十三、問:美國現在正在衰落,在未來的十到二十年這種衰落會非常明顯,中國已經準備好領導這個世界了嗎?哪怕是因為美國衰落中國被迫領導這個世界,中國準備好了嗎? | Question 13: The United States is on a path of decline, and such decline will become quite pronounced in the next ten to twenty years. Is China prepared to lead the world, even if it is forced to do so because of the US decline? |
王毅:如何評判美國的地位和影響,各國看法可能并不完全一致。根據我們對美國的了解,在今后很長一段時間內美國還是會保持世界第一的位置。但是這并不意味這個世界只能由一個國家來領導,實際上這個世界也不可能由一個國家來領導。還是應該通過加強國際合作,共同把我們這個星球建設好,維護好。 | Wang Yi: Different countries may not have exactly the same assessment of the status and influence of the US. From what we know about the country, the United States will probably remain the world's No. 1 for a fairly long time to come. But this does not mean that the world can only be led by one country, which, in fact, is simply impossible. We need greater international cooperation to ensure a better future for our planet. |
習近平主席在去年紀念聯合國成立七十周年峰會上提出了非常重要的理念,呼吁各國攜起手來共同建設人類命運共同體。因為現在世界各國之間已經相互依存,相互融合,地球已經變成了一個地球村,大家誰也離不開誰。這樣的話,我們就應該建設一個利益共同體、責任共同體、安全共同體,直至建立一個全人類的命運共同體,這完全符合全人類的共同利益,也應該是我們的一個崇高目標。 | At the summits marking the 70th anniversary of the UN last year, President Xi Jinping laid out a very important vision, calling on countries to work together for a community of shared future for mankind. Given the level of interdependence and integration among the world's nations, our planet has in fact become a village where no one can prosper in isolation. This requires us to build a community of shared interests, shared responsibilities and shared security, and eventually a community of shared future for mankind. Such an endeavor is in the common interest of all mankind and should be a lofty goal for us. |
十四、問:美國國防部長卡特4月中旬出席美國菲律賓聯合軍演之后,指責中國將南海地區軍事化,亞太地區國家也對中國采取的陸域吹填行動感到擔憂。這是美國、東南亞國家對中國的軍事挑釁嗎? | Question 14: After attending the US-Philippines joint military drill in mid-April, US Defense Secretary Carter accused China of militarizing the South China Sea and said that countries in the Asia Pacific were concerned about China's land reclamation. Is this a military provocation by the US and Southeast Asian countries against China? |
王毅:我想你的這個判斷是有道理的。因為南海本來是和平的,也是穩定的。至于歷史上遺留下來的具體島礁爭議,雖然中國的權益受到了侵害,但是我們堅持以和平的方式,通過對話和協商來尋求妥善解決,這個進程正在進行當中。 | Wang Yi: Your question makes sense. The South China Sea is originally peaceful and stable. As for the disputes left over from history over some specific islands and reefs, China is committed to seeking proper, peaceful settlement through dialogue and consultation even though its own rights and interests had been infringed upon. This process is still under way. |
島礁建設其實南海一些沿岸國很早就開始了,包括在他們侵占的中國島礁上進行各種各樣的所謂建設。中國只是最近才開始一些必要的建設。中國的建設一方面是為了改善島礁上人員的生活和工作條件。時間長了風吹雨淋,我們當然需要改善。另一方面,中國作為南海最大的沿岸國,也愿意通過建設必要的設施來提供更多公共產品,發揮它的公益功能。比如我們建設的一些燈塔,這些燈塔開啟之后,過往的船只都會受益,他們都覺得是一件很好的事情。我們建設一些救急的港口,包括醫療設施、氣象站,也會發揮很好的公益作用。我們這種做法不違反任何國際法,也不影響航行自由,反而提供了大家都需要的公共產品。拿這個事情去炒作、去渲染完全是沒有必要的。換句話說,恐怕有其他政治上的圖謀。 | Some littoral states of the South China Sea started construction on the islands and reefs many years ago, including their so-called construction on the Chinese islands and reefs they illegally occupied. China began some necessary construction only very recently. For one thing, China's construction is meant to improve the living and working conditions of the personnel on the islands and reefs. Harsh natural conditions-the wind and rains-have made such improvements absolutely necessary. At the same time, China, as the largest littoral state of the South China Sea, is willing to provide more public goods by