五、維護世界和平和地區穩定 |
V. Safeguarding World Peace and Regional Stability |
中國的安全和發展與世界的和平繁榮息息相關。中國武裝力量始終是維護世界和平和地區穩定的堅定力量,致力于同各國加強軍事合作、增進軍事互信,參與地區和國際安全事務,在國際政治和安全領域發揮積極作用。 |
China's security and development are closely connected with the peace and prosperity of the world as a whole. China's armed forces have always been a staunch force upholding world peace and regional stability, and will continue to increase cooperation and mutual trust with the armed forces of other countries, participate in regional and international security affairs, and play an active role in international political and security fields. |
參加聯合國維和行動 |
Participating in UN Peacekeeping Operations |
中國認真履行國際責任和義務,支持并積極參加聯合國維和行動。根據聯合國決議和中國政府與聯合國達成的協議,中國派出維和部隊和維和軍事專業人員,進駐指定國家或地區,在聯合國主導下組織實施維和行動,主要承擔監督停火、隔離沖突和工程、運輸、醫療保障以及參與社會重建和人道主義援助等任務。 |
China earnestly fulfills its international responsibilities and obligations, and supports and actively participates in UN peacekeeping missions. In accordance with UN resolutions as well as agreements between the Chinese government and the UN, China dispatches peacekeeping troops and specialized peacekeeping personnel to designated countries or regions, who carry out peacekeeping operations under the auspices of the UN. They are mainly tasked with monitoring ceasefires, disengaging conflicting parties, providing engineering, transportation and medical support, and participating in social reconstruction and humanitarian assistance. |
1990年,人民解放軍向聯合國中東維和任務區派遣5名軍事觀察員,首次參加聯合國維和行動。1992年,向聯合國柬埔寨維和任務區派出400人的工程兵大隊,首次派遣成建制部隊。迄今為止,人民解放軍共參加23項聯合國維和行動,累計派出維和軍事人員2.2萬人次。中國參加維和行動的所有官兵均被授予聯合國和平勛章,有3名軍官和6名士兵在執行維和任務中犧牲,被授予聯合國哈馬舍爾德勛章。目前,中國是聯合國安理會5個常任理事國中派遣維和軍事人員最多的國家,是聯合國115個維和出兵國中派出工兵、運輸和醫療等保障分隊最多的國家,是繳納維和攤款最多的發展中國家。 |
In 1990, the PLA sent five military observers to the UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - the first time China had taken part in UN peacekeeping missions. In 1992, it dispatched an engineering corps of 400 officers and men to the UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) - the first time China had sent an organic military unit on a peacekeeping mission. To date, the PLA has dispatched 22,000 military personnel to 23 UN peacekeeping missions. All of them have been awarded the UN peace medals. Three officers and six soldiers have laid down their lives performing such duties and were posthumously awarded the Dag Hammarskjold medal. So far, China is the biggest troop and police contributor among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. It also dispatches the most numbers of troops for engineering, transportation and medical support among all the 115 contributing countries. China pays and contributes the largest share of UN peacekeeping costs among all developing countries. |
截至2012年12月,人民解放軍有1842名官兵在9個聯合國任務區遂行維和任務。其中,軍事觀察員和參謀軍官78人,赴聯合國剛果(金)穩定特派團工兵、醫療分隊共218人,赴聯合國利比里亞特派團工兵、運輸和醫療分隊共558人,赴聯合國駐黎巴嫩臨時部隊工兵、醫療分隊共335人,赴聯合國南蘇丹特派團工兵、醫療分隊共338人,赴聯合國/非盟達爾富爾特派團工兵分隊315人。 |
