二、關于公民權利和政治權利 | II. On Civil and Political Rights |
近年來,美國政府對公民采取了更加嚴密的監視措施。警察虐待嫌疑人和服刑人員現象屢見不鮮。公民平等選舉權不斷受到侵害。 | The recent years have seen closer surveillance of American citizens by the U.S. government. In the country, abuse of suspects and jail inmates is common occurrence, and equal suffrage enjoyable by citizens continues to be undermined. |
美國政府不斷強化對民眾的監控,大幅限制和縮減美國社會的自由空間,嚴重侵犯公民自由。2012年美國國會通過法律,授權政府通過未經許可的竊聽及電子通訊手段侵犯民眾隱私。據科技咨詢網2012年5月4日一篇報道,美國聯邦調查局起草了一部法案,要求社交網絡網站、IP網絡語音傳輸技術的提供方、即時信息、網絡電子郵件服務商等更改代碼,以便政府進行監控。美國民權同盟2012年9月27日公布的文件顯示,聯邦執法機構對美國人的電子通訊監控正在日益增多。從2009年到2011年,司法部使用“電子筆錄器”和“誘捕與追蹤裝置”監視電話通訊次數從23535次增加到37616次,增長了60%;獲準使用“電子筆錄器”和“誘捕與追蹤裝置”檢測個人電子郵件和網絡數據的次數增長了361%。國家安全局通過“嚴格和系統”的方式,收集美國民眾純粹家庭內部的信息往來記錄,每天截獲和存儲17億條電子郵件、電話和其他溝通類型的信息。2012年3月的一項有線調查顯示,2012年美國國家安全局在猶他州籌建一個巨型數據中心,用于存放和分析“全世界范圍內的海量通信”。(見注3)美國公民自由聯盟披露,美國政府使用的軍用無人機有可能用于暗中監視美國公民。(見注4) | The U.S. government continues to step up surveillance of ordinary Americans, restricting and reducing the free sphere of the American society to a considerable extent, and seriously violating the freedom of citizens. The U.S. congress approved a bill in 2012 that authorizes the government to conduct warrantless wiretapping and electronic communications monitoring, a move that violates people's rights to privacy. According to a report carried on May 4, 2012 by the CNET website, the FBI general counsel' s office has drafted a proposed law requiring that social-networking websites and providers of VoIP, instant messaging, and Web e-mail to alter their code to ensure their products are wiretap-friendly (news.cnet.com, May 4, 2012). Documents released by the American Civil Liberties Union on September 27, 2012, reveal that federal law enforcement agencies are increasingly monitoring American's electronic communications. Between 2009 and 2011, the Justice Department' s combined number of original orders for "pen registers" and "trap and trace devices" used to spy on phones increased by 60 percent, from 23,535 in 2009 to 37,616 in 2011. The number of authorizations the Justice Department received to use these devices on individuals' email and network data increased 361 percent between 2009 and 2011. The National Security Agency collects purely domestic communications of Americans in a "significant and systematic" way, intercepting and storing 1.7 billion emails, phone calls and other types of communications every day. A Wired investigation published in March 2012 revealed the NSA is currently constructing a huge data center in Utah, meant to store and analyze "vast swaths of the world' s communications" from foreign and domestic networks (The Guardian, July 10, 2012). As the American Civil Liberties Union explained in its December 2011 report, the U.S. could potentially use military drones to spy on its citizens (Fars News Agency, June 26, 2012). |
2012年9月17日是“占領華爾街”運動一周年紀念日,在華爾街附近的示威者與警方爆發大規模沖突,有超過100人被逮捕。(見注5)媒體擔心美國新聞立法會越來越嚴厲。由于發表不同政治觀點,美國記者失業的情況很常見。(見注6) | On September 17, 2012, or the first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street's initial demonstration, confrontations between protesters and police around the Wall Street resulted in the arrests of more than 100 people (The New York Times, September 17, 2012). The U.S. journalist community is worried about the continued toughening up of legislation on mass media. It is frequent that journalists in the U.S. lose their jobs because of "politically incorrect" opinions (www.mid.ru, October 22, 2012). |
美國警察因侵犯嫌疑人和服刑人員權利而遭受的投訴與指控呈上升趨勢。紐約市警察局卷入了多宗訴訟案,其警察被控在執法過程中侵犯公民權利。據《芝加哥論壇報》2012年3月6日報道,51歲的尤金·格魯伯在被拘留期間遭受的暴力虐待致其全身癱瘓,4個月后不治身亡;3月21日又報道,7名北芝加哥地區警察對嫌疑犯達林·漢納采用捆綁、電擊等刑訊手段,使漢納在一周后即因嚴重的身體創傷而死亡。美國有線電視新聞網2012年5月17日報道稱,美國各州被關押人員中有9.6%的人在關押期間受到性侵犯,比2008年增加了一倍多。在得克薩斯州監獄,許多犯人被關押在室溫高達華氏3位數的牢房內,58歲的拉里·基恩·麥考倫、44歲的亞歷山大·托貢尼茨、57歲的麥克爾·戴維·馬爾托尼和52歲的肯尼斯·韋恩·詹姆斯于2011年死于中暑,另有至少5名囚犯的死亡也與室內高溫有關。