building necessary facilities which can benefit everyone. For example, we have built light houses which, once in operation, will benefit all vessels that pass by. People think this is a good thing. The ports we built for emergency relief, including medical facilities and meteorological stations, will also serve the public good. What we did does not breach any international law or affect the freedom of navigation. Quite the contrary, we are providing public goods that everyone needs. To play up or sensationalize the matter makes no sense. Any sensationalization is probably driven by certain political agenda. |
至于剛才談到的所謂軍事化問題,我想大家都知道,任何國家都有國際法所賦予的自保權和自衛權。我們在自己駐守的島礁上有一些自衛設施,實際上非常正常。別的國家早就在我們周圍的島礁開始建設大量軍事設施,所以我們需要有必要的防衛手段和能力,這跟軍事化沒有任何關系。如果說軍事化,我們看到航空母艦開到南海來了,戰略轟炸機飛到南海上空來了,導彈驅逐艦不斷地接近中國的島礁,向中國施加軍事壓力。恐怕這才是軍事化,包括大規模的軍事演習,還有在菲律賓建設各種各樣的軍事基地。 | As for the so-called militarization you just mentioned, it is common sense that all countries enjoy the right to self-preservation and self-defense under international law. It is therefore perfectly normal that China has some self-defense facilities on its stationed islands and reefs. Other countries have long maintained a large number of military facilities on the islands and reefs around us. We need necessary means and capabilities to defend ourselves, but this has nothing to do with militarization. If one talks about militarization, we have seen aircraft carriers coming to the South China Sea, strategic bombers flying over the South China Sea waters and guided-missile destroyers coming close to China's islands and reefs, all to exert military pressure on China. I am afraid this is what militarization really looks like, including large-scale military drills and the construction of military bases of all sorts in the Philippines. |
我覺得,無論是島礁建設也好,還是軍事化問題也好,都不能用雙重標準,都不能只說別人,而自己卻為所欲為,這是不公平的。越來越多的國家看到了這一點,任何沒有偏見的人士也都會看清楚目前的形勢和問題根源所在。 | Now this is what I think: be it island construction or militarization, there should be no double standard. It is not fair for one to criticize others on the one hand while doing whatever he likes on the other. I think more and more countries have realized this, and people without prejudice will see clearly the current situation and the root of the problem. |
十五、問:您認為美國向菲律賓派遣數千名美軍士兵參加美菲聯合軍演,是對中國的直接威脅嗎? | Question 15: The US has sent several thousand American troops to the Philippines for the joint military exercise. Do you see this as a direct threat to China? |
王毅:我想這種舉動起碼是給南海局勢增加了不穩定因素,甚至是在刺激局勢進一步緊張,這不是一種建設性的做法。南海問題的解決實際上已經有了一個明確的共同遵守的思路,這就是“雙軌思路”,中國和東盟國家已經基本上達成了一致。 | Wang Yi: Such a move, to say the least, has added destabilizing factors to the South China Sea situation, if not further heightening the tensions, and we don't think it is constructive. For the settlement of the South China Sea issue, there is already a clear approach to be observed by all, that is the "dual track approach" on which China and ASEAN countries have basically agreed. |
“雙軌思路”的第一個軌道就是具體爭議怎么解決。我們跟東盟都同意應由直接當事方坐下來談判解決,這個做法既是《聯合國憲章》所鼓勵的方向,也是中國和東盟十個國家共同簽字的《南海各方行為宣言》(DOC)第四條的規定。中國也好,菲律賓也好,其他東盟國家也好,都為此承擔了義務。 | One track of this approach is about how to settle the specific disputes. China and ASEAN agreed that these disputes should be settled through negotiations by parties directly concerned. This is what the UN Charter encourages, and what has been required by Paragraph Four of the DOC jointly signed by China and the ten ASEAN countries. China, the Philippines and other ASEAN countries all have obligations to shoulder. |
