

White Paper: Progress in China's Human Rights in 2013

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2014-05-27

二、社會保障權利 II. Right to Social Security
隨著全面建成小康社會的加快推進,近年來中國的社會保障水平不斷提高。2013年,中國社會保障事業快速發展,保障內容持續增加,保障范圍不斷擴大,在經濟發展水平還不是很高的情況下,初步建立了世界上規模最大的符合現階段中國社會實際的社會保障體系。 China's social security has been continuously improving in recent years, as we speed up the process of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. China's social security developed rapidly in 2013, as it expanded constantly both in coverage and scope. Although not very developed, China has put in place a rudimentary social security system, which is the world's largest and suitable to China' s current social conditions.
2012年,實現全國新型農村社會養老保險和城鎮居民社會養老保險制度全覆蓋。截至2013年,全國城鄉居民參保人數達到49,750萬人,比2012年增加1,381萬人;全國城鎮職工基本養老保險參保人數為32,218萬人,比2012年增加1,791萬人。2013年,企業退休人員月人均基本養老金水平繼續調整,調整水平按2012年企業退休人員月人均基本養老金的10%左右確定,達到近1900元,并對具有高級職稱的企業退休科技人員、基本養老金相對偏低的人員等進行適當傾斜。2014年2月,國務院發布《關于建立統一的城鄉居民基本養老保險制度的意見》,將新型農村社會養老保險和城鎮居民社會養老保險兩項制度合并實施,在全國范圍內建立統一的城鄉居民基本養老保險制度。 In 2012 full coverage was achieved by the new social endowment insurance system for rural residents and social endowment insurance for non-working urban residents. By the end of 2013 a total of 497.5 million rural and non-working urban residents had participated in social endowment insurance, an increase of 13.81 million compared with 2012. A total of 322.18 million people had participated in the basic endowment insurance for urban workers by the end of 2013, an increase of 17.91 million compared with 2012. In 2013 the monthly per capita basic pension for enterprise retirees, which had been continuously raised for years, reached almost 1,900 yuan, 10 percent of the average monthly pension of 2012. The new adjustment also provided preferential treatment for retired senior enterprise technicians, and retirees whose pensions were relatively low. In February 2014 the State Council issued Opinions on Establishing a Unified Basic Pension Insurance System for Rural and Non-working Urban Residents, which integrates the new social endowment insurance system for rural residents with the social endowment insurance system for non-working urban residents, and build a unified basic pension insurance system for both rural and non-working urban residents nationwide.
建立和完善醫療保險制度,保障城鄉居民醫療權利。目前,中國已基本建立全民醫療保險體系,且保障水平在不斷提升。參加城鎮職工醫療保險、城鎮居民醫療保險和新型農村合作醫療的人數超過13億,參保率達到90%以上。截至2013年,參加城鎮居民基本醫療保險人數達到 29,906萬人。政府對城鎮居民醫療保險的補助標準逐年提高,從2007年的人均40元提高到2013年的280元,政策范圍內住院費用報銷比例提高到70%左右,基層最高支付限額達到當地居民年人均可支配收入的6倍左右。新型農村合作醫療制度自建立以來,迅速覆蓋了全體農民。2007年參加新農合的人數為7.3億,參合率為85.7%;截至2013年,人數達到8.02億,參合率上升至99%。政府對新農合的財政補助逐年增加,人均籌資水平不斷提高。2013年,新農合的人均籌資水平提高到340元左右,其中各級財政補助標準提高到280元,政策范圍內住院費用報銷比例保持在75%左右,最高支付限額和門診醫藥費用報銷比例進一步提高。2013年,參合農民共計受益13.2億人次,同比增長14.9%;新農合大病保障受益人次達137萬,實際報銷比例達到70%左右。 China has established and improved its medical insurance system to protect both rural and urban residents' right to medical treatment. So far, China has established a basic national medical insurance system, and kept raising its standard. More than 1.3 billion people, or over 90 percent of the total population have participated in medical insurance for non-working urban workers, basic medical insurance for urban residents or the new rural cooperative medical care system. By the end of 2013 some 299.06 million people had participated in the basic medical insurance for non-working urban residents. Government subsidies for basic medical insurance for non-working urban residents have been rising year by year-from 40 yuan per person in 2007 to 280 yuan in 2013. The reimbursement rate for hospitalization expenses covered by relevant policies has been raised to around 70 percent, and the maximum payment has been raised to six times local residents' per capita disposable income. The new rural cooperative medical care system has expanded rapidly to cover the entire rural population. By the end of 2013 a total of 802 million people had participated in the new rural cooperative medical care system, compared with 730 million in 2007, with its coverage rate rising from 85.7 percent to 99 percent. Government subsidies for the new rural cooperative medical care system and per capita funding have grown year by year. In 2013 per capita financing for the new rural cooperative medical care increased to about 340 yuan, of which 280 yuan was subsidies from government at various levels; the reimbursement rate for hospitalization expenses covered by relevant policies has stayed at 75 percent, and the maximum payment and the reimbursement rate for outpatient expenses have been further increased. In the same year the new rural cooperative medical care system benefited a total of 1.32 billion people, up 14.9 percent year on year, and 1.37 million patients benefited from serious illness insurance under the new rural cooperative medical care system, with a reimbursement rate of 70 percent.