As of December 2012, a total of 1,842 PLA officers and men are implementing peacekeeping tasks in nine UN mission areas. Among them, 78 are military observers and staff officers, 218 are engineering and medical personnel for the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), 558 are engineering, transportation and medical personnel for the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), 335 are engineering and medical personnel for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), 338 are engineering and medical personnel for the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) and 315 are engineering personnel for the African Union/United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID). |
中國維和部隊發揚特別能吃苦、特別能戰斗、特別能奉獻的優良作風,高標準完成各項任務。22年來,共新建、修復道路1萬多公里、橋梁284座,排除地雷和各類未爆物9000多枚,運送物資100萬噸,運輸總里程1100多萬公里,接診病人12萬人次。參謀軍官和軍事觀察員在司令部工作及巡邏、監督停火、聯絡、談判等各項任務中表現出高度負責的職業精神。赴剛果(金)工兵分隊連續奮戰數晝夜,平整火山巖石場地1.6萬平方米。赴利比里亞運輸分隊保障范圍輻射該國全境,成為駐利近50支聯合國維和部隊的運輸保障中樞。中國維和部隊還為當地民眾鋪路架橋、維修車輛、運送物資、送醫送藥和傳授農業種植技術。赴黎巴嫩工兵分隊自創“斜十字交叉定位”掃雷法,大大提高作業安全系數和進度,日均清排面積500平方米以上;在黎以沖突期間排除未爆炸彈3500多枚。赴蘇丹達爾富爾工兵分隊在被認為無法打井的地方打出13眼水井。赴南蘇丹工兵分隊高標準建成首個解武、復員、安置過渡培訓中心,為當地和平進程作出積極貢獻。 |
Tough, brave and devoted, Chinese peacekeepers accomplish all their tasks in an exemplary manner. Over the past 22 years, Chinese peacekeepers have built and repaired over 10,000 km of roads and 284 bridges, cleared over 9,000 mines and various types of unexploded ordnance (UXO), transported over one million tons of cargo across a total distance of 11 million km and treated 120,000 patients. The staff officers and military observers have displayed a high degree of professionalism in their work at the headquarters and in the tasks of patrol, ceasefire monitoring, liaison and negotiation. The Chinese engineering units to the Democratic Republic of the Congo worked day and night to level an area of 16,000 square meters littered with volcanic rocks. The Chinese transportation units to Liberia have worked throughout the country and served as the transportation support center for nearly 50 peacekeeping troops there. Chinese peacekeepers also build roads and bridges, repair vehicles and transport materials for, as well as deliver medical assistance and impart agricultural technology to local people. The Chinese engineering units to Lebanon invented the method of "tilted cross positioning" in minesweeping, which has greatly raised the safety and efficiency of such operations. They can now cover an average of over 500 square meters per day with this method. During the Lebanon-Israel conflict in 2006, over 3,500 unexploded bombs were defused and disposed of. The Chinese engineering units to Darfur, Sudan, dug 13 wells in areas where well digging was deemed impossible. The Chinese engineering units to South Sudan built the first interim training center for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) at a high standard, making a positive contribution to the local peace process. |
中國維和官兵恪守聯合國維和人員行為準則、交戰規則和駐在國法律法規,尊重當地宗教信仰和風俗習慣,嚴格遵守任務區規定和中國維和部隊規章制度,贏得了當地人民的信任。 |
Chinese peacekeepers strictly abide by the code of personal conduct for UN peacekeepers, rules of engagement and laws of host countries. They respect local religious beliefs and customs, and conscientiously observe the mission regulations and rules for the Chinese peacekeeping troops, thereby winning trust from the local people. |
國際災難救援和人道主義援助 |
International Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Aid |
中國武裝力量積極參加政府組織的國際災難救援和人道主義援助,向有關受災國提供救援物資與醫療救助,派出專業救援隊赴受災國救援減災,為有關國家提供掃雷援助,開展救援減災國際交流。 |