從這個意義上來講,我們不贊成、不接受、也不會參與菲律賓單方面提交的所謂國際仲裁,因為這個所謂仲裁首先違反了我剛才所說的DOC第四條規定,同時也違反了仲裁須經當事方協商一致的原則。菲律賓沒有與中國進行任何協商,而是強行推動。菲律賓還違反了中菲兩國達成的一系列協定,其核心內容就是雙方要通過談判解決問題。此外,菲律賓聲稱提起仲裁是因為談判已經窮盡,這不是事實。或者更加直截了當地講,這是一個謊言。菲律賓向仲裁庭提交的所謂各項訴求,沒有一項跟中國進行過認真的雙邊談判。而中國直到今天仍然在告訴菲律賓,我們可以坐下來談,中方對話的大門是敞開的。但菲律賓仍然拒絕與我們進行談判和協商。我們認為,菲律賓這種做法從一開始就缺乏合法性,也缺乏正當性。 | It is for this reason that China does not approve of, accept or participate in the so-called international arbitration unilaterally initiated by the Philippines. Because, first of all, this so-called arbitration violates Paragraph Four of the DOC we all signed. It also goes against the principle that arbitration requires agreement between the parties concerned; the Philippines pushed for the arbitration without having any consultation with China. The Philippines also violated a number of bilateral agreements it reached with China, the centerpiece of which is to resolve problems through negotiations. What's more, the Philippines claimed that it initiated the arbitration because it had exhausted the means of negotiation. That's not true; or to put it more bluntly, that is a lie. The Philippines had not engaged in any serious bilateral negotiations with China on any of the so-called requests it submitted to the arbitral tribunal. Even till this day, China is still saying to the Philippines that we may sit down and talk, and China's door for dialogue is open. It is the Philippines who still refuses to negotiate or consult with us. As we see it, what the Philippines did lacks legality and legitimacy from the very beginning. |
還有一種論調,認為接受仲裁就是合法,不接受仲裁就是無視國際法,這種說法完全站不住腳。我剛才跟你談了,菲律賓這些做法恰恰才是缺乏法理依據的。中國不接受仲裁的做法,一是我們要堅持履行我剛才談到的根據DOC承擔的責任和義務,堅持通過雙邊談判解決問題。二是我們早在10年前就根據《聯合國海洋法公約》第298條所賦予的權利發表了政府聲明,排除了強制性管轄。今天,中國政府當然要堅持十年前發表的聲明,政府的立場要保持連貫性和一致性。應該說,中國目前恰恰是在依法行事,是在維護《聯合國海洋法公約》的嚴肅性。這是我剛才給你介紹的第一條軌道,即具體爭議由直接當事方坐下來談。 | Some people contend that accepting the arbitration is observing the law, while not accepting the arbitration is a defiance of international law. Such an argument does not hold water at all. As I said just now, it is the Philippines who lacks legal basis. As for China's non-acceptance of the arbitration, for one thing, we need to honor our responsibilities and obligations under the DOC and to bilateral negotiations as the way of resolving the problem. For another, as early as ten years ago, we had issued a government statement that excluded compulsory jurisdiction, a right provided for by Article 298 of the UNCLOS. Of course, the Chinese government will stand by the statement it made ten years ago; the continuity and consistency of the government's position need to be maintained. Therefore, China is acting according to law and is safeguarding the sanctity of the UNCLOS. What I just told you is the first track, namely that specific disputes should be negotiated by parties directly involved. |
另一條軌道,就是南海的和平穩定怎么辦?這應由所有南海沿岸國,也就是說中國和東盟共同維護,通過合作來確保。在這個軌道上,中國和東盟正在全面落實DOC,包括開展海上合作,我們也在推進“南海行為準則”(COC)的進程,這個進程應該說還是很快的,我們希望盡快達成一致,這樣我們可以更好地維護好南海的和平穩定。也就是說,中國和東盟有能力而且有意愿,通過我們的合作來維護好南海的和平與穩定。所以我們希望域外國家支持中國和東盟的努力,為此發揮建設性的作用,而不是相反。 | The other track is about peace and stability in the South China Sea. It should be jointly maintained and ensured by all littoral states of the South China Sea, namely China and ASEAN, through cooperation. On this track, China and ASEAN are fully implementing the DOC, including carrying out maritime cooperation. We are also advancing the COC process, which is progressing fairly fast. We hope to reach agreement as soon as possible so as to better safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea. In other words, China and ASEAN are capable and willing to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea through cooperation. So we hope countries from outside the region will support efforts by China and ASEAN and play a constructive role rather than doing the opposite. |
