Ree Dolly (Jennifer Lawrence) is an Ozark teen with the weight of the world on her shoulders. Her mother has been rendered almost catatonic by mental illness, her methamphetamine-dealing father is missing, and her younger brother and sister are counting on her for survival. Ree ekes out what existence she can for her impoverished family, chopping firewood to keep out the chill and hunting squirrels to ward off the hunger. But things get even worse when the local sheriff (Garret Dillahunt) shows up to inform Ree that her father used the family homestead to secure bail and then disappeared. If Ree can't produce her father -- dead or alive -- for an impending court date, she'll lose what little she has. |
芮?多莉(詹妮弗?勞倫斯 飾)生活在密蘇里州的歐扎克高原上,雖然年紀輕輕,卻已背負起生活的重擔。母親因為精神疾病纏身,基本上成了一個緊張性精神分裂癥患者;父親販賣冰毒,卻玩起了失蹤;剩下一個弟弟和一個妹妹,他們的生活就全指望著她了。芮竭盡所能,砍柴驅寒取暖,打松鼠充饑,維持著這窮困潦倒的一家。然而,雪上加霜的事情還是發生了。當地的治安官(加瑞特?迪拉胡特 飾)突然出現,并告知芮:為了獲得保釋,她的父親將家里的房子做了抵押,之后便消失了。眼看庭審之日一天天逼近,倘若芮交不出父親(不管他是死是活),她將變得一無所有。 |
Winter's Bone is the story of Ree's urgent search for her father, which consists mostly of confronting one menacing criminal family member after another in a frustrating quest for information. No one is talking, everyone wants to stop Ree from asking questions, and it's clear that the clan's strict code of silence will be enforced with violence. But Ree has enough courage and desperation to keep her going, and with the help of her childhood friend Gail (Lauren Sweetser), her drug-addicted Uncle Teardrop (John Hawkes), and the occasional kindness of neighbors, she keeps searching. |
《冬天的骨頭》講述的就是芮苦苦追尋父親的故事。獲取信息的途中,她處處受挫,面對的是一個又一個險惡的犯罪分子家族成員。沒有人愿意說話,所有人都想堵住芮的嘴不讓她發問;很顯然,要讓整個家族絕對保持沉默,暴力手段是少不了的。不過,芮有著足夠的膽量,就是把命搭上,她也要一直走下去。這一路,她沒有停止過尋找,不僅得到了兒時的玩伴蓋爾(勞倫?斯威特賽爾 飾)和吸毒的叔叔(約翰?哈克斯 飾)的幫助,還間或博得了鄰居的憐憫之心。
( Wendy 譯)