(二) 中國對釣魚島實行了長期管轄 | 2. Diaoyu Dao had long been under China's jurisdiction |
早在明朝初期,為防御東南沿海的倭寇,中國就將釣魚島列入防區。1561年(明嘉靖四十年),明朝駐防東南沿海的最高將領胡宗憲主持、鄭若曾編纂的《籌海圖編》一書,明確將釣魚島等島嶼編入“沿海山沙圖”,納入明朝的海防范圍內。1605年(明萬歷三十三年)徐必達等人繪制的《乾坤一統海防全圖》及1621年(明天啟元年)茅元儀繪制的中國海防圖《武備志·海防二·福建沿海山沙圖》,也將釣魚島等島嶼劃入中國海疆之內。 | In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, China placed Diaoyu Dao under its coastal defense to guard against the invasion of Japanese pirates along its southeast coast. In 1561 (the 40th year of the reign of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty), An Illustrated Compendium on Maritime Security (Chou Hai Tu Bian) compiled by Zheng Ruozeng under the auspices of Hu Zongxian, the supreme commander of the southeast coastal defense of the Ming court, included the Diaoyu Dao Islands on the "Map of Coastal Mountains and Sands" (Yan Hai Shan Sha Tu) and incorporated them into the jurisdiction of the coastal defense of the Ming court. The Complete Map of Unified Maritime Territory for Coastal Defense (Qian Kun Yi Tong Hai Fang Quan Tu), drawn up by Xu Bida and others in 1605 (the 33rd year of the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty) and the Treatise on Military Preparations.Coastal Defense II.Map of Fujian's Coastal Mountains and Sands (Wu Bei Zhi.Hai Fang Er.Fu Jian Yan Hai Shan Sha Tu), drawn up by Mao Yuanyi in 1621 (the first year of the reign of Emperor Tianqi of the Ming Dynasty), also included the Diaoyu Dao Islands as part of China's maritime territory. |
清朝不僅沿襲了明朝的做法,繼續將釣魚島等島嶼列入中國海防范圍內,而且明確將其置于臺灣地方政府的行政管轄之下。清代《臺海使槎錄》、《臺灣府志》等官方文獻詳細記載了對釣魚島的管轄情況。1871年(清同治十年)刊印的陳壽祺等編纂的《重纂福建通志》卷八十六將釣魚島列入海防沖要,隸屬臺灣府噶瑪蘭廳(今臺灣省宜蘭縣)管轄。 | The Qing court not only incorporated the Diaoyu Dao Islands into the scope of China's coastal defense as the Ming court did, but also clearly placed the islands under the jurisdiction of the local government of Taiwan. Official documents of the Qing court, such as A Tour of Duty in the Taiwan Strait (Tai Hai Shi Cha Lu) and Annals of Taiwan Prefecture (Tai Wan Fu Zhi) all gave detailed accounts concerning China's administration over Diaoyu Dao. Volume 86 of Recompiled General Annals of Fujian (Chong Zuan Fu Jian Tong Zhi), a book compiled by Chen Shouqi and others in 1871 (the tenth year of the reign of Emperor Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty), included Diaoyu Dao as a strategic location for coastal defense and placed the islands under the jurisdiction of Gamalan, Taiwan (known as Yilan County today). |
(三) 中外地圖標繪釣魚島屬于中國 | 3. Chinese and foreign maps show that Diaoyu Dao belongs to China |
1579年(明萬歷七年)明朝冊封使蕭崇業所著《使琉球錄》中的“琉球過海圖”、1629年(明崇禎二年)茅瑞徵撰寫的《皇明象胥錄》、1767年(清乾隆三十二年)繪制的《坤輿全圖》、1863年(清同治二年)刊行的《皇朝中外一統輿圖》等,都將釣魚島列入中國版圖。 | The Roadmap to Ryukyu (Liu Qiu Guo Hai Tu) in the Shi Liu Qiu Lu written by imperial title-conferring envoy Xiao Chongye in 1579 (the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty), the Record of the Interpreters of August Ming (Huang Ming Xiang Xu Lu) written by Mao Ruizheng in 1629 (the second year of the reign of Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty), the Great Universal Geographic Map (Kun Yu Quan Tu) created in 1767 (the 32nd year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty), and the Atlas of the Great Qing Dynasty (Huang Chao Zhong Wai Yi Tong Yu Tu) published in 1863 (the second year of the reign of Emperor Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty) all marked Diaoyu Dao as China's territory. |
日本最早記載釣魚島的文獻為1785年林子平所著《三國通覽圖說》的附圖“琉球三省并三十六島之圖”,該圖將釣魚島列在琉球三十六島之外,并與中國大陸繪成同色,意指釣魚島為中國領土的一部分。 | The book Illustrated Outline of the Three Countries written by Hayashi Shihei in 1785 was the earliest Japanese literature to mention Diaoyu Dao. The Map of the Three Provinces and 36 Islands of Ryukyu in the book put Diaoyu Dao as being apart from the 36 islands of Ryukyu and colored it the same as the mainland of China, indicating that Diaoyu Dao was part of China's territory. |
1809年法國地理學家皮耶·拉比等繪《東中國海沿岸各國圖》,將釣魚島、黃尾嶼、赤尾嶼繪成與臺灣島相同的顏色。1811年英國出版的《最新中國地圖》、1859年美國出版的《柯頓的中國》、1877年英國海軍編制的《中國東海沿海自香港至遼東灣海圖》等地圖,都將釣魚島列入中國版圖。 | The Map of East China Sea Littoral States created by the French cartographer Pierre Lapie and others in 1809 colored Diaoyu Dao, Huangwei Yu, Chiwei Yu and the Taiwan Island as the same. Maps such as A New Map of China from the Latest Authorities published in Britain in 1811, Colton's China published in the United States in 1859, and A Map of China's East Coast: Hongkong to Gulf of Liao-Tung compiled by the British Navy in 1877 all marked Diaoyu Dao as part of China's territory. |