——堅持調整和優化經濟結構,著力提高經濟發展的質量和效益。這十年,中國發展導向的一個根本性變化,是從“快字當頭”轉為“好字優先”。我們把經濟結構戰略性調整作為轉變發展方式的主攻方向,提高了發展質量,拓展了發展空間,增強了發展后勁。我們堅持內需外需均衡發展,實施一系列擴大內需的政策措施,經常賬戶順差占國內生產總值的比重降低到2.8%,最終消費對經濟增長的貢獻率由43.9%提高到50.8%,消費、投資、出口協同拉動經濟增長的格局正在形成。堅持創新驅動,制定實施科技、教育、人才中長期發展規劃綱要,全國研究與試驗發展經費支出占國內生產總值的比重由1.23%提高到1.83%,專利授權量增加18.2倍,企業已經成為投入和研發的主體。推動經濟增長向依靠第一、第二、第三產業協同帶動轉變,農業綜合生產能力不斷提高,糧食產量實現歷史性的“八連增”,糧食儲備超過5000億斤,是歷史最高水平;制造業規模躍居全球首位,高技術制造業總產值年均增長22%,成為國民經濟重要的先導性、支柱性產業;服務業增加值占國內生產總值比重提高1.6個百分點,特別是金融保險、現代物流、軟件信息等現代服務業實現跨越發展。推動工業化、城鎮化、農業現代化同步發展,實施區域發展總體戰略,初步扭轉了工農差別、城鄉差別、地區差別擴大的趨勢。城鎮化率由39.1%提高到51.3%,實現了城鄉結構的歷史性變化。2008年以來,中部、西部、東北地區經濟增速持續超過東部地區,地區生產總值占全國比重明顯提高,各具特色、良性互動的區域發展格局正在形成。 |
-- We improved the economic structure to raise the quality and efficiency of economic development. A shift from fast growth to sound growth was a fundamental change in the priorities of China's development in the past decade. We took strategic adjustment of the economic structure as the main task of shifting the growth model, and raised the quality, expanded the scope and bolstered the momentum of development. To balance the development of domestic and external demand, we rolled out a number of policies and measures to boost domestic demand. As a result, our current account surplus as a percentage of GDP came down to 2.8%, the contribution of final consumption to economic growth rose from 43.9% to 50.8%, and a pattern in which economic growth is jointly driven by consumption, investment and export is taking shape. Guided by an innovation-oriented approach, we formulated and implemented the mid- and long-term programs for science and technology, education and human resources development. National R&D spending as a percentage of GDP rose from 1.23% to 1.83%, the number of granted patents increased by 18.2 times, and enterprises have become the backbone of investment and R&D activities. We pursued economic growth by relying on the coordinated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Overall agricultural productivity was enhanced, grain output grew for eight consecutive years, and grain reserves reached a historic high of over 250 million tons. The manufacturing sector became the largest in the world. High-tech manufacturing expanded at an average rate of 22% annually and became a leading pillar industry in the economy. Value-added of the service sector as a share of GDP increased by 1.6 percentage points and modern service industries such as finance, insurance, logistics, software and information enjoyed fast development. We promoted parallel development of industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization,implemented the overall strategies for development of different regions and achieved initial success in closing the widening gaps between industry and agriculture, urban and rural areas, and among different regions. The urbanization rate rose from 39.1% to 51.3%, bringing a historic change in China's urban-rural structure. Since 2008, the central, western and northeastern regions have been growing faster than the eastern region and the share of GOP of these regions in the national total has notably risen. A regional development pattern featuring sound interaction among regions and distinctive local features is coming into being. |
——堅持節約資源和保護環境,著力增強可持續發展能力。這十年,中國踐行可持續發展理念的一個重大的標志性舉措,是把建設資源節約型、環境友好型社會確定為國家發展的重要戰略。我們把節能減排作為約束性指標納入國民經濟和社會發展規劃,加大資金投入,加快構建有利于節約能源資源和保護生態環境的產業結構、生產方式和消費模式,大力發展綠色經濟,促進人與自然的和諧統一。單位國內生產總值能耗和二氧化碳排放顯著下降;今年修訂了環境空氣質量標準,增加了細顆粒物(PM2.5)等監測指標;森林覆蓋率由2003年的18.21%上升到2011年的20.36%。發布實施應對氣候變化國家方案,在“共同但有區別的責任”原則下,積極開展應對氣候變化國際合作。 |
