Zero- or negative-fare tours
零負團費 Zero- or negative-fare tours |
亂象:旅游“零負團費”是指組團旅行社在銷售旅游產品時,只收取低于產品成本的費用,旅游者在旅行目的地吃住行等費用以及旅行社的利潤,是從對旅游者推薦購物和各種旅游自費活動中收取的。 | Phenomenon: "Zero- or negative-fare tours" refer to tourism products sold by travel agencies at or below cost in order to lure tourists. Accommodations and transportation expenses at travel destinations are actually covered by the profits travel agencies make from persuading or even forcing tourists to buy particular goods and participate in various activities at their own expense. |
案例:2010年7月18日,南京楊某等12名游客報名參團港澳五日游,在港澳游玩結束返回珠海逗留期間,珠海地接導游擅自將游覽百貨公司行程變更為珠寶店,并極力向游客推銷香煙和珠寶,但游客都不愿意購買,為此雙方發生激烈爭吵,導游威脅并將所有游客趕下大巴,雙方對峙1小時之久。 | Case: Twelve tourists from Nanjing embarked on a five-day package tour to Hong Kong and Macao on July 18, 2010. During their short stay in Zhuhai after the main part of the package tour was finished, a local tourist guide changed their travel destination in the city from a department store to a jewelry store without prior notice, and tried to persuade them to buy cigarettes and jewelry there. The tourists refused and entered an hour-long bitter quarrel with the guide, who even threatened to kick all tourists off the bus. |
草案規定:旅行社不得以低于成本的價格招徠、組織、接待旅游者。旅行社組織、接待團隊旅游不得指定購物場所,不得強迫或者變相強迫購物,不得安排任何形式的另行付費旅游項目,導游服務費用應在包價旅游合同中明示;同時明確包價旅游合同內容必須包括旅游行程安排、游覽娛樂項目的具體內容和時間、自由活動時間安排、旅游費用及其交納等,旅行社不得在包價旅游合同約定之外安排收費項目或者另行收取費用。 | Draft tourism law: Travel agencies shall not attract, organize, or receive tourists below cost. Package tours shall not involve designated shopping places or forced and semi-forced purchasing. Travel agencies shall not arrange any tourism activity that charges additional fees, and shall clearly state the prices for tour guide services in package tour contracts. A package tour contract must include an itinerary, detailed schedule for planned activities, free time, travel expenses, and payment methods. Travel agencies may not arrange paid activities or charge additional fees beyond package tour contracts. |