

Full text: Li Keqiang's signed article on the Thai daily Matichon

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2013-10-12

當地時間10月11日,應泰王國總理英拉邀請,中國國務院總理李克強抵達曼谷廊曼機場,開始對泰國進行正式訪問。[新華社 劉建生 攝]

當地時間10月11日,應泰王國總理英拉邀請,中國國務院總理李克強抵達曼谷廊曼機場,開始對泰國進行正式訪問。[新華社 劉建生 攝]
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (L, front) arrives at the airport in Bangkok, Thailand, Oct. 11, 2013. At the invitation of Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, Li arrived here Friday and started an official visit to the country. [Liu Jiansheng/Xinhua]
國務院總理李克強10月11日在泰國《民意報》發表題為《攜手邁向更加美好的明天》的署名文章。全文如下: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang published an article for the Thai daily Matichon on Oct. 11. The following is an English translation of the article titled "Hand-in-Hand Toward a Better Future":?
泰國是一個美麗而神奇的國度。這里景色秀麗,物產豐饒,文化燦爛,人民富足。時隔多年,我即將再次踏上這片土地,對中國的友好鄰邦泰國進行正式訪問。在此,我愿向泰國朋友們轉達中國人民的親切問候和良好祝福。我對此次訪問充滿期待,真誠希望通過訪問進一步弘揚中泰傳統友誼,奏響新時代中泰兩國友好合作的恢宏樂章。 Thailand, a beautiful and fascinating country, is known to the world for its captivating landscape, abundant resources and splendid culture. The Thai people lead a life of prosperity. I am coming to Thailand again soon, long after my last trip here, to pay an official visit to this friendly neighbor of China. I wish to convey the warm greetings and best wishes of the Chinese people to our friends in Thailand. I am full of expectations for this visit, and I sincerely hope that the visit will give a strong boost to the traditional China-Thailand friendship and start another brilliant chapter of amity and cooperation between our two countries in a new era.
中泰自古就是好兄弟。元朝時,泰國蘭甘亨大帝從中國請來數百名陶瓷工匠,在素可泰和彭世洛傳播制陶工藝,他們與當地工匠共同燒制出精美別致的宋加洛瓷器,至今仍熠熠生輝。明朝時,泰國大城王朝派代表出使中國100多次,還派出留學生到中國國子監讀書;中泰兩國學者共同編撰了早期的漢泰辭典《暹羅譯語》,至今仍在北京的圖書館內收藏。中國航海家鄭和下西洋時,船隊曾沿湄南河北上,抵達今天的大城府,帶去了中國的歷法、量器、衡器以及曬鹽、鑿井、開墾梯田等農耕技術,帶回了香料、胡椒、水稻和果樹良種。千百年的往來積累下深厚的友誼,兩國人民間的相互了解和感情不斷得到升華,為中泰關系健康穩定發展提供了堅實的基礎。 China and Thailand have been good brothers since ancient times. Back in the Yuan Dynasty, King Ramkhamhaeng the Great invited hundreds of Chinese craftsmen to teach ceramic techniques in Sukhothai and Phitsanulok. By working together, the Chinese and local craftsmen created the exquisite and unique Sangkhalok porcelain, whose beauty has been well-preserved till this day. In the Ming Dynasty, the Ayutthaya Kingdom sent more than 100 delegations to China. Its students even studied at China's Imperial College. Chinese and Thai scholars jointly compiled the early version of the Chinese-Thai dictionary entitled Translations of Siamese. The original copy of the dictionary is still kept at a library in Beijing. On his voyages to the western seas, Chinese navigator Zheng He led his ships northwards along the Chao Phraya River and reached today's Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. He brought along to the local people Chinese calendar and measuring and weighing instruments as well as agricultural techniques such as the production of solar salt, well-digging and terracing. And he took back home the spices, pepper, paddy rice and fine fruit tree seeds of Thailand. Through those long centuries of exchanges a deep friendship was formed. The ever-growing mutual understanding and goodwill between the two peoples has laid a solid foundation for the sound and steady growth of China-Thailand relations.
建交以來,兩國人民同舟共濟,守望相助。我們共同應對亞洲金融危機和國際金融危機,維護了各自國內和本地區的經濟穩定;我們共同抗擊非典、禽流感,保障了兩國人民的健康;我們共同戰勝印度洋海嘯、中國地震、泰國特大洪災等自然災害,受災民眾生產生活得到迅速恢復。 Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the people of China and Thailand have worked closely together and supported each other in times of adversity. Together we tackled the Asian financial crisis and the international financial crisis, upholding economic stability in both our countries and the region at large. Together we fought against the SARS epidemic and bird flu, protecting the health of people of both countries. Together we prevailed over the Indian Ocean tsunamis, earthquakes in China, severe floods in Thailand and other natural disasters, allowing life and work to quickly return to normal in disaster-hit areas.
風雨過后是彩虹。兩國各領域合作快速拓展,取得豐碩成果。中國已成為泰國最大旅游客源國和出口市場,泰國是中國最大天然橡膠進口來源地。在東南亞,泰國率先同中國開展戰略性合作,第一個在中國-東盟自貿區框架內實施蔬菜、水果零關稅安排,第一個建成中國文化中心,第一對進行科研合作的大熊貓落戶清邁,并產下了愛情結晶——“林冰”。泰國將成為在中國開設總領館數量最多的國家。 A storm will be followed by a rainbow. Our bilateral cooperation has expanded rapidly and produced fruitful results across the board. China has become Thailand's biggest source of tourists and export market. Thailand is China's largest source of natural rubber. Among Southeast Asian countries, Thailand is the first to conduct strategic cooperation with China, the first to implement zero-tariff arrangement on vegetables and fruits within the framework of China-ASEAN FTA, the first to complete a China Culture Center and the first to receive a pair of giant pandas for collaborative scientific research. In fact, the pandas living in Chiang Mai have even got a baby panda now named Lin Bing. Thailand is on track to becoming the country with the largest number of consulates general in China.
