滑雪 huá xuě: ski; skiing? 度假村 dù jià cūn: holiday village? 滑雪場 huá xuě chǎng: ski run? 雪道 xuě dào: ski trail? 人工造雪 rén gōng zào xuě: machine-made snow? 周末 zhōu mò: weekend? 花費 huā fèi: cost? 包括 bāo kuò: include? 項目 xiàng mù: item? 門票 mén piào: ticket? 租 zū: rent? 保險 bǎo xiǎn: insurance? 雪橇 xuě qiāo: sled; sledge; sleigh? 滑雪板 huá xuě bǎn: skis; ski board? 滑雪服 huá xuě fú: skiwear? 午餐 wǔ cān: lunch? 緊張 jǐn zhāng: nervous? 摔 shuāi: fall? 適應 shì yìng: be okay; get used to? 有道理 yǒu dào lǐ: sound reasonable? 教練 jiào liàn: instructor? 便宜 pián yi: cheap? 省事 shěng shì: save trouble; make things easy? 不習慣 bù xí guan: feel weird; don't like to do...? 別人 bié rén: other; others? 衣服 yī fu: clothes? 市場 shì chǎng: market? 款式 kuǎn shì: variety; style? View all the lessons >>(China.org.cn)