??? 總的來說,漢英的語序基本一致。正是因為這種語序是基本一致的,在漢英翻譯時不一致的地方就容易出差錯。由于兩種語言文化的表達、表述的習慣不同,形成一些固定說法的格式不同,如下面的例子,翻譯時只有死記硬背。這種死記硬背非常重要,是翻譯的重要基本功之一。在過去的翻譯書中技巧講得很多,但也應該重視固定說法的背誦功底。
水火 fire and water
貧富 rich and poor
新舊 old and new
長短 short and long
細長 long and thin
男嬰 baby boy
女嬰 baby girl
冷熱 hot and cool
涼爽 nice and cool
前后 back and forth
左右 right and left
軟硬 hard and soft
輕重 heavy and light
晴雨 rain or shine
增損 loss and gain
水陸 land and water
飲食 food and drink
鋼鐵 iron and steel
死活 life and death
手臂 arms and hands
河流湖泊 lakes and rivers
山水 waters and mountains
中小型 small and medium
文藝 art and literature
衣食 food and clothing
唯一的 one and the only
同一的 one and the same
血肉 flesh and blood
此時此地 here and now
文武 military and civilian
三三兩兩 in twos and threes
敵我 ourselves and the enemy
物理化學 chemistry and physics
工農業 agriculture and industry
年月 month and year
田徑(運動) track and field (events)
遲早 sooner or later,first and last
水土流失 soil erosion and water loss
新郎新娘 the bride and the bridegroom
手疾眼快 quick of eye and deft of hand
喜怒哀樂 anger, grief, joy and happiness
水乳交融 as well blended as milk and water
? 2、有一些情況漢英說法順序差不多
? 上下 up and down
高低 high and low
老幼 old and young
父母 father and mother
夫婦 man and wife
黑白 black and white
(生活)沉浮 ups and downs
徹頭徹尾 from head to foot
來龍去脈 from beginning to end
來來往往 come and go, back and forth
time and tide 歲月
wear and tear 磨損
near and dear 親近
lord and master 主人
wants and likes 喜好
the rank and file 百姓
(來源:catti.net.cn) |