

Full text: Cai Mingzhao's address at 6th Beijing Forum on Human Rights

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2013-09-13


Cai Mingzhao, Minister of the Information Office of the State Council, delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the 6th Beijing Forum on Human Rights on Sept. 12, 2013. [China.org.cn]
9月12日,國務院新聞辦公室主任蔡名照出席第六屆北京人權論壇開幕式,并發表致辭。全文如下: Cai Mingzhao, Minister of the Information Office of the State Council, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the 6th Beijing Forum on Human Rights on Sept. 12, 2013. Here is the full text of the speech:?
Honorable Vice-chairman Wan Exiang, President Luo Haocai and Chairman Huang Mengfu,
Honorable guests,
Ladies, gentlemen and friends,
大家上午好! Good morning!
今天,由中國人權研究會和中國人權發展基金會共同主辦的第六屆“北京人權論壇”開幕了。在這仲秋九月,來自多國的人權專家及相關人士相聚一堂,共話人權發展大計,無疑有著非常積極的意義。在這里,我代表中國國務院新聞辦公室對論壇的召開表示熱烈祝賀,向出席論壇的各位朋友表示誠摯歡迎! Today, we are gathered to welcome the opening of the Sixth Beijing Forum on Human Rights, which is co-sponsored by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the China Foundation for Human Rights Development. Undoubtedly it is of positive significance that human rights experts and scholars in the international human rights field from many countries in the world have assembled together in this golden season to plan human rights development. On behalf of the State Council Information Office of China, I would like to express warm congratulations to the opening of this forum, and sincere welcome to friends in attendance.
享有充分的人權,是人類共同的追求。長期以來,各國人民為爭取人權進行了不懈努力,取得了重大成果,但是距離達到享有充分的人權這一崇高目標仍然任重道遠。本屆論壇主題為“建設可持續的人權發展環境”。這一主題內涵豐富,意義高遠,值得我們深入思考和研究。人權的發展與國家、社會的發展緊密相關,國家、社會的可持續發展是人權可持續發展的基礎。如何建設可持續發展的人權發展環境,已經成為當今各國政府治國理政的重要議題。 The full enjoyment of human rights is a common pursuit of mankind. For long, people of all countries have made unremitting efforts and thus important progress in striving for human rights, but it is still a long run to reach the sublime goal of full enjoyment of human rights. This session of the Forum is themed with the "construction of environment for sustainable human rights development". With abundant contents and profound meanings, this theme especially deserves our deep speculation and research. Human rights development is closely related to the development of the country and society involved, and the sustainable development of the country and society is the foundation of sustainable human rights development. How to construct the environment for sustainable human rights development has become an important subject for the governments of all countries today.
女士們,先生們, Ladies and gentlemen,
尊重和保障人權是中國共產黨和中國各級國家機關的意志和行動。中國共產黨和中國政府把尊重和保障人權作為治國理政的重要原則,將人權的普遍性原則與中國實際相結合,從中國國情出發,把保障人民的生存權、發展權放在首位。多年來,中國堅持以經濟建設為中心,堅持以人為本,將人權事業的發展與經濟建設、政治建設、文化建設、社會建設和生態文明建設相結合,努力做到全面協調可持續發展,成功地走出了一條符合本國國情的人權發展道路,人權保障水平不斷得到提高。 The CPC and all levels of governmental departments of China has not only resolved to respect and guarantee human rights, but put it into practice. Both the CPC and the Chinese government view the respect and protection of human rights as an important principle in governing the country, combine the principle of universality of human rights with the reality in China, and in reference to the situation of China, give priority to the guarantee of the people's rights to subsistence and development. For years, China has adhered to economic construction as a central task, and combined the cause of human rights development with economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction and ecological civilization construction, trying hard for the all-round, harmonious and sustainable development. In doing so, it has found a path of human rights development suitable to the situation of China, and the levels of human rights protection have been constantly upgraded.
在經濟建設方面,中國通過發展經濟來擴大城鄉就業,增加居民收入和家庭財產收入,改善人民衣食住行用等條件,維護了弱勢群體權益,使公民經濟權利得到切實保障。這里有一組數字可以說明問題。2012年中國GDP占世界比重由1980年的1.89%(按美元匯率計算)增至11.57%,人均GDP有205美元(按美元匯率計算)增至6064美元,增長了近30倍。貧困人口比例從1980年的84%降到2012年的13%。 For economic construction, China engages in economic development to boost employment both in urban and rural areas, increase residents' incomes and households' property incomes, and improve people's living conditions, involving their basic everyday needs. By doing so, it has protected the rights and interest of the disadvantaged groups, and practically guaranteed the citizens' economic rights. Here, I have a set of data as evidence. In 2012, the proportion of China's GDP to the world increased from 1.89% (by the exchange rate of US dollars) in 1980 to 11.57%, and its per capita GDP grew up from 205 US dollars (by the exchange rate of US dollars) to 6,064, with an increase nearly 30 times. In comparison, the proportion of population in poverty decreased from 84% in 1980 to 13% in 2012.