十六、問:您曾經擔任過中國駐日本大使,而中國同日本之間的關系比較緊張,前兩天日本外相來中國進行了訪問,在這種情況下您如何看待中日關系的未來? | Question 16: You served as the Chinese Ambassador to Japan. Japanese foreign minister visited China a couple of days ago amid strained relations between China and Japan. How do you see the future of China-Japan relations? |
王毅:中國和日本是近鄰,我們當然希望和日本建立和發展穩定的、健康的睦鄰友好關系。這是中國的既定政策。但是,“一個巴掌拍不響”,這需要雙方相向而行,關鍵要看日方采取什么樣的行動,不光是看它說什么。重要的是,日方應該真正把中國作為它的合作伙伴,而不是競爭對手,作為一個友好鄰邦,而不是一個所謂的威脅。如果日本能夠循著這樣的認識,而且把這個認識落實到對華交往具體行動上,中日關系就會走上一條穩定發展的軌道。所以現在要看日方究竟做出什么樣的判斷,這是目前中日關系最關鍵的。 | Wang Yi: China and Japan are close neighbors. We certainly want stable, healthy, friendly and good-neighborly relations with Japan. This is our consistent policy. But just as you cannot clap with one hand alone, the two sides need to meet each other half way. We need to see not only what Japan says, but also how it acts. It is important for Japan to view China as a cooperation partner rather than a rival, a friendly neighbor rather than a "threat". If Japan can commit itself to this common understanding and act on it in developing its relations with China, China-Japan relations will embark on a path of stable development. The China-Japan relations now hinge on what decision the Japanese side would make. |
十七、問:朝鮮所采取的軍事政策令世界各國都感到不安,中國是同朝鮮關系最好的國家,也是朝鮮的鄰國,中國如何看待朝鮮的局勢?如何看待朝鮮給世界各國,尤其是美國所帶來的不安? | Question 17: The DPRK has unsettled the world with its military policy. As its neighbor and probably the country with the closest relations with the DPRK, how does China view the situation in the DPRK and the concerns it has caused for countries around the world, in particular, the United States? |
王毅:你提了一個很重要的問題,就是朝鮮半島核問題。它越來越引起國際社會的關注,尤其是在伊朗核問題達成全面協議之后,各方更把目光聚焦在朝鮮半島上。中國的立場非常清楚。我們立場就是“三個堅持”。第一,堅持實現半島無核化。半島不能有核武器,不能夠發展也不能輸入。因為這首先對南北雙方不利,不利于他們的安全,同時對這個地區也不利,甚至會破壞國際核不擴散體系。第二,堅持維護半島和平與穩定。半島是中國的近鄰,半島一旦生戰生亂會直接影響到中國,直接影響到我們的現代化進程。當然,生戰生亂對各方也不利,需要共同加以避免。所以我們要共同維護好半島的和平穩定。第三,堅持以和平方式解決半島核問題。實際上我們已經有了很成熟的經驗,就是六方會談。六方會談的做法就是把各自的關切都拿到桌面上來,然后相互對接,同步向前推進,一并加以解決。這是一個公平合理的辦法,曾經推動六方會談取得了很重要的成績,而且這個做法后來被用在伊朗核問題的解決進程中,也發揮了非常好的作用。所以現在我們需要恢復六方會談,把半島核問題重新拉回到談判解決的軌道上來。 | Wang Yi: You raised a very important question about the Korean nuclear issue. This issue has attracted growing international attention, and has been in the spotlight after the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was reached on the Iranian nuclear issue. China's position is clear-cut, namely the "three commitments". First, China is committed to achieving denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula. There should be no nuclear weapons on the Peninsula, either by way of development or by import, because it does no good to either side, to their security, or to the region. Rather, it will undermine the international non-proliferation regime. Second, China is committed to peace and stability on the Peninsula. Given the geographical proximity, any chaos or war on the Peninsula would have a direct bearing on China and its modernization drive. It goes without saying that, war or chaos serves no one's interests. So we need to work together to avoid such scenario and jointly uphold peace and stability