中國外交部長王毅 [資料圖] |
2014年1月12日,中國外交部長王毅在歐盟專業媒體《新歐洲》2014年新年特刊上發表題為《中國的發展讓世界更精彩》的署名文章。全文如下: | Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi published an article in the Brussels-based newspaper New Europe on Jan. 12, 2014. Following is the full text of the article titled "China's Development Makes for a Better World":? |
在中國新一屆政府上任即將滿一年的時候,一個穩中有進、穩中向好的中國越來越吸引著世界的目光。人們普遍期待未來的中國會給世界帶來什么,我的回答是:一個更加精彩的中國也會讓我們的世界更加精彩。中共十八大報告指出,中國將繼續高舉和平、發展、合作、共贏的旗幟,將始終不渝走和平發展道路,將以更加積極的姿態參與國際事務,發揮負責任大國作用,將始終堅持與鄰為善、以鄰為伴,鞏固睦鄰友好。這是中國對世界的承諾。 | Nearly one year into office by the current Chinese government, China, which has enjoyed stability and steady progress, is attracting increasing attention from around the world. Many are eager to see what China will bring to the world. My answer: a better China will make for a better world. As the Report to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) pointed out, China will remain committed to peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development, get more actively involved in international affairs, play its due role as a major responsible country, and continue to promote friendship and partnership with its neighbors and consolidate amicable relations with them. This is the pledge China has made to the world. |
不斷深化改革、擴大開放的中國,是維護世界和平與穩定重要力量。當代中國最鮮明的特色是改革開放。中國要實現現代化目標,需要通過爭取和平國際環境發展自己,又以自身發展維護和促進世界和平。需要不斷擴大同各方利益匯合點,推動建設持久和平、共同繁榮的和諧世界。因此,中國外交摒棄叢林法則,堅持大小國家一律平等,堅持反對霸權主義。中國有信心用自己的行動和世界各國一道證明,國強并不必然要稱霸。中國和歐盟作為最大的發展中國家和最大的發達國家聯合體,雙方應尊重彼此根據自身情況選擇的發展道路,共同致力于維護世界的和平與穩定。 | A China that constantly deepens reform and opens still wider to the outside is an important force for peace and stability in the world. The defining features of the present-day China are reform and opening-up. To achieve modernization, China needs to secure a peaceful international environment to develop itself, and safeguard and promote world peace with its own development. It needs to enlarge the convergence of interests of all parties and work toward a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity. That is why our diplomacy flatly rejects the law of the jungle, embraces equality of all countries irrespective of size and stands against hegemonism. China has the confidence to prove, with its own actions and by working with other countries, that a country growing stronger does not inevitably seek hegemony. As the world's largest developing country and largest grouping of developed countries, China and the European Union should respect each other's development paths as chosen in line with respective realities and work together to maintain world peace and stability. |
堅持合作共贏理念的中國,為世界繁榮與發展注入強勁動力。“一花獨放不是春”。中國做好了與世界共享機遇、共創繁榮的準備。中美同意構建不沖突不對抗、相互尊重、合作共贏的新型大國關系。中俄大力深化全面戰略協作伙伴關系,樹立了大國之間合作互信的典范。中國提出堅持正確義利觀,更多地考慮和照顧發展中國家的利益。我們也歡迎發達國家分享中國發展所帶來的各種紅利。中共十八屆三中全會提出在政治、經濟、文化、社會、生態等領域全面深化改革的具體目標,而歐洲在各領域都是中國的重要合作伙伴。我們希望把中國“新四化”建設和歐洲經濟復蘇這兩大進程相結合,把中歐兩大市場相結合,助力中歐發展,同時也為世界經濟強勁、可持續、平衡增長注入新的動力。 | A China that upholds win-win cooperation is providing a strong impetus to global prosperity and development. "A single flower does not make spring." China is ready to join the rest of the world to share opportunity and seek prosperity. China and the United States have agreed to build a new model of major-country relationship featuring non- confrontation, non-conflict, mutual respect and win-win cooperation. China and Russia, by vigorously deepening their comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination, have set a good example of mutual trust and cooperation between major countries. Committed to a right approach to morality and interests, China is willing to give greater consideration to the interests of other developing countries. We are also happy to see the developed countries sharing in the dividends of China's development. The recently concluded Third Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee has put forth specific goals for a comprehensively deepened reform in the political, economic, cultural, social and ecological fields. In all these areas, we find Europe our important cooperation partner. We hope to see a combination of China's ongoing program of urbanization, industrialization, IT application and agricultural modernization with Europe's project of economic recovery. We would also like to see the Chinese and European markets reinforce each other to boost our respective development and provide fresh impetus to a dynamic, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy. |
