

Transcript of Wang Yi's interview with Belahodood of Al Jazeera

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2016-05-24

十八、問:有一個問題希望您能夠比較坦誠地回答,我多次提到美國,還提到了美國國防部長卡特對中國的批評,但您在回答中并沒有點名美國,您是故意這樣做的嗎?(因為)這樣做會挑釁到美國嗎?Question 18: I hope you will give a straightforward answer to this question. I mentioned several times the United States and Defense Secretary Carter's criticism of China. Yet you didn't name the United States in your answer. Did you do it deliberately to avoid provoking the United States?
王毅:該表態的時候我們一定會非常明確、清晰地把我們的立場表達出來。你剛才幾次談到美國,實際上我也向你做了明確的說明。是誰在這個地區大搞軍事演習?誰把大量的先進武器派到南海,而且在不斷地構建新的軍事基地?我想這個國家不言自明,當然就是美國。Wang Yi: We will articulate our position very clearly when it's necessary to do so. You asked about the United States several times and I gave a clear answer already. Who is engaging in massive military exercises in this region? Who is sending a lot of advanced weaponry to the South China Sea and building new military bases? The answer is all too clear: the United States.
十九、問:剛才您說,阿拉伯國家沒有真空,他們應該自己填補自己的真空。我讀過您的簡歷,發現您成長在中國高速發展時期,中國實現了自己的夢想,實現了振興,您是成長在“中國夢”之中的。我想了解您對阿拉伯國家的振興有哪些建議?應該采取哪些步驟、哪些方法才能實現像中國一樣的發展?Question 19: You said just now that there is no vacuum in the Arab states, and if there ever is, it is their responsibility to fill it. I have looked at your personal experience and found you grow up witnessing China's rapid development, a period when China's dream of national renewal is coming true. So you have been part of the Chinese dream. I would like to hear about your suggestions on how Arab states can revitalize their countries. What steps are needed to realize the kind of growth that China has registered?
王毅:阿拉伯民族是勤勞智慧的民族,阿拉伯人民曾經創造出輝煌的文明,為人類進步事業作出了重大歷史性貢獻,我們始終對阿拉伯國家的發展持一個非常樂觀的態度。再加上你們有廣闊的市場、豐富的資源,完全具備了進一步發展振興的條件。我們主張各國應該找到一條符合自身國情、符合自己發展階段,同時又能夠被本國人民接受和擁護的發展道路。這樣的發展才能走得長久,才能真正發揮它的作用。生搬硬套外面的東西,往往是水土不服,域外勢力的干涉更會帶來各種各樣嚴重的后遺癥。所以作為阿拉伯國家的朋友,我們希望阿拉伯各國能夠團結起來,相互幫助、相互支持,共同振興阿拉伯世界,為人類發展進步事業作出新的貢獻。Wang Yi: The Arabs are industrious and resourceful people, who created brilliant civilizations and contributed greatly to the advancement of mankind. We have always been very optimistic about the development of the Arab states. In addition, their huge market and abundant resources put them in a good position for further development. We believe that each country needs to find a path best suited to its national conditions and development stage, one that can be accepted and supported by its people. Only such a path can lead to long-term sustained development. Other countries' experience may not fit our own national conditions. Still worse, external interference often creates serious complications. So as a friend, we hope to see Arab states come together and help and support each other to jointly revitalize the Arab world and make fresh contribution to the development of mankind.
