

White Paper: The Diversified Employment of China's Armed Forces

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2013-04-16
四、保障國家經濟社會發展 IV. Supporting National Economic and Social Development
保衛人民的和平勞動,參加國家建設事業,全心全意為人民服務,是憲法和法律賦予中國武裝力量的重要任務。中國武裝力量服從服務于國家改革發展大局,積極參加國家建設和搶險救災,依法維護社會和諧穩定,努力保障國家發展利益。 The Constitution and relevant laws entrust China's armed forces with the important tasks of safeguarding the peaceful labor of the Chinese people, taking part in national development and serving the people wholeheartedly. Subordinate to and serving the overall situation of national reform and development, the armed forces of China actively participate in national development, emergency rescue and disaster relief, maintain social harmony and stability according to law, and endeavor to protect national development interests.
參加國家建設 Participating in National Development
軍隊和武警部隊在完成教育訓練、戰備執勤、科研試驗等任務的前提下,圍繞國家和地方經濟社會發展規劃部署,堅持把地方所需、群眾所盼和部隊所能結合起來,充分利用人才、裝備、技術、基礎設施等方面的資源和優勢,積極支援地方基礎設施重點工程、生態環境建設和社會主義新農村建設,扎實做好扶貧幫困、助學興教、醫療扶持等工作,為促進地方經濟發展、社會和諧、民生改善作出重要貢獻。 Under the precondition of accomplishing such tasks as education, training, combat readiness duties, and scientific research and experiments, the PLA and PAPF center their efforts on national and local plans and arrangements for economic and social development; persist in combining PLA and PAPF capabilities with local governments' needs and local people's expectations; make full use of their resources and advantages in personnel, equipment, technology and infrastructure; actively support local key infrastructure projects, ecological environment conservation and new socialist rural area development; and take solid steps to support poverty-alleviation initiatives, give financial aid to education and provide medical service support. They thereby make significant contributions to promoting local economic development, social harmony and the improvement of people's livelihood.
援建基礎設施重點工程。發揮水電、交通、工程、測繪等專業部隊的優勢,支援國家和各地交通、水利、能源、通信等關系國計民生的基礎設施建設。2011年以來,共投入勞動日1500多萬個,動用機械車輛120多萬臺次,援建機場、公路、鐵路、水利樞紐等省以上重點工程350多項。武警水電部隊先后參加云南糯扎渡、四川錦屏、西藏旁多等水利水電和鐵路、天然氣管道工程建設115項。武警交通部隊承建新疆天山公路、甘肅洛塘河特大雙層橋梁、西藏墨脫公路嘎隆拉隧道等172個項目,建設里程3250公里。 Supporting key infrastructure projects. China's armed forces bring into full play the advantages of hydroelectric, transportation, engineering and cartographic units, and support national and local infrastructure construction related to national economy and people's livelihood in such areas as transportation, water conservancy, energy and communications. Since 2011, the PLA and PAPF have contributed more than 15 million work days and over 1.2 million motor vehicles and machines, and have been involved in more than 350 major province-level (and above) projects of building airports, highways, railways and water conservancy facilities. The PAPF hydroelectric units have partaken in the construction of 115 projects concerning water conservancy, hydropower, railways and gas pipelines in Nuozhadu (Yunnan), Jinping (Sichuan) and Pangduo (Tibet). In addition, PAPF transportation units have undertaken the construction of 172 projects, including highways in the Tianshan Mountains in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the double-deck viaduct bridge over the Luotang River in Gansu Province and the Galungla Tunnel along the Medog Highway in the Tibet Autonomous Region, with a total length of 3,250 km.