on the Peninsula. Third, China is committed to resolving the Korean nuclear issue through peaceful means. Actually, we already have good experience in dealing with this issue, that is the Six-Party Talks. Under the talks, all sides can bring their concerns to the table, talk them through and address them in parallel. This approach is fair and reasonable, and had secured important progress out of the talks in the past. It has also played a positive role in resolving the Iranian nuclear issue. As such, it is imperative to resume the Six-Party Talks and bring the nuclear issue on the Peninsula back to the track of negotiation. |
就當前形勢而言,當務之急是要避免半島形勢進一步緊張,尤其是要防止發生沖突,防止局勢惡化甚至失控。中方正在同各方進行溝通來做這方面的努力。此外,就是要落實好聯合國安理會的第2270號決議。2270號決議是安理會一致通過的,它既針對朝鮮核導計劃明確了反對態度,采取了一系列必要的措施,同時也規定不應影響到朝鮮的民生,不能引發人道主義危機,要防止局勢進一步緊張。2270號決議還重申要恢復六方會談,通過談判解決問題。這些都是2270號決議的內容,所以我們主張2270號決議應該全面完整地加以執行。 | In the current context, the pressing task is to avoid further escalation of tensions on the Peninsula, in particular, to forestall conflicts and prevent the situation from deteriorating or even getting out of control. The Chinese side is talking to all parties for this purpose. Moreover, UNSC Resolution 2270 should be implemented. Adopted unanimously at the Security Council, Resolution 2270 voices clear opposition against the DPRK's nuclear and missile program and sets out a host of necessary measures. At the same time, it says clearly that the measures taken should not affect the livelihood of the DPRK people, nor should they lead to humanitarian crisis or further escalation of tensions. It also reiterates the importance of resuming the Six-Party Talks and resolving the issue through negotiation. The resolution includes all these aspects and must be implemented in full. |
從這個意義上講,中方一方面作為安理會常任理事國執行安理會決議,另一方面也不放棄恢復和談的努力。我們提出了一個恢復和談的思路,叫做“并行推進”,實際上是借鑒了過去的經驗。朝鮮方面最關心的是它的安全問題,為此需要把半島停戰機制轉換為和平機制,這樣來確保國家安全。我們可以理解。美國和包括中國在內的其他國家希望朝鮮放棄核導計劃,都希望實現半島無核化。我們可以把兩方面關切結合起來,使推進無核化和停和機制轉換并行向前推進,一起進行談判,最終達到一攬子解決。我認為這是一個切實可行的復談思路。我們希望同各方、特別是和六方會談成員國密切溝通,為此不斷創造條件。總之,半島核問題必須重新納入和平解決軌道。 | The Chinese side is implementing the UN resolution as a permanent member of the Security Council while pursuing the resumption of the talks. We have put forward an approach of parallel tracks, which is inspired by our past experience. For the DPRK, security is its top concern, so it wants to replace the armistice agreement with a peace treaty to ensure its national security. This is understandable, while the United States and other countries, including China, hope that the DPRK will give up its nuclear program and the denuclearization of the Peninsula can be achieved. We need to take into account both concerns and pursue, in parallel tracks, the denuclearization and the replacement of the armistice agreement with a peace treaty. We can discuss them all at the negotiating table and find a package solution. I believe this is a viable way to resume the talks. We also hope to keep close communication with all sides, members of the Six-Party Talks in particular, to create conditions for the resumption. In all, the Korean nuclear issue must be addressed peacefully. |
問:現在的問題是朝鮮是否愿意放棄它的核計劃呢? | Follow-up: The big question now is whether the DPRK is willing to abandon its nuclear program. |
王毅:你說了一個很重要的問題。朝鮮愿意還是不愿意?關鍵是要談起來看,談起來就有取得進展的可能性,如果不談的話,就什么都沒有。 | Wang Yi: You touched upon a very important point. Is the DPRK willing to do so? The key is to get the talks going, because no progress would be possible without the talks. |