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lightning marriage / lightning divorce

??????? ?“閃婚”(lightning marriage / flash marriage)是閃電式結婚的簡稱。當今社會,青年男女閃電戀愛whirlwind romance),愛情速配,已成為一種時尚。然而,閃婚雙方沒有經過充分的了解和交往,有可能婚后不久就草草離婚,即“閃離”(lightning divorces)。中國網就此現象登載特寫:

???????Lightning marriages first appeared in big cities as a result of the high cost of living and the idea that "two can live as cheaply as one." But as society develops, lightning marriages have also become a trend among migrant workers.

???????The Chutian Metropolis Daily reported the unhappy outcome of such a whirlwind romance for a young couple from a small town in Hubei Province. ...

???????Not all flash marriages between migrant workers result in furious violence and divorce. Another common pattern is for young people to get married during Chinese New Year then return to the city to work. The result is often long-term separation, which can be called a type of "cold" domestic violence. ...

???????Divorces have jumped from 200 in 2002 to more than 1,600 last year, and Zhang reckons half of these were lightning marriages followed by lightning divorces.

—— Excerpt from Lightning marriages no road to domestic bliss

???????中國社會的發展日新月異,這一點也反映在年輕人的婚戀觀上。在很短的時間里,未婚同居pre-marital cohabitation)和一夜情one night stands)在這個依然非常保守的國家里,呈現爆炸式的發展態勢。因特網也讓一切成為可能,從網上約會online dating)到裸聊,甚至還出現了網絡專有的一些詞匯,比如MBA,意思是“已婚但還可以戀愛”(Married But Available)。請看中國網的報道:

???????People born after the 1980s are more open in love and marriage. In fact some of them care little for marriage, as a result of liberated ways of thinking. According to a survey, sexual affairs before marriage are no longer a secret among young people in China.

???????Additionally, as the Internet has made it much easier for young people to find partners, it has also promoted casual relationships. One night stands, flash marriages, pre-marital cohabitation; all of these are new challenges in Chinese society.

—— Excerpt from Changing marriage and love in China

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