釣魚島自古以來就是中國的固有領土,中國對其擁有無可爭辯的主權。20世紀70年代,中日在實現邦交正常化和締結《中日和平友好條約》時,兩國老一輩領導人著眼兩國關系大局,就將“釣魚島問題放一放,留待以后解決”達成諒解和共識。但近年來,日本不斷對釣魚島采取單方面舉措,特別是對釣魚島實施所謂“國有化”,嚴重侵犯中國主權,背離中日兩國老一輩領導人達成的諒解和共識。這不但嚴重損害了中日關系,也是對世界反法西斯戰爭勝利成果的否定和挑戰。 | Diaoyu Dao has been an inherent territory of China since ancient times, and China has indisputable sovereignty over Diaoyu Dao. As China and Japan were normalizing relations and concluding the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship in the 1970s, the then leaders of the two countries, acting in the larger interest of China-Japan relations, reached important understanding and consensus on "leaving the issue of Diaoyu Dao to be resolved later." But in recent years, Japan has repeatedly taken unilateral measures concerning Diaoyu Dao and conducted in particular the so-called "nationalization" of Diaoyu Dao. This severely infringed upon China's sovereignty and ran counter to the understanding and consensus reached between the older generation of leaders of the two countries. It has not only seriously damaged China-Japan relations, but also rejected and challenged the outcomes of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War. |