四、關于種族歧視 | IV. On Racial Discrimination |
美國長期存在的種族歧視未見改善,少數族裔的政治、經濟和社會權利未能得到平等保障。 | The long-existing racial discrimination prevalent in the U.S. society sees no improvements, and ethnic minorities do not enjoy equal political, economic and social rights. |
少數族裔的選舉權受到限制。在2012年11月舉行的美國總統大選中,部分亞裔選民在投票站遭遇投票障礙,并受到歧視。(見注19)聯合國人權理事會特別報告員聯名指控美國未能確保非洲裔和拉丁裔美國人充分行使投票權。《波士頓評論》2013年1月-2月號刊報道稱,截至2010年,美國有超過585萬公民由于刑事犯罪被剝奪選舉權,目前由于刑事犯罪而被剝奪選舉權的非洲裔美國人超過200萬。美國司法部長也承認,由于少數族裔選舉權受到身份證法的限制,使部分人在事實上被剝奪了該項權利。(見注20) | Ethnic Americans' rights to vote are limited. During the presidential election in November 2012, some Asian-American voters were obstructed at voting stations and received with discriminations (The China Press, November 8, 2012). The United Nations Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur used to lodge a joint accusation against the U.S. of failing to fully guarantee the rights to vote of African-Americans and Hispanics. The January/February 2013 edition of the Boston Review reported that as of 2010, more than 5.85 million American citizens were disenfranchised because of criminal convictions, and more than two million African-Americans currently are stripped of their right to vote. The U.S. attorney general also acknowledged, as the rights to vote of some ethnic Americans were restricted by laws requiring proof of identity, some people are as a matter of fact stripped of such rights (The Guardian, May. 30, 2012). |
少數族裔在就業方面受到歧視,經濟狀況惡化。美國勞工部統計數據顯示,2012年10月,白人失業率為7.0%,非洲裔失業率為14.3%,拉丁裔的失業率則為10.0%。(見注21) 美國均等就業機會委員會認定某企業在人員雇傭上存在明顯的種族歧視。(見注22)亞裔和非洲裔重新就業所耗時間明顯長于白人,亞裔平均為27.7周,非洲裔為27周,而白人為19.7周。(見注23)美國勞工部數據顯示,2012年,紐約市約有50%的黑人處于失業狀態,這些人失業后平均需要花上一年時間才能找到新工作。(見注24) 就業歧視是導致收入差距和貧困的重要原因之一。美國人口統計局2012年9月12日的數據顯示,2011年非洲裔美國人家庭收入中位數為32229美元,不到非西班牙裔白人收入的60%;非洲裔美國人貧困率為27.6%,約為非西班牙裔白人貧困率的3倍。 | Ethnic Americans are discriminated against in the job market, and their economic well-being worsens as a result. According to statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor, the unemployment rate of whites was registered 7.0 percent in Oct. 2012, 14.3 percent for African-Americans and 10.0 percent for Hispanics. The average period of unemployment for ethnic minorities is notably longer than that for whites. Asians are unemployed on average for 27.7 weeks, African-Americans for 27 weeks (Desert News, December 4, 2012). According to data from the federal Labor Department, over half of all African-Americans and non-Hispanic blacks in New York city, who were old enough to work, had no jobs in 2012, and it takes them almost a full year on average to find another job (Madame Noire, June 21, 2012). Employment discrimination is the main reason behind income disparity and poverty. According to statistics released by the U.S. Census Bureau on September 12, 2012, the median household income for African-Americans was 32,229 U.S. dollars in 2011, less than 60 percent of that of non-Hispanic whites; and the poverty rate for African-Americans stood at 27.6 percent, almost three times of that of non-Hispanic whites. |