China's armed forces take an active part in international disaster relief and humanitarian aid operations organized by the government. They provide relief supplies and medical aid, dispatch specialized rescue teams to disaster-stricken countries, provide mine-sweeping assistance and carry out international exchanges of rescue and disaster reduction. |
2002年以來,人民解放軍已執行國際緊急人道主義援助任務36次,向27個受災國運送總價值超過12.5億元人民幣的救援物資。2001年以來,由北京軍區工兵團官兵、武警總醫院醫護人員和中國地震局專家組成的中國國際救援隊,已參加8次國際災難救援行動。2010年以來,人民解放軍醫療救援隊先后3次赴海地、巴基斯坦執行國際人道主義醫學救援任務,陸軍航空兵直升機救援隊赴巴基斯坦協助抗擊洪澇災害。 |
Since 2002 the PLA has undertaken 36 urgent international humanitarian aid missions, and transported relief materials worth more than RMB1.25 billion to 27 disaster-stricken countries. Since 2001, the Chinese International Search and Rescue (CISAR) Team, composed of officers and men from the engineering regiment of the Beijing Military Area Command, medical personnel from the PAPF General Hospital and experts from the China Earthquake Administration, has participated in eight international rescue operations. Since 2010, PLA medical assistance teams have been sent three times to Haiti and Pakistan to carry out international humanitarian medical rescue operations, and the helicopter rescue team of the army aviation has been sent to Pakistan to assist flood-relief operations there. |
2011年3月,日本發生強震并引發海嘯,中國國際救援隊緊急赴日參與搜救工作。2011年7月,泰國發生嚴重洪澇災害,人民解放軍空軍出動4架飛機將中國國防部援助泰國武裝部隊的90多噸抗洪救災物資運抵曼谷。2011年9月,巴基斯坦發生特大洪災,人民解放軍空軍出動5架飛機將7000頂救災帳篷空運至卡拉奇,蘭州軍區派出醫療防疫救援隊赴重災區昆瑞開展醫療救援、衛生防疫工作。 |
In March 2011 a devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Japan. The CISAR rushed to Japan and participated in the search-and-rescue operations. In July 2011 heavy floods battered Thailand. The PLAAF sent four aircraft to transport to Bangkok more than 90 tons of relief materials provided by China's Ministry of National Defense to the Thai armed forces. In September 2011, when disastrous floods struck Pakistan, the PLAAF dispatched five aircraft to deliver 7,000 tents to Karachi, and the Lanzhou Military Area Command sent a medical-care and epidemic-prevention team to Kunri, the worst-hit area. |
中國武裝力量積極開展對發展中國家的醫療服務和援助,參與國際醫療交流與合作,增進了與各國的友誼和互信。2010-2011年,海軍“和平方舟”號醫院船先后赴亞非5國和拉美4國,執行“和諧使命”人道主義醫療服務任務,歷時193天,航程4.2萬海里,為近5萬人提供醫療服務。近年來,人民解放軍醫療隊還結合參加人道主義醫療聯合演練,積極為加蓬、秘魯、印度尼西亞等國家的民眾提供醫療服務。 |
China's armed forces actively provide medical care and aid to developing countries, and participate in international medical exchanges and cooperation, thus strengthening friendship and mutual trust with them. From 2010 to 2011, PLAN's hospital ship Peace Ark visited five countries in Asia and Africa and four countries in Latin America to provide "Harmonious Mission" humanitarian medical service. In 193 days the voyage covered 42,000 nautical miles, and nearly 50,000 people received medical services. In recent years, the PLA medical team has also provided medical service to local people in Gabon, Peru and Indonesia while participating in joint humanitarian medical drills. |
中國政府高度重視地雷引發的人道主義問題,積極支持和參與國際掃雷援助活動。1999年以來,人民解放軍通過舉辦掃雷技術培訓班、專家現場指導、援助掃雷裝備等方式,配合國家相關部門向近40個亞洲、非洲、拉丁美洲國家提供掃雷援助,為外國培訓掃雷技術人員400多名,指導掃除雷場20多萬平方米,捐贈價值約6000萬元人民幣的掃雷裝備器材。 |