至于每一個國家,都有不同的情況,需要每一個國家自己來實踐。就中國而言,我們的成功之處就是找到了一條符合中國國情的發展道路,這就是中國特色社會主義。中國特色社會主義的實踐非常豐富,最簡要地來講,就是我們這幾十年很好地處理了發展、改革和穩定三者的關系。首先,全國上上下下,從我們執政黨開始就確定一個目標,叫做聚精會神搞建設,一心一意謀發展,因為我們認為發展是解決中國存在所有問題的一個總鑰匙。怎么實現發展呢?這就需要穩定,穩定是發展的前提。所以我們把維護穩定作為重要的任務,要維護國家的穩定,維護制度的穩定,維護政策的穩定,維護各個民族、各個地區的穩定。只有有了穩定這個前提,我們的發展才是有可能的。同時,我們還有另外一條,就是改革,因為發展需要動力,動力就來自于改革,通過改革不斷發掘新的空間,發揮新的潛力,開辟新的前景。總之,正是我們處理好了發展、改革和穩定三者的辯證統一關系,才在過去基礎之上,取得了新的快速發展。當然,這是中國的一些做法,供阿拉伯國家參考,我們可以進行這種經驗交流。As conditions vary from country to country, it is up to each country itself to explore the best way for it. As for China, its biggest achievement is that it has found a path suited to its reality, which is socialism with Chinese characteristics and China has accumulated rich experience in this process. Put simply, for the past few decades, we have struck a balance between development, reform and stability. First, the whole nation, starting from the governing party, is committed to the overriding goal of achieving development. Because we believe that development holds the key to solving all the problems facing China. How to achieve development? It requires stability, which is a precondition for development. That is why maintaining stability is an important task for us. We need to safeguard stability of our country, our system, our policy, and all ethnic groups and regions. Development would be out of the question without a stable environment. We also need reform as it provides the driving force and creates new space, potential and prospect for development. In short, it is because we have managed to balance development, reform and stability that we have gone this far and this fast. Of course, this is just China's experience. We would be happy to share it with Arab states and have further discussions in the future.
二十、問:您將去多哈出席第七屆部長級會議,中國同阿拉伯國家關系很好,如果阿拉伯國家提出同中國在和平利用核能方面進行合作的話,中國是否會同他們進行合作呢?Question 20: You will soon go to Doha for the 7th Ministerial Meeting, and we know that China and Arab states enjoy good relations. Will China say yes, if Arab states propose to cooperate with China the peaceful use of nuclear energy?
王毅:我想完全可以。習主席曾經提出一個重要的合作倡議,就是建立一個中阿和平利用核能的培訓中心。我們愿意同阿拉伯國家開展這方面的合作。Wang Yi: My answer will be a definite "yes". Actually President Xi has already put forward an important initiative to set up a China-Arab training center for the peaceful use of nuclear energy. We are ready to cooperate with Arab states in this regard.
二十一、問:我再回到“一帶一路”?!耙粠б宦贰比绻軌虻玫秸嬲龑嵤?,那么它會改變整個國際貿易和國際關系面貌嗎?Question 21: Let me come back to the "Belt and Road" Initiative. Will this initiative, if fully implemented, reshape the entire landscape of global trade and international relations?
王毅:“一帶一路”本質是個經濟合作的倡議,尋求的是共同發展和共同繁榮。如果歐亞大陸得到振興,如果沿線發展中國家都得到新的發展,當然也會改變世界力量對比,會使世界發展得更加平衡、公平,這當然是一件好事?!耙粠б宦贰钡耐七M也可以增強發展中國家話語權,使我們可以有更多的力量、更大的能力維護好地區和平穩定,并且能夠為世界的和平穩定作出貢獻。Wang Yi: In essence, the "Belt and Road" is an economic initiative for common development and prosperity. If through its implementation, the Eurasian continent can achieve revival and developing countries along the routes can realize development, then the balance of power will be changed and global development will be more balanced and equitable. This, of course, will be something good. The "Belt and Road" will also give developing countries a stronger voice and make us more capable and powerful to safeguard regional peace and stability, and contribute to peace and stability of the whole world.
二十二、問:您作為中國外長,現在您桌上最重要的外交事務是什么呢?Question 22: As China's foreign minister, what is on top of the diplomatic agenda on your table?
王毅:首先就是到卡塔爾出席中阿合作論壇第七屆部長級會議。當然,今年我們一個很重要的活動就是9月份將在中國召開二十國集團峰會。Wang Yi: The immediate one is to attend the 7th Ministerial Meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Qatar. But I should say a very important event for us this year is the G20 Summit to be held in China in September.