執法和司法領域種族歧視嚴重。路透社網站2012年7月3日報道稱,跟其他族裔相比,警察更袒護白人。紐約市在2011年68.5萬次警察街頭攔截檢查中,超過85%針對黑人和拉丁裔人群。少數族裔被執法部門侵害的事件時有發生。阿肯色州一名21歲黑人青年被警察搜身后帶入巡邏車,其后他被發現在雙手被銬住的情況下頭部中槍死亡。(見注25)28歲的黑人穆罕默德·巴哈被紐約警方射殺引發非洲裔社團的憤怒。(見注26)“得州民權項目”網站2012年7月24日的文章稱,由于奧斯汀警方濫用武力,自2011年以來發生了兩起警方槍殺少數族裔嫌疑人事件。當地人權機構負責人指出,警方對受害人死因調查的細致深入程度甚至比不上對當地一條狗的死因調查。2013年1月14日,美國《紐約時報》專欄作家查爾斯·M·布洛在一篇文章中指出,美國“實現種族和諧的愿望正在破產。對黑皮膚的根本性歧視——這一奴隸制度的支柱卻依然頑固存在。”(見注27) | Racial discrimination is rampant in the field of law enforcement and justice. The Reuters website reported on July 3, 2012, police tend to be more lenient to whites. Out of more than 685,000 police stops in New York City in 2011, more than 85 percent of the stopped were black or Hispanic. Ethnic Americans are often offended by law enforcement authorities. A 21-year-old black man in Arkansas was searched and put into a police car, and later was found shot in the head while handcuffed (www. telegraph.co.uk, August 8, 2012). The incidence where a 28-year-old black man, Mohamed Bah, was shot dead by New York police outraged the black community (NYDailyNews.com, September 26, 2012). An article on the website of Texas Civil Rights Project on July 24, 2012 said the Austin police' excessive use of force had led to two fatal police shootings of minority suspects since 2011. The president of the Texas Civil Rights Project said that the shooting death of a dog even received more thorough and careful investigation than the death of a black victim. The New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow wrote an article on January 14, 2013, saying "the idea that progress toward racial harmony would or should be steady and continuous is fraying. And the pillars of the institution -- the fundamental devaluation of dark skin and strained justifications for the unconscionable -- have proved surprisingly resilient." |
宗教歧視明顯上升,侮辱和攻擊穆斯林的事件增多。穆斯林人口不到美國總人口的1%,但是聯邦政府調查的宗教歧視案件中,14%涉及穆斯林;在職場宗教歧視案件中,25%涉及穆斯林。(見注28) 2012年9月,美國一名導演拍攝并在互聯網上播放侮辱伊斯蘭教先知的電影,再次引發全球穆斯林的抗議浪潮。在休斯敦,有人將一頭死豬扔在一座清真寺的門口。(見注29)美國海軍特種部隊被曝出將穆斯林女性持槍圖作為訓練標靶使用。(見注30) 57歲的穆斯林巴沙爾·艾哈邁德在清真寺外被人撕咬并刺傷,兇手行兇時大喊反穆斯林口號。(見注31)自“9·11”事件以來,美國司法部已調查超過800起針對穆斯林、阿拉伯和南亞裔的暴力、縱火和破壞公共財物事件。(見注32) | Religious discrimination is rapidly on the rise, with an increase in insults and attacks against Muslims. Muslims account for less than one percent of the U.S. population, but are involved in 14 percent of religious discrimination cases under investigation of the federal government, and 25 percent of employment-related discrimination cases (www. sinovision.net, March 29, 2011). In September, 2012, a U.S. film director made a film that is insulting to the Prophet Muhammad and posted it online, which triggered waves of protests in the Muslim world. In Houston, a dead pig was left in front of a mosque (abclocal.go.com, December 5, 2012). The U.S. Navy special operations force was reported to use images of gun-holding Muslim women as training targets (www.nydailynews.com, July 3, 2012). The 57-year-old Muslim, Bashir Ahmad, was stabbed and bitten outside a Mosque by a suspect who shouted anti-Muslim expletive during the attack (Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2012). Since the September 11 attacks, the U.S. Justice Department has investigated more than 800 incidents of violence, vandalism and arson against people believed to be Muslim, Arab or South Asian (www. reuters.com, March 29, 2011). |
