

White Paper: Historical Witness to Ethnic Equality, Unity and Development

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2015-09-25

四、改善民生造福各族人民IV. Improving Standards of Living for All
自治區成立后,尤其是改革開放以來,經濟社會全面發展,新疆各族人民充分享受到改革發展的成果。2010年以來,新疆持續加大民生建設和投入力度,連續6個“民生建設年”累計實施重點民生工程項目500余項,民生支出占年公共財政預算支出70%以上,成為各族群眾得實惠最多、物質文化生活水平提高最快的時期。Since the founding of the autonomous region, and especially since the launch of the reform and opening-up drive, Xinjiang has enjoyed overall economic and social development, and people of the various ethnic groups in the autonomous region have all benefitted from the fruits of the reform and development. Since 2010, Xinjiang has stepped up efforts and input in improving the people's living standards, undertaking over 500 key projects in this regard over the past six consecutive "people's livelihood years," with the expenditure on improving the people's livelihood accounting for over 70 percent of the region's yearly total public spending. This has made these six years a period in which the people are benefitted the most and see the greatest improvement in their material well-being and cultural life.
就業渠道不斷拓寬。2014年新疆城鎮登記失業率為3.2%。2010-2014年,新增城鎮就業249.7萬人,年均增長50萬人。2010年,新疆建立就業困難人員和零就業家庭就業動態登記制度,截至2014年,幫助2.9萬名零就業家庭成員實現就業,累計消除零就業家庭2.6萬戶。2010-2014年,解決30.3萬名高校畢業生就業,高校畢業生就業率和少數民族高校畢業生就業率分別達88.6%和82.7%。2011年5月,基本解決2009年底前實名登記的7.5萬名未就業大中專畢業生就業問題,其中少數民族畢業生占84.6%。農業富余勞動力轉移就業從2009年166萬人(次)增加到2014年285萬人(次),轉移就業獲得工資性收入和勞務收入累計566億元。Employment channels are constantly expanding. In 2014, the registered urban unemployment rate of Xinjiang was 3.2 percent. From 2010 to 2014, 2.5 million new urban jobs were created, averaging a yearly growth of 500,000. In 2010, Xinjiang established a registration system for people with difficulties in finding work and for families of which no member was gainfully employed. By 2014, under this system Xinjiang had helped 29,000 members of these "zero-employment" families find jobs, cutting the number of zero-employment families by 26,000. From 2010 to 2014, Xinjiang provided jobs to 303,000 university graduates, with the employment rates of university graduates and university graduates of ethnic minority origins reaching 88.6 and 82.7 percent, respectively. By May 2011, it had virtually resolved the employment problems of 75,000 unemployed graduates of junior colleges and technical secondary schools who had registered before the end of 2009, of whom 84.6 percent came from ethnic minority groups. Some 1.66 million job opportunities were created for rural surplus labor in 2009. This figure increased to 2.85 million in 2014. During this five-year period, the relevant wage bill totaled RMB56.6 billion.
人民生活持續改善。2014年,城鎮居民人均可支配收入21881元,是1980年的51.2倍,年均增長12.3%,比2009年增加9624元;農村居民人均純收入8114元,是1980年的40.4倍,年均增長11.5%,比2009年增加4231元。城鎮和農村居民恩格爾系數持續下降,分別從2009年的36.3%、41.5%下降到2014年的31.3%、34.5%。The life of the people has kept improving. In 2014, the per-capita disposable income of urban residents averaged RMB21,881, an increase of 51.2 fold over that of 1980, representing an average annual growth of 12.3 percent. This also represented an increase of more than RMB9,624 over that of 2009. The per-capita net income of rural residents was RMB8,114, increasing by 41.4 fold as compared with that of 1980, averaging an annual growth of 11.5 percent. This was an increase of more than RMB4,231 as compared with 2009. The Engel coefficient of urban and rural residents continued to decline, from 36.3 percent and 41.5 percent respectively in 2009 to 31.3 percent and 34.5 percent in 2014.
