醫生 yī shēng: doctor? 處方 chǔ fāng: prescription? 藥 yào: medicine? 治療 zhì liáo: cure; treatment? 嘴唇 zuǐ chún: lip? 干裂 gān liè: chap? 涂抹 tú mǒ: rub? 藥霜 yào shuāng: cream? 藥膏 yào gāo: ointment? 蚊蟲 wén chóng: mosquito and insect? 叮咬 dīng yǎo: bite? 管用 guǎn yòng: (something) works or helps? 暈車 yùn che: car sickness; motion sickness? 預防 yù fang: prevent? 乘暈寧 chéng yūn níng: dramamine? 水土不服 shuǐ tǔ bù fú: lack of acclimatization? 上吐下瀉 shàng tù xià xiè: vomiting and diarrhea? 引起 yǐn qǐ: trigger (something)? 出現 chū xiàn: happen? 醫院 yī yuàn: hospital? 藥店 yào diàn: pharmacy; drugstore? 急診 jí zhěn: emergency treatment? 服務 fú wù: service? 建議 jiàn yì: suggest; suggestion? 醫囑 yī zhǔ: doctor's advice or orders? 服藥 fú yào: take medicine? View all the lessons >>(China.org.cn)