種族隔離在美國事實上依然存在。《紐約時報》2012年8月6日報道稱,在紐約的高檔社區上東區,非西班牙裔黑人居民僅占2.7%,白人居民占81%。當地的房屋管理委員會可以拒絕黑人買主在此購買房屋而不給出任何理由,上東區賣主拒絕黑人買主已經名聲在外。調查顯示,紐約在一項對黑人隔離的城市排行榜中位列第二位,在對西班牙裔和亞裔人群隔離的排行榜中居第三位。美國國家航空航天局房地產公司主管因拒絕租房給3個非洲裔美國人而被起訴。他聲稱沒有房子可以出租,卻在一小時內帶白人租戶看房,并說:“你們看起來像好人,所以我才帶你們看。”(見注33)此外,還有研究發現美國許多工作場所中種族隔離的情形也越來越明顯,調查的58個行業中有19個行業呈現出種族隔離的傾向。(見注34) | Apartheid in fact still exists in the American society. New York Times reported on August 6, 2012 that, the proportion of non-Hispanic black residents on the Upper East Side is only 2.7 percent, and whites 81 percent. Local co-op boards can reject black buyers without giving a reason, and some Upper East Side co-ops have a reputation for rejecting black buyers. A study found that the New York area was the second most segregated for black people and the third most segregated for Hispanic and Asian residents. A superintendent of NASA Real Estate Corporation was sued for refusing to show three African-Americans any openings, claiming no apartments were available for rent, but showing vacancies to white individuals who inquired about the same apartments less than an hour after turning down black renters, saying, "You look like nice people. That's why I show you." (queenscourier.com, December 12, 2012) Furthermore, studies found a rising tide of apartheid in the U.S. workplace. Nineteen out of the 58 surveyed industries showed a trend toward racial re-segregation between white men and black men (www.washingtonpost.com, October 25, 2012). |
種族關系緊張,仇恨犯罪頻發。美聯社2012年10月28日報道,最新民意調查顯示,51%的美國人對非洲裔美國人持明確的反對態度,較2008年上升了3個百分點。美國廣播公司網站2012年11月19日報道,紐約市布魯克林區在四個月中接連有3名中東裔商店業主遭槍擊身亡,警方稱不排除種族偏見是槍手的作案動機。密西西比州兩名年輕白人男子因種族原因用卡車故意碾壓一名黑人男子致死,這兩人自2011年起多次使用啤酒瓶、彈弓、機動車等工具對附近黑人進行騷擾和攻擊,并時常在他人面前吹噓自己的行為。(見注35)白人槍手韋德·邁克爾·佩奇在錫克教寺廟槍殺6人,其殺人動機與新納粹仇恨組織的宣傳煽動有關,并被懷疑為白人至上主義分子。(見注36) | Racial relationship is in tension, and hate crimes take place frequently. The Associated Press reported on October 28, 2012, citing a latest poll, that 51 percent of Americans now express explicit anti-African-American attitudes, three percentage points higher than in 2008. The abc.go.com reported on November 19, 2012, three shop owners of Middle Eastern descent were shot dead in four months in Brooklyn, New York, and the police cannot rule out the possibility of the homicides being racially motivated. Two young white men from Mississippi killed a black man by running a truck over him. The two, since 2011, have frequently assaulted and attacked African-Americans in and around Jackson, Mississippi, using beer bottles, sling shots and motor vehicles, and they often bragged about their exploits (Reuters, December 5, 2012). A white gunman named Wade Michael Page killed six Sikh worshippers at their temple, and his motivation was linked to neo-Nazi propaganda, and he was suspected to be a white supremacist (edition. cnn.com, August 10, 2012). |
