第四,我們要不斷加強在國際地區熱點及全球性問題上的合作,使中美新型大國關系建立在更加緊密的共同責任之上。美國是全球最大的發達國家,中國是全球最大的發展中國家,我們在維護地區和國際形勢穩定、促進人類可持續發展等重大問題上有著越來越多的利益交集,承擔著越來越大的共同責任。中美如能攜手為世界的和平穩定、人類的文明進步作出貢獻,不僅符合國際社會對中美兩國的期待,也理應是中美新型大國關系的應有之義。中國已準備好與美國在地區和全球層面展開全方位合作,我們不是要搞所謂“兩國共治”,而是優勢互補,各擅所長,中國愿意承擔與自身國力及國情相適應的國際責任,與美方一起,為國際社會提供更多優質的公共產品。中美在任何問題上都可以合作,盡管我們有時候立場不盡相同,但這并不影響我們之間的溝通與對話,只要我們真正從兩國共同利益出發,從地區與世界的穩定繁榮出發,中美間的立場一定能夠越來越接近,中美戰略互信也一定會不斷得到深化。 |
Fourth, we need to strengthen cooperation in international and regional hotspots and global issues and put this new model of relationship on greater common responsibilities. The United States is the biggest developed country while China is the biggest developing country in the world. The two countries share ever-growing converging interests and shoulder increasingly greater common responsibilities on such major issues as maintaining regional and international stability and promoting sustainable development of mankind. Joint contribution to world peace and stability and progress of civilization is what the international community expects of our two countries. It should, therefore, also be an inherent feature of this new model of relationship. China is prepared to engage in all-dimensional cooperation with the United States at regional and global levels. What we seek is not the so-called "G2", but each complementing the other with its respective advantages. China is ready to shoulder international responsibilities commensurate with its national strength and realities, and together with the United States, offer more quality public goods for the international community. China and the United States can cooperate on any issue. We may not always see eye to eye, but that should not prevent us from talking to each other. As long as we truly act in the shared interests of the two countries and for the benefit of regional and global stability and prosperity, our positions will get closer and our strategic trust will surely get enhanced. |
在網絡安全問題上,一個和平、安全、開放、合作的網絡空間符合包括中美在內的世界各國利益。中方一貫堅決反對任何破壞網絡秩序、危害網絡安全的行為。事實上,中國也是黑客等網絡攻擊的受害者。維護網絡安全,不能相互指責,而是要開展合作。中美已經召開首次網絡工作組會議,開了個好頭,我們要繼續保持建設性對話,并且不斷推進全球網絡規則的制定和網絡安全的保障。 |
On cyber security, a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative cyber space is in the interest of all countries in the world, including China and the United States. China firmly opposes any behavior that disrupts order in cyberspace and endangers cyber security. As a matter of fact, China is a victim of hacking and other cyber attacks. To safeguard cyber security, we need cooperation instead of finger-pointing. The first meeting of China-US cyber working group made a good beginning. We need to keep up constructive dialogue and promote the formulation of international cyber rules to help ensure cyber security. |
在氣候變化問題上,中美已在戰略與經濟對話框架內設立了氣候變化工作組。中方正致力于推進經濟結構調整,加快發展方式轉型,應對氣候變化首先是中國可持續發展的自身需要。我們愿加強與美方在環境保護、節能減排、替代能源和可再生能源等領域的合作,負責任地參加相關氣候變化談判,共同為人類的可持續發展作出貢獻。 |
On climate change, our two sides have set up a climate change working group within the S&ED framework. As China is committed to deepening economic structural readjustment and accelerating the shift of growth model, addressing climate change, meets its own need of sustainable development in the first place. We are ready to enhance cooperation with the United States on environmental protection, energy conservation and emissions reduction, and alternative and renewable energy, take part in relevant climate change negotiations in a responsible manner and jointly contribute to sustainable development. |
在敘利亞問題上,中方堅決反對任何國家、任何人使用化學武器,同時認為只有政治解決才是化解敘利亞危機的正確出路。我們支持盡快啟動銷毀敘利亞化武的進程,同時也應早日召開第二次日內瓦會議,使敘問題重回政治解決的軌道。 |
On Syria, China is firmly opposed to the use of chemical weapons by any country or individual. We believe that political settlement is the only right way out in defusing the Syrian crisis. We support an early launch of the process to destroy Syria's chemical weapons. At the same time a Geneva II should be held as soon as possible, thus bringing the Syrian issue back to the track of political settlement. |
在巴以問題上,中方一直負責任地勸和促談,愿與美方密切配合,推動巴以雙方相向而行。在伊核問題上,中美通過雙邊渠道和六國機制保持了密切溝通,當前伊核對話出現了積極因素,我們應當抓住機遇推動對話早日取得實質進展。 |
