周六,家在上海的小晴日程排得滿滿當當:上午睡到自然醒、再聽聽音樂,下午做家務、去健身房,晚上再去參加“六人晚餐”派對,而這天最大的亮點就是這最后一項,由三男三女組成的相親聚會。 |
Shanghainese woman Xiao Qing had an eventful day last Saturday. She listened to music in the morning, did some housework and went to gym in the afternoon. Most notably she attended a six-person matchmaking party, composed of three men and women, in the evening. |
據解放日報28日報道稱,“六人晚餐”就是六個完全陌生的男女圍坐在一起,喝茶吃飯聊天,這種社交形式在上海受到追捧,主要是因為六人制的組合恰到好處,社交活動里人太多不易傾聽,人太少又恐冷場。 |
Matchmaking parties like these are becoming popular in Shanghai, Jiefang Daily reported on December 28. According to a party organizer, six is the ideal number of people as the strangers can dine, drink and talk together without too much embarrassment. |
這樣的社交活動對于喜歡宅在家中的人來說受益匪淺。小林原來是個標準的“宅男”?,F在他是“六人晚餐”的熱切支持者。一次,他通過一家交友網和其他5人約在肯德基吃“六人晚餐”,大家聊得很盡興,晚餐后還一起去唱卡拉OK。 |
Parties such as these are especially beneficial for those who don’t have many social activities to find their lovers. Xiao Lin who used to spend much of his time staying at home has become an ardent supporter of the party. He dated five other people through a friend-making website. At the party he and five others chatted merrily at a chain store of Kentucky Fried Chicken, before going to a Karaoke bar. |
小林坦言,他希望能在這樣的活動中找到心儀的另一半。 |
According to the white collar man, he expected to find love when joining the parties. |
卓芳也是一名“六人晚餐”愛好者,“去酒吧,不適合我找到心愛的人,一本正經地交友、相親,我又很排斥,像這樣的活動正適合我?!?/span>卓芳說,聚會結束后,大家可以互留聯系方式保持聯絡,“沒準還會發生與愛情有關的浪漫故事”。 |
Zhuo Fang also appreciates the six-person party concept. “It seems unlikely to find someone you love in bars, and I dislike dating someone formally with an aim to become lovers. The party of six people is my style.” According to Zhuo, people often exchange contact details after the chatting. “Some romance probably happens in such cases,” she said. |
記者點擊某交友網站,網站上的“六人晚餐”小組已頗具規模,成員已達1000多人,并不斷有新會員加入。活動組織者說,“六人晚餐”提供了讓白領交到更多朋友的機會。當然,組織者也提醒白領,由于參加者事先都不清楚對方的真實情況,因此“六人晚餐”派對最好選擇餐館、茶樓等公共場所。 |
So far, over 1,000 people have participated in the six-person dinners organized by a friend-making website. The party organizers said the dinners create opportunities for white collar individuals to make more friends. They also warned that as all the participants are strangers, people should choose to meet in public places like restaurants or tea houses.
(China.org.cn translated by Wu Jin) |