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Daily News 2010-09-24

The growing number of affluent Chinese has triggered an increase in personal protections services. Regular citizens in China are prohibited from carrying firearms, but bodyguards possess martial-arts skills to disarm or subdue an attacker with a few quick thrusts and hand chops.

The growing number of affluent Chinese has triggered an increase in personal protections services. Regular citizens in China are prohibited from carrying firearms, but bodyguards possess martial-arts skills to disarm or subdue an attacker.
Private bodyguards increase 在華私人保鏢低調激增
The growing number of affluent Chinese has triggered an increase in personal protections services, The Washington Post reports. These bodyguards, many of whom are women, work as drivers, caretakers, or are disguised secretaries. Regular citizens in China are prohibited from carrying firearms, but bodyguards possess martial-arts skills to disarm or subdue an attacker with a few quick thrusts and hand chops. 據美國《華盛頓郵報》報道,隨著中國新富人數激增,因此對私人安全服務的需求也相應在增加。這些保鏢很多是女性,他們平常是司機、保姆、或頂著秘書的身份。中國普通公民禁止擁有武器,但這些保鏢是武術行家,通過幾記快拳和劈掌就能制服來襲者,并解除他們的武裝。
Private bodyguards in China do everything from protecting wealthy celebrities and businessmen to assisting in security for such major events as the Shanghai World Expo. Many of China's new wealthy elite have decided to maintain a lower profile and increasingly, they are turning to private security companies for protection. 私人保鏢現在所做的工作各色各樣,從保護富有名人、商人到為上海世博會這樣的大型活動提供安保協助。中國許多新富都低調行事,他們也越來越多的依靠私人安全公司尋求安全。
4 Japanese investigated in China 4日本人闖我軍事禁區
Xinhua reports that four Japanese are being investigated in China for having entered a military zone without authorization and illegally videotaped military targets in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, local state security authorities said Thursday. The state security authorities have taken measures against the four people according to the law. The security authorities only gave one name of the four Japanese nationals, Sada Takahashi. "Currently, the case is being investigated," the state security authorities said in a statement. No further details were provided. 據新華社報道,4名日本人因擅自進入河北石家莊某軍事管理區并對軍事目標進行非法錄像,已被中方依法采取措施,并對其問題進行審查。安全部門透露其中一名日本人姓名為高橋定。國家安全機關稱“目前此案正在調查”,沒有透露更多細節。
US walks out on Iranian leader 內賈德演講惹美代表離場
Delegates from the United States and other nations walked out of the UN General Assembly on Thursday as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad delivered a fiery speech in which he stated that some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, CNN reported. He followed with the claim that the attacks were aimed at reversing "the declining American economy and its script in the Middle East in order to save the Zionist regime, and that the majority of the American people, as well as most nations and politicians around the world, agree with this view." 據美國有線新聞網報道,伊朗總統艾哈邁迪·內賈德周四在聯合國大會上發表激烈言論,他表示美國政府精心策劃了“9.11”恐怖襲擊事件,引得在場的美國和其他一些國家代表離場表示抗議。他稱,美國政府內部有人為了挽救美國經濟的衰退和以色列,策劃了這起襲擊行動,而“大多數美國人以及其他國家及其政治家都贊同這一觀點”。
China-Australia hold naval drills 中澳黃海舉行實彈軍演
The Chinese naval frigate Luoyang, and the visiting Australian HMAS Warramunga, successfully completed a live-fire exercise in the waters of China's Yellow Sea on Sept.23. It was China's first joint-naval exercise with a Western navy ship. 中國海軍護衛艦“洛陽號”與來華訪問的澳大利亞海軍“瓦拉蒙加”號護衛艦23日在中國黃海某海域舉行聯合軍事演練。這是中國海軍首次與西方艦艇進行聯合演習。
Pigs dine on mooncakes 月餅價跳水 賣不完喂豬
The price of mooncakes dropped abruptly after the Mid-autumn Festival. Shopping malls have launched various promotions, such as discounts up to 75% off, Sanxiang City Express reports. A small portion will remain on the shelf for a while, but the majority will be fed to pigs. Manufacturers still retain a lucrative profit. 據《三湘都市報》報道,中秋節一過,月餅價格大跳水。各商家用盡各種促銷手段,折扣低至2.5折。賣不完的月餅除一小部分會繼續銷售,大部分是回收喂豬。不過,生產廠家還是有厚利可圖。

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