在政治建設方面,中國堅持積極穩妥推進政治體制改革,擴大社會主義民主,加快建設社會主義法治國家。中國努力健全民主制度,豐富民主形式,擴大公民有序政治參與,保證公民依法行使民主權利。不斷深化行政體制改革,推進司法體制和工作機制改革,保障人民依法享有廣泛權利和自由。截至2012年底,全國98%以上的村委會實行了直接選舉,村民平均參選率達到95%。截至2012年底,中國已制定現行憲法和有效法律243部、行政法規721部、地方性法規9200部,中國特色社會主義法律體系已經形成,這是中國人權事業發展的一個重要標志,中國人權的保障已經實現法制化。 For political construction, China insists on actively and properly pushing forward its political structure reform, spreading socialist democracy, and speeding up the construction of a socialist country of governance by law. China has strived for improving its democratic system, enriching its democratic forms, extending the citizens' orderly participation in politics, and guaranteeing the citizens' exercise of democratic rights by law. Meanwhile, it has constantly deepened the reform of its political system, boosted the reform of its judicial system and work mechanism, and guaranteed the people's enjoyment of extensive rights and freedom by law. At the end of 2012, more than 98% village committees all over the country realized direct selection, and villagers' average participation reached 95%. By the end of 2012, Chinese has formulated the current constitution and 242 valid laws, 721 administrative rules and regulations, and 9,200 local regulations. A socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics has been formed. That is an important mark for the cause of human rights development in China, and the protection of human rights in China has been legalized.
在文化建設方面,中國不斷深化文化體制改革,解放和發展文化生產力,激發全民族文化創造活力,公民享受文化成果的權利、參與文化活動和文化事務管理的權利、開展文化創造的權利以及文化成果受法律保護的權利均得到前所未有的提高。以公民享有的文化信息服務為例,目前,中國10%的行政村和95%的20戶以上的自然村通上電話,100%的鄉鎮基本具備互聯網接入能力,100%的鄉鎮和88%的行政村通寬帶。廣播節目綜合人口覆蓋率為97.5%,電視節目綜合人口覆蓋率為98.2%。 For cultural construction, China continues to deepen the reform of its cultural system, emancipate and develop cultural productive forces, activate the cultural creativity of the whole nation. As a result, it has unprecedentedly improved the citizens' rights to enjoy cultural achievements, participate in cultural activities and cultural affairs management, make cultural creation and have their cultural achievements protected by laws. Take the cultural information service for an example, which the citizens have enjoyed. At present, all administrative villages and 95% natural villages with more than 20 households have access to telephones, all towns and townships have basic access to the internet, all towns and townships and 88% administrative villages have access to broadband. Radio broadcast programs have a comprehensive coverage of 97.5% of the total population, and television programs have a comprehensive coverage of 98.2% of the whole population.
在社會建設方面,中國切實解決好人民最關心最直接最現實的利益問題,維護最廣大人民的根本利益,公民的社會保障權利、健康權利和受教育權利都得到了更好保障。中國以保障和改善民生為重點,進一步健全基本公共服務體系,社會保障體制建設成效顯著,基本公共服務水平和均等化程度明顯提高。經過多年不懈努力,中國從制度上實現了基本養老和基本醫療保障對城鄉居民的全覆蓋。到2012年底,各項養老保險參保達到7.9億人,各項醫療保險參保超過13億人。 For social construction, China practically solves such most practicable issues as are most directly related to the interest of the people and concern the latter to the maximum, and guarantees the fundamental interest of the largest possible number of the people; accordingly, the citizens' rights to social insurance, health and education have received better protection. China lays emphasis on the guarantee and improvement of people's living conditions, and further improves basic public service systems. Accordingly, it has achieved remarkably in the construction of social insurance systems, and the levels and average levels of basic public service have been obviously increased. With years' unremitting efforts, China has institutionally realized the overall coverage of basic endowment insurance and basic health insurance both in urban and rural areas. By the end of 2012, the people participating in various endowment insurance have amounted up to 790 million, and the people participating in various health medical insurance have exceeded 1.3 billion.