(見注7) | Complaints and allegations of American police violating rights of suspects and jail inmates are going up. A litany of lawsuits was brought against the New York City Police Department, with police officers charged with violating civil rights in law enforcement. According to a report carried by the Chicago Tribune on March 6, 2012, jail inmate Eugene Gruber, 51, was paralyzed a day after he walked into a jail where he was believed to have been maltreated. He died of injury four months after the jail incident. Another report by the Chicago Tribune on March 21, 2012 showed that suspect Darrin Hanna suffered trauma from physical restraint and Taser shocks during a struggle with North Chicago police and died a week later. The CNN reported on May 17, 2012 that some 9.6 percent of the prisoners in state prisons are sexually victimized during confinement, more than double the rate cited in a report on the subject in 2008. In Texas state prisons, many inmates are housed in triple-digit temperatures in Fahrenheit. Four inmates -- Larry Gene McCollum, 58; Alexander Togonidze, 44; Michael David Martone, 57; and Kenneth Wayne James, 52 -- died in summer of 2011 from heat stroke, and at least five others were believed to have died from heat-related causes (www.texascivilrightsproject.org, July 7, 2012). |
美國公民并沒有真正享有平等的選舉權。2012年美國總統選舉中,符合條件的選民人數比2008年增加了800萬,但實際參加投票的人數反而減少了500萬,投票率僅為57.5%。(見注8)皮尤中心2012年2月的一份調查報告稱,選民登記系統存在著錯誤和低效,削弱了選民的熱情,也加劇了黨派間關于選舉公正性的爭論。(見注9) | American citizens have never really enjoyed common and equal suffrage. Despite an increase of over eight million citizens in the eligible population in the U.S. presidential election of 2012, voter turnout registered a drop of five million from four years before, with only 57.5 percent of eligible citizens voting (bipartisanpolicy.org, November 8, 2012). A February 2012 report by the Pew Center said America's voter registration system is plagued with errors and inefficiencies that undermine voter confidence and fuel partisan disputes over the integrity of the country's elections (www.pewstates.org). |
美國選舉形同金錢對決,政治獻金深刻影響美國的政策走向。2012年,美國選舉的總花費為60億美元,截至2012年10月17日,民主黨候選人籌款數額為10.6億美元,共和黨候選人籌款數額為9. 54億美元,兩大陣營巨額花費的背后都有財團資助。(見注10)據一項民意調查顯示,近90%的美國人認為2012年競選中來自商界的捐資太多,政治獻金只會讓富人對決策有更大影響力。(見注11)美國哈佛大學一名教授認為,美國的政治制度陷入了一場嚴重危機,它受到利益集團及其出資人的擺布。競選捐款“助長了其他所有的弊端”。美國政治正在腐化美國人民,使他們一步步陷入對有組織利益集團的依賴。(見注12) | The U.S. election is like money wars, with trends of the country's policies deeply influenced by political donations. The 2012 election had an estimated cost totalling six billion U.S. dollars. The Obama campaign and the Democratic camp raised 1.06 billion dollars, and the Romney campaign and the Republican camp raised a total of 954 million dollars (www.standard.co.uk, November 6, 2012). Both groups have funding support from business giants. An opinion poll showed that nearly 90 percent of Americans believe the 2012 election is marked by too many political donations from business circles, which will mean the increased influence of the rich over the country's policy-making (The International Herald Leader [Chinese newspaper], November 16, 2012). A Harvard professor said America' s political system is sinking into serious crisis as it is under manipulation of interest groups and their sponsors. Election donations give a loose rein to all other defects. American politics are corroding the people, making them increasingly dependent on interest groups (Internationale Politik, November & December issue, 2012). |
《基督教科學箴言報》網站2012年11月5日引用國際知名人士的評論指出,在美國總統競選中,易出問題的投票器、對投票器做手腳的風險、計票缺乏透明以及選舉人團制度都使美國的選舉制度存在嚴重缺陷。 注3:《衛報》,2012年7月10日。 注4:《法爾斯通訊社》,2012年6月26日。 注5:《紐約時報》,2012年9月16日。 注6:俄羅斯外交部網站(www.mid.ru),2012年10月22日。 注7:“得州民權項目”網站(www.texascivilrightsproject.org),2012年7月7日。 注8:兩黨政策中心網站(bipartisanpolicy.org),2012年11月8日。 注9:美國皮尤中心(www.pewstates.org),2012年2月。 注10:英國《旗幟晚報》網站(www.standard.co.uk),2012年11月6日。 注11:《國際先驅導報》,2012年11月16日。 注12:德國《國際政治》,2012年11-12月號刊。 |
Citing a world-known analyst, the Christian Science Monitor website in a report on November 5, 2012 said America's trouble-prone voting machines, the risk of tampering in those machines, the lack of transparency in vote tabulation, and then the Electoral College system, combine to give the country an election system that leaves much to be desired. |
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