城鄉居住條件不斷改善。2004年啟動實施抗震安居工程,2010年以來啟動安居富民、定居興牧和城鎮保障性安居工程建設,到2014年累計超過480萬農牧民和207萬城鎮中低收入居民喜遷新居,城鄉居民戶均擁有住房面積分別達到85平方米和105平方米。100%的城鎮和72%的農村住戶有供暖設施,城鎮供水普及率達96.3%,污水集中處理率達78.6%,生活垃圾無害化處理率達63%。城鎮建成區綠化覆蓋率34.9%,人均公園綠地面積10.7平方米。實施農村環境連片整治項目和農村環境綜合整治示范工程,使200多萬農牧民逐步享受到干凈、整潔的村容環境。Living conditions of both urban and rural residents have continued to improve. In 2004, Xinjiang started an earthquake-resistant and comfortable housing project; and since 2010, it has launched projects of offering comfortable housing and enriching the people, settlement of herdsmen for developing animal husbandry, and urban affordable housing. By 2014, more than 4.8 million farmers and herdsmen and 2.07 million middle- and low-income urban residents had moved into new homes. The average flood space for an urban household was 85 sq m, and that of a rural household was 105 sq m. All urban households and 72 percent of rural households have been provided with facilities for heating. In urban areas, the water supply covered 96.3 percent of the population, and the centralized sewage treatment rate reached 78.6 percent. Sixty-three percent of domestic garbage underwent hazard-free treatment. In built-up urban areas, the green coverage rate was 34.9 percent, and per-capita green park area was 10.7 sq m. Projects to improve the communal environment in rural areas and demonstration projects of comprehensive improvement of rural environment were launched, gradually bringing about a clean and neat village environment for more than 2 million farmers and herdsmen.
教育事業不斷發展。2010年以來,教育事業發展進入新的快速發展時期,近5年教育經費支出超過2500億元,2014年教育支出占GDP比重提高到6.47%。全疆有各級各類學校9230所,在校學生473.48萬人,專任教師33.82萬人。2010-2014年,學前三年入園率由51%提高到72.4%;初中畢業生升高中比例由74%提高到91%,高中階段毛入學率由67%提高到84%;高考錄取率由64%提高到79%,高等教育毛入學率由22%提高到31%,與全國同步進入高等教育大眾化階段。職業教育體系基本形成,有中等職業技術學校176所,在校學生21.95萬人。Continuous development has been seen in education. Since 2010, education in the region has ushered in a new period of rapid development. Over the past five years, education expenditure has exceeded RMB250 billion. In 2014, the proportion of education expenditure in the GDP increased to 6.47 percent. Xinjiang has 9,230 schools of various types and at all levels, with 4,734,800 students and 338,200 full-time teachers. From 2010 to 2014, the three-year kindergarten enrollment rate grew from 51 percent to 72.4 percent; the proportion of junior high school graduates getting enrolled into high schools increased from 74 percent to 91 percent, while the gross high school enrollment increased from 67 percent to 84 percent. The university and college admission rate grew from 64 percent to 79 percent, and the gross enrollment rate of higher education increased from 22 percent to 31 percent. This brought Xinjiang to a level of higher education take-up similar to the rest of the country. A full system of vocational education was in place, with 176 secondary vocational and technical schools providing for 219,500 students.
雙語教育全面發展。20世紀50年代起,新疆逐步為少數民族學生開設漢語課程,積極穩妥推進雙語教育。2014年,全區學前到高中階段接受雙語教育的學生達269.4萬人,各種模式雙語教育覆蓋面達100%。2010-2014年,學前兩年雙語教育普及率由59%提高到89%。實踐證明,雙語教育進一步密切了各民族之間的關系,提高了少數民族人口的就業能力。Bilingual education has undergone full development. As of the 1950s, ethnic minority students have gradually been offered bilingual courses, thus ensuing steady development in this regard. In 2014, a total of 269,400 Xinjiang students - from pre-school to high school - were receiving bilingual education, and the coverage of bilingual education in various forms reached 100 percent. From 2010 to 2014, the take-up of two-year pre-school bilingual education grew from 59 percent to 89 percent. Practice has proved that bilingual education has further promoted relations among different ethnic groups, in addition to improving the employability of the ethnic minorities.