The Chinese government attaches great importance to the solution of humanitarian problems caused by landmines. It actively supports and participates in international de-mining efforts. Since 1999, the PLA, in collaboration with relevant departments of the PRC government, has provided de-mining assistance to nearly 40 Asian, African and Latin American countries through offering training courses, sending experts to give on-site instruction, and donating de-mining equipment. As a result, the PLA has trained more than 400 mine-clearance personnel for foreign countries, guided the clearance of more than 200,000 square meters of land-mine areas and donated mine-clearance equipment worth RMB 60 million. |
維護國際海上通道安全 |
Safeguarding the Security of International SLOCs |
中國海軍履行國際義務,在亞丁灣、索馬里海域開展常態化護航行動,與多國護航力量進行交流合作,共同維護國際海上通道安全。截至2012年12月,中國海軍護航編隊共為4艘世界糧食計劃署船舶、2455艘外國船舶提供護航,占護航船舶總數的49%。救助外國船舶4艘,接護被海盜釋放的外國船舶4艘,解救被海盜追擊的外國船舶20艘。 |
To fulfill China's international obligations, the Chinese navy carries out regular escort missions in the Gulf of Aden and waters off Somalia. It conducts exchanges and cooperation with other escort forces to jointly safeguard the security of the international SLOCs. As of December 2012, Chinese navy task groups have provided protection for four WFP ships and 2,455 foreign ships, accounting for 49% of the total of escorted ships. They helped four foreign ships, recovered four ships released from captivity and saved 20 foreign ships from pursuit by pirates. |
中國海軍護航編隊在聯合護航、信息共享、協調聯絡等方面與多國海軍建立了良好的溝通機制。與俄羅斯開展聯合護航行動,與韓國、巴基斯坦、美國海軍艦艇開展反海盜等聯合演習演練,與歐盟協調為世界糧食計劃署船舶進行護航。與歐盟、北約、多國海上力量、韓國、日本、新加坡等護航艦艇舉行指揮官登艦互訪活動,與荷蘭開展互派軍官駐艦考察活動。積極參與索馬里海盜問題聯絡小組會議以及“信息共享與防止沖突”護航國際會議等國際機制。 |
Chinese navy escort task forces have maintained smooth communication with other navies in the areas of joint escort, information sharing, coordination and liaison. They have conducted joint escorts with their Russian counterparts, carried out joint anti-piracy drills with naval ships of the ROK, Pakistan and the US, and coordinated with the European Union to protect WFP ships. It has exchanged boarding visits of commanders with task forces from the EU, NATO, the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), the ROK, Japan and Singapore. It has exchanged officers for onboard observations with the navy of the Netherlands. China takes an active part in the conferences of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) and "Shared Awareness and Deconfliction" (SHADE) meetings on international merchant shipping protection. |
自2012年1月起,中國、印度、日本等獨立護航國家加強行動協調,以季度為周期相互協調各自護航班期,實現護航資源的統籌協調,提高護航效率。中國作為首輪護航班期協調參照國,及時公布2012年第一季度護航班期,印度、日本據此調整本國護航班期計劃,形成了統一且間隔有序的護航班期。韓國從第四季度起加入獨立護航國家班期協調機制。 |
Since January 2012, independent deployers such as China, India and Japan have strengthened their convoy coordination. They have adjusted their escort schedules on a quarterly basis, optimized available assets, and thereby enhanced escort efficiency. China, as the reference country for the first round of convoy coordination, submitted its escort timetable for the first quarter of 2012 in good time. India and Japan's escort task forces adjusted their convoy arrangements accordingly, thereby formulating a well-scheduled escort timetable. The ROK joined these efforts in the fourth quarter of 2012. |