進入新世紀以來,中泰關系邁入健康發展的快車道,兩國建立了全面戰略合作伙伴關系,各領域合作面臨著巨大的發展機遇和提升空間。 Since the turn of the century, China-Thailand relations have entered a fast-track of sound growth. A comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership has been established, and there are tremendous opportunities and room for the expansion of cooperation in various fields.
我們有著共同的發展目標。中國和泰國都是本地區重要的發展中國家,都將發展作為第一要務,致力于實現經濟繁榮、國家發展和民生改善。當前國際形勢正在發生復雜深刻變化,亞洲在全球的地位和作用日益突顯。對于中泰兩國來說,沒有什么比實現各自國家的發展與振興更重要。我們的命運緊緊相連,我們的利益水乳交融。相互支持、通力合作、同舟共濟、攜手共進是兩國的共同意志,符合兩國人民的根本利益。 We share the same development goals. As two important developing countries in the region, both China and Thailand give top priority to development and both are working to achieve economic prosperity and national development and improve people's well-being. Amid complicated and profound changes in the international situation, Asia's status and role in the world are becoming increasingly prominent. For China and Thailand, nothing is more important than national development and revival. Our destinies are closely linked and our interests intertwined. To support and work with each other for common progress is a wish shared by both countries, which serves the fundamental interests of our two peoples.
我們有著巨大的合作機遇。泰國是東盟重要國家,經濟總量、面積和人口在東盟中分別居第二、第三和第四位。泰國正在實行第十一個國民經濟和社會發展規劃,推進基礎設施項目建設,進一步改善國民生活。中國正在實施“十二五”規劃,我們計劃在2020年實現國內生產總值和居民收入比2010年翻一番的目標,全面建成小康社會。中國的發展將釋放出更大的市場需求。這將為泰國和其他東盟國家提供重要的合作機遇和巨大的合作空間。 We have vast opportunities for cooperation. Thailand is an important ASEAN member, ranking second, third and fourth among ASEAN countries in terms of economic size, total area and population. Thailand is implementing its 11th National Economic and Social Development Plan, advancing infrastructural development, and further improving people's living standards. China, for its part, is in the process of implementing its 12th Five-Year Plan towards the goal of doubling its 2010 GDP and per capita income by 2020 and completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. China's development will unleash even greater market demand. This represents important cooperation opportunities and huge cooperation space for Thailand and other ASEAN countries.
泰國盛產大米等農產品,中方愿支持本國企業在今后5年內進口100萬噸泰國大米,并從泰國進口更多的特色農產品。中泰鐵路合作將成為兩國合作新亮點。中方在高鐵建設上積累了豐富經驗和實力,愿積極參與泰國高鐵建設,這將促進本地區貨物和人員往來,提升泰國作為本地區交通樞紐的地位。中泰還將積極開展電力、電網、水利、可再生能源等方面合作。隨著兩國經濟交往日益密切和民眾往來增多,中方愿積極考慮在泰設立人民幣清算銀行,為兩國企業更多使用人民幣進行雙邊貿易結算創造條件。 Thailand is a leading producer of rice and other agricultural products. China will support its companies in importing one million tons of Thai rice in the next five years as well as more specialty produce from Thailand. Rail cooperation will become a new highlight in our bilateral cooperation. China has gained rich experience and credentials in high-speed railway construction. We are ready to take an active part in high-speed rail development in Thailand, as this will facilitate the movement of goods and personnel in the region and enhance Thailand's role as a regional transport hub. China and Thailand will vigorously carry out cooperation in electricity, power grid, water conservancy and renewable energy. As our economic and personnel exchanges get closer, China will seriously consider the establishment of an RMB clearing bank in Thailand to create conditions for Chinese and Thai companies to increase cross-border RMB trade settlement.
我們有著牢固的人文紐帶。2012年中國大陸和泰國人員往來達近300萬人次,今年以來又大幅增長。漢語已成為泰國朋友熱衷學習的第二外語,泰餐、泰劇、泰國體育日益為中國人民喜愛。雙方合辦的“中泰一家親”音樂歌舞晚會、曼谷春節文化活動紅紅火火,成為兩國人民心靈溝通的橋梁。 Our two countries share a solid cultural and people-to-people bond. In 2012, there were nearly three million mutual visits between the mainland of China and Thailand. And the number has risen dramatically since the start of this year. Chinese has become a popular second foreign language among Thai friends while Thai cuisine, TV series and sports are winning the hearts of more people in China. Jointly sponsored activities like the Two Lands One Heart gala and the Happy Chinese Spring Festival in Bangkok have flourished over the years and become bridges for heart-to-heart communication between our two peoples.
我們對中泰關系未來發展充滿信心,愿中泰友誼像長江和湄南河一樣奔騰不息,永遠向前。讓我們攜手努力,共同邁向更加美好的明天。 We are full of confidence in the future growth of China-Thailand relations. We hope that China-Thailand friendship will keep surging forward like the Yangtze River and the Chao Phraya River. Let us join hands and embrace a brighter future.


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