參加生態建設和環境保護。成建制組織部隊和民兵預備役人員參加荒山綠化、防沙治沙、濕地生態保護等工作,支援京津風沙源治理、環塔克拉瑪干沙漠綠化、長江黃河中上游生態保護、西藏“一江兩河”治理等國家重點生態區和生態工程建設。兩年來,共植樹1400多萬株,成片造林、飛播造林和綠化荒山荒灘300多萬畝。測繪、氣象、給水等技術部隊還為地方提供大地勘測、氣象水文預報、水源探測等服務。 Promoting ecological progress and protecting the environment. The PLA, militia and reserve organic troops are organized to help afforest barren hills, control desertification and preserve wetlands. Specifically, they have supported the construction of key national reserves and ecological engineering projects such as controlling the sources of sandstorms affecting Beijing and Tianjin, afforesting the periphery of the Taklimakan Desert, protecting the ecological environment of the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtse and Yellow rivers, and harnessing the Yarlung Zangbo, Lhasa and Nyangqu rivers in Tibet. Over the past two years, the PLA and PAPF have planted over 14 million trees, and afforested above three million mu of barren hills and beaches by large-scale planting and aerial seeding. Besides, technical units specializing in cartography, meteorology, and water supply provide such services as cartographic surveying, weather and hydrological forecasting, and water source exploration for local people.
扶貧幫困和支援新農村建設。各部隊先后與63個貧困縣、547個貧困鄉鎮建立幫扶關系,共建立扶貧聯系點2.6萬個,支援農田水利、鄉村道路、小流域治理等小型工程建設2萬多個,扶持發展優勢特色產業1000多項,幫助40多萬貧困群眾脫貧致富。北京軍區給水工程團先后在云南、廣西、山東、河北、內蒙古、貴州等地支援地方找水打井,共打井358眼,解決了96萬人生活用水及8.5萬畝農田灌溉用水問題。蘭州軍區給水工程團實施“百井支農富民”工程,在寧夏中南部干旱帶找水打井192眼,緩解了39萬人、57萬頭牲畜飲水和3.7萬畝農田灌溉用水問題。 Contributing to poverty-alleviation initiatives and helping build new rural areas. The PLA and PAPF have paired up with 63 poverty-stricken counties and 547 poverty-stricken towns and townships; set up 26,000 places of contact for poverty reduction; supported over 20,000 small projects such as constructing irrigation and water-conservancy facilities, building rural roads, and improving small river valley areas; aided the development of more than 1,000 industries; and helped over 400,000 needy people shake off poverty. The Beijing Military Area Command's water-supply engineering regiment has helped local governments to search for water and dig wells in Yunnan, Shandong, Hebei and Guizhou provinces, as well as the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and dug 358 wells, solving the domestic water shortage for 960,000 people and the problem of irrigation for 85,000 mu of farmland. Implementing the project of "digging wells to enrich farmers," the Lanzhou Military Area Command's water-supply engineering regiment has explored water sources and dug 192 wells in the arid zone in the middle and southern parts of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and alleviated drinking water shortages for 390,000 people and 570,000 head of livestock and the problem of irrigation for 37,000 mu of farmland.
支持科技教育文化衛生事業。2011-2012年,軍隊院校、科研單位和專業技術部隊共承擔國家重大專項、科技支撐計劃等課題研究200多項,參與科技攻關220項,轉讓科技成果180項。軍隊和武警部隊108所醫院對口支援西部貧困地區縣級醫院130所,軍以下醫療衛生單位對口幫扶鄉鎮衛生院(所)1283個。2009-2012年,在新疆、西藏等西部少數民族地區集中援建“八一愛民學校”57所,解決了3萬多名學生入學問題。 Supporting scientific and technological, educational, cultural and health undertakings. From 2011 to 2012, military academies, research institutions and specialized technical units undertook more than 200 research subjects including national major projects and key technology R&D programs; participated in 220 projects tackling key scientific and technological problems; and transferred 180 technologies. A total of 108 PLA and PAPF hospitals have paired up with 130 county-level hospitals in poverty-stricken areas in the western parts of the country, while medical and health units below the corps level have paired up with 1,283 clinics and health centers in towns and townships. From 2009 to 2012, the armed forces financed and built 57 "August 1" schools particularly in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities in the western parts of the country, such as Xinjiang and Tibet, providing schooling for over 30,000 children.