更加積極有為的中國,為國際熱點問題的妥善解決做出重要貢獻。中國作為聯合國安理會常任理事國,深知肩負的重大責任和使命,積極致力于地區和國際熱點問題的解決。2013年12月,中國向馬里派出維和部隊,這是中國自1990年首次派出聯合國維和人員以來,參與的第24項聯合國維和行動。不久前,我代表中國參加了六國及歐盟與伊朗的對話會。中方秉持公正立場,積極提出建設性意見,推動各方就解決伊朗核問題第一階段措施達成協議。中方還積極支持敘利亞化學武器銷毀工作,決定派海軍軍艦參與敘利亞化學武器海運護航。中國和歐盟都主張通過外交手段化解危機,是維護世界和平的兩大力量。雙方應攜手努力,維護《聯合國憲章》權威,為世界和平與發展作出更大貢獻。 | A more proactive and enterprising China is making important contribution to appropriate resolutions of international hotspot issues. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China knows full well its major mandates and responsibilities and works hard to address hotspot issues at regional and international levels. In December 2013, China sent its peacekeeping troops to Mali, the 24th UN peacekeeping mission it has participated in since 1990. Not long ago, I attended on behalf of China the dialogue of P5+1 and the EU with Iran. The Chinese side upheld justice, made constructive recommendations and encouraged the parties to reach agreement on the first step measures to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue. We have also actively supported the destruction of chemical weapons in Syria and decided to provide naval escort for the Syrian weapons. As two major forces working for world peace, both China and the EU stand for defusing crises with diplomacy. And the two sides should work together to uphold the sanctity of the UN Charter and make still greater contribution to world peace and development. |
堅持與鄰為善的中國,為亞太地區和平與發展貢獻更多正能量。中國是世界上鄰國最多的國家,陸海鄰國20個,僅陸地邊境線就達2.2萬公里。周邊是中國安身立命之所、發展繁榮之基。我們堅持與鄰為善、以鄰為伴,堅持睦鄰、安鄰、富鄰,踐行親、誠、惠、容的理念。中俄在長達4300多公里邊境線上實現了世代友好和平,從丹東(中朝邊境)到滿洲里(中俄邊境),從霍爾果斯(中哈邊境)到東興口岸(中越邊境),50多個中國邊境口岸人群熙攘、生意興隆。中國同東盟國家積極發展海洋合作伙伴關系,中方建設21世紀“海上絲綢之路”的倡議受到廣泛歡迎。這些足以證明和平、發展與合作是中國周邊形勢的主流。毋庸諱言,中國與個別國家存在一些領土和海洋爭端,我們始終立足通過談判以和平方式解決,希望有關國家能夠與我們相向而行。 | A China that is committed to good neighborliness is injecting still greater positive energy to peace and development in the Asia-Pacific region. With 20 land and maritime neighbors and a land boundary totalling 22,000 kilometers, China has more neighbors than any other country in the world. The neighborhood where China finds itself is what China depends on for survival, development and prosperity. Therefore, we will commit ourselves to developing amicable relationships and partnerships with our neighbors, fostering an amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood and pursuing the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness. China and Russia are committed to ensuring peace and friendship generation after generation along their 4,300-kilometer boundary. From Dandong (on China-DPRK border) to Manzhouli (on China-Russia border), and from Horgos (on China-Kazakhstan border) to Dongxing (on China-Viet Nam border), over 50 Chinese ports are bustling with people doing a brisk business. China has worked vigorously to develop a partnership of maritime cooperation with ASEAN countries and its initiative for a Maritime Silk Road of the 21st century has been enthusiastically received. All this stands as a convincing proof that peace, development and cooperation prevails in China's neighborhood. Admittedly, there are outstanding territorial or maritime disputes between China and certain countries. We have always stood for peaceful settlement of such issues through negotiations and hope relevant countries will work with us toward the same goal. |
值得注意的是,在二戰結束已68年的今天,日本仍不愿正確面對過去那段侵略歷史,其領導人竟然參拜供奉有14名二戰甲級戰犯的靖國神社,甚至把戰犯也視為“為國捐軀的英靈”。日本對待過去軍國主義對外侵略歷史的態度同歐洲徹底清算納粹罪行的立場形成鮮明對比。日本領導人企圖開歷史倒車,正在把日本帶向危險的方向。國際社會有必要對此保持警惕,堅決維護人類良知和戰后國際秩序。 | What deserves our attention is that 68 years after World War II came to its end, Japan remains unwilling to face up to its past of aggression and its leader has gone so far as to pay homage to the Yasukuni Shrine where 14 Class A war criminals of World War II are honored and even regarded war criminals as "those who had fought for the country and made ultimate sacrifices". Japan's attitude toward its past of militarist aggression contrasts sharply with that of Europe which made a thorough condemnation of Nazi crimes. The Japanese leader, by trying to turn back the wheel of history, is leading his country down a dangerous road. The international community needs to stay vigilant and stand firmly for human conscience and the post-war international order. |
今天的中國已經站在了世界聚光燈下,但國際大舞臺是屬于世界各國的。中國的發展越來越離不開世界,世界的發展也越來越離不開中國。展望2014年,世界各國將成為更加利益交融的命運共同體,也面臨更加紛繁復雜的全球性挑戰。在新的一年里,中國將更好發揮負責任大國的作用,外交將更具全球視野,更富進取意識,更有開創精神,更多踐行合作共贏的原則。中國將以更加主動、積極的外交實踐,回應國際社會對中國的期待,把一個更加精彩的中國呈現給世界。一個更加精彩的中國也將和各國一道,讓我們的世界更加精彩。 | Today's China has come under the spotlight of the world, but the international stage belongs to all countries. China is increasingly in need of the world for its development while the world also needs China for its prosperity. Looking into 2014, countries in the world will form a community of shared destinies in which their interests mingle and integrate more closely, while at the same time they will face still more complicated global challenges. In the new year, China will play its role as a responsible major country more effectively. Its diplomacy will display a broader global vision, an enterprising and innovative spirit and more actions to translate the principle of win-win cooperation into practice. We will respond to what the international community has expected of us with a more proactive and vigorous diplomacy and present the world with a better China. Together, we, all of us, will make our world an even better place. |