在生態文明建設方面,堅持樹立尊重自然、順應自然、保護自然的生態文明理念,堅持環境保護這一基本國策,將生態文明建設放在突出地位,努力建設美麗中國,切實保障公民的環境權益。2008年至2012年,累計淘汰落后煉鐵產能1.17億噸、煉鋼產能7800萬噸、水泥產能7.75億噸,單位國內生產總值能耗下降17.2%,化學需氧量、二氧化硫排放總量分別下降15.7%和17.5%。2012年,細顆粒物(PM2.5)被納入空氣質量常規監測指標。 For ecological civilization construction, China insists on developing the ecological conception of respecting, conforming to and protecting nature, adheres to the basic national policy of environmental protection, gives an eminent place to the construction of ecological civilization, endeavors to build a beautiful China, and practically protects the citizens' rights and interests in terms of environment. From 2008 to 2012, China had eliminated a 117 million tons backward iron smelting capacity, a 78 million tons steel smelting capacity and a 775-ton cement productive capacity, its energy consumption of unit GDP decreased 17.2%, its total chemical consumption of oxygen and total emission of carbon dioxide respectively decreased 15.7% and 17.5%. In 2012, fine particulate matters (PM2.5) were included as a regular supervision index of air quality.
女士們,先生們, Ladies and gentlemen,
人權發展沒有最好,只有更好。中國人權事業取得了有目共睹的巨大成就,但中國仍是世界上最大的發展中國家,人口多,區域差異大,環境和生態保護壓力大,發展中不平衡、不協調、不可持續問題依然突出。國家各項事業發展中關系人民群眾切身利益的問題還較多,在進一步改善民生和人權保障方面還面臨著不少的挑戰,需要繼續付出艱苦努力加以解決。中國已經制定了兩期《國家人權行動計劃》。《國家人權行動計劃(2009-2010年)》如期完成,終期評估結果表明,各項措施均得以有效實施,各項目標均得以實現,其中約35%的約束性指標、50%以上的涉民生指標提前或超額完成。目前,《國家人權行動計劃(2012-2015年)》正在實施之中。 For human rights development, there is no best, only better. The cause of human rights of China has attained enormous achievements obvious to everyone, but China is still the largest developing country in the world, and still facing such problems as an excessively large population and great regional disparities, its environmental and ecological protection is enduring considerable pressure, and its development is still threatened by imbalance, disharmony and unsustainability. In the development of its various causes, there are still many problems concerning the actual interest of the people, and the improvement of the people's living conditions and the protection of human rights are still facing many challenges. All these have to be solved with more strenuous efforts. China has formulated two sessions of the National Human Rights Action Plan. The National Human Rights Action Plan (2009—2010) was implemented on schedule, and all goals in the Plan have been achieved, in particular, about 35% constraint indexes and more than 50% indexes concerning the people's living conditions have been fulfilled in ahead of the schedule or overfulfilled. Now, the National Human Rights Action Plan (2012—2015) is being put into practice.
去年,中國共產黨第十八次全國代表大會勝利召開。在繼“人權”分別莊嚴載入中國憲法、國民經濟和社會發展規劃以及中國共產黨黨章之后,這次大會又將“人權得到切實尊重和保障”確立為全面建成小康社會的奮斗目標之一。這次大會明確提出,在中國共產黨成立一百年時(2021年)全面建成小康社會,在新中國成立一百年時(2049年)建成富強、民主、文明、和諧的社會主義現代化國家。以此次大會為標志,中國特色社會主義事業站在了新的歷史起點上,中國人權事業的發展也開啟了新時代。 Last year, the 18th National Congress of the CPC was successfully held. After "human rights" were respectively written into the Constitution of the PRC, the plans for national economy and social development and the Constitution of the CPC, this Conference once again established the "practical respect and protection of human rights" as one of the goals for the building of a better-off society. This Conference specifically proposed to build up a better-off society at the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the CPC (2021), and a wealthy, powerful, democratic, civilized and harmonious modernized socialist country at the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the PRC (2049). This Conference marks a new historic start point of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, and the beginning of a new era of the cause of human rights development of China.
實現“兩個一百年”的奮斗目標,實現國家富強、民族振興、人民幸福的“中國夢”,是中華民族孜孜以求的質樸理想和美好愿景,是中國各族人民的共同追求。“中國夢”與中國人權事業同根同源,是國家夢、民族夢、個人夢的有機統一。在實現“中國夢”的過程中,每一個中國人只要抓住機會,就能夠使人生出彩,夢想成真,同國家一起成長和進步,不斷使自己得到全面發展,并更加充分地享有各項基本權利。 The goal of the two "hundredth anniversaries" and the "Chinese dream" about the prosperity of the country, the invigoration of the nation and the happiness of the people are the simple ideal and good wish that the Chinese nation has persistently sought for, and the common pursuit of people of all the ethnic groups of China. The "Chinese dream" has the same source as the cause of human rights in China does, and is the organic unity of the state's dream, the nation's dream and individuals' dream. In realizing the "Chinese dream", each Chinese can live a wonderful life, make his or her dream come true, grow up and make progress together with the country, allow himself an all-round development, and the better enjoyment of various basic rights, so long as he grasps his opportunity.