參加搶險救災 Participating in Emergency Rescue and Disaster Relief
中國是世界上自然災害最為嚴重的國家之一,災害種類多,分布地域廣,發生頻率高,給國家經濟建設和人民群眾生命財產安全帶來嚴重危害。中國武裝力量始終是搶險救災的突擊力量,承擔最緊急、最艱難、最危險的救援任務。依據2005年頒布的《軍隊參加搶險救災條例》,軍隊和武警部隊主要擔負解救、轉移或者疏散受困人員,保護重要目標安全,搶救、運送重要物資,參加道路(橋梁、隧道)搶修、海上搜救、核生化救援、疫情控制、醫療救護等專業搶險,排除或者控制其他危重險情、災情,協助地方人民政府開展災后重建工作等任務。 China is one of the countries most vulnerable to natural disasters. With more varieties, wide distribution and high frequency, natural disasters endanger China's economic and social development as well as the lives and property of many Chinese people. The armed forces of China have always acted as the shock force in emergency rescue and disaster relief, and always undertaken the most urgent, arduous and hazardous rescue tasks. According to the Regulations on the PLA's Participation in Disaster Rescue promulgated in 2005, the PLA and PAPF are mainly tasked with rescuing and evacuating the trapped; ensuring the security of important facilities and areas; salvaging and transporting important materials; participating in specialized operations such as rush repairs of roads, bridges and tunnels, maritime search and rescue, NBC rescue, epidemic control, and medical aid; eliminating or controlling other major dangers and disasters; and assisting local governments in post-disaster reconstruction.
軍隊和武警部隊與各級人民政府建立完善應對自然災害軍地協調聯動機制,建成戰略級移動應急指揮平臺,在重點地區預儲預置搶險救災急需物資器材,編制修訂團以上部隊搶險救災應急預案,組織軍地搶險救災聯訓聯演,全面提高搶險救災能力。目前,已組建抗洪搶險應急部隊、地震災害緊急救援隊、核生化應急救援隊、空中緊急運輸服務隊、交通電力應急搶險隊、海上應急搜救隊、應急機動通信保障隊、醫療防疫救援隊、氣象保障應急專業隊等9類5萬人的國家級應急專業力量。各軍區會同有關省(自治區、直轄市),依托現役和預備役部隊組建4.5萬人的省級應急專業力量。 The PLA, PAPF and people's governments at various levels have established military-civilian joint response mechanisms for natural disasters, set up a mobile command platform for emergency response at the strategic level, pre-stored and pre-positioned in key areas materials and equipment urgently needed for emergency rescue and disaster relief, worked out relevant scenarios for units at and above the regiment level, and organized joint military-civilian exercises and training, thereby enhancing their capabilities for emergency rescue and disaster relief in all respects. So far, China has formed nine state-level professional teams, with a total membership of 50,000. They are emergency-response teams for flood relief, earthquake rescue, NBC defense, emergency airlift, rush repair of transportation and power facilities, maritime search and rescue, mobile communications support, medical aid and epidemic prevention, and meteorological support. In collaboration with relevant provinces (autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government) and based on active and reserve forces, all MACs have joined to set up professional emergency-rescue units at the provincial level, totaling 45,000 members.
中國武裝力量在歷次重大搶險救災中,都發揮了生力軍和突擊隊作用。2008年,出動126萬名官兵和民兵預備役人員抗擊南方嚴重低溫雨雪冰凍災害,22.1萬人參加四川汶川特大地震抗震救災。2010年,投入2.1萬人參加青海玉樹強烈地震抗震救災,1.2萬人參加甘肅舟曲特大山洪泥石流災害搶險救援。2011年以來,軍隊和武警部隊共出動兵力37萬人,各型車輛(機械)19.7萬臺次、飛機和直升機225架次,組織民兵預備役人員87萬人,參加抗洪、抗震、抗旱、防凌、防臺風和滅火等搶險救災行動,搶救轉移群眾245萬人,搶運物資16萬噸。陸軍航空兵直升機每年出動數百架次擔負森林和草原防火、救火任務,并實現常態化。 In all major emergency-rescue and disaster-relief operations, China's armed forces have always played a vital role. In 2008, some 1.26 million officers and men as well as militia members were sent to counter the disaster of freezing weather, sleet and snowstorms in southern China, and 221,000 to participate in rescue after the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province. In 2010, some 21,000 and 12,000 armed forces members were dispatched respectively to take part in rescue after the Yushu (Qinghai Province) earthquake and the Zhouqu (Gansu Province) mud-rock slide. Since 2011, the PLA and PAPF have contributed a total of 370,000 servicepersons and 197,000 vehicles or other machines of various types, flown over 225 sorties (using fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters), organized 870,000 militiamen and reservists, participated in emergency-rescue and disaster-relief operations in cases of floods, earthquakes, droughts, ice jams, typhoons and fires, rescued or evacuated more than 2.45 million people, and rushed 160,000 tons of goods to disaster areas. Every year, the army aviation flies hundreds of sorties to prevent and fight forest and grassland fires on a regular basis.