逐步完善教育保障機制。與全國同步實行農村中小學“兩免一補”政策,免除城市中小學學雜費,實現義務教育全免費。在南疆普通高中和中等職業學校實行“三免一補”資助政策,南疆四地州實現14年免費教育。實施覆蓋36個縣及內初班所有學生的農村義務教育學生營養改善計劃。建立完善從學前教育至高等教育的學生資助體系,資助范圍擴大至海外新疆籍自費留學生,各族學生公平受教育的權利得到切實保障。The mechanism for guaranteeing education has improved. In tandem with the rest of China, Xinjiang has implemented the policy of "two exemptions and one subsidy" - exemption from miscellaneous fees and textbook fees, and subsidized living expenses for resident students, and abolishing tuition and miscellaneous fees for urban primary and middle schools and realizing free compulsory education. The policy of "three exemptions and one subsidy" has been implemented for high schools and secondary vocational schools in the four prefectures of southern Xinjiang, i.e., exemption from tuition, textbook and boarding fees, and subsidized living expenses for resident students, in order to realize 14-year free education there. A nutrition improvement program has also been implemented for all rural students undertaking compulsory education, covering 36 counties and all junior high school classes specially set up in some cities in Xinjiang for minority students from remote impoverished areas. A system for subsidizing students from pre-school to higher education has been established, and its coverage even extends to students from Xinjiang studying overseas at their own expense, ensuring that students from all ethnic groups enjoy equal access to education.
衛生事業穩步發展。經過60年的發展,衛生資源總量持續增長,衛生服務體系不斷健全。2010年以來,衛生事業作為重要的民生保障目標,投入不斷加大。2014年,有各級各類醫療衛生機構18873所、衛生技術人員153417人;每千人擁有醫療衛生機構床位數6.22張、執業(助理)醫師2.38人、注冊護士2.60人,均高于全國平均水平。重大傳染病、地方病得到有效控制。突發事件衛生應急處置能力顯著提升。人口主要健康指標顯著改善。2010-2014年,嬰兒死亡率從26.58‰下降到21.65‰,孕產婦死亡率從43.41/10萬下降到39.27/10萬,人均預期壽命達到72.35歲。Public health has been improved steadily. Through 60 years of development, total healthcare resources continue to expand, while the health service system continues to improve. As a major indicator of people's livelihood, since 2010, financial input in healthcare has kept growing. In 2014, Xinjiang boasted 18,873 medical and health institutions at various levels and of various types, manned by 153,417 health professionals. In the region, every 1,000 people averaged 6.22 hospital beds, 2.38 licensed (assistant) doctors and 2.60 registered nurses, a level higher than the national average. The health emergency response capacity has been significantly enhanced, and major epidemic and endemic diseases have been brought under effective control. Key health indicators have improved remarkably. From 2010 to 2014, the infant mortality rate fell from 2.66 to 2.16 per thousand, the maternal mortality rate went down from 43.41 to 39.27 per 100,000, and average life expectancy reached 72.35 years.

There has been a steady improvement in the provision of social security. In 2011, Xinjiang led the country in establishing systems of basic old-age insurance and basic medical insurance that gave overall consideration to both urban and rural areas and cover all the local population, providing everyone access to basic social security. The coverage of the new cooperative medical system for agricultural and pastoral areas was 99.7 percent. The coverage of the new rural social pension insurance reached 98.5 percent. Unemployment, work-related injury and maternity insurance systems have been extended to cover all occupational groups. In 2014, there were 33.5 million registrations in Xinjiang's various social insurance schemes, an increase of 10.73 million or 47 percent over 2009. The coverage of these insurance schemes exceeded 90 percent, essentially ensuring that all those in need of insurance are provided for.

