六、防范和打擊宗教極端 | VI. Preventing and Combating Religious Extremism |
宗教極端主義打著宗教旗號,鼓吹極端激進觀點,采取極端手段,妄圖建立神權統治。宗教極端主義不是宗教,它與宗教是利用與被利用的關系。其本質是反人類、反社會、反文明、反宗教。宗教極端主義是滋生暴恐活動的重要思想基礎。冷戰結束后,宗教極端主義在國際上日趨活躍,頻繁制造暴恐活動,如美國“9·11”、法國“11·13”、比利時“3·22”等恐怖襲擊事件,嚴重危害世界和平和地區安全,成為當代國際社會的毒瘤。 | Religious extremists, in the name of religion, spread radical and extremist views, and take extremist means to try to establish a theocracy. Religious extremism is not religion, but tries to make use of religion. It is by nature anti-human, anti-society, anti-civilization and anti-religion, and is an important ideological foundation for violent and terrorist activities. Since the Cold War religious extremism has become increasingly rampant in the international arena, frequently committing acts of terror and violence, for instance, the September 11 terrorist attacks in the U.S., the November 13 terrorist attacks in France, and the March 22 terrorist attacks in Belgium. Those attacks have severely undermined world peace and regional security, and become a malignant tumor in contemporary international society. |
受國際宗教極端主義思潮影響,近些年來,宗教極端主義在新疆滋生蔓延。宗教極端主義違背和歪曲宗教教義,以歪理邪說蠱惑蒙騙公眾特別是青少年,把一些人變成完全受其精神控制的極端分子和恐怖分子。宗教極端勢力策劃、實施了昆明“3·01”、烏魯木齊“5·22”、鄯善“6·26”、莎車“7·28”、拜城“9·18”等一系列嚴重暴力恐怖事件,殘害包括宗教人士和信教公民在內的各族無辜群眾。大量事實表明,宗教極端主義已成為危害國家統一和民族團結,破壞宗教和睦與社會和諧,影響新疆社會穩定和長治久安,危害各族人民生命財產安全的現實危險。 | Affected by international religious extremism, religious extremism has grown and spread in Xinjiang in recent years. Religious extremism betrays and distorts religious doctrines, deludes and deceives the public, particularly young people, with their fallacies, and changes some people into extremists and terrorists completely under its control. Religious extremist forces have designed and carried out a series of severe violent and terrorist attacks in China, including a knife attack at a train station in Kunming on March 1, 2014, the May 22 bombing of a market in Urumqi in 2014, multiple attacks in Shanshan on June 26, 2013, attacks on July 28 in Shache in 2014, and the September 18 terrorist attacks in Baicheng in 2015, injuring or killing religious personnel and believers and other innocent people. Facts show that religious extremism has become a real danger that undermines national unity and ethnic solidarity, sabotages religious and social harmony, impairs social stability and peace in Xinjiang, and endangers the life and property of people of all ethnic groups. |
宗教極端主義是世界人民的共同敵人。反對宗教極端主義是各國政府的應盡之責,也是各國人民包括宗教界和信教公民義不容辭的責任。新疆開展“去極端化”,防范和打擊宗教極端,是維護國家和人民根本利益的正義之舉,也是國際社會應對宗教極端主義的重要組成部分。 | Religious extremism is the common enemy of all humanity. It is the undeniable obligation of all countries and all peoples, including religious believers, to fight against religious extremism. Xinjiang has adopted a policy of "de-extremization" to prevent and combat religious extremism, which is a just act to safeguard the fundamental interests of the country and the people, as well as an important part of the battle of the world community against religious extremism. |
樹立正信正行。積極倡導宗教團體和宗教人士把宗教中的愛國、和平、團結、中道、寬容、善行等思想貫穿到解經講經活動中,弘揚中華文化勸人向善、教人立德、慈悲為懷等理念,引導信教公民確立正信正行、抵制宗教極端。 | Establish proper faith and conduct honest deeds. Xinjiang encourages religious organizations and believers to promote patriotism, peace, unity, moderation, tolerance and benevolence through their sermons and preaching, spread the Chinese cultural concepts of advising people to perform good deeds, teaching people morality and being merciful, and lead religious believers in maintaining proper faith and honest deeds, and resisting religious extremism. |
堅持依法打擊。依據《中華人民共和國刑法》《中華人民共和國反恐怖主義法》等相關法律法規,對宣揚恐怖主義、極端主義或煽動實施恐怖活動、極端主義活動的,堅決予以打擊。 | Crack down on terrorism and extremism in accordance with the law. Xinjiang cracks down on the propaganda of terrorism and extremism and the incitement of terrorist and extremist activities in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, such as the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China and the Counterterrorism Law of the People's Republic of China. |
堅持現代文明引領。用現代文明引領各民族文化發展繁榮,用積極健康、豐富多彩的文化活動滿足各族人民日益增長的精神文化生活需求。積極引導宗教與社會主義社會相適應,堅決防止利用宗教干預行政、司法、教育等社會事務。 | Uphold the role of modern civilization. Modern civilization leads the cultural development and prosperity of all ethnic groups, and active, healthy and enriched cultural activities meet the people's growing intellectual and cultural needs. Xinjiang takes active measures to make religions to adapt to socialist society, and prevents the use of religion in interfering in the administrative, judicial, educational and other social affairs. |
大力改善民生。加快經濟社會發展,大力實施民生工程,推動共同繁榮進步,提高各族人民生活水平和醫療、教育、就業等社會保障能力,消除滋生極端思想的土壤,夯實抵御宗教極端主義的社會基礎。 | Improve the people's well-being. Xinjiang facilitates its economic and social development, implements livelihood projects, promotes common progress and prosperity, improves the living standard, health care, education, employment and other social aspects of all ethnic groups, prevents the breeding of extremist thoughts, and consolidates the social foundation for resisting religious extremism. |
加強國際合作。積極開展有益于促進中國與世界各國了解和傳統友誼的交往交流活動,穩步推進與有關國家的合作,堅決打擊“東突”恐怖勢力。借鑒國際社會在防范宗教極端思想滲透、“去極端化”、打擊網絡恐怖主義等方面的經驗。積極參加反恐多邊合作機制。開展不同文明對話,擠壓宗教極端思想生存空間。 | Strengthen international cooperation. Xinjiang conducts activities for better understanding and promotion of the traditional friendship between China and other countries, promotes cooperation with related countries, and fights East Turkistan terrorist forces. It learns from the world community's experience in the prevention of the proliferation of religious extremism, "de-extremization" and the combat against cyber terrorism. It also actively participates in multilateral anti-terrorist cooperative mechanisms, conducts dialogues between different cultures and restricts the scope of religious extremism. |
新疆開展的“去極端化”工作,有效遏制了宗教極端主義滲透蔓延的態勢,對國際社會“去極端化”及防范、打擊恐怖主義,對維護世界和平與發展作出了積極貢獻。 | The "de-extremization" adopted by Xinjiang has effectively contained the spread of religious extremism, and made a great contribution to international "de-extremization," prevention of and combat against terrorism, and world peace and development. |
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