國家富強、民族振興 、人民幸福,不僅是中國人民的追求,也是世界各國人民的愿望。“中國夢”與各國夢、與世界夢相通相連。“中國夢”不僅造福中國人民,也造福全人類。中國堅持順應國際大勢,堅持和平的發展、開放的發展、合作的發展、共贏的發展。中國一方面給世界帶來機會,提供了發展空間和條件,另一方面,中國也認真履行自己承擔的國際義務和責任,是一個負責任的發展中國家。中國一貫尊重包括《世界人權宣言》在內的國際人權文書所確立的促進和保護人權的基本原則,支持聯合國為促進人權和基本自由所做的努力,建設性參與聯合國人權事務,認真履行根據已參加人權公約承擔的義務,積極開展國際人權交流與合作。國際人權準則歸根結底要通過各主權國家來具體實施。由于歷史文化、社會制度、經濟發展水平等各方面的差異,各國自然會有自己的人權發展模式,各國間彼此應該相互學習,取長補短。中國愿在平等和相互尊重的基礎上,與世界各國就人權議題進行對話和交流,增進了解,縮小分歧,相互借鑒,共同進步。 The prosperity of the country, the invigoration of the nation and the happiness of the people are not only the pursuit of the Chinese people, but also the wish of people of all the other countries in the world. The "Chinese dream" is related to and consistent with the dreams of all the other countries and the world. The "Chinese dream" not only benefits the Chinese people, but the whole mankind. China insists on conforming to overall international situation, and adheres to peaceful, open, cooperational and win-win development. On the one hand, China creates opportunities for the world and provides space and conditions for development; on the other hand, China earnestly undertakes its own international obligations and responsibilities, and is a responsible large developing country. All along, China has respected the basic principles of promoting and guaranteeing human rights established by international human rights documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, supported the UN's efforts to promote human rights and basic freedom, constructively taken part in the UN's human rights affairs, earnestly fulfilled the obligations in the light of the conventions it has taken part in, and actively transacted international exchanges and cooperation in human rights. The international principles of human rights have to be implemented through countries with sovereignty after all. Due to differences in history, culture, social system and the levels of economic development, each country will certainly have its development mode of human rights, and all countries should learn from each other to improve themselves. On the basis of equality and mutual respect, China is willing to have dialogs and exchanges in human rights with all countries in the world, improve mutual understanding, decrease dissension, learn from each other and make progress together.
女士們,先生們, Ladies and gentlemen,
自2008年以來,“北京人權論壇”已連續成功舉辦到第六屆,取得了一系列非常有價值的成果。在來自世界各地的人權專家學者、知名人士和政府官員的支持參與下,本論壇越辦越好,影響越來越大,已成為在人權領域進行國際交流的一個知名的高端學術平臺。大家通過這一平等、開放的平臺,就共同關心的人權理論與實踐進行探討,促進了解,擴大共識,增進友誼,對推動國際人權領域的交流與合作做出了積極貢獻。接下來的兩天,各位來賓將圍繞“建設可持續的人權發展環境”這一主題進行探討。我相信,通過坦誠交流和深入探討,大家會對如何建設可持續的人權發展環境提出更多啟發性的見解,達成更多共識,凝聚更多智慧。 Since 2008, the Beijing Forum on Human Rights has been successfully held for six sessions, and obtained a series of very valuable achievements. With the support and participation of experts and scholars in human rights, distinguished personages and governmental officials from all over the world, the Forum has been better and better, with its influence growing, and has become a famous advanced academic platform for international exchanges in the field of human rights. Through this equal and open platform, people discuss the theories and practice of human rights that they are commonly concerned with, improving mutual understanding, developing common views, and deepening friendship. In a word, the Forum has made positive contributions to the exchanges and cooperation in the field of international human rights. In the next two days, guests will have discussion around the "construction of environment for sustainable human rights development". I am convinced that through sincere exchanges and profound discussion, people will offer more inspiring ideas, reach more consensuses and collect more wisdom on how to construct the environment for sustainable human rights development.
最后,祝大家在北京工作順利,生活愉快!預祝第六屆“北京人權論壇”圓滿成功! At last, I wish you to work smoothly and live happily in Beijing, and wish a success to the Sixth Beijing Forum on Human Rights.
謝謝大家! Thank you.


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