-- We conserved resources and the environment to enhance capacity for sustainable development. To build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society was identified as an important strategy of national development. This was a major step China took in pursuing sustainable development in the past decade. We incorporated mandatory targets of energy conservation and emission reduction into the national economic and social development plan, scaled up financial input, accelerated the development of an industrial structure, mode of production and consumption pattern conducive to saving energy and resources and protecting the eco-environment, and made vigorous efforts to develop green economy and promote harmony between man and nature. As a result, China's energy consumption per unit of GDP and CO2 emissions both dropped significantly. The environment and air quality standards were revised this year and such new monitoring indicators as fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were added. Forest cover rose from 18.21% in 2003 to 20.36% in 2011. We released and implemented the national plan on climate change and played an active part in international response to climate change under the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities." |
——堅持經濟社會發展相協調,著力保障改善民生和促進社會公平正義。這十年,中國發展進程中最濃墨重彩的一筆,是堅持民生優先。我們始終把保障改善民生作為一切工作的出發點和落腳點,努力使發展成果惠及全體人民。堅持實施積極的就業政策,城鎮新增就業十年內超過1億人,連續5年超過千萬人。全面實現九年制免費義務教育,建立起完整的家庭經濟困難學生資助體系,兌現了“不讓一個孩子因貧困失學”的莊嚴承諾。覆蓋城鄉的社會保障體系建設取得歷史性進展,新型農村社會養老保險和城鎮居民社會養老保險實現制度全覆蓋,城鄉救助體系基本建立。全民醫保體系初步形成,超過13億的城鄉居民參保,基本醫療保險覆蓋率超過95%。積極調整收入分配關系,連續8年提高企業退休人員基本養老金,年均增長10%,大幅調高最低工資標準、個人所得稅起征點、國家扶貧標準,城鎮居民人均可支配收入和農村居民人均純收入年均實際分別增長9.2%和8.1%,是新中國歷史上增長最快的時期之一,近兩年農村居民收入增幅超過城鎮居民。認真落實聯合國千年發展目標,中國成為全球唯一提前實現貧困人口減半的國家。加大保障性住房建設力度,保障房覆蓋面從2008年的不足4%提高到目前的11%。中國億萬個家庭和他們生活所在的城鎮與鄉村,在這個過程中發生翻天覆地的變化,講述了一個又一個通過努力奮斗改變自己生活與命運的動人故事。 |
-- We balanced economic and social development to improve people's livelihood and promote social equity and justice. To put people's needs first was the most visible highlight in China's development in the past decade. We took improvement of people's lives as the starting point and ultimate goal of all our work, and made real efforts to make development fruits shared by all. We pursued a proactive employment policy. Over 100 million new urban jobs were created in the past ten years, including more than 10 million jobs annually for the past five consecutive years. We made free nine-year compulsory education fully available, established a complete financial aid system for students from poor families and fulfilled our solemn commitment of "not letting a single child drop out of school due to poverty." We made historic progress in building a social safety net covering both urban and rural populations. The new rural pension scheme and the old-age pension scheme for non-working urban residents achieved full coverage, and an urban and rural social aid system was basically established. The medical insurance system covering the entire population took initial shape. More than 1.3 billion urban and rural residents subscribed to the programs and the coverage of basic medical insurance programs topped 95%. We took active steps to adjust income distribution. Basic pension for enterprise retirees increased at an average annual rate of 10% for eight consecutive years. Minimum wage, threshold for personal income tax and the national poverty line were significantly raised. The per capita urban disposable income and per capita rural net income increased at an average annual rate of 9.2% and 8.1% respectively in real terms, making the past decade one of the fastest-growing periods in the history of New China. And, rural income grew faster than urban income in the past