這個峰會是在一個關鍵的節點召開的。雖然國際金融危機最困難的時候已經過去了,但世界經濟仍然低迷不振,大家對前景并不樂觀。各國采取了很多刺激經濟的政策,但邊際效應明顯下降。比如財經政策,很多國家都已經債臺高筑,沒有更多空間了。再比如貨幣政策,一些國家都已經到了零利率甚至負利率,也不可能再進一步推行。所以大家都把目光聚焦在中國召開的這次峰會上,期待峰會拿出一個振興世界經濟的新方案。我們正在跟各國協商,阿拉伯國家也有2個國家領導人將與會,我們愿意同阿拉伯國家進一步溝通。This Summit will be taking place at a crucial moment, where the most difficult period of the international financial crisis is behind us, but the world economy remains sluggish and people are not really optimistic about the economic prospects. Countries have introduced an array of stimulus policies, but the marginal effects of these policies are declining markedly. Take fiscal and economic policies as an example, many countries already have a high level of debts. There is no additional room for maneuvering. If we look at monetary policies, the interest rate is already zero or even negative in some countries and further adjustment is no longer possible. That's why people are now turning their eyes to the upcoming Summit in China, looking forward to a new formula to come out of the meeting that could reinvigorate the world economy. We are now working with all relevant countries. Two heads of Arab states will be attending the summit this time and we are ready to have further consultation with Arab countries.
我們認為,首先要用創新來發掘世界經濟新的增長動能,因為舊的動能已經開始衰落了,這個新的動能要靠創新激發,比如新工業革命、大數據革命,所以我們希望這次二十國集團峰會能夠制訂一個全球創新增長藍圖。As we see it, we need first and foremost to explore new drivers of world economy through innovation, as the old driving forces are losing steam. These new drivers rely on innovation, including new industrial and big data revolution. And this is why we are working on a G20 Blueprint on Innovative Growth for the world economy to be adopted by the G20 this time around.
第二,我們希望今年的二十國集團峰會把發展引入議程中。這不僅因為中國是最大的發展中國家,還有一個更重要的原因是今年是聯合國通過2030年可持續發展議程的第一年,我們要為廣大發展中國家謀利,呼吁二十國集團這些最主要國家率先落實可持續發展議程,制訂一個總體規劃,包括國別行動計劃,從而帶動整個世界的共同發展。Second, we hope development will be incorporated into the G20 agenda this year, not only because we are the largest developing country, but more importantly, this is the inaugural year of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations. We need to champion the interests of the vast developing world, and call upon major G20 countries to take the lead in implementing the SDGs. We need to formulate a general action plan including national actions, to boost common development of the world.
第三,我們希望這個會議討論改革,特別是結構性改革。全球各國都呼吁要進行結構性改革,這方面改革力度最大也是最有成效的就是中國。我們愿意跟各國分享結構性改革的經驗做法,通過改革進一步完善全球經濟和金融治理機制。Third, we hope to include reform, in particular structural reform, in the discussion at the Summit. Countries around the world are calling for structural reform, and China's reform in this regard has been the most effective and successful. We will be happy to share our experience and practice with the rest of the world, with a view to improving the world economic and financial governance architecture through reform.
此外,我們還希望進一步激活貿易和投資潛力。我們反對一切形式的貿易保護主義,希望維護以世界貿易組織為代表的多邊貿易體制。我們不贊成搞碎片式相互隔離、甚至相互封閉的各種區域安排。同時我們也希望大家能夠開始啟動探討是不是需要一個全球性的、大家能夠共同遵守的投資指導原則或者指導規范。迄今為止,還沒有這方面的嘗試。當然,我們還希望通過二十國集團峰會在全球反腐敗問題上進一步加大國際合作力度,包括追逃追贓等。In addition, we hope to further stimulate trade and investment. We oppose all forms of trade protectionism and will work to safeguard the multilateral trading regime represented by the WTO. We are against fragmenting regional trading arrangements, which result in isolation or even mutual exclusion. We do hope we can start the process to explore whether there is the need for a globally binding guideline or norm for investment. So far there is yet to be any attempt in this regard. Of course, we would also hope to step up international anti-corruption cooperation under the G20, including on the repatriation of fugitives and recovery of illegal assets.
