三、關于經濟和社會權利 | III. On Economic and Social Rights |
美國政府至今未批準已經得到160個國家批準的《經濟、社會及文化權利國際公約》。很多美國公民沒有享受到國際公認的經濟和社會權利。 | To date, the U.S. government has not approved the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which was already ratified by 160 countries. Many American citizens could not enjoy the internationally-recognized economic and social rights. |
美國的失業率長期處于高位。近年來,又有大批美國人失業。美國勞工部2012年5月4日公布的數據顯示,2012年4月,美國失業率為8.1%。失業人口高達1250萬人。《赫芬頓郵報》網站2012年12月3日援引一份報告指出,有近650萬美國年輕人處于失學和失業狀態。過去10年,16到19歲青年的就業率降低了42%?!堵迳即墪r報》網站2012年4月27日載文說,參加過阿富汗戰爭和伊拉克戰爭的老兵的失業率是10.3%,而年齡在24歲以下的老兵的失業率則高達29.1%。大學畢業生就業困難。美聯社2012年4月22日報道稱,2011年,美國25歲以下擁有學士學位的人中,53.6%的人找不到工作或者學非所用。即使找到了工作,有些人也得不到適當的報酬。在美國食品行業近2000萬工人中,有60%的人收入低于當地的貧困線標準。(見注13) | Unemployment in the U.S. has long been high. A huge number of Americans newly joined the unemployed population in recent years. Figures released by the U.S. Department of Labor on May 4, 2012 showed that in April 2012 the unemployment rate was 8.1 percent, with 12.5 million people unemployed. Citing a report, the Huffington Post website in a story dated December 3, 2012 said nearly 6.5 million U.S. teens and young adults are neither in school nor working, and the employment rate for teens between the ages of 16 and 19 has fallen 42 percent over the last decade. The Los Angeles Times in a report published on April 27, 2012 said the unemployment rate for veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq is 10.3 percent, and for veterans aged 24 and under, the rate is 29.1 percent. It is also hard for college graduates to find jobs. The Associated Press reported on April 22, 2012 that 53.6 percent of bachelor' s degree-holders under the age of 25 in America were jobless or underemployed in 2011. Of the nearly 20 million people employed by the American food industry, just 40 percent are earning enough to put them over the local poverty line (www.huffingtonpost.com, June 6, 2012). |
2008年金融危機以來,美國的貧困問題持續加劇。美國人口統計局2012年9月12日公布的統計數據顯示,2011年,美國的貧困率為15%,生活在貧困線以下的美國人有4620萬。約有1800萬個家庭吃不飽飯,其中680多萬個家庭在一年中會有幾個月的時間擔心沒有足夠的錢購買食品。(見注14)《赫芬頓郵報》2012年10月30日報道稱,22%的美國兒童生活在貧困之中。美國是當今世界上兒童和青少年貧困率最高的發達國家之一。 | Poverty in the U.S. has increasingly worsened since the economic crisis in 2008. America' s poverty rate in 2011 was 15 percent, with 46.2 million people in poverty, according to the U.S. Census Bureau data released on September 12, 2012. Almost 18 million American homes struggled to find enough to eat in 2011, including 6.8 million households that worried about having enough money to buy food several months out of the year (www.ers.usda.gov, September 5, 2012). A report carried by the Huffington Post on October 30, 2012 indicated that the U.S. has a staggering 22 percent of its children living in poverty. The U.S. is one of those that have the highest child poverty rates of all developed nations. |