土著人權利得不到應有保障。2012年,聯合國人權理事會種族主義問題特別報告員穆圖馬·魯泰雷指出,納瓦霍人仍面臨嚴重的種族歧視,無法獲得平等的法律待遇和司法救濟。(見注37)聯合國人權理事會土著人權利問題特別報告員詹姆斯·安納亞指出,一些開發建設項目使美國土著人難以進入和使用他們的圣地。他在報告中援引有關機構研究數據指出,美國土著人的貧困率是全國貧困率的兩倍,壽命比全國平均壽命短5.2年。僅13%的美國土著人擁有大學學歷,遠低于28%的全國平均水平。土著人婦女遭受暴力侵害的比例是全國平均值的兩倍多,1/3的土著人婦女一生中會遭受強暴。(見注38) | Native Americans' rights are not properly guaranteed. In 2012, the United Nations Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur on racism, Mutuma Ruteere, pointed out Navajos, a branch of Native Americans, faced racial discrimination, including the lack of access to justice and legal remedies (United Nations document number A/67/328). United Nations Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous people, James Anaya, said the ability of Native Americans to use and access their sacred places is often curtailed by mining, logging, hydroelectric and other development projects. He cited research figures of relevant institutions, saying Native Americans' poverty rates nearly double the national average, and their life expectancy is 5.2 years less than the national average. Thirteen percent of Native Americans hold a basic university degree, much lower than the national average, 28 percent. Indigenous women are more than twice as likely as all other women to be victims of violence and one in three of them will be raped during her lifetime (United Naitons document number A/HRC/21/47/Add.1). |
非法移民的權利被侵犯。美國移民拘留所的死亡事件時有發生。聯合國人權理事會法外處決問題特別報告員克里斯托弗·海因斯在其報告中指出,一些對移民的羈押既無必要也不恰當,發生死亡事件的移民羈押場所類似監獄,被羈押的移民難以獲得基本醫療服務。(見注39)聯合國人權專家和南佛羅里達移民組織呼吁美國停止遣返海地移民。人權組織認為美國的遣返違反人權原則,遣返將導致這些海地人面臨生命危險。(見注40) 注19:《僑報》,2012年11月8日。 注20:《衛報》網站(www.guardian.co.uk),2012年5月30日。 注21:美國勞工部統計局網站(www.bls.gov),2012年11月2日。 注22:www.philly.com,2012年12月4日。 注23:《猶他新聞》網站(www.deseretnews.com),2012年12月4日。 注24:madamenoire.com,2012年6月21日。 注25:《英國每日電訊報》網站(www.telegraph.co.uk),2012年8月8日。 注26:紐約每日新聞網(www.nydailynews.com),2012年9月26日。 注27:《紐約時報》網站,2013年1月14日。 注28:美國中文網(www.sinovision.net),2011年3月29日。 注29:休斯敦新聞網(abclocal.go.com),2012年12月5日。 注30:紐約每日新聞網(www.nydailynews.com),2012年7月3日。 注31:《華爾街日報》,2012年11月19日。 注32:路透社網站(www.reuters.com),2011年3月29日。 注33:queenscourier.com,2012年12月12日。 注34:《華盛頓郵報》網站(www.washingtonpost.com),2012年10月25日。 注35:路透社,2012年12月5日。 注36:美國有線電視新聞網(edition.cnn.com),2012年8月10日。 注37:聯合國文件編號A/67/328。 注38:聯合國文件編號A/HRC/21/47/Add.1。 注39:聯合國文件編號A/HRC/20/22/Add.3。 注40:《邁阿密先驅報》,2012年6月6日。 |
The rights of illegal immigrants are violated. Deaths often occur in immigration detention centers. United Nations Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur Christof Heyns said in his report that deaths occurred in prison-like conditions where detention was neither necessary nor appropriate, and where no proper medical care was provided (United Nations document number A/HRC/20/22/Add.3). U.N human rights experts and South Florida Haitian rights advocates call for the U.S. to suspend all deportations to Haiti, saying the deportations may constitute a human rights violation, and may place the Haitians in a life-threatening position (The Miami Herald, June 6, 2012). |
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