

Total Investment in Fixed Assets

Item Actually finished  Over same period last year
Jan.-Mar.2007 Jan.--Mar.2006 Value  Percentage
Total investment 1454361 1160703 293658 25.3
Of which:State-owned & State Share-holding Companies 622420 524364 98056 18.7
Residential Buildings 276435 213134 63301 29.7
By Industry        
        TecPrimary industry 9924 8249 1675 20.3
        InveSecondary industry 638064 502413 135651 27.0
        OthTertiary 806372 650300 156072 24.0
        By Administrative relationship        
        Central projects 141752 114316 27436 24.0
        Local projects 1312609 1046738 265871 25.4
        By Type of construction--of which        
        New construction 652194 569105 83089 14.6
        Expansion 243755 183550 60205 32.8
        Replacement 140134 89772 50362 56.1
        Grouped by source of funds        
         State budgetary appropriation 58228 52505 5723 10.9
        Domestic loans 452081 412859 39222 9.5
        Foreign investment 91642 77400 14242 18.4
        Fundraising 1134843 931727 203116 21.8
                                       Unit: Rmb 1 million


Economy Performance of Current Month

- Value-added of Industry

- Value-added of Industrial by all regions
- Sales Value of industry
- Ratio of Sales by Region
- Main Indicators of industrial enterprises
- Output of Major Industrial products

- Total Investment in Fixed Assets

- Investment by Various Sectors
- Investment in fixed assets by region

- National Price Index

- consumer Price index and retail price index by rigion
- Basic Conditions of Urban Households by 36 cities
Domestic Trade
- Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods
Foreign Trade

- Utilization of Foreign Capital

- Foreign Direct Investment by country or territory
Import and Export

- Value of Import and Export by Location of Commodity Management Units

- Value of Major Commodity Import
Finance and Budget

- Local governments revenue by all regions

- money supply
- Exchange Rate and Foreign Exchange Reserve