On Palestine and Israel, China has promoted peace talks in a responsible manner, and stands ready to work closely with the United States to push the two sides to make concerted efforts. On the Iranian nuclear issue, China and the United States have maintained close communication both bilaterally and through P5+1. There have emerged positive factors in Iranian nuclear dialogue. We should seize the opportunities to work for early, substantive progress in the dialogue. |
第五,我們要重點加強亞太事務合作,使中美新型大國關系的構建先從亞太地區做起。亞太是當今世界發展速度最快、潛力最大的地區,也是熱點問題最多的地區,中美兩國在亞太的利益交織最為密集,互動最為頻繁。換句話說,構建中美新型大國關系可以也應該先從亞太開始。如果中美在亞太能夠不沖突、不對抗,那么在其他地方就都可以和平相處;如果中美在亞太事務上能夠相互尊重、合作共贏,那么在其他問題上也可以開展合作。如何使亞太成為構建新型大國關系的“試驗田”呢?我認為有兩點非常重要: |
Fifth, we need to prioritize our cooperation on Asia-Pacific affairs and start the building of this new model of relationship from the Asia-Pacific region. The Asia-Pacific is the world's fastest-growing and most promising region; it is also home to most of the hotspot issues. China and the United States have more converging interests and frequent interactions in the Asia-Pacific than anywhere else. Therefore, it is both possible and imperative that our two countries start the building of this new model of relationship from the Asia-Pacific. Just think: if China and the United States can avoid conflict and confrontation in the Asia-Pacific, there is no reason we cannot co-exist in peace in other parts of the world; if China and the United States can respect each other and conduct win-win cooperation on Asia-Pacific affairs, there is no reason we cannot work together on other issues. But how to turn the Asia-Pacific into the "testing ground" for our new model of relationship? I think the following two points are extremely important. |
一是中美在亞太要真正尊重和照顧對方的利益關切。中國尊重美國在亞太的傳統影響和現實利益,我們從未想過要把美國從亞太排擠出去,而是希望美國為維護亞太和平穩定發展發揮積極和建設性作用。正如習近平主席指出的,寬廣的太平洋有足夠空間容納中美兩個大國。同時,亞太是中華民族幾千年來的安身立命之所,我們希望美方也應尊重中國的利益與關切。 |
First, China and the United States should genuinely respect and accommodate each other's interests and concerns in the Asia-Pacific. China respects the traditional influence and immediate interests of the United States in the Asia-Pacific. We have never thought about pushing the US out of the region. Rather, we hope the United States will play a positive and constructive role in safeguarding peace, stability and development in the Asia-Pacific. As President Xi Jinping aptly pointed out, "The vast Pacific Ocean is broad enough to accommodate our two big countries." The Asia-Pacific has been the home and root of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. Therefore, we hope the United States will also respect China's interests and concerns. |
臺灣問題事關中國的主權和領土完整,事關13億中國人的民族感情。當前,兩岸關系保持和平發展勢頭,要和平不要戰爭、要合作不要對抗、要交往不要隔絕已是兩岸同胞的人心所向,兩岸在相互往來合作中逐漸彼此融合,直至實現最終統一將是誰也無法阻擋的歷史潮流。多年來,臺灣問題始終是中美關系中損害互信、干擾合作的一項負資產。如果美方能夠順應兩岸關系和平發展的大勢,切實理解和尊重中國反對分裂,致力于和平統一的努力,那么臺灣問題就會從中美關系的負資產變成正資產,從消極因素變成積極因素,就能為中美關系長期穩定發展提供保障,為中美開展全方位合作開辟前景。 |
The Taiwan question concerns China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. It bears on the national sentiments of the 1.3 billion Chinese people. Right now, cross-Straits relations enjoy a momentum of peaceful development. It is the common desire of people on both sides of the Straits to have peace rather than war, cooperation rather than confrontation, and exchanges rather than estrangement. Gradual integration of the two sides through two-way interactions and cooperation will lead to ultimate reunification. This is a historical trend that no one can stop. For many years, the Taiwan question has been a liability in China-US relations that undermines mutual trust and disrupts cooperation. However, if the United States can go along with the prevailing trend of peaceful development of cross-Straits relations, and genuinely appreciate and respect China's efforts to oppose separation and achieve peaceful reunification, the issue – once a liability and negative factor in our relationship – will be turned into an asset and a positive factor, providing guarantee to the long-term, steady growth of China-US relations and opening prospect for all-round cooperation. |
