

Li Keqiang: Reshaping the world economy through reform, opening up and cooperation

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2014-01-23

中國國務院總理李克強 [資料圖]

中國國務院總理李克強 [資料圖]


As the 44th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting is convened in Davos, Switzerland this year, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang sends a special message to the international conference:

新年新起點,孕育新希望。世界經濟論壇作為觀察世界經濟的風向標和“頭腦風暴”的重要平臺,在世界經濟出現新的積極跡象、又面臨諸多不確定因素的形勢下,當能集思廣益,傳遞信心,貢獻良策。 A new year marks a new beginning and brings new hope. The World Economic Forum is a barometer for observing the world economy and an important platform of global brainstorming. I believe that with both new positive signs and uncertainties in the world economy, the Forum will certainly pool wisdom, spread confidence and contribute advice.


China is the largest developing country in the world and a member of the G20, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and other multilateral economic mechanisms. Its economic health and trends have a major impact on the world economy.

Currently, the Chinese economy, while maintaining stability, has taken a turn for the better, with notable achievements and improved performance. In 2013, China's gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 7.7%, which remains mid-to-high growth in the world. The rise of the consumer price index (CPI) was kept at 2.6%. Over 13 million new urban jobs were created, more than in any previous year, and per capita disposable income of urban residents and per capita net income of rural residents rose by 7% and 9.3% in real terms, respectively.

The Chinese economy, on the whole, has enjoyed good momentum of fairly fast growth, relatively stable price levels, expanding employment and income increase. China's economy has become more closely connected with the world economy and China's cooperation with the world is further widening. Last year, China's import, export and use of overseas investment all achieved considerable growth. Total imports approached $2 trillion. Overseas direct investment by Chinese enterprises exceeded $90 billion. Given the lingering international financial crisis, the unrecovered world economy and China's effort of economic restructuring and upgrading, such a "score report" is indeed a hard-won achievement, proving once again the resilience and vitality of the Chinese economy.

