11月21日,國務院總理李克強在北京人民大會堂同歐洲理事會主席范龍佩、歐盟委員會主席巴羅佐共同主持第十六次中國歐盟領導人會晤。[新華社 姚大偉 攝] Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (C), European Council President Herman Van Rompuy (L) and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso co-chair the 16th China-EU Summit in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 21, 2013. [Yao Dawei/Xinhua] |
國務院總理李克強22日在英國《每日電訊報》發表題為《中歐將從更加緊密的伙伴關系中廣泛獲益》的署名文章。全文如下: | Chinese Premier Li Keqiang published an article on The Telegraph (UK)?on Nov. 22. The following is the full text of the article titled "A stronger China-Europe partnership will bring us all greater prosperity": |
本周在北京舉行的第十六次中國歐盟領導人會晤取得豐碩成果,發表了《中歐合作2020戰略規劃》,宣布啟動中歐投資協定談判,提出2020年中歐貿易額達到1萬億美元的目標,這是“跳起來才能夠著的果實”,但我們完全有能力有條件去實現。這將為中國與包括英國在內的歐洲的經貿合作提供更多機遇。 |
The 16th China-EU Summit, which took place in Beijing this week, yielded fruitful results and issued the China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Co-operation. It has announced the launch of negotiations on a China-EU investment agreement and set the goal of bringing China-EU trade to $1?trillion by 2020. This is no low-hanging fruit and we need to jump to reach it, but I am confident we can attain that goal. The agenda will definitely provide more opportunities for economic and trade collaboration between China and Europe, including the UK. |
中國始終并將繼續堅定支持歐洲一體化進程,一個團結、穩定、繁榮的歐洲符合世界的利益,也符合中國的利益。中國與歐洲開展互利互惠的經貿合作,對中國和歐洲有利,也會為中歐關系發展帶來更美好的前景,是一件雙贏的好事。 | China will, as always, firmly support Europe's integration process. A united, stable and prosperous Europe is in the interest of the world and of China. The growth of mutually beneficial business ties between China and Europe will not only bring benefits to both sides; it will also create brighter prospects for China-Europe relations. This should be a win-win endeavour. |
再過幾天,我將對歐洲進行年內第二次訪問,在布加勒斯特同中東歐16國總理舉行會晤,共商合作大計。中國與中東歐國家合作潛力巨大。我期待與上述國家的同事一道,為雙方關系發展注入新活力。 |
In a couple of days, I will pay my second visit of the year to Europe and will meet prime ministers of 16 central and eastern European countries in Bucharest, where we will explore ways to boost co-operation. There is great potential for expanding co-operation between China and these countries and I look forward to working together with my colleagues from these nations to create a new impetus for developing our mutual relations. |
當前世界經濟復蘇進程艱難曲折,應對這一共同挑戰,既要繼續同舟共濟、相互幫助,又要立足把各自的事情辦好。我高興地看到,一些歐洲國家正在逐步走出衰退的陰影,歐盟經濟出現企穩跡象。中國經濟也拿到了一張好的“成績單”。 |
The world economic recovery remains bumpy and fragile. To meet this common challenge, we need to continue to work together and help each other; at the same time, we also need to keep our own houses in order. I am pleased to see that many European countries are leaving recession behind them and the EU economy is being put on a more stable footing; China also has a good report card for its economy. |
今年以來,國內外環境復雜嚴峻,一度中國經濟下行壓力加大。國際上不少預測認為中國經濟將“硬著陸”,唱衰中國的言論此起彼伏。我們頂住壓力,堅持不擴大赤字、既不放松也不收緊銀根,而是創新宏觀調控方式,綜合施策。即便是在財政收入一度大幅放緩和年中出現所謂“錢荒”、銀行間隔夜拆借利率異常飆升的情況下,我們也保持定力,沒有像許多人預期的那樣“開閘放水”。 |
At the beginning of this year, the tough, complex situation, both domestically and internationally, placed mounting downward pressure on the Chinese economy. Some were predicting, as reported overseas, a hard landing for the Chinese economy and some even claimed it would go bust. We faced up to that pressure and stuck to the policy of not allowing either the deficit to grow or monetary expansion or contraction. Instead, we adopted a holistic approach based on innovative macro-economic management. Despite a significant slowing down in the growth of government revenue and a "credit crunch" in the middle of this year when the overnight inter-bank rate surged to abnormal levels, we stayed focused and did not inject liquidity into the economy, despite what many expected. |
我們推出了一系列既利當前更惠長遠的措施。例如,持續釋放改革紅利,為企業特別是民間資本營造公平競爭的環境,發揮市場潛力等。我們激發經濟發展的內生動力,通過著力調整結構改善供給、擴大內需。 |
We have adopted a host of measures to address both current and long-term needs. For example, we have steadily released the dividends of reform, provided a level playing field for businesses – private capital in particular – and tapped the potential of the market. We generated the internal driving force of economic growth, improved supply and boosted domestic demand through structural adjustment. |
通過上述努力,中國經濟度過了艱難的時刻,出現穩中向好局面,經濟增長保持在7.5%左右,物價漲幅控制在3.5%以內的合理區間,全年新增就業人數將超過1200萬人。 | These efforts have enabled us to tide over the difficult period. The Chinese economy is now on a stable footing and stays within a comfortable range, with GDP growth at around 7.5pc and the inflation rate under 3.5pc. It is expected that more than 12m jobs will be created this year. |
我們這樣做不僅是對中國自身,也是對整個世界負責任,因為這將為全球增長創造更多機遇,有助于世界經濟的復蘇。 | We have been responsible not only for our own sake, but also for the sake of the wider world because this will create more opportunities for global growth and contribute to the recovery of the world economy. |
在世界矚目下,上周落幕的十八屆三中全會通過了一系列中國全面深化改革的決定。這些決定不僅將加快中國的經濟社會發展,也有助于解決中國面臨的資源環境約束、城鄉區域不平衡等挑戰和問題,給中國人民帶來更大繁榮,為中國與世界的關系創造新的機遇,這其中的重要組成部分即是日益壯大的中歐關系。 |
As the world watched closely, the third Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee last week adopted a series of decisions aimed at comprehensively deepening reform in China. These decisions will not only speed up China's social and economic development, but also help address resources and environmental constraints, as well as uneven development between urban and rural areas and among different regions, thus bringing greater prosperity to the Chinese people and creating new opportunities for our relations with the outside world. Chief among these are the growing ties between China and Europe. |
中國實現現代化將為超過20億人口的中國和包括英國在內的歐洲開展互利共贏合作提供歷史性契機。讓我們抓住機遇,讓中歐合作的成果惠及人民。 |
China's modernisation programme will create historic opportunities for mutually beneficial co-operation between the 2bn people of China and Europe, including those in the UK. Let us seize this opportunity and deliver the benefits which co-operation can bring to all our peoples. |