近年來,美國的貧富差距進一步拉大。經合組織報告說,美國貧富差距在發達國家中位列第四。2011年,美國基尼系數達到0.477,2010-2011年間,美國的收入差距增長了1.6%,社會兩極化趨勢進一步加強。2010-2011年,收入最高的20%的家庭占美國家庭總收入的份額增加了1.6個百分點,收入最高的5%的家庭的份額增加了4.9個百分點,中等收入家庭的份額相應減少,低收入家庭的份額幾乎未變。(見注15) | The gap between the rich and poor is growing in the U.S. over the years. The U.S. has the fourth worst income inequality compared to other developed countries, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. America's Gini index was 0.477 in 2011 and income inequality increased by 1.6 percent between 2010 and 2011, indicating a widened rich-poor gap. Between 2010 and 2011, the share of aggregate income increased 1.6 percent for the quintile with the highest household income, and increased 4.9 percent for the top five percent households. The aggregate share of income declined for the middle quintile. The changes in the shares of aggregate income for the lowest two quintiles were not statistically significant (www.census.gov, September 12, 2012). |
美國有為數眾多的無家可歸者。結束無家可歸全國聯盟2012年1月17日發布的報告顯示,2011年,美國無家可歸者達636017人,平均每萬人中就有21個無家可歸者,其中,長期無家可歸者為107148人。無處容身者人數比2009年上升2%,達到243701人。每10名無家可歸者中就有4人無處容身。2012年4月,紐約市收容所里的無家可歸者比2011年增加了10%。(見注16)無家可歸者受到歧視和侵害?!督袢彰绹?012年2月15日報道稱,在234個樣本城市中,24%的城市禁止無家可歸者乞討,22%的城市禁止無家可歸者街頭流浪,16%的城市規定露宿公共場所是違法行為。1999年到2010年期間,已報道的針對無家可歸者的暴力犯罪達到1184起,這些案件造成了312名無家可歸者死亡。 | A huge number of people are homeless in the U.S. According to a report released by National Alliance to End Homelessness on January 17, 2012, the nation had 636,017 homeless people in 2011, including 107,148 chronically homeless people. There were 21 homeless people per 10,000 people in the general population. Nearly four in 10 homeless people were unsheltered. The unsheltered population was 243,701 in 2011, up 2 percent from 2009. In April 2012, the New York City homeless shelter population was 10 percent higher than the previous year (www.coalitionforthehomeless.org, June 8, 2012). Homeless people suffer discrimination and assaults. Citing a survey of 234 cities, a USA Today report dated February 15, 2012 said 24 percent of the U.S. cities prohibit begging, 22 percent prohibit loitering, 16 percent labels sleeping in public places as illegal. From 1999 through 2010, the homeless faced 1,184 acts of reported violence resulting in 312 deaths. |
美國是當今世界上少數沒有實行全民醫療保險的發達國家之一,有相當數量的居民因沒有醫療保險而無法在患病時得到必要的醫療照顧。2011年,美國有15.7%的居民沒有醫療保險,人數達到48613000。(見注17)《赫芬頓郵報》2012年11月13日報道稱,每年約有11.5萬名美國婦女在離婚后,因無力負擔私人保險費用而失去醫療保險。2012年6月20日,美國家庭聯盟的消費者權益保護組織發布報告稱,2010年,美國有26100名年齡在25到64歲之間的勞動人口由于缺乏醫療保險而喪命,比2000年增加了31%。(見注18) 注13:《赫芬頓郵報》,2012年6月6日。 注14:美國勞工部網站(www.dol.gov),2012年9月5日。 注15:美國人口統計局網站(www.census.gov),2012年9月12日。 注16:無家可歸者聯盟網站(www.coalitionforthehomeless.org),2012年6月8日。 注17:美國人口統計局網站(www.census.gov),2012年9月12日。 注18:路透社網站(www.reuters.com),2012年6月20日。 |
The U.S. is among the few developed countries without health insurance covering its whole population. A considerable number of Americans have no access to necessary healthcare services when in illness because of having no health insurance. The number of people without health insurance coverage was 48.6 million in 2011, accounting for 15.7 percent of the population (www.census.gov, September 12, 2012). A Huffington Post report on November 13, 2012 said about 115,000 women in the U.S. lose their private health insurance each year in the wake of divorce, largely because they have trouble paying premiums for private insurance. A study, released on June 20, 2012, by the consumer advocacy group Families USA, estimates that a total of 26,100 people aged 25 to 64 died for lack of health coverage in 2010, up 31 percent from 18,000 in 2000 (www.reuters.com, June 20, 2012). |
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