五、開展宗教對外交流 | V. International Religious Exchanges |
在堅持宗教獨立自主自辦原則的同時,新疆還在相互尊重、平等友好的基礎上,積極與世界各國宗教組織進行交往交流。對所有尊重中國主權、尊重中國宗教獨立自主自辦原則的外國宗教組織和個人,新疆各級政府和人民始終持開放和歡迎態度。 | While adhering to the independence and self-management principle, Xinjiang engages in active communication and exchanges with other religious organizations worldwide on the basis of mutual respect, equality and friendship. Governments at all levels in Xinjiang and the Xinjiang people are open-minded and welcome all foreign religious organizations and individuals that respect China's sovereignty and the principle of independence and self-management of China's religious affairs. |
開展宗教學術文化交流。新疆宗教界代表多次參加國際學術交流會和研討會,教職人員和宗教院校學生多次在國際上舉辦的《古蘭經》誦讀比賽中獲獎,展示了新疆宗教界深厚的文化和學術底蘊。 | Carry out religious academic and cultural exchanges. Representatives from Xinjiang religious circles have participated in many international academic meetings and seminars, and clerical personnel and students from religious schools in Xinjiang have won prizes at many international Koran recitation contests, demonstrating the sound cultural and academic foundation of Xinjiang's religious circles. |
派員到國外留學深造。2001年以來,新疆先后選派70多名宗教院校學生和教職人員赴埃及艾資哈爾大學、巴基斯坦國際伊斯蘭大學等高校留學深造,提高宗教學識和教務水平。政府多次慰問留學人員,并設立獎學金。 | Send people to study abroad. Since 2001 Xinjiang has sent more than 70 religious school students and clerical personnel to Egypt's Al-Azhar University, Pakistan's International Islamic University and other overseas colleges and universities for further study, with a view to improving their religious knowledge and teaching level. The government has visited the students and personnel many times, and established scholarships for them. |
積極開展“請進來”“走出去”。邀請沙特阿拉伯、土耳其等國宗教人士、華人華僑到新疆和內地考察。外國宗教組織和團體也多次應邀到新疆進行友好訪問。組織“中國新疆文化交流團”赴中東、大洋洲、歐洲國家開展交流。新疆宗教代表團多次出訪埃及、沙特阿拉伯、土耳其、巴基斯坦、馬來西亞、韓國、日本、新加坡、德國、丹麥等國家,還參加了中國伊斯蘭教協會在印尼、土耳其等國家舉辦的“中國伊斯蘭文化展演”活動,向國際社會特別是伊斯蘭世界介紹新疆經濟社會發展、宗教信仰自由的真實情況,增進相互了解與友誼。 | Promote "welcoming in" and "going global." Religious personnel and overseas Chinese from Saudi Arabia, Turkey and other countries have been invited to Xinjiang and the inland areas of China. Foreign religious organizations and groups have also been invited to Xinjiang for friendly visits. The government in Xinjiang has organized the "China Xinjiang Culture Exchange Group" for exchanges with countries in the Middle East, Oceania, and Europe. Xinjiang religious delegations have visited Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Germany, Denmark and other countries many times, and participated in the "China Islamic Culture Expo & Art Show" held by the Islamic Association of China in Indonesia, Turkey and other countries, introducing to the international community, especially the Islamic world, Xinjiang's economic and social development, freedom of religious belief and other facts, and enhancing friendship and mutual understanding. |
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