The Smurfs smurf into China |
藍精靈公園將落戶成都 |
Development firm Chengdu Teda Sino-Europe Construction and Smurf-brand owner International Merchandising, Promotion & Services plan to open a Smurf theme park in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, the Wall Street Journal reported, and cited DTZ Asia Property Market Update as the source. With an investment of 20 million yuan (US$2.9 million), the theme park is set to open in 3 to 5 years. It's part of a bigger plan to build tourism in Chengdu. |
《華爾街日報》援引戴德梁行亞洲物業市場信息報稱,開發商成都Teda中歐建筑公司與藍精靈商標的產權擁有者國際營銷、推廣與服務公司計劃在四川省成都市開辦一家藍精靈主題公園。主題公園投資2千萬元(合290萬美元),計劃在3至5年里開門迎客。該公園也是成都旅游業建設規劃中的一部分。 |
South China Sea oil exploration |
英美石油巨頭進軍南海 |
China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) has signed amendment agreements to the production sharing contracts with Chevron China, BP China and Devon Energy Corporation for deepwater oil and gas blocks 42/05, 64/18 and 53/30 in the South China Sea, and these agreements have been approved by the Chinese government, Xinhua reported. The financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. During the exploration period, Chevron will act as the operator in the three blocks. China National Offshore Oil Company Limited, CNOOC's subsidiary company, has the right to participate in up to a 51 percent interest in the event of any commercial discovery in the blocks. |
據新華社報道,中國海洋石油總公司已與雪佛龍(中國)、英國石油公司(中國)及丹文能源有限公司簽訂石油合同修改協定,開發南海的深水油氣區塊42/05, 64/18及53/30。這些協議均已得到中國政府的批準。此項交易的具體數額尚未公布。在勘探階段,雪佛龍將作為三個區塊的作業者。中國海洋石油總公司的子公司 - 中國海洋石油有限公司則有權在這些區塊的商業性發現活動中參與最多51%的權益。 |
China protests boat detention |
中方抗議日扣留我漁船 |
On Wednesday, China's Foreign Ministry strongly protested over Japan's detention of a Chinese fishing boat near the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea, Xinhua reported. Assistant Foreign Minister Hu Zhengyue summoned Japanese ambassador Niwa Uichiro to China to lodge the protest. It was the second time within 24 hours that the Chinese government summoned the Japanese ambassador on this issue. Yesterday, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Song Tao summoned Niwa and lodged solemn representations on Japan's "interception" of the Chinese fishing boat Tuesday.
Two Japanese patrol vessels and a Chinese fishing boat collided yesterday morning in the disputed waters off Diaoyu Island, a place of focal point of tension between the two countries, reported Global Times. The Japanese coast guard arrested the Chinese ship captain on suspicion of obstructing public duties, said Kyodo News Agency.
Deadly bug bites reported in Henan |
致命毒蟲河南引發恐慌 |
Deer ticks carrying a deadly virus have killed many people this summer in Shangcheng County, Henan Province, the Beijing News reported. Similar cases were reported last summer, but the local government, fearing massive panic, only recently announced that the virus has turned epidemic this year. The delay has contributed to the disease's high mortality rate as hospitals remained unaware of it. The virus infiltrates cells, killing blood platelets and leucocytes. Symptoms include fever, bloody coughs, vomiting and diarrhea. Victims usually die three to four days after being bitten by an infected bug. |
據《新京報》報道,一種攜帶致命病毒、叫做蜱的小蟲子,今夏以來已經在河南商城縣造成多人死亡。當地去年已出現死亡病例,但是地方政府此前為避免產生不穩定因素,直到最近才開始宣傳。宣傳上的延誤,使醫院對病原體不了解,造成該疾病較高的致命率。此病毒能侵染人體細胞,致使人體血小板、白細胞銳減,并具傳染性。中毒癥狀包括高燒、咳血和上吐下瀉。受害人往往被叮咬三四天后就不治身亡。 |
Woman's bank card cloned |
銀行卡遭克隆儲戶被盜 |
A woman surnamed Wen applied for a bank card from Chongqing's Humen subbranch of the Agricultural Bank of China last year. On the evening of April 5 this year, she received a text message from the bank that informed her that someone was using her account, and later found that 30,000 yuan was missing, the Nanfang Daily reported. It was learned that someone had installed a pinhole camera and a card reader in the bank's ATM and stole Wen's bank-card information and password while she was using the ATM. The suspect later cloned her bank card and made 10 withdraws from the same ATM. Wen sued the bank, and the court ruled the bank was neglectful of taking precautions and should compensate Wen for 80% of her losses. The court declared Wen responsible for 20% because she didn't report the loss promptly. |
據《南方日報》報道,文小姐去年到重慶市的中國農業銀行虎門支行辦理了一張銀行卡。今年4月5日晚,她接到該銀行發出的短信,提示其賬戶正在取款。文小姐隨后發現存款少了30000元。原來,有人在該銀行的ATM機上安裝了針孔攝像頭和讀卡器,在文小姐使用ATM機的時候,竊取了她的銀行卡信息和密碼,然后復制她的銀行卡,分十次從該銀行ATM機將其存款取走。文小姐將銀行告上法庭。近日,法院認定銀行疏于防范,應賠償文小姐八成損失;文小姐因為沒有及時掛失承擔兩成損失。 |