2013年9月20日,外交部長王毅在美國布魯金斯學會發表題為“如何構建中美新型大國關系”的演講。[新華網] Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivers a speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC on Sept. 20, 2013. [Xinhua] |
9月20日,外交部長王毅在美國布魯金斯學會發表題為“如何構建中美新型大國關系”的演講。以下是本次演講的全文: | Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivers a speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC on Sept. 20, 2013. The following is the full text of the speech: |
如何構建中美新型大國關系 |
Toward a New Model of Major-Country Relations Between China and the United States |
女士們,先生們,朋友們, | Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, |
很高興再次來到布魯金斯學會,就“如何構建中美新型大國關系”表明我的看法,之后我愿回答大家的提問。 | It gives me great pleasure to be back at the Brookings Institution and share with you my thoughts on the way toward a new model of major-country relations between China and the United States. And I will be happy to take your questions. |
在開始演講前,我首先要感謝布魯金斯學會以及塔爾博特會長專門為我舉行這場活動,讓我有機會和老朋友相聚,并結識新朋友。過去幾年,我每次來美國訪問都會與學會的專家學者們見面。當然,那時我的身份是臺辦主任,和大家談的都是臺灣問題。記得每當有朋友順便問到一些外交方面的事情,我總是回答說,抱歉,這不是我的主管范圍。但今天請大家放心,你們提任何外交問題,我都不會再說“抱歉”了。 | Before I start, I wish to thank the Brookings Institution and President Strobe Talbott for graciously hosting this event. This gives me the opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. Over the past few years, each time I came to the United States, I would meet your experts and scholars. Of course, I wore the hat of the Minister of the Taiwan Affairs Office back then and our discussion focused on the question of Taiwan. I remember that whenever some of you raised questions about foreign policy issues, my reply was "Sorry, they are beyond my portfolio." But today, you can rest assured that I will not say "Sorry" again no matter what foreign policy questions you raise. |
今年是中美關系具有重要意義的一年。6月,兩國元首在加州安納伯格莊園成功舉行了一次歷史性會晤。最重要的成果,就是雙方同意構建中美新型大國關系。這一兼具戰略性、建設性和開創性的重要共識,為中美關系的未來指明了方向,開辟了道路,同時,也必將對亞太地區乃至國際格局的演變產生積極和深遠影響。 | This is a year of great significance in China-US relations. Last June, the two presidents held a successful and historic meeting in Annenberg Estate, California. The most important outcome is that China and the United States agreed to build a new model of major-country relations. The agreement is strategic, constructive and path-breaking in nature. It has charted the future course for our relations. It will surely produce a positive and profound impact on the Asia-Pacific and, indeed, the evolution of the international landscape. |
雙方達成這一共識之后,接下來自然而然面臨兩個問題:第一,中美新型大國關系的內涵是什么?第二,我們該如何構建這一關系? | With the agreement come two questions. First, what is this new model of relations about? And second, how to make it a reality? |
對第一個問題,習近平主席已經用三句話作了非常精辟的概括,第一句是“不沖突、不對抗”,第二句是“相互尊重”,第三句是“合作共贏”。 | President Xi Jinping has laid out a clear vision for the new model. In his words, the essential features of this model include number one, "no conflict or confrontation", number two, "mutual respect" and number three, "win-win cooperation". This answers the first question. |
不沖突對抗,是構建中美新型大國關系的必要前提。有研究顯示,歷史上大約有過15次新興大國的崛起,其中有11次與既有大國之間發生了對抗和戰爭。但現在的世界已今非昔比,中美之間乃至全球各國之間已是日趨緊密的利益共同體,對抗將是雙輸,戰爭沒有出路。不沖突、不對抗的宣示,就是要順應全球化潮流,改變對中美關系的負面預期,解決兩國之間的戰略互不信,構建對中美關系前景的正面信心。 | "No conflict or confrontation" is the prerequisite for the new model of major-country relations between us. According to some study of history, there have been about 15 cases of rise of emerging powers. In 11 cases, confrontation and war broke out between the emerging and the established powers. However, we now live in a different world. China and the United States and in fact all countries in the world are part of a community of shared interests. Countries are increasingly interconnected. Neither of us will benefit from confrontation. War will get us nowhere. "No conflict or confrontation" means that we need to follow the trend of globalization, reverse negative projections of China-US relations, address strategic distrust and build confidence in the future of China-US relations. |