中外軍隊聯演聯訓 |
Joint Exercises and Training with Foreign Armed Forces |
人民解放軍堅持不結盟、不對抗、不針對第三方的方針和戰略互惠、平等參與、對等實施的原則,與外國軍隊開展多層次、多領域、多軍兵種的雙邊多邊聯演聯訓。2002年以來,人民解放軍依據協議或約定與31個國家舉行了28次聯合演習、34次聯合訓練,對于促進政治軍事互信、維護地區安全穩定和加強軍隊現代化建設發揮了積極作用。 |
In adherence to the principles of being non-aligned, non-confrontational, and not directed against any third party, as well as the guidelines of mutual benefit, equality and reciprocity, the PLA has held, together with other countries, bilateral and multilateral exercises and training featuring multiple levels, domains, services and arms. Since 2002, the PLA has held 28 joint exercises and 34 joint training sessions with 31 countries in accordance with relevant agreements or arrangements. This is conducive to promoting mutual trust in the political and military fields, safeguarding regional security and stability, and accelerating the PLA's modernization. |
上海合作組織框架內聯合反恐軍事演習機制化發展。中國與上合組織成員國已共同舉行9次雙邊多邊聯合軍事演習。從2005年開始,舉行具有戰略影響、戰役層次的較大規模“和平使命”系列聯合軍事演習,包括“和平使命-2005”中俄聯合軍事演習、“和平使命-2007”上合組織武裝力量聯合反恐軍事演習、“和平使命-2009”中俄聯合反恐軍事演習、“和平使命-2010”上合組織武裝力量聯合反恐軍事演習、“和平使命-2012”上合組織武裝力量聯合反恐軍事演習。演習震懾和打擊了恐怖主義、分裂主義和極端主義勢力,提高了上合組織成員國共同應對新挑戰、新威脅的能力。 |
Joint anti-terrorism military exercises within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) have become more institutionalized. To date, China and other SCO member states have conducted nine bilateral and multilateral military exercises. Since 2005, they have carried out a series of "Peace Mission" joint exercises at the campaign level with strategic impact. They were the "Peace Mission-2005" China-Russia joint military exercise, "Peace Mission-2007" joint anti-terrorism military exercise by SCO members, "Peace Mission-2009" China-Russia joint anti-terrorism military exercise, "Peace Mission-2010" joint anti-terrorism military exercise by SCO members and "Peace Mission-2012" joint anti-terrorism military exercise by SCO members. The aforementioned exercises served to warn and deter terrorist, secessionist and extremist forces. The capabilities of the SCO members are constantly being enhanced to jointly deal with new challenges and new threats. |
海上聯演聯訓不斷拓展。近年來,中國海軍連續參加在阿拉伯海由巴基斯坦舉辦的“和平-07、“和平-09”、“和平-11”多國海上聯合演習。中俄兩國海軍以海上聯合保交作戰為課題,在中國黃海海域舉行“海上聯合-2012”軍事演習。中泰兩國海軍陸戰隊舉行“藍色突擊-2010”、“藍色突擊-2012”聯合訓練。中國海軍結合艦艇互訪等活動,與印度、法國、英國、澳大利亞、泰國、美國、俄羅斯、日本、新西蘭、越南等國海軍舉行通信、編隊運動、海上補給、直升機互降、對海射擊、聯合護航、登臨檢查、聯合搜救、潛水等科目的雙邊或多邊海上演練。 |
Joint maritime exercises and training are being expanded. In recent years, the Chinese navy has taken part in the "Peace-07," "Peace-09" and "Peace-11" multinational maritime exercises hosted by Pakistan on the Arabian Sea. The PLA and Russian navies held the "Maritime Cooperation-2012" military drill in the Yellow Sea off China's east coast focusing on joint defense of maritime traffic arteries. Chinese and Thai marine corps held the "Blue Strike-2010" and "Blue Strike-2012" joint training exercises. During mutual port calls and other activities, the Chinese navy also carried out bilateral or multilateral maritime exercises and training in such tasks as communications, formation movement, maritime replenishment, cross-deck helicopter landing, firing at surface, underwater and air targets, joint escort, boarding and inspection, joint search and rescue and diving with its counterparts of India, France, the UK, Australia, Thailand, the US, Russia, Japan, New Zealand and Vietnam. |