比數據更重要的是,去年,面對世界經濟不景氣、國內經濟下行壓力一度加大甚至國際上有人認為中國經濟會“硬著陸”的情況,我們沒有采取短期刺激政策,既不增加赤字,也不放松銀根,而是積極有為,圍繞“增活力、穩預期、促轉型”,創新宏觀政策調控方式,應對挑戰。 Yet there is something more important than those figures. Last year, despite the sluggish global economy, the once increasing downward pressure on the Chinese economy and some outside prediction that our economy might have a hard landing, we didn't resort to short-term stimulus policies such as increasing the deficit or monetary expansion. Instead, we took proactive steps to boost economic vitality, stabilize expectations and promote economic transformation. Our focus was to innovate the approach to macro-regulation and rise to the challenges.
一是從改革開放入手,著眼處理好政府與市場的關系,大力推動簡政放權,釋放改革紅利。通過大量減少各級政府的審批事項、推進貸款利率市場化等金融改革、建立中國上海自由貿易試驗區、探索負面清單管理模式、放寬市場準入等舉措,激發了市場活力和經濟發展內生動力,調動了民間投資的積極性。全年新登記注冊私營企業達233萬戶,比上年增長30%。 First, we started by reforming and opening up. We focused on properly handling relations between the government and the market. We vigorously streamlined governance and delegated power so as to release the dividends of reform. We slashed the number of items to be approved by government at various levels and pushed forward financial reform to make the interest rates of loans more market-based. We established the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, instituted a "negative list" management model and relaxed market access. These measures fuelled market vitality and the internal driving force for economic growth and stimulated the enthusiasm of private investment. Last year, the number of newly registered private enterprises reached 2.33 million, up by 30% from the previous year.
二是明確經濟運行的合理區間,提出把經濟增長7.5%左右、新增城鎮就業900萬人以上作為下限,把物價上漲不超過3.5%左右作為上限。只要經濟處于合理區間,就保持宏觀政策穩定,主要靠結構改革、靠市場力量穩增長、促發展。這大大提振了市場信心,穩定了社會預期。下半年以來,中國PMI指數在50%的臨界點以上平穩抬升。 Second, we defined a reasonable range of economic operation. The floor we set was a growth rate of about 7.5% and the creation of over 9 million urban jobs. The ceiling was to cap CPI growth at around 3.5%. As long as the economy operates within this reasonable range, we will be able to maintain stability of macroeconomic policies and achieve steady growth by mainly relying on structural reform and market forces. This has significantly boosted market confidence and stabilized people's expectations. Since the second half of last year, China's purchasing manager's index has climbed steadily above the tipping point of 50%.
三是著力在調結構上下功夫。抓住市場潛力大、發展相對滯后的“短板”,著力加快服務業發展,連續推出促進信息、金融、養老、健康服務業等發展的政策措施,同時著力推進節能環保等新興產業發展。我們堅持以結構調整拉動內需和改善供給,堅持在擴大開放中擴大內需,繼續發揮好內需的主動力作用。這些措施既利當前,更惠長遠。去年,中國服務業占GDP的比重已達46.1%,首次超過第二產業。單位GDP能耗比上年下降3.7%。 Third, we readjusted the structure with intensive efforts. We introduced measures to tap the huge market potential and address "weak links" where development is needed. We stepped up development of the service industry by introducing policy measures to promote growth in information, finance, old-age care and health services. We also promoted energy-saving, environmentally friendly and other emerging industries. We persisted in our effort to drive domestic demand and improve supply through structural readjustment and to boost domestic demand through greater openness. And we continued to allow domestic demand to act as the main driver of growth. These measures do not just serve immediate interests. More importantly, they will generate long-term benefit. Last year, the share of services in China's GDP rose to 46.1%, surpassing that of the secondary sector for the first time. And energy intensity per unit of GDP was reduced by 3.7% from the previous year.
中國宏觀調控的創新理念與方式和形成的新經驗,有助于中國經濟在今后乃至今后一段時期繼續拿到好成績。而且,在全球經濟不確定因素較多、國際市場對主要經濟體宏觀政策動向異常敏感的情況下,中國穩定財政、貨幣政策,保持合理的流動性,向國際市場發出了明確的穩定預期的信號,這也是中國對世界經濟發展的負責任之舉。 China's innovative ideas and approaches and new experience in macro-regulation will help ensure that the economy continues to perform well this year and beyond. Moreover, given the numerous uncertainties in the global economy and the unusual sensitivities of the international market to macro-policy developments in major economies, the stable fiscal and monetary policy and reasonable liquidity in China have combined to send a clear signal that stabilizes the international market's expectations. This is also an act of responsibility by China in the interest of world economic development.
今年中國經濟政策的基調是穩中求進、改革創新,我認為,這與國際社會對重塑世界經濟的期待是吻合的。我們將按照十八屆三中全會的部署,全面深化改革,進一步擴大開放,保持宏觀政策連續性和穩定性,積極擴大內需,促進經濟平穩增長,在推進結構調整中更加注重提質增效升級,更加注重縮小城鄉、區域這兩大差距,采取更有力的措施擴大就業、扶貧幫困,促進社會公正,使發展的成果惠及全體人民。中國經濟的持續健康發展,也將為世界發展帶來新機遇、增添新動力。 The keynote of China's economic policy this year is to seek steady progress through reform and innovation. In my view, this is consistent with international expectations for reshaping the world economy. We will follow the arrangements made at the Third Plenum of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee, comprehensively deepen reform, continue to open up, maintain the continuity and consistency of macro-policies, actively boost domestic demand, and promote steady economic growth. When readjusting the structure, we will focus more on quality, efficiency and upgrading. We will work even harder to narrow the two major gaps between urban and rural areas and among different regions. We will take more effective measures to create more jobs, reduce poverty and help those in need. This will lead to greater social equity and enable the entire population to share in the benefits of development. The sustained and sound development of the Chinese economy will also offer new opportunities and inject new impetus to development of the world.
2008年國際金融危機的爆發和近幾年世界經濟在困境中復蘇艱難的狀況,對世界經濟體系和格局的調整完善提出了許多新課題。當前雖然不少經濟體復蘇更加明顯,但變數猶存,仍有許多不穩定因素,需要深度調整和變革。本次論壇年會以“重塑世界”為主題展開討論,恰逢其時。 The international financial crisis that started in 2008 and the difficulties facing world economic recovery in the following years have raised many new tasks for the adjustment and improvement of the world economic system and architecture. Some economies have shown clear signs of recovery. But there remain uncertainties and factors that are not conducive to stability. All these cry out for in-depth adjustment and change. I therefore find it most fitting and relevant that the Forum convenes its Annual Meeting with "the reshaping of the world" as its theme.
重塑世界經濟,重要的是構建和完善開放合作、互利共贏的全球經貿體系。國際社會應始終以多元、開放、包容、互惠為方向,繼續維護二戰后形成的國際政治秩序與世界和平環境,堅持發揮好以WTO為核心的多邊貿易框架的積極作用,探索各種形式的區域貿易安排,堅決反對貿易投資保護主義。我們主張,不同發展水平和階段的經濟體,應當發揚同舟共濟的精神,摒棄零和博弈的做法,攜手應對共同挑戰。尤其是發達經濟體和新興經濟體要發揮各自優勢,形成促進全球經濟增長的“雙動力”和互補互利互惠的好局面,塑造合作共贏的經濟全球化新格局。 To reshape the world economy, it is important to institute and improve an open, cooperative and win-win global economic and trade system. The international community should continue to work towards diversity, openness, inclusiveness and mutual benefit, and uphold the post-World War II international political order and the world environment for peace. It should enable the multilateral trading framework with the World Trade Organization at the centre to play a more positive role. It should explore regional trade arrangements in various forms, and resolutely reject trade and investment protectionism. China maintains that economies at different development levels and phases should embrace the spirit of solidarity in difficult times, discard zero-sum practices, and join hands to meet common challenges. Developed and emerging economies in particular should bring out their respective strengths to drive global economic growth by acting as the "double engines" of the global economy, reinforcing and benefitting each other. This way, we will open up a new prospect of economic globalization featuring win-win cooperation.
當前國際形勢總體平穩,世界和平與發展既有新的機遇,也面臨許多挑戰。中國作為負責任的大國,將始終不渝走和平發展道路,為增進人類共同利益作出更多努力,為促進世界和平與發展的崇高事業發揮建設性作用。 The international situation is stable on the whole. And the world faces both new opportunities and many challenges for peace and development. China, as a responsible major country, will be firmly committed to the path of peaceful development, make greater contribution to expanding the common interests of mankind, and play a constructive role in advancing the lofty cause of world peace and development.
中國將堅定不移向現代化目標奮進,愿繼續與世界各國加強合作,推動世界經濟早日走出國際金融危機的陰影,踏上強勁、可持續和平衡增長的康莊大道。世界經濟論壇年會在冬天舉辦,這也預示著春天已經不遠。 China will be steadfast in its pursuit of modernization. We look forward to closer cooperation with other countries so as to move the world economy out of the dark shadows of the international financial crisis as soon as we can and bring it onto a broad and bright path of strong, sustainable and balanced growth. The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting is held in winter. What it heralds, though, is spring, which will not be far behind.


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