維護社會穩定 Maintaining Social Stability
中國武裝力量依照法律法規參加維護社會秩序行動,防范和打擊恐怖活動。武警部隊是國家處置公共突發事件、維護社會穩定的骨干和突擊力量。2009年8月頒布實施的《中華人民共和國人民武裝警察法》,明確了武警部隊執行安全保衛任務的范圍、措施和保障辦法。武警部隊構建以機動兵力為主體、以執勤部隊抽組兵力為補充、以警種部隊和院校兵力為支援的處突維穩力量體系,完善以國家級反恐隊、省級特勤中隊、市級特勤排、縣級應急班為主體的四級反恐力量體系。扎實做好重大活動安保工作,嚴格執行現場警衛、人員安檢、重要目標守衛、要道設卡和城市武裝巡邏等任務。2011-2012年,有效應對和處置各類突發事件,配合公安機關成功處置多起暴力恐怖襲擊事件,參與處置劫持人質等嚴重暴力事件68起,解救人質62人。先后完成第26屆世界大學生夏季運動會、中國—亞歐博覽會、上海合作組織北京峰會等重大活動安保任務,累計用兵160多萬人次。 In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the armed forces of China participate in social order maintenance, and guard and fight against terrorist activities. The PAPF is the state's backbone and shock force in handling public emergencies and maintaining social stability. The Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Armed Police Force, promulgated in August 2009, specifies the scope, measures and support of PAPF security missions. With mobile PAPF troops as the mainstay, supplemented by forces pooled from routine duty units, and supported by various police forces and PAPF academies, the PAPF has established a force structure for stability maintenance and emergency response. In addition, a counter-terrorism force structure has been set up, which consists of a counter-terrorism contingent, special-duty squadrons, special-duty platoons and emergency-response squads at state, province, municipality and county levels, respectively. Solid steps have been taken to implement strict security measures for major events, including guard duties, security checks, security of important facilities and areas, checkpoints on major roads, and armed urban patrols. From 2011 to 2012, the PAPF effectively responded to and handled various emergencies, coordinated with public security organs to successfully handle some violent and terrorist attacks, and participated in handling 68 incidents of serious violence, and rescuing 62 hostages. Altogether contributing more than 1.6 million persons, the PAPF has provided security for such important events as the 26th Summer Universiade (Shenzhen, 2011), China-Eurasia Expo (Urumqi, 2011) and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Beijing Summit (2012).
人民解放軍派出相關力量協助公安、武警部隊完成重大活動安保任務。陸軍主要承擔防范恐怖活動、核化生爆檢測、醫療救援等任務,海軍主要承擔排除水域安全隱患、防范來自海上恐怖襲擊等任務,空軍主要承擔保衛重大活動舉辦地和周邊地區空中安全等任務。近年來,人民解放軍先后參加北京奧運會、國慶60周年慶典、上海世博會、廣州亞運會等重大活動的安保行動,共出動兵力14.5萬人,動用飛機和直升機365架、艦船148艘、雷達554部。 The PLA also assists public security and PAPF forces in providing security for major events. The PLAA is mainly tasked with counter-terrorism, NBC and explosive item checks, and medical aid. The PLAN is mainly responsible for guarding against potential maritime threats and terrorist attacks. The PLAAF is mainly charged with providing air security for major event venues and their adjacent areas. In recent years, contributing 145,000 servicepersons, 365 fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, 148 ships and 554 sets of radar equipment, the PLA provided security for the Beijing Olympics, celebrations of the PRC's 60th founding anniversary, Shanghai World Expo and Guangzhou Asian Games.
