率對地觀測系統、新一代運載火箭等重大工程,啟動實施一批新的重大科技項目和重大工程,基本建成空間基礎設施體系,拓展空間應用深度和廣度,深入開展空間科學研究,推動空間科學、空間技術、空間應用全面發展。In the next five years China plans to expedite the development of its space endeavors by continuing to enhance the basic capacities of its space industry, strengthen research into key and cutting-edge technologies, and implement manned spaceflight, lunar exploration, the Beidou Navigation Satellite System, high-resolution earth observation system, new-generation launch vehicles and other important projects. Furthermore, the country is to launch new key scientific and technological programs and major projects, complete, by and large, its space infrastructure system, expand its space applications in breadth and depth, and further conduct research into space science, promoting the integrated development of space science, technology and applications.
(一)航天運輸系統1. Space transport system
研制發射無毒無污染中型運載火箭,完善新一代運載火箭型譜,進一步提升可靠性。We will develop and launch medium-lift launch vehicles which are non-toxic and pollution-free, improve the new-generation launch vehicle family, and enhance their reliability.
開展重型運載火箭關鍵技術攻關和方案深化論證,突破重型運載火箭總體、大推力液氧煤油發動機、氫氧發動機等關鍵技術,啟動重型運載火箭工程實施。Endeavors will be made to research key technologies and further study the plans for developing heavy-lift launch vehicles. Breakthroughs are expected in key technologies for the overall system, high-thrust liquid oxygen and kerosene engines, and oxygen and hydrogen engines of such launch vehicles. Thereafter the heavy-lift launch vehicle project will be activated.
開展低成本運載火箭、新型上面級、天地往返可重復使用運輸系統等技術研究。China will conduct research into the technologies for low-cost launch vehicles, new upper stage and the reusable space transportation system between the earth and low-earth orbit.
(二)空間基礎設施2. Space infrastructure
提升衛星系統水平和基礎產品能力,構建形成衛星遙感、衛星通信廣播、衛星導航定位三大系統,建設天地一體化信息網絡,基本建成空間基礎設施體系,形成連續穩定的業務服務能力,促進衛星及應用產業發展。China is to improve its satellite systems and their basic related items, develop the three major satellite systems of remote-sensing, communications and broadcasting, and navigation and positioning, and build a space-ground integrated information network. In this way, a space infrastructure system capable of providing steady and sustained services will take shape, boosting the satellite and related applications industrial sector.
1.衛星遙感系統。按照一星多用、多星組網、多網協同的發展思路,發展陸地觀測、海洋觀測、大氣觀測3個系列,研制發射高分辨率多模式光學觀測、L波段差分干涉合成孔徑雷達、陸地生態碳監測、大氣環境激光探測、海洋鹽度探測、新一代海洋水色觀測等衛星,逐步形成高、中、低空間分辨率合理配置、多種觀測手段優化組合的綜合高效全球觀測和數據獲取能力。統籌建設和完善遙感衛星接收站網、定標與真實性檢驗場、數據中心、共享網絡平臺和共性應用支撐平臺,形成衛星遙感數據全球接收服務能力。(1) Satellite remote-sensing system. In accordance with the policy guideline for developing multi-functional satellites, and creating networks of satellites and integrating them, we will focus on three series of satellites for observing the land, ocean and atmosphere, respectively. China is to develop and launch satellites capable of high-resolution multi-mode optical observation, L-band differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar imaging, carbon monitoring of the territorial ecosystem, atmospheric Lidar detection, ocean salinity detection and new-type ocean color observation. We will take steps to build our capabilities of highly efficient, comprehensive global observation and data acquisition with a rational allocation of low-, medium- and high-spatial resolution technologies, and an optimized combination of multiple observation methods. China will make overall construction and improvement on remote-sensing satellite receiving station networks, calibration and validation fields, data centers, data-sharing platforms and common application supporting platforms to provide remote-sensing satellite data receiving services across the world.
2.衛星通信廣播系統。面向行業及市場應用,以商業模式為主,保障公益需求,發展固定通信廣播、移動通信廣播、數據中繼衛星,建設由高軌寬帶、低軌移動衛星等天基系統和關口站等地基系統組成的天地一體化信息網絡,同步建設測控站、信關站、上行站、標校場等地面設施,形成寬帶通信、固定通信、電視直播、移動通信、移動多媒體廣播業務服務能力,逐步建成覆蓋全球、與地面通信網絡融合的衛星通信廣播系統。(2) Satellite communications and broadcasting system. This system is oriented toward industrial and market applications, and mainly operates through business models while meeting public welfare needs. China will develop both fixed and mobile communications and broadcasting as well as data relay satellites, build a space-ground integrated information network consisting of space-based systems such as high-earth-orbit broadband satellite systems and low-earth-orbit mobile satellite systems, and ground-based systems such as satellite-access stations. TT&C stations, gateway stations, uplink stations, calibration fields and other satellite ground facilities are to be built synchronously. These efforts are expected to bring about a comprehensive system capable of providing broadband communications, fixed communications, direct-broadcast television, mobile communications and mobile multimedia broadcast services. A global satellite communications and broadcasting system integrated with the ground communications network will be established step by step.