城鄉居民大病保險試點進展順利,重特大疾病保障機制開始建立,減輕了城鄉居民大病醫療費用負擔。2012年,國家發改委等6部門聯合印發《關于開展城鄉居民大病保險工作的指導意見》,全國已有28個省份啟動實施了大病保險試點工作,8個省份全面推開。2013年,肺癌、胃癌等20種重大疾病全部納入大病保障范疇。兒童苯丙酮尿癥和尿道下裂被納入新農合大病保障,新農合保障的重大疾病已達22種。 The urban and rural residents' medical burden resulting from serious illnesses has been greatly mitigated, because of the establishment of the medical care system for major and very serious illnesses and the smooth progress of the pilot projects for serious illness insurance for urban and rural residents. In 2012 six ministries, including the National Development and Reform Commission, jointly issued Guiding Opinions on Launching Serious Illness Insurance for Rural and Non-working Residents. So far, serious illness insurance has been piloted in 28 provincial-level administrative areas, and widely implemented in eight of them. In 2013 some 20 major diseases including lung cancer and gastric cancer were included in the serious illness insurance; children's phenylketonuria and hypospadias were included in the serious illness insurance under the new rural cooperative medical care system, bringing the number of serious diseases covered by the system to 22.
失業保險、工傷保險和生育保險穩步發展,對于參保人維持穩定的生活水準、獲得醫療救治和生育保障等發揮了越來越大的作用。2013年末,全國參加失業保險人數為16,417萬人,比上年末增加1,192萬人;全國工傷保險參保人數達到19,917萬人,比上年增加907萬人,其中參加工傷保險的農民工7,263萬人,增加84萬人。全國生育保險參保人數16,392萬人,比上年底增加963萬人。2013年有417萬人享受了不同期限的失業保險待遇,年末有197萬人領取失業保險金,月人均領取失業保險金水平為759元,比上年增加60.3元,增長8.5%。 Steady development has been seen in unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance and maternity insurance, which are playing an increasingly bigger role in helping the insured to maintain their living standards and obtain medical treatment and maternity protection. At the end of 2013 some 164.17 million people were covered by unemployment insurance, an increase of 11.92 million over the end of 2012; 199.17 million people had access to work-related injury insurance, among whom 72.63 million were migrant workers, an increase of 9.07 million and 840,000 people as compared with 2012, respectively. As many as 163.92 million people were covered by maternity insurance, an increase of 9.63 million over 2012. In 2013 some 4.17 million people benefited from unemployment insurance of different durations, and 1.97 million people received unemployment insurance allowances at the end of the year, with an average amount of 759 yuan per month, up 60.3 yuan or 8.5 percent over the previous year.
最低生活保障制度進一步完善。截至2013年,全國城市低保對象2,061.3萬人,平均保障標準為373元/人·月,月人均獲得補助252元,2013年累計支出保障資金724.2億元,分別比2012年增長13.8%、1.3%和7.4%。截至2013年,全國農村低保對象5,382.1萬人,占農業人口的6.1%;平均保障標準為2,434元/人·年,月人均獲得補助111元,2013年累計支出保障資金841.9億元,分別比2012年增長18.7%、2.9%和17.3%。截至2013年,全國農村五保供養對象538.2萬人,平均供養標準為集中供養4,685元/人·年、分散供養3,499元/人·年,2013年累計支出五保供養資金161.6億元,分別2012年增長15.4%、16.3%、11.5%。 The subsistence allowance system has been further improved. By the end of 2013 there were altogether 20.613 million urban recipients of the subsistence allowance. The average amount of the allowance was 373 yuan per person per month, the amount actually paid was 252 yuan, and a total of 72.42 billion yuan in allowances was extended in 2013, up 13.8 percent, 1.3 percent and 7.4 percent over 2012, respectively. By the end of 2013 there were 53.821 million rural recipients, making up 6.1 percent of the rural population; the average amount of the allowance was 2,434 yuan per person per year, the amount actually paid was 111 yuan per person per month, and a total of 84.19 billion yuan of allowances was extended, up 18.7 percent, 2.9 percent and 17.3 percent over 2012, respectively. Altogether 5.382 million rural people enjoyed the "five guarantees" (food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses) across the country, with those living in nursing homes receiving an average of 4,685 yuan per person per year, those living on their own an average of 3,499 yuan per person per year, totaling 16.16 billion yuan of the "five guarantee" funds spent in the year, up 15.4 percent, 16.3 percent and 11.5 percent, respectively, over 2012.
對因遭受自然災害、失去勞動能力或因其他原因陷入生活困境的社會成員實施社會救助,維持其最低生活水準,是社會保障權利的最后一道防護線和安全網。截至2013年,全國26個省份制定完善了臨時救助政策。2013年,全國共實施臨時救助3,937萬戶次。醫療救助惠及群體進一步擴大,救助對象從城鄉低保對象、五保對象逐步向低收入重病患者、重度殘疾人和低收入家庭老年人等特殊困難群體拓展。2013年累計支出醫療救助資金257.6億元,救助2,639萬人次。 It is the last safety net of social security rights to provide social assistance to and meet the basic subsistence needs of people in poverty, caused by natural disasters, loss of labor capacity, or due to other reasons. By the end of 2013 some 26 provincial-level administrative areas had formulated or improved their own temporary assistance policies. In 2013 some 39.37 million households received temporary assistance. An increasing number of people are benefiting from medical aid, and the target groups are gradually expanding from urban and rural recipients of subsistence allowances and people enjoying the "five guarantees" to groups with special difficulties including low-income patients with serious illnesses, people with severe disabilities and senior citizens from low-income households. A total of 25.76 billion yuan in medical aid funds was extended in 2013, benefiting 26.39 million people.
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