Ticket prices rise arbitrarily
門票亂漲價 Ticket prices rise arbitrarily |
亂象:部分景區門票價格令一些中低收入者無力承受,出門旅游已是奢侈。門票價格上漲,服務水平不見提高,更是讓很多旅游者不能接受。 | Phenomenon: The ticket prices of some scenic spot are so high that tourism has turned into a luxurious activity for low and middle-income earners. The situation of "the ticket price rising but the service level not" is especially not accepted by tourists. |
案例:國家發改委為了抑制票價過快增長,規定景區票價3年才可作調整,而現在“3年解禁”似乎成了景區漲價的借口。每到“解禁年”,各旅游景區都在摩拳擦掌,迫不及待地準備漲價。今年數月內,全國有超過20個知名景區門票漲價,漲幅從20%到60%不等。 | Case: In order to control the ticket price rising, National Development and Reform Commission of China prescribes that scenic spots must adjust their ticket prices only once per three years. However, in every "price adjustment year," scenic spots always compete to raise their ticket prices. In first several months of 2012, more than 20 well-known scenic spots of China had raised their ticket prices with growth rates between 20 percent and 60 percent. |
草案規定:景區門票價格變動應提前6個月公布。景區經過主管部門批準方可有償收取門票。利用公共資源開放的景區門票實行政府定價或者政府指導價;其他景區門票實行市場定價;其價格應當向價格主管部門備案。 | Draft tourism law: If a scenic spot wants to raise its ticket price, it should declare it six months earlier. A scenic spot cannot charge the ticket price unless it has obtained the approval from the relevant administrative department. Tickets prices of the scenic spots using public resources should be fixed by the government or under governmental guidance; other scenic spots should fix their ticket prices according to the market and their ticket prices should be put on record in the relevant administrative department. |