3.衛星導航系統。持續提升北斗二號系統服務性能。繼續開展北斗全球系統建設,計劃于2018年面向“一帶一路”沿線及周邊國家提供基本服務;2020年前后,完成35顆衛星發射組網,為全球用戶提供服務;持續統籌推進北斗地基、星基增強系統建設,為各類用戶提供更高精度、更為可靠的服務。(3) Satellite navigation system. China is to continuously enhance the service capacities of the Beidou-2. With sustained efforts in building the Beidou global system, we plan to start providing basic services to countries along the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-century Maritime Silk Road in 2018, form a network consisting of 35 satellites for global services by 2020, and provide all clients with more accurate and more reliable services through advancing the ground-based and satellite-based augmentation systems in an integrated way.
(三)載人航天3. Manned spaceflight
發射“天舟一號”貨運飛船,與在軌運行的“天宮二號”空間實驗室進行交會對接,突破和掌握貨物運輸和補給等關鍵技術,為空間站建造和運營積累經驗。China plans to launch the Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft to dock with the earth-orbiting Tiangong-2 space laboratory, and research and master key technologies for cargo transport and replenishment to accumulate experience in building and operating a space station.
完成空間站各艙段主要研制工作,開展空間站在軌組裝建造和運營。We aim to complete the main research and development work on the space station modules, and start assembly and operation of the space station.
開展關鍵技術攻關和相關技術試驗驗證,提升載人航天能力,為載人探索開發地月空間奠定基礎。We strive to acquire key technologies and conduct experiments on such technologies to raise our manned spaceflight capacity, laying a foundation for exploring and developing cislunar space.
(四)深空探測4. Deep-space exploration
繼續實施月球探測工程,突破探測器地外天體自動采樣返回技術。2017年年底,發射“嫦娥五號”月球探測器,實現區域軟著陸及采樣返回,全面實現月球探測工程“三步走”戰略目標。2018年前后,發射“嫦娥四號”月球探測器,實現人類探測器在月球背面首次軟著陸,開展原位和巡視探測,以及地月L2點中繼通信。通過月球探測工程的實施,開展月表形貌探測和地質勘察,對月球樣品進行實驗室研究;開展月球背面著陸區地質特征探測與研究,以及低頻射電天文觀測與研究,深化對月球成因和演化的認知。China will continue its lunar exploration project, and strive to attain the automated extraterrestrial sampling and returning technology by space explorers. We plan to fulfill the three strategic steps of "orbiting, landing and returning" for the lunar exploration project by launching the Chang' e-5 lunar probe by the end of 2017 and realizing regional soft landing, sampling and return. We will launch the Chang'e-4 lunar probe around 2018 to achieve mankind' s first soft landing on the far side of the moon, and conduct in situ and roving detection and relay communications at earth-moon L2 point. Through the lunar exploration project, topographic and geological surveys will be implemented and laboratory research conducted on lunar samples; geological survey and research as well as low-frequency radio astronomy observation and research will be carried out targeting the landing area on the far side of the moon for a better understanding of the formation and evolution of the moon.
實施中國首次火星探測任務,突破火星環繞、著陸、巡視探測等關鍵技術。2020年發射首顆火星探測器,實施環繞和巡視聯合探測。開展火星采樣返回、小行星探測、木星系及行星穿越探測等的方案深化論證和關鍵技術攻關,適時啟動工程實施,研究太陽系起源與演化、地外生命信息探尋等重大科學問題。China intends to execute its first Mars exploration operation, and grasp key technologies for orbiting, landing and roving exploration. It plans to launch the first Mars probe by 2020 to carry out orbiting and roving exploration. It will conduct further studies and key technological research on the bringing back of samples from Mars, asteroid exploration, exploration of the Jupiter system and planet fly-by exploration. When conditions allow, related projects will be implemented to conduct research into major scientific questions such as the origin and evolution of the solar system, and search for extraterrestrial life.
(五)航天新技術試驗5. Experiments on new space technologies
開展新技術試驗驗證,為航天發展提供技術支撐。China is to perform experiments on new space technologies to provide solid technological support for its space industry.
