Annoying Orange, the human-faced fruit star of a hugely popular series of YouTube short videos, does a version of the old beer-company "Wazzup" ads with his fruit buddies, bananas, lemon, kiwi and apple. |
Count yourself out of touch — and productive at work! — if you haven't seen more than a couple of these. YouTube's list of Top Ten most watched clips this year does not include major-label music videos, but much of the rest of the YouTube range is represented: a male-grooming ad, a late-night TV clip, some made-for-YouTube comedy and plenty of music, everything from OK Go to a Ke$ha parody. But what these videos most have in common is that they tend to have terrible titles. Just awful.
1. Bed Intruder Song
What it is: Auto-Tune the News makes songs out of what's in the news, in this case, an Alabama man telling a reporter about a nocturnal assault on his sister. Why it is popular: Hard to figure, considering that it's essentially trying to find comedy in an assault. Compelling moment: Couldn't find one. Length: 2:08. Total views: 46.9 million. ...
?????? 14日,國際知名視頻網站YouTube評選出了2010年度最受歡迎的十大視頻。其中,極具搞笑和諷刺意味的《強奸犯之歌》以超過4700萬的點擊量榮登榜首。
?????? 據悉,這段視頻是根據真實事件改編的。上半年,美國阿拉巴馬州的一位女孩不幸遭到入室歹徒性侵犯,她24歲的哥哥安東尼?多德森在接受電視采訪時按捺不住憤怒,在電視鏡頭前破口大罵。之后不久,美國的一支流行樂團將這段新聞視頻配上RAP曲調演唱了出來,沒想到卻受到了網民的熱捧。
?????? 視頻中排名第二的是一支專業惡搞團隊,他們翻唱了美國歌手克莎的單曲《Tik Tok》,并將視頻上傳至YouTube。誰曾想,該視頻卻吸引了超過5100萬次的點擊,比克莎原版MV的觀看次數還多2000萬次。
?????? 排名第三的是一個僅有13歲的小男孩,他自彈自唱了Lady Gaga的單曲《Paparazzi》。天才的表演震驚四座,并為他贏得了一份唱片合同。
?????? 第四名是YouTube上的動畫明星“煩人的橘子”。
?????? 第五名是男用香水“Old Spice”的廣告猛男。
?????? 第六名是一個看到雙重彩虹而激動到痛哭流涕的大叔。
?????? 第七名是流行組合“OK Go”的MV。
?????? 第八名是電影《暮光之城3:月蝕》宣傳片。
?????? 第九名是流行小天王賈斯汀?比伯參加吉米?凱莫的脫口秀。
?????? 第十名是拉力車手肯?布洛克的精彩飆車視頻。 |