民兵是維護社會穩定的一支重要力量,按照法律規定協助維護社會秩序,在地方黨委、政府的統一部署和軍事機關的指揮下,參加治安聯防、社會管理綜合治理、重大活動安保等行動。每年有9萬多人執行守護橋梁、隧道和鐵路線等任務。 The militia is an important force for maintaining social stability. It assists in the maintenance of social order in accordance with laws and regulations. Under the unified arrangements of local CPC committees and governments as well as the guidance of corresponding military organs, the militia participates in joint defense of public security, integrated social management, and security provision for major events. Each year, more than 90,000 militiamen carry out the task of guarding bridges, tunnels and railways.
駐香港、澳門部隊是中央人民政府派駐香港、澳門特別行政區的部隊,依法履行防務職責。香港、澳門駐軍法規定,特區政府在必要時可以向中央人民政府請求駐軍協助維持社會治安和救助災害。駐香港、澳門部隊適時組織聯合海空巡邏和年度演習演練活動,參與特區政府組織的海上空難搜救聯合演習,圓滿完成北京奧運會香港賽區及香港、澳門回歸慶典活動安保任務。 Hong Kong and Macao garrison troops are dispatched by the central government to the two special administrative regions (SARs) to perform defense duties according to law. As stipulated by the garrison laws, the governments of Hong Kong and Macao SARs may, if necessary, request the central government for the assistance of the garrison troops in maintaining social order and providing disaster relief. Hong Kong and Macao garrison troops organize joint air-sea patrols, conduct annual exercises and drills, and participate in joint exercises held by the SAR governments for air-sea search and rescue operations. They succeeded in providing security for the Hong Kong venue of the Beijing Olympics (2008) and anniversary celebrations of the SARs' returning to the motherland.
維護海洋權益 Safeguarding Maritime Rights and Interests
中國是陸海兼備的大國,海洋是中國實現可持續發展的重要空間和資源保障,關系人民福祉,關乎國家未來。開發、利用和保護海洋,建設海洋強國,是國家重要發展戰略。堅決維護國家海洋權益,是人民解放軍的重要職責。 China is a major maritime as well as land country. The seas and oceans provide immense space and abundant resources for China's sustainable development, and thus are of vital importance to the people's wellbeing and China's future. It is an essential national development strategy to exploit, utilize and protect the seas and oceans, and build China into a maritime power. It is an important duty for the PLA to resolutely safeguard China's maritime rights and interests.
海軍結合日常戰備為國家海上執法、漁業生產和油氣開發等活動提供安全保障,分別與海監、漁政等執法部門建立協調配合機制,建立完善軍警民聯防機制。協同地方有關部門開展海洋測繪與科學調查,建設海洋氣象監測、衛星導航、無線電導航及助航標志系統,及時發布氣象和船舶航行等相關信息,建立和完善管轄海域內的航行安全保障體系。 In combination with its routine combat readiness activities, the PLAN provides security support for China's maritime law enforcement, fisheries, and oil and gas exploitation. It has established mechanisms to coordinate and cooperate with law-enforcement organs of marine surveillance and fishery administration, as well as a joint military-police-civilian defense mechanism. Further, the PLAN has worked in coordination with relevant local departments to conduct maritime survey and scientific investigation; build systems of maritime meteorological observation, satellite navigation, radio navigation and navigation aids; release timely weather and sea traffic information; and ensure the safe flow of traffic in sea areas of responsibility.
海軍與海監、漁政部門多次舉行海上聯合維權執法演習演練,不斷提高軍地海上聯合維權斗爭指揮協同和應急處置能力。2012年10月,在東海海域舉行“東海協作-2012”海上聯合維權演習,共有11艘艦船、8架飛機參演。 Together with the marine surveillance and fishery administration departments, the PLAN has conducted joint maritime exercises and drills for protecting rights and enforcing laws, and enhanced its capabilities to coordinate command and respond to emergencies in joint military-civilian operations to safeguard maritime rights. The "Donghai Collaboration-2012" joint exercise was held in the East China Sea in October 2012, involving 11 ships and eight planes.