研制發射“實踐十三號”、“實踐十七號”、“實踐十八號”、全球二氧化碳監測等技術試驗衛星,開展新型電推進、激光通信、新一代通信衛星公用平臺等關鍵技術試驗驗證。啟動空間飛行器在軌服務與維護系統建設,利用多種資源,開展新原理、新技術、新產品在軌試驗驗證。China will develop and launch technology experiment satellites, including the Shijian-13, Shijian-17 and Shijian-18, and a global carbon dioxide monitoring satellite, and conduct experiments on key technologies for new electric propulsion, laser communications and common platforms of new-generation communications satellites. It plans to build in-orbit servicing and maintenance systems for spacecraft and make in-orbit experiments on new theories, technologies and products by tapping various resources.
(六)航天發射場6. Space launch sites
完善現有航天發射場系統,統籌開展地面設施設備可靠性增長、適應性改造和信息化建設,增強發射場任務互補和備份能力,初步具備開展多樣化發射任務的能力。探索推進開放共享的航天發射場建設,形成分工合理、優勢互補、有機銜接、安全可靠的新型航天發射體系,持續提升發射場綜合能力和效益,滿足各類發射任務需求。China will improve its existing space launch sites by raising the reliability and IT application level and conducting adaptive improvements to ground facilities and equipment, and increasing the complementarity of mission enforcement and backup capacities of space launch sites, equipping them with basic capacities to carry out various launch missions. It will explore and advance the building of space launch sites that are open to cooperation and sharing, form a new space launch system featuring rational division of work, mutual complementarity, smooth coordination, security and reliability. The integrated capacities and functions of space launch sites will be enhanced and exploited to meet various needs.
(七)航天測控7. Space TT
完善現有航天測控系統,建設運行第二代中繼衛星系統,提高航天器測定軌精度,提升在軌航天器測控管理能力,加強測控資源綜合運用,提升航天測控資源運行使用效益,構建安全可靠、響應迅速、接入靈活、運行高效、服務廣泛的天地一體化航天測控體系。探索發展商業航天測控系統,創新服務模式,加強國際合作和測控聯網,構建開放共享的航天測控服務新格局。China will enhance its existing space TT&C systems. It aims to build and operate a second-generation relay satellite system, raise the accuracy of the orbit determination process for spacecraft, improve its TT&C capabilities in managing in-orbit spacecraft, and strengthen integrated and efficient utilization of TT&C resources, to build a space-ground integrated TT&C network featuring security, reliability, quick response, flexible access, efficient operation and diverse services. It plans to explore the development of commercial TT&C systems, seek new service modes, and intensify international cooperation and networking in the field of TT&C, forming a new TT&C service pattern marked by openness and sharing.
(八)空間應用8. Space applications
健全空間應用服務體系,面向行業、區域和公眾服務,大力拓展空間信息綜合應用,加強科技成果轉化和市場推廣,提高空間應用規模化、業務化、產業化水平,服務國家安全、國民經濟和社會發展。China will improve its space application service system oriented toward industries, regions and the public, expand integrated application of space information, and improve the application and marketing of scientific and technological results. Consequently, the scale, operational standards and industrialization level of space applications will be raised to serve national security and national economic and social development.
1.行業應用。圍繞全球測繪地理信息資源獲取、資源開發與環境保護、海洋開發管理與權益維護、防災減災與應急反應、全球氣候變化治理、糧食安全、社會管理與公共服務等需求,強化空間基礎設施綜合應用,提供及時、準確、穩定的空間信息服務,提升業務化服務能力。(1) Industrial applications. In view of the need for global land surveying and geographic information acquisition, resource development and environmental protection, maritime development and management, and the protection of related rights and interests, natural disaster prevention and reduction and emergency response, global climate change control, food security, social management and public services, China plans to consolidate the integrated application of space infrastructure, and enhance its ability to provide timely, accurate and steady services.
2.區域應用。面向區域城市規劃、建設、運行管理和社會服務需求,開展新型城鎮化布局、“智慧城市”“智慧交通”等衛星綜合應用,服務東、中、西、東北地區協調發展、京津冀協同發展、長江經濟帶建設,以及其他區域經濟社會發展。加強與國家精準扶貧、精準脫貧工作的銜接,針對“老少邊窮”地區和海島等開展空間信息服務。(2) Regional applications. In view of the need for regional urban planning, construction, operation management and social services, China will develop comprehensive satellite applications, such as new urbanization layout, and smart towns and smart transport applications, to serve the coordinated development of the eastern, central, western, northeastern parts of the country, collaborated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, building of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and economic and social development of other regions in China. In addition, China will intensify its services oriented toward the nationally targeted poverty alleviation and eradication, and operate space information services targeting old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minorities regions, frontier areas, poverty-stricken areas and islands in the sea.
