Jim Broadbent and Ruth Sheen play middle-class couple Tom and Gerri whose London home is a calling place for their beloved but unhappy friends. Married for 30 years and devoted to one another, they're the one constant in their colleagues' lives. |
吉姆?布勞德本特和魯斯?西恩在片中扮演一對倫敦中產階級夫婦:湯姆和蓋里。他們擁有一群摯友,但這些朋友過得并不幸福,于是湯姆和蓋里的住所就成了他們小憩的港灣。結婚30年來,湯姆和蓋里彼此相敬相愛,成為同事眼中感情最為穩定的一對夫妻。 |
The most maladjusted is Mary (Lesley Manville), an Eleanor Rigby-like character who's by turns neurotic, boozy and self-pitying. Middle-aged, childless and still embittered from a relationship that went wrong, her hopes of achieving freedom by buying a secondhand car go awry when it keeps breaking down. She's also set her sights on Tom and Gerri's son Joe (Oliver Maltman) who playfully flirts with her but isn't interested. |
所有朋友當中,對生活適應不良最嚴重的當屬瑪麗(萊絲利?曼維爾 飾)。她就是活生生的埃莉諾?里格比(披頭士樂隊經典歌曲《埃莉諾?里格比》里描述的一位孤獨寂寞的女子),時而神經質,嗜酒如命,時而又顧影自憐。已是中年的她膝下無子,還因為感情出了問題而痛苦不堪;她本希望買輛二手車可以讓自己獲得解脫,結果車子老是拋錨,她的盤算也因此落空。她還把情感的目標鎖定在湯姆和蓋里的兒子喬(奧利弗?莫爾特曼 飾)身上;而喬與她調情完全是鬧著玩,并非真的對她有意思。 |
Meanwhile, gunning for Mary is the obese Ken (Pete Wright) who's turned to food and the bottle to cope with his wife's death. There's also Jack (Phil Davis) who is struggling to cope with the illness of his wife, and Tom's brother who comes to stay following a bereavement. |
與此同時,胖乎乎的肯(彼得?賴特 飾)在熱切地追求著瑪麗。自從妻子去世,肯一直靠著食物和烈酒來消除心中的煩悶。杰克(菲爾?戴維斯 飾)正奮力應對妻子生病的境況,而湯姆的哥哥在經歷了親人喪亡后也搬到湯姆家住下。 |
Death, alcoholism and loneliness are hardly our standard comedy ingredients, but Another Year is at times very, very funny. Manville (a Leigh regular) makes Mary tragic and pitiful, but also hilarious. A scene where she meets Joe's girlfriend might be the funniest thing you see all year. |
死亡、酗酒和孤獨并不是我們通常所認知的喜劇元素,但影片《又一年》卻時不時地逗人發笑。曼維爾(邁克?李電影的御用演員)扮演的瑪麗雖是一副凄楚可憐的樣子,卻也不時出來歡快鬧騰一下。她與喬的女朋友會面的場景可謂你全年見過的最搞笑的一幕。 |
But the laughs seem to be a mere sugar coating for the very bitter pill that Leigh is serving up, namely that relationships in particular and life in general can treat us cruelly. |
(China.org.cn Wendy 譯)