For 10 consecutive years, Xinjiang has adjusted the basic pension for enterprise retirees, increasing the basic monthly pension from an average of RMB1,338 in 2009 up to RMB2,298 in 2014, a level of increase that tops the whole country. For four consecutive years, the unemployment insurance benefits have been increased, with the per-capita average monthly unemployment insurance reaching RMB761 in 2014. The annual per-capita government subsidy for urban residents' medical insurance was raised from RMB120 in 2009 to RMB330 in 2014, RMB10 higher than the national average.

社會救助不斷加強。最低生活保障等生活救助制度全面建立。生活救助托底保障作用日益明顯。最低生活保障制度覆蓋城鄉,實現“應保盡保”。2009-2014年,城鎮和農村居民最低生活保障人均月補助水平分別從176元和68元,提高到329元和129元,各類優撫對象撫恤補助水平增長1倍。農村五保供養標準從集中供養3036元/年、分散供養2280元/年,分別提高到集中供養6750元/年、分散供養4301元/年。2014年,有養老機構1726家,床位52183張,每千名老人擁有床位20.6張。80歲以上老人享受基本生活津貼和免費體檢。福利機構供養孤兒最低基本生活費由2009年360元/月提高到2014年900元/月。Social assistance has continued to strengthen. Subsistence allowances and other life assistance systems have been established. Life assistance plays an increasingly important role in underpinning security. The system of subsistence allowances covers both urban and rural areas, again ensuring that all of those in need of insurance are provided for. From 2009 to 2014, the monthly subsistence allowance for urban residents increased from RMB176 per capita to RMB329 per capita, while that of rural residents rose from RMB68 to RMB129. Subsidies for disabled servicemen and family members of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen doubled. For rural households enjoying the "five guarantees" (proper food, clothing, medical care, housing and funeral/educational expenses), subsidies for those living in nursing homes increased from RMB3,036 to RMB6,750 per year, and that for those living at home grew from RMB2,280 to RMB4,301 per year. In 2014, there were 1,726 old people's homes, with a total of 52,183 beds, averaging 20.6 beds per thousand elderly people. People over the age 80 now enjoy a basic living allowance and free medical check-up. The minimum basic living expenses for orphans supported by welfare institutions grew from RMB360 per month in 2009 to RMB900 per month in 2014.
扶貧開發成效顯著。20世紀90年代,國家實施“八七扶貧攻堅計劃”,期間新疆解決了132萬貧困人口的溫飽問題。2001-2010年,新疆解決了284萬人的溫飽問題,進入鞏固溫飽、發展致富的新階段。2011-2014年,針對南疆三地州(和田、喀什、克州)、邊境地區、貧困山區實施區域發展與扶貧攻堅。4年間,僅財政專項扶貧資金投入就達到100.8億元,執行扶貧項目1.2萬個,面向貧困人口開展扶貧培訓77.5萬人次,在1902個貧困村實施整村推進扶貧規劃,減少貧困人口139萬人,貧困地區農牧民生產生活條件顯著改善。Remarkable results have been achieved in poverty alleviation. In the 1990s, the state launched the Seven-Year Poverty Alleviation Program (to lift 80 million people out of poverty), during which Xinjiang had managed to solve the problem of providing food and clothing for 1.32 million impoverished people. From 2001 to 2010, Xinjiang solved the problem of shortages of food and clothing for 2.84 million people, thus entering a new stage of consolidation and development in this regard. From 2011 to 2014, Xinjiang carried out policies of regional development and priority poverty alleviation in the three prefectures of southern Xinjiang (Hotan, Kashi and Kizilsu), and in border areas and poor mountainous areas. Over these four years, special funds allocated for poverty relief totaled RMB10.1 billion, 12,000 poverty alleviation projects were implemented, poverty alleviation training was provided to 775,000 recipients, and poverty reduction programs were carried out in 1,902 poverty-stricken villages. Thanks to these efforts, Xinjiang's poverty-stricken population was reduced by 1.39 million, and marked improvement has been seen in the work and living conditions of farmers and herdsmen in the poverty-stricken areas.
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