3.公眾服務。面向智慧旅游、廣播電視、遠程教育、遠程醫療、文化傳播等大眾信息消費與服務領域,開發衛星應用智能終端、可穿戴電子設備等,加強空間信息融合應用,大力推進空間應用產業化發展,培育新的經濟增長點。(3) Public services. Aiming at public information consumption and services, including smart tourism, broadcasting and TV, distance learning, telemedicine, and cultural communication, China is determined to develop smart terminals of satellite applications and wearable electronics, improve space information fusion applications, and advance the industrialization of space applications, fostering new growth points for the national economy.
(九)空間科學9. Space science
面向重大科技前沿,遴選并啟動實施一批新的空間科學衛星項目,建立可持續發展的空間科學衛星系列,加強基礎應用研究,在空間科學前沿領域取得重大發現和突破,深化人類對宇宙的認知。Targeting major frontier areas of space science and technology, China will implement a series of new space science satellite programs, establish a series of space science satellites featuring sustainable development, and reinforce basic application research. Major discoveries and breakthroughs are expected in the frontier areas of space science to further mankind's knowledge of the universe.
1.空間天文與空間物理。利用暗物質粒子探測衛星,探測宇宙高能電子及高能伽馬射線,探尋暗物質存在的證據。發射硬X射線調制望遠鏡,研究致密天體和黑洞強引力場中物質動力學和高能輻射過程。綜合利用相關資源,開展太陽風與磁層大尺度結構和相互作用模式、磁層亞暴變化過程響應等研究。(1) Space astronomy and space physics. China will seek evidence of the existence of dark matter by using dark matter particle exploration satellites to detect high-energy electrons and high-energy gamma rays in the universe. It plans to launch a hard X-ray modulation telescope to study the matter dynamics and high-energy radiation processes in the strong gravitational field of compact celestial bodies and black holes. Relevant resources will be brought into play for research into large-scale structure and interaction models of solar wind and the magnetosphere, and response to magnetospheric substorm change process.
2.空間環境下的科學實驗。利用“實踐十號”返回式科學實驗衛星、“嫦娥”探測器、“神舟”系列飛船、“天宮二號”空間實驗室、“天舟一號”貨運飛船等平臺,開展空間環境下的生物、生命、醫學、材料等方面的科學實驗和研究。(2) Scientific experiments in space. The Shijian-10 recoverable satellite, Chang'e probes, Shenzhou spacecraft, Tiangong-2 space laboratory and Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft are to be used to implement scientific experiments and research in biology, life sciences, medicine and materials in the space environment.
3.量子科學空間實驗。利用量子科學實驗衛星,開展空間尺度上的量子密鑰傳輸、量子糾纏分發及量子隱形傳態等量子科學實驗和研究。(3) Quantum experiments in space. Quantum experiment satellites are to be used to conduct experiments and research in the fields of quantum key transmission, quantum entanglement distribution, and quantum teleportation.
4.基礎理論及科學應用研究。開展日地空間環境、空間天氣、太陽活動及其對空間天氣影響等領域基礎研究。開展空間科學交叉學科研究。發展基于X射線屬性特征、高能電子和伽馬射線能量與空間分布、空間物理環境、地外天體、地球電磁場及電離層等科學探測數據綜合分析技術,促進空間科學成果轉化。(4) Basic and applied research. China will carry out basic research into sun-earth space environment, space climate, and solar activity and its impact on space climate, and implement space-related interdisciplinary research as well. Comprehensive techniques will be developed for analyzing data from space observations on the properties of X-rays, the energy spectrum and spatial distribution of high-energy electrons and high-energy gamma rays, space physics, extraterrestrial celestial bodies, and the earth's electromagnetic field and ionosphere, to promote the application of space research findings.
(十)空間環境10. Space environment
完善空間碎片、近地小天體和空間天氣相關標準規范體系。建立完善空間碎片基礎數據庫和共享數據模型,統籌推進空間碎片監測設施、預警應急平臺、網絡服務系統建設,強化資源綜合利用。進一步加強航天器防護能力。完善空間環境監測系統,構建預警預報平臺,提升空間環境監測及災害預警能力。論證建設近地小天體監測設施,提升近地小天體監測和編目能力。China will improve the standardization system for space debris, near-earth objects and space climate. It will enhance the space debris basic database and data-sharing model, and advance the development of space debris monitoring facilities, the early warning and emergency response platform and the online service system, through reinforcing integrated utilization of resources. The protection systems of spacecraft will be further strengthened. Furthermore, efforts will be made to improve the space environment monitoring system and to build a disaster early warning and prediction platform to raise our preventative capability. It will conduct studies on the building of facilities for monitoring near-earth objects, and put the plan into operation to elevate our capability to monitor and catalog such objects.
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