two years. We earnestly implemented the UN Millennium Development Goals. China became the only country in the world to meet the goal of cutting its poor population by half ahead of schedule. We scaled up input in building low-income housing and raised its coverage from less than 4% in 2008 to the current 11%.Hundreds of millions of Chinese families and the towns and villages where they live and work experienced tremendous changes in these past ten years, and there were numerous touching stories of Chinese people changing their lives and destinies through hard work and perseverance. |
——堅持深化改革和擴大開放,著力增強經濟社會發展的活力與動力。這十年,中國改革攻堅不斷取得新突破,繼續成為最鮮明的時代特征。我們加快構建充滿活力、富有效率、更加開放、有利于科學發展的體制機制。我們不斷完善公共財政體系,把預算外資金全部納入預算管理,實現預算、決算公開,統一內外資企業稅制,全面實施增值稅轉型,加快推進營業稅改征增值稅試點,推進成品油價格和稅費改革,在全國范圍內實施原油、天然氣資源稅從價計征改革。全面深化金融改革,國有大型商業銀行股份制改革順利完成并成功上市,平穩解決上市公司股權分置問題,人民幣匯率形成機制和利率市場化改革有序推進,金融體系競爭力、抗風險能力顯著提高,在應對國際金融危機沖擊中發揮了關鍵作用。深化農村綜合改革,徹底取消了農業稅,集體林權制度改革有序推進,草原承包經營登記依法開展。毫不動搖地鞏固和發展公有制經濟,毫不動搖地鼓勵、支持、引導非公有制經濟發展,平等保護物權,多種所有制經濟共同發展,競爭力和整體實力明顯增強。隨著改革不斷深化,廣大人民的積極性、主動性、創造性明顯提高,經濟社會發展充滿新的生機與活力。我們大力實施互利共贏的開放戰略,全面履行加入世貿組織的承諾,堅持出口和進口并重,利用外資和對外投資并舉,不僅拓展了自己的發展空間,促進了中國經濟發展,也為區域和世界經濟發展作出了重要貢獻。 |
-- We deepened reform and opening-up to boost the vitality and momentum of economic and social development. China's reform made continuous breakthroughs in the past decade. This has been the most distinctive feature of our time. We accelerated the building of institutions and mechanisms that are dynamic, efficient, open and conducive to scientific development. We improved the public finance system, placed all extra budgetary funds under budgetary management and made public budgets and final accounts. We unified the tax regimes for Chinese and foreign businesses, carried out a comprehensive VAT reform and speeded up the trial program of replacing business tax with VAT. We pushed forward the pricing and tax reform of refined oil products and launched a price-based reform of resource tax on crude oil and natural gas across the country. We deepened reform in the financial sector. The share-holding reform of large state-owns commercial banks and their listing on the stock market were completed, the problem of split-share structure in listed companies was smoothly resolved and the reform of RMB exchange rate forming mechanism and reform of making interest rates market-based moved forward steadily. Our financial system became much more competitive and resilient to risks, and played an essential role in countering the international financial crisis. We deepened comprehensive rural reform, completely rescinded agricultural taxes, pressed ahead with the reform of tenure in collective forests and launched registration for contracting pastureland in accordance with the law. We unwaveringly consolidated and developed the public sector of the economy, unswervingly encouraged, supported and guided the development of the non-public sector, and ensured equal protection of property rights. All economic sectors developed side by side and their competitiveness and overall strength markedly improved. The deepening of the reform process highly motivated the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the people and injected new vigor and vitality into our economic and social development. We pursued a win-win strategy of opening-up, fully met our commitments made upon WTO accession, and placed equal emphasis on exports and imports and on attracting foreign investment and investing overseas. This has not only helped us gain broader space for our development and economic growth, but also made important contribution to economic development in the region and the world. |