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Daily News 2010-09-27
The Ministry of Civil Affairs has recently modified standards for low-income families to qualify to receive governmental allowances. The ministry points out that in addition to per capita monthly income in a family, their assets should be taken into serious consideration, such as negotiable securities, savings, real estate and cars.
The Ministry of Civil Affairs has recently modified standards for low-income families to qualify to receive governmental allowances. The ministry points out that in addition to per capita monthly income in a family, their assets should be taken into serious consideration, such as negotiable securities, savings, real estate and cars.
New standards for social welfare 民政部全國排查偽低保
The Ministry of Civil Affairs has recently modified standards forlow-income families to qualify to receive governmental allowances, Beijing News reports. The ministry points out that in addition to per capita monthly income in a family, their assets should be taken into serious consideration, such as negotiable securities, savings, real estate and cars. The local civil affairs authorities should put more efforts into establishing a proper household-income checking system in collaboration with other governmental agencies in charge of taxes, housing, social insurance, commerce and finance. The families receiving allowances will have qualifications checked once or twice a year. 據《新京報》報道,近日民政部修改了低保家庭的評判標準。民政部指出,除了家庭人均月收入,家庭財產也應作為重要參考,這包括有價證券、存款、房產、車輛等資產。地方民政部門應盡快與稅務、房地產、社會保險、工商、金融等部門合作,建立起居民家庭收入核對機制;每年應對低保戶資格進行一到兩次核查。
※ As for the families, the ministry says the information publicized is limited to names, number of family members, and the amount of allowance for which they are qualified. It does not encourage publicize this information on the Internet and emphasizes that children's privacy should be fully protected. In addition, the ministry plans to launch a nationwide campaign to check the qualifications of all the allowance receivers. ※ 民政部指出,低保家庭用于公示的信息應僅限于戶主姓名、家庭人口數及享受低保的金額。民政部不鼓勵在網上公布此類信息,并強調應充分保護兒童的隱私。另外,民政部還計劃布置一場全國性的低保資格大排查。
China launches MA in anti-corruption 國內首個反貪碩士班開學
Renmin University will launch China's first master's program in anti-corruption in October, Beijing Times reports. Eight officers from China's Supreme People's Procuratorate will serve as visiting professors and supervisors. Subject courses will reflect both jurisdiction theory and criminal investigation, including mind reading. 據《京華時報》報道,中國人民大學開設的國內首個反貪碩士班將于10月開始課程學習,由最高檢派出的8名干將擔任兼職教授和導師。課程分為法學理論和刑偵兩部分,包括測謊技術。
Beijing offers tickets to attractions 京景點向全國免費發票
The Beijing Tourism Bureau is giving away 300,000 tickets for admission to one of 27 tourist locations around the capital city, the Beijing Times reports. Places include Badaling Great Wall, the Bird's Nest, the Water Cube and the National Center for Performing Arts. People can apply for a ticket starting today through Oct. 27 on the Beijing Tourism Bureau's website. Winners, who are chosen at random by the computer system, will receive their tickets through their mobile phones, which must be registered with China Mobile, China Unicom or China Telecom. 《京華時報》報道,從今天10點起至10月27日,游客可登錄北京市旅游局官方網站,憑移動、聯通或電信手機號申領一張景點免費電子門票。被抽中后,游客將收到以短信或彩信發送的手機電子門票。27家景點包括八達嶺長城、鳥巢、水立方、國家大劇院等,提供共計30萬張門票。
Professor's sex diaries appear online 副教授性愛日記曝光
The wife of an associate professor at Tianjin Normal University released online her husband's sex diaries, in which he recorded his numerous affairs, including with several college students, Bandao.cn reports. The associate professor, surnamed Li, kept a detailed account of the women he slept with, including their names, number of times they had sex and his feelings after. Li said his wife, surnamed Zhang, fabricated the details of his sexual life because she is seeking divorce and trying to seize his assets. 據青島半島網報道,天津師范大學副教授李某的性愛日記被妻子張某傳到網上曝光,和他有染的女性多達十幾人,其中包括很多女學生。報道稱,李某列出了和他上過床的女人的名單,并記下做愛次數和他自己的感受。李某回應說,那些性描述都是張某偽造出來的,現在二人正在鬧離婚,張某之所以這么做是想奪取他的財產。
Woman arrested for illegal loans 紡織女工非法吸儲7.4億
Five people led by Shi Xiaohong were arrested in Ordos, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, for illegally obtaining loans, the Beijing News reports. Shi, 42, a former textile factory worker, allegedly used the loans to speculate in the housing market since 2006, including buying nine apartments in Beijing. The loans under her account totaled 740 million yuan, but only 341 million yuan could be recovered when she was arrested. 據《新京報》報道,內蒙古自治區鄂爾多斯市以石小紅為首的5人,涉嫌非法吸儲,被警方逮捕。石小紅今年42歲,曾是一名紡織女工,她從2006年至今非法吸收公眾存款用于炒房,在北京等地買了9套住房。她名下非法吸收貸款共7.4億多元,案發后能夠追回的僅為3.41億元。
Henan passes disaster reduction laws 地震逃生或成必修課
Students in Henan Province will soon be taking lessons on safety in earthquakes, the provincial Standing Committee of the People's Congress ruled yesterday, Dahe.cn reports. The standing committee discussed rules for earthquake disaster reduction at the meeting. Besides changing the curriculum, the committee also ruled that new buildings and subways that do not have earthquake-monitoring equipment will face fines of up to 200,000 yuan. 據大河網報道,河南省人大常委會昨日審議了河南省防震減災條例。該條例要求把地震安全知識納入各類學校的教學內容。另外,新建的高層建筑、城市地鐵如果不配備地震監測設施,最高可罰款20萬元。

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