公安邊防部隊作為海上重要武裝執法力量,對發生在我國內水、領海、毗連區、專屬經濟區和大陸架違反公安行政管理法律、法規、規章的違法行為或者涉嫌犯罪的行為行使管轄權。近年來,公安邊防部隊大力開展平安海區建設,加強北部灣海上邊界和西沙海域巡邏監管,有效維護了海上治安穩定。 As an important armed maritime law-enforcement body, the border public security force exercises jurisdiction over both violations of laws, rules and regulations relating to public security administration and suspected crimes committed in China's internal waters, territorial seas, contiguous zones, exclusive economic zones and continental shelf. In recent years, the border public security force has endeavored to guarantee the security of sea areas, strengthened patrols, surveillance and management along the sea boundary in the Beibu Gulf and around the Xisha sea areas, and effectively maintained maritime public order and stability.
維護海外利益 Protecting Overseas Interests
隨著中國經濟逐步融入世界經濟體系,海外利益已經成為中國國家利益的重要組成部分,海外能源資源、海上戰略通道以及海外公民、法人的安全問題日益凸顯。開展海上護航、撤離海外公民、應急救援等海外行動,成為人民解放軍維護國家利益和履行國際義務的重要方式。 With the gradual integration of China's economy into the world economic system, overseas interests have become an integral component of China's national interests. Security issues are increasingly prominent, involving overseas energy and resources, strategic sea lines of communication (SLOCs), and Chinese nationals and legal persons overseas. Vessel protection at sea, evacuation of Chinese nationals overseas, and emergency rescue have become important ways and means for the PLA to safeguard national interests and fulfill China's international obligations.
根據聯合國安理會有關決議并經索馬里過渡聯邦政府同意,中國政府于2008年12月26日派遣海軍艦艇編隊赴亞丁灣、索馬里海域實施護航。主要任務是保護中國航經該海域的船舶、人員安全,保護世界糧食計劃署等國際組織運送人道主義物資船舶的安全,并盡可能為航經該海域的外國船舶提供安全掩護。截至2012年12月,共派出13批34艘次艦艇、28架次直升機、910名特戰隊員,完成532批4984艘中外船舶護航任務,其中中國大陸1510艘、香港地區940艘、臺灣地區74艘、澳門地區1艘;營救遭海盜登船襲擊的中國船舶2艘,解救被海盜追擊的中國船舶22艘。 In line with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), and with the consent of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, the Chinese government dispatched a combined naval task force to conduct escort operations in the Gulf of Aden and waters off Somalia on December 26, 2008. The combined Chinese task forces are mainly charged with safeguarding the security of Chinese ships and personnel traversing those waters and the security of ships delivering humanitarian supplies for the World Food Programme (WFP) and other international organizations, and sheltering passing foreign vessels as far as possible. As of December 2012, the Chinese Navy has dispatched, in 13 task groups, 34 warships, 28 helicopters, and 910 Special Operations Force (SOF) soldiers, escorting 4,984 ships in 532 batches. Among them, 1,510 were Chinese mainland ships, 940 Hong Kong ships, 74 Taiwan ships and one Macao ship. The task forces also rescued two Chinese ships from pirates who had boarded them and 22 which were being chased by pirates.
2011年2月,利比亞局勢急劇動蕩,在利比亞的中資機構、企業和人員面臨重大安全威脅。中國政府組織了新中國成立以來最大規模的撤離海外公民行動,共撤出35860人。人民解放軍派出艦艇、飛機協助在利比亞人員回國。海軍執行亞丁灣、索馬里海域護航任務的“徐州”號導彈護衛艦赴利比亞附近海域,為撤離中國受困人員的船舶提供支援和保護。空軍緊急出動飛機4架,共飛行40架次,協助1655名受困人員(含240名尼泊爾人)從利比亞轉移至蘇丹,接運287人從蘇丹回國。 In February 2011, the turbulent situation in Libya posed grave security threats to Chinese institutions, enterprises and nationals in that country. The Chinese government organized the largest overseas evacuation since the founding of the PRC, and 35,860 Chinese nationals were taken home. The PLA contributed ships and aircraft to the effort. The Chinese Navy' s frigate Xuzhou, on escort mission in the Gulf of Aden and waters off Somalia at that time, sailed to the waters off Libya and provided support for ships evacuating Chinese nationals stranded there. The PLAAF sent four aircraft at short notice, flew 40 sorties, evacuated 1,655 people (including 240 Nepalese) from Libya to Sudan, and took 287 Chinese nationals from Sudan back home.
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