總而言之,今年的二十國集團峰會是我們很重要的一項工作,我們希望并相信本屆二十國集團會議能夠開好、開成功,取得重要成果,并在二十國集團進程中留下深刻印記,推動二十國集團從一個危機應對平臺向長期治理機制進一步升級。In conclusion, the G20-related work this year is of great importance to us. We hope and believe that this year's G20 will be successful and produce important outcomes, leaving an indelible mark on the G20 process, and further facilitating its transition from a crisis response platform to a long-term governance mechanism.
二十三:問:您如何看待未來中國同阿拉伯國家之間的關系?Question 23: What do you see of the future of China-Arab relations?
王毅:中國跟阿拉伯國家關系前景非常好。因為首先我們有著傳統友好,第二我們都是發展中國家,有著廣泛共同利益,第三我們沒有地緣沖突。就像我的一位阿拉伯朋友說的,中國是唯一一個沒有干涉過阿拉伯世界的大國。這恰恰是我們的政策,是我們的外交理念,我們對此引以為豪。再一個,中國和阿拉伯國家共同建設“一帶一路”,將會進一步實現利益融合,實現中國同阿拉伯國家的共同發展。Wang Yi: I do believe we have a very promising future, because first, we enjoy traditional friendship; second, we are all developing countries with broad common interests; and third, we do not have any geopolitical conflict. As one of my Arab friends once said, China is the only major country that has never interfered in the Arab world. This is exactly our policy and our diplomatic philosophy, which we take pride in. Moreover, with China and Arab states partnering on the "Belt and Road" initiative, our interests will further converge, which will go a long way towards achieving common development.
目前影響阿拉伯國家發展的問題主要是地區熱點問題,我們愿意本著不干涉內政原則,更加建設性地參與到熱點問題的解決過程中。而且我們的方向非常明確,不管出現什么情況,我們都會堅持政治解決,都堅持鼓勵和支持阿拉伯國家通過自己的努力解決自身存在的問題。無論是敘利亞問題,還是利比亞問題、也門問題,我們認為只要這個國家的各種政治力量坐在一起進行認真談判,就沒有任何恩怨是不能夠消彌的。The current obstacles standing in the way of Arab countries' development are regional hotspots. To address that, China is willing to contribute more to their settlement in a constructive manner on the basis of the non-interference principle. Our approach is very clear. No matter what happens, we will stick to political settlement and will encourage and support Arab states in solving their problems through their own efforts. Be it the Syria issue, the Libya issue or Yemen issue, as long as all the relevant political forces in the country can sit down and have serious talk, there will be no grievance that cannot be resolved.
阿拉伯國家是最了解這個地區的,我們鼓勵阿拉伯國家特別是阿盟能夠為這個地區的熱點問題解決發揮積極作用。至于域外國家,我們當然更愿意看到以聯合國為主渠道,為阿拉伯國家解決問題營造一個更好的外部環境,形成一個國際社會理解和支持的外部氛圍。我認為并且相信,阿拉伯國家各國人民一定能夠克服暫時的困難,共同開辟阿拉伯地區新的未來,在這個進程中,中國是你們最可靠、最友好的合作伙伴。Arab states know this region the best. We encourage Arab states, especially the Arab League, to play an active role in the settlement of regional hotspots. We will be more than happy to see that through the main channel of the UN, countries outside the region will create a better environment for Arab states to address the problems, thus bringing about a favorable atmosphere of international understanding and support. We believe and are confident that the people of Arab states will surmount the current difficulties and usher in a new future for the region. In this process, China will be your best friend and most reliable partner.

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