國務院新聞辦公室10月22日發表了《西藏的發展與進步》白皮書。全文如下: | The Information Office of the State Council, China's cabinet, on October 22 published a white paper on the development and progress of Tibet. Following is the full text: |
西藏的發展與進步 |
Development and Progress of Tibet |
目 錄 | Contents |
前 言 | Foreword |
一、西藏發展進步是歷史的必然 | I. The Development and Progress in Tibet Is the Inevitable Result of History |
二、經濟發展與民生改善 | II. Economic Growth and Improvement of the People's Livelihood |
三、政治進步與人民當家作主 | III. Political Progress -- the People Are the Masters of Their Own Fate |
四、文化保護和宗教信仰自由 | IV. Cultural Preservation and Freedom of Religious Belief |
五、社會變遷與各項事業的發展 | V. Social Changes and Development of All Undertakings |
六、環境保護與生態文明建設 | VI. Environmental Protection and Ecological Improvement |
結束語 | Concluding Remarks |