相互尊重,是構建中美新型大國關系的基本原則。世界是多樣的,中美作為兩個社會制度不同、歷史文化背景各異,同時又利益相互交織的大國,相互尊重就顯得尤為重要。我們只有相互尊重對方人民選擇的制度與道路,相互尊重彼此的核心利益與關切,才能求同存異,進而聚同化異,實現兩國的和諧相處。 | "Mutual respect" is a basic principle for this new model. We live in a world of rich diversity. For China and the United States, two major countries different in social system, history and culture yet connected by intertwined interests, mutual respect is all the more important. Only by respecting each other's system and path chosen by their people, as well as each other's core interests and concerns can we seek common ground while reserving differences and, on that basis, expand common ground and dissolve differences so that China and the United States will be able to live together in harmony. |
合作共贏,是中美構建新型大國關系的必由之路。中美雙方在雙邊關系各領域都有著廣泛合作需求和巨大合作潛力。此外,作為兩個大國,環顧當今世界,從反恐到網絡安全,從核不擴散到氣候變化,從中東和平到非洲發展,也都離不開中美兩國的共同參與、合作和貢獻。因此,中美只有始終堅持合作,不斷加強合作,才能實現共贏,而這個共贏,不僅是中美的共贏,還應當是世界各國的共贏。 | "Win-win cooperation" is the only way to turn the vision into a reality. There is an enormous need and vast potential for bilateral cooperation in all fields. Besides, the world certainly needs China and the United States, two major countries with great influence, to work together and contribute on issues ranging from counterterrorism to cyber security, from nuclear non-proliferation to climate change, and from peace in the Middle East to Africa's development. Win-win progress is only possible when both countries are committed to growing cooperation. Moreover, such win-win outcome should not just be beneficial to China and the United States, it should also be beneficial to all countries in the world. |
對第二個問題,也就是如何構建中美新型大國關系。這是一個需要中美雙方,包括社會各界共同來探討和實踐的系統性工程,同時也是一個需要雙方保持政治定力,持之以恒、不懈推進的長期事業。 | Now let me turn to the second question, how can we make the new model of relations a reality. Indeed, this will be a systemic project that requires ideas and efforts of people from all walks of life in both countries. It also needs the sustained political resolve, persistent commitment and tireless efforts of both sides. |
首先,我們要不斷增進戰略互信,使中美新型大國關系建立在更加牢固的基石之上。中方始終強調,中國的發展是和平的發展,我們從來都沒有想要挑戰甚至取代美國地位的戰略意圖,而是真心實意地希望和包括美國在內的各國共同維護和平,共同實現發展。我們注意到,美方近年來也反復表示不把中國視為威脅,無意遏制中國,樂見中國走向強大,保持穩定。這是對的。只要中美各自都能秉持上述戰略取向并將其付諸行動,就一定能夠建立起戰略互信,不斷夯實構建中美新型大國關系的基礎。 | First, we need to enhance strategic trust to put this new model of relationship on a more solid foundation. We have all along emphasized that China's development is peaceful in nature. We have never had the strategic intention to challenge or even replace the United States for its position in the world. We truly wish to work together with the United States and all other countries for peace and common development. We are aware of US statement that it does not see China as a threat or intend to contain China; instead, it wishes to see a strong and stable China. This is right. As long as China and the United States can both stick to this strategic direction in their action, we will certainly build up strategic trust and strengthen the foundation for this new model of relationship. |