二是中美應共同努力,爭取在亞太熱點問題的合作上取得實質性成果。這樣既可以為在全球范圍內開展戰略合作積累經驗,又能對外展示中美共同維護地區和平穩定的能力和決心。比如朝核問題,中美在這個問題上已積累許多共識,堅定推進半島無核化,維護東北亞地區的和平,是雙方承擔的共同責任。昨天正值朝核問題“9 19”共同聲明發布8周年,中方在北京舉辦了“六方會談啟動十周年國際研討會”。中方認為,實現半島無核化的正確途徑是堅持對話與談判,六方會談則是被實踐證明行之有效的對話機制。各方應盡快回到“9 19”共同聲明的立場上來,共同為重啟六方會談創造必要條件。在這個問題上,美方立場至關重要。中方愿繼續與美方保持溝通。 |
Second, China and the United States should work together to produce substantive results in our cooperation over hotspot issues in the Asia-Pacific. If we can succeed in doing so, we will be able to accumulate experience for strategic cooperation on a global scale, and demonstrate to the rest of the world our ability and resolve to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability. A case in point is the Korean nuclear issue. China and the United States have built much consensus on the issue. It is our common responsibility to advance denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula and maintain peace in Northeast Asia. Yesterday was the eighth anniversary of the September 19 Joint Statement. The day before yesterday, China hosted an international workshop in Beijing to mark the tenth anniversary of the Six-Party Talks. China believes that dialogue and negotiation is the right path toward a nuclear-weapon-free Peninsula, and that the Six-Party Talks have turned out to be an effective mechanism for dialogue. The parties concerned should recommit themselves as soon as possible to the Joint Statement, and work together to create the necessary conditions for the restart of the Six-Party Talks. The US position on this is of vital importance. China is ready to keep in touch with the US side. |
此外,中國也愿同美國在阿富汗等地區熱點問題上開展合作,10天前,第二屆中美聯合培訓阿富汗外交官項目在華盛頓開班,我專門發了賀電。阿富汗局勢已進入一個關鍵轉折期,能否順利推進國內和解與重建進程,涉及中美以及本地區各國的共同利益。雙方在這一問題上的合作剛剛開始,潛力和空間還很大。只要我們發揮各自優勢,相互配合,阿富汗問題完全有望成為兩國合作的新亮點。 |
We are also ready to cooperate with the United States on other regional hotspot issues such as Afghanistan. Ten days ago, the second China-US collaborative training course for Afghan diplomats was launched here in DC. I sent a congratulatory message to the program. Afghanistan is now in a phase of crucial transition. Whether the country can proceed smoothly with domestic reconciliation and reconstruction concerns the common interests of China, the United States and other countries in the region. China-US cooperation on Afghanistan has just started; there is great potential and room for enhanced cooperation. If our two countries can work with each other and bring out our respective strength, we can turn the issue into a new highlight in our bilateral cooperation. |
女士們,先生們, |
Ladies and Gentlemen, |
前不久,習近平主席與奧巴馬總統在出席二十國集團圣彼得堡峰會期間再次會晤,兩位領導人重申將堅持致力于構建中美新型大國關系。構建這一重要關系,需要中美領導人的政治引領,需要兩國社會各界的參與和支持,也需要兩國學術界不斷為此貢獻智慧。布魯金斯學會是全美最具影響力的智庫之一,有美國朋友告訴我,要了解美國政府下一步準備干什么,看看布魯金斯學會正在研究什么就知道了。布魯金斯學會一直高度關注中美關系,專門設有桑頓中國中心,云集了一批知名的中美問題專家,為促進中美關系發展做了大量工作。我期待并相信,在構建中美新型大國關系的過程中,布魯金斯學會一定能夠發揮積極作用,做出重要貢獻。 |
Not long ago, President Xi and President Obama met again on the margins of the G20 summit in St Petersburg. The two leaders reiterated their commitment to this new model of major-country relationship. Yet the building of such a relationship requires not only political guidance from our leaders, but also and more importantly, the involvement and support of people across the society in both countries, including the continuous intellectual input from the academia. The Brookings Institution is one of the most influential think-tanks in the United States. According to my American friends, to find out what the US government will do next, one only has to look at what the Brookings Institution is working on. The Brookings Institution has always had a keen interest in US relations with China. For this purpose, it has set up John L. Thornton China Center, bringing together many renowned experts on China-US relations and doing a great deal of work in promoting bilateral ties. I hope and I am confident that as China and the United States build this new model of major-country relationship, the Brookings Institution will continue to play a positive role and make an important contribution. |
謝謝大家。下面,我愿回答各位的提問。 |
Thank you. Now I will be glad to take your questions. |