陸軍聯合訓練逐步深化。2007年以來,中國陸軍與外國陸軍多次舉行聯合訓練。與印度陸軍舉行“攜手-2007”、“攜手-2008”反恐聯合訓練,與蒙古國陸軍舉行“維和使命-2009”維和聯合訓練,與新加坡舉行“合作-2009”、“合作-2010”安保聯合訓練,與羅馬尼亞陸軍舉行“友誼行動-2009”、“友誼行動-2010”山地部隊聯合訓練,與土耳其舉行陸軍突擊分隊聯合訓練。中國陸軍特種部隊與泰國陸軍特種部隊舉行“突擊-2007”、“突擊-2008”和“突擊-2010”反恐聯合訓練,與印度尼西亞特種部隊舉行“利刃-2011”、“利刃-2012”反恐聯合訓練,與巴基斯坦特種部隊舉行“友誼-2010”、“友誼-2011”反恐聯合訓練,與哥倫比亞特種作戰部隊舉行“合作-2012”反恐聯合訓練。2012年11月,與約旦特種部隊舉行反恐聯合訓練,與美國陸軍舉行人道主義救援減災聯合室內推演。 |
Joint army training is gradually being increased in breadth and depth. Since 2007, the PLAA has conducted a number of joint training sessions with its counterparts of other countries. The PLAA joined the "Hand-in-Hand 2007" and "Hand-in-Hand 2008" joint anti-terrorism training sessions with the Indian army, "Peacekeeping Mission-2009" joint peacekeeping exercise with the Mongolian army, "Cooperation-2009" and "Cooperation-2010" joint security training exercises with Singapore, "Friendship Operation-2009" and "Friendship Operation-2010" joint military training of mountain troops with the Romanian army, and joint SOF unit training with the Turkish army. The PLAA special forces held the "Strike-2007," "Strike-2008" and "Strike-2010" joint anti-terrorism training with their Thai counterparts, "Sharp Knife-2011" and "Sharp Knife-2012" joint anti-terrorism training with their Indonesian counterparts, "Friendship-2010" and "Friendship-2011" joint anti-terrorism training with their Pakistani counterparts, and "Cooperation-2012" joint anti-terrorism training with their Colombian counterparts. In November 2012, joint anti-terrorism training was held with the Jordanian special forces and a joint humanitarian-assistance and disaster-relief tabletop exercise with the US army. |
空軍聯合訓練取得進展。2011年3月,中國空軍聯訓分隊與巴基斯坦空軍舉行“雄鷹-1”聯合空戰訓練。10月,中國與委內瑞拉空降兵舉行“合作-2011”城市反恐聯合訓練。2011年7月、2012年11月,中國與白俄羅斯空降兵分別舉行“神鷹-2011”、“神鷹-2012”聯合訓練。 |
Joint air force training is also making progress. The PLAAF contingent held the "Shaheen-1" joint training of operational aerial maneuvers with its Pakistani counterpart in March 2011. China' s airborne commandos and their Venezuelan counterparts held the "Cooperation-2011" urban joint anti-terrorism training in October of the same year. China's airborne troops joined their Belarusian counterparts in the joint training code-named "Divine Eagle-2011" and "Divine Eagle-2012" respectively in July 2011 and November 2012. |
衛勤聯合訓練穩步開展。2009-2011年,人民解放軍醫療隊先后赴加蓬和秘魯舉行“和平天使”人道主義醫療救援聯合行動,赴印度尼西亞參加東盟地區論壇救災演練。2012年10月,人民解放軍衛勤分隊與澳大利亞、新西蘭軍隊舉行“合作精神-2012”人道主義救援減災聯合演練。 |
Joint training in providing health services is being developed steadily. From 2009 to 2011, PLA medical teams held the "Peace Angel" joint operations for humanitarian medical assistance in Gabon and Peru, and participated in a disaster-relief exercise of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) in Indonesia. The PLA health service team staged a joint exercise on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief code-named "Cooperation Spirit-2012" with its counterparts of Australia and New Zealand in October 2012. |
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