第二,我們要大力促進務實合作,使中美新型大國關系建立在更加深厚的利益紐帶之上。中美建交40多年來,快速發展的經貿關系不僅給兩國各自的發展都帶來了巨大紅利,也成為中美關系歷經風雨但始終破浪前行的壓艙石。如今,中美貿易額已近5000億美元,相互投資超過800億美元,而且據中美交流基金會最新研究報告預測,10年后,也就是2022年,中美兩國將成為彼此最大的貿易伙伴。美國對中國出口額將達4500多億美元,為美國創造超過250萬個就業機會,赴美中國游客將從2012年的150萬人增長到1000萬人。這是中美兩國學者共同研究得出的結論,將為中美新型大國關系的歷史進程不斷注入強勁的動力。 | Second, we need to promote practical cooperation to put this new model of relationship on more shared interests. Over more than four decades since the establishment of our diplomatic relations, fast growing economic cooperation and trade have brought huge benefits to each country's development. They have served as a stabilizer that enables China-US relations to forge ahead despite winds and waves. Today, bilateral trade is almost 500 billion US dollars and mutual investment more than 80 billion. According to the latest report from China-US Exchange Foundation, by 2022, our two countries will become each other's top trading partner. By then, US export to China will exceed 450 billion dollars, which means over 2.5 million jobs created in this country. The number of Chinese tourists visiting the United States will grow to 10 million from 1.5 million in 2012. These are conclusions of the joint study by Chinese and American scholars. They will give a strong impetus to the historic process of this new model of relationship. |
最近,中方同意與美方以準入前國民待遇和負面清單為基礎開展雙邊投資協定實質性談判,體現了中國政府堅定推進改革開放、不斷深化中美經貿合作的巨大誠意和決心,必將為兩國經貿合作開辟新的前景。中美還應積極挖掘能源、環保、城鎮化、生物技術、基礎設施建設等領域的合作潛力。中方重視并愿采取措施解決美方在市場準入、知識產權保護等問題上的關切,同時也希望美方放寬對華高技術產品出口限制,公平對待赴美投資的中資企業。 | Recently, China has agreed to carry out substantive negotiations with the United States on the bilateral investment treaty (BIT) on the basis of pre-establishment national treatment and negative list. This shows the great sincerity and resolve of the Chinese government. We will advance reform and opening-up and deepen China-US economic cooperation and trade. This will open up new prospects for bilateral business ties. There is also a need for the two countries to tap cooperation potential in such fields as energy, environmental protection, urbanization, bio-tech and infrastructure. China takes US concerns on market access and IPR protection seriously and is prepared to take measures to address them. At the same time, China hopes the United States will ease its control over high-tech export to China and give fair treatment to Chinese companies investing in this country. |
第三,我們要積極加強人文交往,使中美新型大國關系建立在更加堅實的民意基礎之上。國與國的關系,歸根到底還是人與人的關系。當今時代,民意越來越成為影響甚至左右兩國關系走向的重要因素,人民相互友好,國家之間就友好,反之亦然。因此,能否成功構建中美新型大國關系,很重要的一點就是看能否得到兩國多數民眾的理解、參與和支持。為此,我們應鼓勵和擴大兩國各領域、各界別民眾,包括家庭、社區、學校、民間團體等社會基層民眾之間的相互往來,讓他們增進相互了解和感情;我們應深化文化交流,使雙方在交流與碰撞中逐漸實現彼此包容與融合。我們還應積極引導各自民意,讓支持中美友好合作成為主流聲音,不斷壯大中美關系的社會基礎。 | Third, we need to enhance people-to-people and cultural exchange and put this new model of relationship on stronger public support. State-to-state relations, at the end of the day, are about people-to-people relations. In today's world, public opinion has increasingly become a significant factor shaping or even defining bilateral relationship. Friendship between peoples leads to amity between nations and vice versa. Therefore, the success of our endeavor to build a new model of major-country relationship hinges greatly upon the understanding, involvement and support of the majority of our two peoples. With this in mind, we need to encourage and expand interactions in various areas and between various groups, including families, communities, schools, and NGOs at the grass root level, so that our peoples will understand each other better and deepen friendship. We need to strengthen cultural exchange and as the two sides meet and interact, they will gradually achieve mutual tolerance and inclusiveness. We also need to lead public opinion in respective countries so that the voice advocating China-US friendship and cooperation will become the mainstream and public support for our relations will grow stronger. |